<?php /** * StatusNet - the distributed open-source microblogging tool * Copyright (C) 2010, StatusNet, Inc. * * A plugin for integrating Facebook with StatusNet. Includes single-sign-on * and publishing notices to Facebook using Facebook's Graph API. * * PHP version 5 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * @category Pugin * @package StatusNet * @author Zach Copley <zach@status.net> * @copyright 2010 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPL 3.0 * @link http://status.net/ */ if (!defined('STATUSNET')) { exit(1); } define("FACEBOOK_SERVICE", 2); /** * Main class for Facebook Bridge plugin * * @category Plugin * @package StatusNet * @author Zach Copley <zach@status.net> * @copyright 2010 StatusNet, Inc. * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPL 3.0 * @link http://status.net/ */ class FacebookBridgePlugin extends Plugin { public $appId = null; // Facebook application ID public $secret = null; // Facebook application secret public $facebook = null; // Facebook application instance public $dir = null; // Facebook plugin dir /** * Initializer for this plugin * * Gets an instance of the Facebook API client object * * @return boolean hook value; true means continue processing, false means stop. */ function initialize() { $this->facebook = Facebookclient::getFacebook( $this->appId, $this->secret ); return true; } /** * Load related modules when needed * * @param string $cls Name of the class to be loaded * * @return boolean hook value; true means continue processing, false means stop. */ function onAutoload($cls) { $dir = dirname(__FILE__); //common_debug("class = " . $cls); switch ($cls) { case 'Facebook': // Facebook PHP SDK include_once $dir . '/extlib/facebook.php'; return false; case 'FacebookloginAction': case 'FacebookfinishloginAction': case 'FacebookadminpanelAction': case 'FacebooksettingsAction': case 'FacebookdeauthorizeAction': include_once $dir . '/actions/' . strtolower(mb_substr($cls, 0, -6)) . '.php'; return false; case 'Facebookclient': case 'FacebookQueueHandler': include_once $dir . '/lib/' . strtolower($cls) . '.php'; return false; case 'Notice_to_item': include_once $dir . '/classes/' . $cls . '.php'; return false; default: return true; } } /** * Database schema setup * * We maintain a table mapping StatusNet notices to Facebook items * * @see Schema * @see ColumnDef * * @return boolean hook value; true means continue processing, false means stop. */ function onCheckSchema() { $schema = Schema::get(); $schema->ensureTable('notice_to_item', Notice_to_item::schemaDef()); return true; } /* * Does this $action need the Facebook JavaScripts? */ function needsScripts($action) { static $needy = array( 'FacebookloginAction', 'FacebookfinishloginAction', 'FacebookadminpanelAction', 'FacebooksettingsAction' ); if (in_array(get_class($action), $needy)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Map URLs to actions * * @param Net_URL_Mapper $m path-to-action mapper * * @return boolean hook value; true means continue processing, false means stop. */ function onRouterInitialized($m) { // Always add the admin panel route $m->connect('admin/facebook', array('action' => 'facebookadminpanel')); // Only add these routes if an application has been setup on // Facebook for the plugin to use. if ($this->hasApplication()) { $m->connect( 'main/facebooklogin', array('action' => 'facebooklogin') ); $m->connect( 'main/facebookfinishlogin', array('action' => 'facebookfinishlogin') ); $m->connect( 'settings/facebook', array('action' => 'facebooksettings') ); $m->connect( 'facebook/deauthorize', array('action' => 'facebookdeauthorize') ); } return true; } /* * Add a login tab for Facebook, but only if there's a Facebook * application defined for the plugin to use. * * @param Action &action the current action * * @return void */ function onEndLoginGroupNav(&$action) { $action_name = $action->trimmed('action'); if ($this->hasApplication()) { $action->menuItem( common_local_url('facebooklogin'), _m('MENU', 'Facebook'), // TRANS: Tooltip for menu item "Facebook". _m('Login or register using Facebook'), 'facebooklogin' === $action_name ); } return true; } /** * If the plugin's installed, this should be accessible to admins */ function onAdminPanelCheck($name, &$isOK) { if ($name == 'facebook') { $isOK = true; return false; } return true; } /** * Add a Facebook tab to the admin panels * * @param Widget $nav Admin panel nav * * @return boolean hook value */ function onEndAdminPanelNav($nav) { if (AdminPanelAction::canAdmin('facebook')) { $action_name = $nav->action->trimmed('action'); $nav->out->menuItem( common_local_url('facebookadminpanel'), // TRANS: Menu item. _m('MENU','Facebook'), // TRANS: Tooltip for menu item "Facebook". _m('Facebook integration configuration'), $action_name == 'facebookadminpanel', 'nav_facebook_admin_panel' ); } return true; } /* * Add a tab for user-level Facebook settings if the user * has a link to Facebook * * @param Action &action the current action * * @return void */ function onEndConnectSettingsNav(&$action) { if ($this->hasApplication()) { $action_name = $action->trimmed('action'); // CurrentUserDesignAction stores the current user in $cur $user = $action->getCurrentUser(); $flink = null; if (!empty($user)) { $flink = Foreign_link::getByUserID( $user->id, FACEBOOK_SERVICE ); } if (!empty($flink)) { $action->menuItem( common_local_url('facebooksettings'), // TRANS: Menu item tab. _m('MENU','Facebook'), // TRANS: Tooltip for menu item "Facebook". _m('Facebook settings'), $action_name === 'facebooksettings' ); } } } /* * Is there a Facebook application for the plugin to use? * * Checks to see if a Facebook application ID and secret * have been configured and a valid Facebook API client * object exists. * */ function hasApplication() { if (!empty($this->facebook)) { $appId = $this->facebook->getAppId(); $secret = $this->facebook->getApiSecret(); if (!empty($appId) && !empty($secret)) { return true; } } return false; } /* * Output a Facebook div for the Facebook JavaSsript SDK to use * * @param Action $action the current action * */ function onStartShowHeader($action) { // output <div id="fb-root"></div> as close to <body> as possible $action->element('div', array('id' => 'fb-root')); return true; } /* * Load the Facebook JavaScript SDK on pages that need them. * * @param Action $action the current action * */ function onEndShowScripts($action) { if ($this->needsScripts($action)) { $action->script('https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js'); $script = <<<ENDOFSCRIPT FB.init({appId: %1\$s, session: %2\$s, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); $('#facebook_button').bind('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); FB.login(function(response) { if (response.session && response.perms) { window.location.href = '%3\$s'; } else { // NOP (user cancelled login) } }, {perms:'read_stream,publish_stream,offline_access,user_status,user_location,user_website,email'}); }); ENDOFSCRIPT; $action->inlineScript( sprintf($script, json_encode($this->facebook->getAppId()), json_encode($this->facebook->getSession()), common_local_url('facebookfinishlogin') ) ); } } /* * Log the user out of Facebook, per the Facebook authentication guide * * @param Action action the current action */ function onEndLogout($action) { if ($this->hasApplication()) { $session = $this->facebook->getSession(); $fbuser = null; $fbuid = null; if ($session) { try { $fbuid = $this->facebook->getUser(); $fbuser = $this->facebook->api('/me'); } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { common_log(LOG_ERROR, $e, __FILE__); } } if (!empty($fbuser)) { $logoutUrl = $this->facebook->getLogoutUrl( array('next' => common_local_url('public')) ); common_log( LOG_INFO, sprintf( "Logging user out of Facebook (fbuid = %s)", $fbuid ), __FILE__ ); common_debug("LOGOUT URL = $logoutUrl"); common_redirect($logoutUrl, 303); } } } /* * Add fbml namespace to our HTML, so Facebook's JavaScript SDK can parse * and render XFBML tags * * @param Action $action the current action * @param array $attrs array of attributes for the HTML tag * * @return nothing */ function onStartHtmlElement($action, $attrs) { if ($this->needsScripts($action)) { $attrs = array_merge( $attrs, array('xmlns:fb' => 'http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml') ); } return true; } /** * Add a Facebook queue item for each notice * * @param Notice $notice the notice * @param array &$transports the list of transports (queues) * * @return boolean hook return */ function onStartEnqueueNotice($notice, &$transports) { if (self::hasApplication() && $notice->isLocal()) { array_push($transports, 'facebook'); } return true; } /** * Register Facebook notice queue handler * * @param QueueManager $manager * * @return boolean hook return */ function onEndInitializeQueueManager($manager) { if (self::hasApplication()) { $manager->connect('facebook', 'FacebookQueueHandler'); } return true; } /* * Use SSL for Facebook stuff * * @param string $action name * @param boolean $ssl outval to force SSL * @return mixed hook return value */ function onSensitiveAction($action, &$ssl) { $sensitive = array( 'facebookadminpanel', 'facebooksettings', 'facebooklogin', 'facebookfinishlogin' ); if (in_array($action, $sensitive)) { $ssl = true; return false; } else { return true; } } /** * If a notice gets deleted, remove the Notice_to_item mapping and * delete the item on Facebook * * @param User $user The user doing the deleting * @param Notice $notice The notice getting deleted * * @return boolean hook value */ function onStartDeleteOwnNotice(User $user, Notice $notice) { $client = new Facebookclient($notice); $client->streamRemove(); return true; } /** * Notify remote users when their notices get favorited. * * @param Profile or User $profile of local user doing the faving * @param Notice $notice being favored * @return hook return value */ function onEndFavorNotice(Profile $profile, Notice $notice) { $client = new Facebookclient($notice); $client->like(); return true; } /** * Notify remote users when their notices get de-favorited. * * @param Profile $profile Profile person doing the de-faving * @param Notice $notice Notice being favored * * @return hook return value */ function onEndDisfavorNotice(Profile $profile, Notice $notice) { $client = new Facebookclient($notice); $client->unLike(); return true; } /* * Add version info for this plugin * * @param array &$versions plugin version descriptions */ function onPluginVersion(&$versions) { $versions[] = array( 'name' => 'Facebook Bridge', 'version' => STATUSNET_VERSION, 'author' => 'Craig Andrews, Zach Copley', 'homepage' => 'http://status.net/wiki/Plugin:FacebookBridge', 'rawdescription' => _m('A plugin for integrating StatusNet with Facebook.') ); return true; } }