. // }}} namespace Plugin\ActivityPub\Controller; use App\Core\Controller; use App\Core\DB\DB; use App\Core\Log; use App\Core\Router\Router; use App\Entity\Actor; use Component\FreeNetwork\Entity\FreeNetworkActorProtocol; use Exception; use Plugin\ActivityPub\Entity\ActivitypubActor; use Plugin\ActivityPub\Entity\ActivitypubRsa; use Plugin\ActivityPub\Util\Explorer; use Plugin\ActivityPub\Util\HTTPSignature; use function App\Core\I18n\_m; use App\Util\Exception\ClientException; use Plugin\ActivityPub\ActivityPub; use Plugin\ActivityPub\Util\Model\AS2ToEntity\AS2ToEntity; use Plugin\ActivityPub\Util\Response\TypeResponse; use Plugin\ActivityPub\Util\Type; use Plugin\ActivityPub\Util\Type\Util; class Inbox extends Controller { /** * Inbox handler */ public function handle(?int $gsactor_id = null): TypeResponse { $path = Router::url('activitypub_inbox', type: Router::ABSOLUTE_PATH); if (!\is_null($gsactor_id)) { try { $user = DB::findOneBy('local_user', ['id' => $gsactor_id]); $path = Router::url('activitypub_actor_inbox', ['gsactor_id' => $user->getId()], type: Router::ABSOLUTE_PATH); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new ClientException(_m('No such actor.'), 404, $e); } } Log::debug('ActivityPub Inbox: Received a POST request.'); $body = (string) $this->request->getContent(); $type = Type::fromJson($body); if ($type->has('actor') === false) { ActivityPubReturn::error('Actor not found in the request.'); } try { $ap_actor = ActivitypubActor::fromUri($type->get('actor')); $actor = Actor::getById($ap_actor->getActorId()); DB::flush(); } catch (Exception) { ActivityPubReturn::error('Invalid actor.'); } $actor_public_key = ActivitypubRsa::getByActor($actor)->getPublicKey(); $headers = $this->request->headers->all(); // Flattify headers foreach ($headers as $key => $val) { $headers[$key] = $val[0]; } if (!isset($headers['signature'])) { Log::debug('ActivityPub Inbox: HTTP Signature: Missing Signature header.'); ActivityPubReturn::error('Missing Signature header.', 400); // TODO: support other methods beyond HTTP Signatures } // Extract the signature properties $signatureData = HTTPSignature::parseSignatureHeader($headers['signature']); Log::debug('ActivityPub Inbox: HTTP Signature Data: ' . print_r($signatureData, true)); if (isset($signatureData['error'])) { Log::debug('ActivityPub Inbox: HTTP Signature: ' . json_encode($signatureData, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); ActivityPubReturn::error(json_encode($signatureData, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), 400); } list($verified, /*$headers*/) = HTTPSignature::verify($actor_public_key, $signatureData, $headers, $path, $body); // If the signature fails verification the first time, update profile as it might have changed public key if ($verified !== 1) { try { $res = Explorer::get_remote_user_activity($ap_actor->getUri()); } catch (Exception) { ActivityPubReturn::error('Invalid remote actor.'); } try { $actor = ActivitypubActor::update_profile($ap_actor, $res); } catch (Exception) { ActivityPubReturn::error('Failed to updated remote actor information.'); } [$verified, /*$headers*/] = HTTPSignature::verify($actor_public_key, $signatureData, $headers, $path, $body); } // If it still failed despite profile update if ($verified !== 1) { Log::debug('ActivityPub Inbox: HTTP Signature: Invalid signature.'); ActivityPubReturn::error('Invalid signature.'); } // HTTP signature checked out, make sure the "actor" of the activity matches that of the signature Log::debug('ActivityPub Inbox: HTTP Signature: Authorized request. Will now start the inbox handler.'); // TODO: Check if Actor has authority over payload // Store Activity $ap_act = AS2ToEntity::store(activity: $type->toArray(), source: 'ActivityPub'); FreeNetworkActorProtocol::protocolSucceeded('activitypub', $actor->getId()); DB::flush(); dd($ap_act, $act = $ap_act->getActivity(), $act->getActor(), $act->getObject()); return new TypeResponse($type, status: 202); } }