{% extends 'base.html.twig' %} {% import '/cards/note/view.html.twig' as noteView %} {% block stylesheets %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock stylesheets %} {% block body %} {% if tag_name is defined and tag_name is not null %} {% if tag_name is instanceof('string') %}

{% trans %}Notes with tag: %tag_name%{% endtrans %}

{% else %} {% set tags = tag_name|join(', ') %} {# TODO Not ideal, hard to translate #}

{% trans %}People with tags: %tags%{% endtrans %}

{% endif %} {% endif %} {% for pinned in handle_event('AddPinnedFeedContent', app.request) %} {% include pinned['template'] with { 'note_tags': pinned['vars']} only %} {% endfor %} {% for note in results %} {% block current_note %} {{ noteView.macro_note(note) }} {% endblock current_note %} {% endfor %}
{{ "Page " ~ page }}
{% endblock %}