#!/usr/bin/sh cat <<EOF nginx: image: nginx:alpine EOF # If the user wants a PHP docker container if echo "${DOCKER}" | grep -Fq '"php"'; then cat <<EOF depends_on: - php EOF fi cat <<EOF restart: always tty: false ports: - "${NGINX_HTTP_PORT}:80" - "${NGINX_HTTPS_PORT}:443" volumes: # Nginx - ./docker/nginx/nginx.conf:/var/nginx/social.conf - ./docker/nginx/domain.sh:/var/nginx/domain.sh # Certbot - ./docker/certbot/www:/var/www/certbot - ./docker/certbot/.files:/etc/letsencrypt # social - ./public:/var/www/social/public env_file: - ./docker/bootstrap/bootstrap.env - ./docker/db/db.env EOF # If the user wants a Certbot docker container if echo "${DOCKER}" | grep -Fq '"certbot"'; then cat <<EOF command: /bin/sh -c '/var/nginx/domain.sh; while :; do sleep 6h & wait \$\${!}; nginx -s reload; done & nginx -g "daemon off;"' EOF else cat <<EOF command: 'nginx -g \"daemon off;\"' EOF fi