Events that come with the Favorite plugin

EndFavorNotice: After saving a notice as a favorite
- $profile: profile of the person faving (can be remote!)
- $notice: notice being faved

StartDisfavorNotice: Saving a notice as a favorite
- $profile: profile of the person faving (can be remote!)
- $notice: notice being faved
- &$result: result of the disfavoring (if you override)

EndDisfavorNotice: After saving a notice as a favorite
- $profile: profile of the person faving (can be remote!)
- $notice: notice being faved

StartFavorNoticeForm: starting the data in the form for favoring a notice
- $FavorForm: the favor form being shown
- $notice: notice being favored

EndFavorNoticeForm: Ending the data in the form for favoring a notice
- $FavorForm: the favor form being shown
- $notice: notice being favored

StartDisFavorNoticeForm: starting the data in the form for disfavoring a notice
- $DisfavorForm: the disfavor form being shown
- $notice: notice being difavored

EndDisFavorNoticeForm: Ending the data in the form for disfavoring a notice
- $DisfavorForm: the disfavor form being shown
- $notice: notice being disfavored

StartShowFaveForm: just before showing the fave form
- $item: the NoticeListItem object being shown

EndShowFaveForm: just after showing the fave form
- $item: the NoticeListItem object being shown