Added some of the standard directories darcs-hash:20080506151729-84dde-563da8505e06a7302041c93ab157ced31165876c.gz
1512 lines
46 KiB
1512 lines
46 KiB
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Toshiya TSURU <>, 2008
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-14 21:07+1200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Toshiya TSURU <>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: ../actions/noticesearchrss.php:64
#, php-format
msgid " Search Stream for \"%s\""
msgstr "\"%s\" のストリームを検索"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:82 ../actions/register.php:193
msgid ""
" except this private data: password, email address, IM address, phone "
msgstr "個人情報を除く:パスワード、メールアドレス、IMアドレス、電話番号"
#: ../actions/subscribe.php:84
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s is now listening to your notices on %2$s."
msgstr "%1$s は %2$s であなたの通知を聞いています。"
#: ../actions/subscribe.php:86
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s is now listening to your notices on %2$s.\n"
"Faithfully yours,\n"
msgstr "%1$s は %2$s であなたの通知を聞いています。\n\n\t%3$s\n\n確かにあなたの,\n%4$s.\n"
#: ../actions/shownotice.php:45
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s's status on %2$s"
msgstr "%1$ のステータス %2$s"
#: ../actions/publicrss.php:60
#, php-format
msgid "%s Public Stream"
msgstr "%s パブリックストリーム"
#: ../actions/all.php:47 ../actions/allrss.php:70 ../lib/stream.php:45
#, php-format
msgid "%s and friends"
msgstr "%s & ともだち"
#: ../lib/util.php:233
#, php-format
msgid ""
"**** is a microblogging service brought to you by "
"[%%site.broughtby%%](%%site.broughtbyurl%%). "
msgstr ""
"**** は [%%site.broughtby%%](%%site.broughtbyurl%%) "
"が提供するマイクロブロギングサービスです。 "
#: ../lib/util.php:235
#, php-format
msgid "**** is a microblogging service. "
msgstr "**** はマイクロブロギングサービスです。"
#: ../lib/util.php:250
msgid ". Contributors should be attributed by full name or nickname."
msgstr "コントリビューターはニックネームかフルネームで記載されています。"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:73 ../actions/profilesettings.php:43
#: ../actions/register.php:176
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces"
msgstr "1~64字以内で、小文字アルファベット、数字、スペース。(句読点を除く)"
#: ../actions/password.php:42 ../actions/register.php:178
msgid "6 or more characters"
msgstr "6文字以上"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:165
msgid "6 or more characters, and don't forget it!"
msgstr "6文字以上。お忘れなく!"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:188
#, php-format
msgid ""
"A confirmation code was sent to the IM address you added. You must approve "
"%s for sending messages to you."
msgstr "確認用コードを入力されたIMアドレスに送信しました。メッセージを確認するには、%sを承認して下さい。"
#: ../lib/util.php:296
msgid "About"
msgstr "About"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:118
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "承認"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:64 ../actions/openidsettings.php:57
msgid "Add"
msgstr "追加"
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:43
msgid "Add OpenID"
msgstr "OpenIDを追加"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:39
msgid "Address"
msgstr "住所"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:254
msgid "All subscriptions"
msgstr "全てのサブスクリプション"
#: ../actions/publicrss.php:62
#, php-format
msgid "All updates for %s"
msgstr "%sの全てのサブスクリプション"
#: ../actions/noticesearchrss.php:66
#, php-format
msgid "All updates matching search term \"%s\""
msgstr "\"%s\" にヒットするすべてのアップデート"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:29 ../actions/login.php:27
#: ../actions/openidlogin.php:29 ../actions/register.php:28
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "既にログインしています。"
#: ../actions/subscribe.php:48
msgid "Already subscribed!."
msgstr "既に購読しています。"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:76
msgid "Authorize subscription"
msgstr "購読を許可"
#: ../actions/login.php:100 ../actions/register.php:184
msgid "Automatically login in the future; not for shared computers!"
msgstr "将来的には非共用PCでの自動ログイン"
#: ../actions/avatar.php:32
msgid "Avatar"
msgstr "アバター"
#: ../actions/avatar.php:113
msgid "Avatar updated."
msgstr "アバターが更新されました。"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:55
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Awaiting confirmation on this address. Check your Jabber/GTalk account for a "
"message with further instructions. (Did you add %s to your buddy list?)"
msgstr "このアドレスは確認待ちです。Jabber/Gtalk でメッセージを確認して下さい。(%s を追加していますか?)"
#: ../lib/util.php:1136
msgid "Before »"
msgstr "前 >>"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:52
msgid "Bio"
msgstr "バイオグラフィ"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:93 ../actions/updateprofile.php:102
msgid "Bio is too long (max 140 chars)."
msgstr "バイオグラフィが長すぎます。(最長140字)"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:118
#, php-format
msgid "Can't read avatar URL '%s'"
msgstr "アバターURL を読み取れません '%s'"
#: ../actions/password.php:85 ../actions/recoverpassword.php:261
msgid "Can't save new password."
msgstr "新しいパスワードを保存できません。"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:59
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "キャンセル"
#: ../lib/openid.php:121
msgid "Cannot instantiate OpenID consumer object."
msgstr "OpenID consumer object を生成できません。"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:154
msgid "Cannot normalize that Jabber ID"
msgstr "その Jabbar ID を正規化できません"
#: ../actions/password.php:45
msgid "Change"
msgstr "変更"
#: ../actions/password.php:32
msgid "Change password"
msgstr "パスワードの変更"
#: ../actions/password.php:43 ../actions/recoverpassword.php:166
#: ../actions/register.php:179
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "確認"
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:84
msgid "Confirm Address"
msgstr "アドレスの確認"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:213
msgid "Confirmation cancelled."
msgstr "確認作業がキャンセルされました。"
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:38
msgid "Confirmation code not found."
msgstr "確認コードが見つかりません。"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:91
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "接続"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:86
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "既存のアカウントと接続"
#: ../lib/util.php:304
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "コンタクト"
#: ../lib/openid.php:178
#, php-format
msgid "Could not create OpenID form: %s"
msgstr "OpenIDを作成できません : %s"
#: ../lib/openid.php:160
#, php-format
msgid "Could not redirect to server: %s"
msgstr "サーバへリダイレクトできません : %s"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:161
msgid "Could not save avatar info"
msgstr "アバターを保存できません"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:154
msgid "Could not save new profile info"
msgstr "新しいプロファイルを保存できません"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:146
msgid "Couldn't confirm email."
msgstr "メールを確認できません"
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:99
msgid "Couldn't convert request tokens to access tokens."
msgstr "リクエストトークンをアクセストークンに変換できません"
#: ../actions/subscribe.php:59
msgid "Couldn't create subscription."
msgstr "サブスクリプションを作成できません"
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:78 ../actions/imsettings.php:209
msgid "Couldn't delete email confirmation."
msgstr "メール承認を削除できません"
#: ../actions/unsubscribe.php:56
msgid "Couldn't delete subscription."
msgstr "サブスクリプションを削除できません"
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:125
msgid "Couldn't get a request token."
msgstr "リクエストトークンを取得できません"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:178
msgid "Couldn't insert confirmation code."
msgstr "確認コードを追加できません"
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:180
msgid "Couldn't insert new subscription."
msgstr "サブスクリプションを追加できません"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:175
msgid "Couldn't save profile."
msgstr "プロファイルを保存できません"
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:70 ../actions/imsettings.php:129
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:234 ../actions/profilesettings.php:123
msgid "Couldn't update user."
msgstr "ユーザを更新できません"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:84
msgid "Create"
msgstr "作成"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:70
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "このニックネームで新しくユーザを作成"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:68
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "アカウントを作成"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:191
msgid "Creating new account for OpenID that already has a user."
msgstr "既にユーザの存在するOpenIDでアカウントを作成しています"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:45
msgid "Current confirmed Jabber/GTalk address."
msgstr "確認された最新の Jabber/GTakk アドレス"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:337
msgid "Currently"
msgstr "最新"
#: ../lib/util.php:893
#, php-format
msgid "DB error inserting reply: %s"
msgstr "返信を追加する際にデータベースエラー : %s"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:54
msgid "Describe yourself and your interests in 140 chars"
msgstr "140字以内で自己紹介"
#: ../actions/register.php:181
msgid "Email"
msgstr "メール"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:46
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "メールアドレス"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:102 ../actions/register.php:63
msgid "Email address already exists."
msgstr "メールアドレスが既に存在します。"
#: ../lib/mail.php:82
msgid "Email address confirmation"
msgstr "メールアドレス確認"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:176
msgid "Enter a nickname or email address."
msgstr "ニックネームかメールアドレスを入力してください。"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:136
msgid "Error authorizing token"
msgstr "認証トークンエラー"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:282
msgid "Error connecting user to OpenID."
msgstr "ユーザとOpenIDとの接続エラー"
#: ../actions/finishaddopenid.php:78
msgid "Error connecting user."
msgstr "ユーザ接続エラー"
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:151
msgid "Error inserting avatar"
msgstr "アバター追加エラー"
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:143
msgid "Error inserting new profile"
msgstr "プロファイル追加エラー"
#: ../actions/postnotice.php:88
msgid "Error inserting notice"
msgstr "通知追加エラー"
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:167
msgid "Error inserting remote profile"
msgstr "リモートプロファイル追加エラー"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:201
msgid "Error saving address confirmation."
msgstr "アドレス確認保存エラー"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:139
msgid "Error saving remote profile"
msgstr "リモートプロファイル保存エラー"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:222 ../lib/openid.php:226
msgid "Error saving the profile."
msgstr "プロファイル保存エラー"
#: ../lib/openid.php:237
msgid "Error saving the user."
msgstr "ユーザ保存エラー"
#: ../actions/password.php:80
msgid "Error saving user; invalid."
msgstr "ユーザ保存エラー; 不正なユーザ"
#: ../actions/login.php:43 ../actions/login.php:69
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:268 ../actions/register.php:73
msgid "Error setting user."
msgstr "ユーザ設定エラー"
#: ../actions/finishaddopenid.php:83
msgid "Error updating profile"
msgstr "プロファイル更新エラー"
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:161
msgid "Error updating remote profile"
msgstr "リモートプロファイル更新エラー"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:79
msgid "Error with confirmation code."
msgstr "確認コードにエラーがあります。"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:89
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "既に存在するニックネーム"
#: ../lib/util.php:298
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "よくある質問"
#: ../actions/avatar.php:115
msgid "Failed updating avatar."
msgstr "アバターの更新に失敗しました。"
#: ../actions/all.php:61 ../actions/allrss.php:74
#, php-format
msgid "Feed for friends of %s"
msgstr "%s のともだちのフィード"
#: ../actions/replies.php:61 ../actions/repliesrss.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "Feed for replies to %s"
msgstr "%s の返信のフィード"
#: ../actions/login.php:118
msgid ""
"For security reasons, please re-enter your user name and password before "
"changing your settings."
msgstr "セキュリティー上の理由により、設定を変更する前にユーザ名とパスワードを入力して下さい。"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:44
msgid "Full name"
msgstr "フルネーム"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:90 ../actions/updateprofile.php:92
msgid "Full name is too long (max 255 chars)."
msgstr "フルネームが長すぎます。(255字まで)"
#: ../lib/util.php:279
msgid "Help"
msgstr "ヘルプ"
#: ../lib/util.php:274
msgid "Home"
msgstr "ホーム"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:49
msgid "Homepage"
msgstr "ホームページ"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:87
msgid "Homepage is not a valid URL."
msgstr "ホームページのURLが不適切です。"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:61
msgid "IM Address"
msgstr "IMアドレス"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:33
msgid "IM Settings"
msgstr "IM設定"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:88
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your OpenID."
msgstr "既にアカウントをお持ちの場合は、ユーザ名とパスワードでログインし、OpenIDと関連付けて下さい。"
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:45
msgid ""
"If you want to add an OpenID to your account, enter it in the box below and "
"click \"Add\"."
msgstr "OpenIDを追加する場合、下のボックスにある\"Add\"をつリックして下さい。"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:122
msgid ""
"If you've forgotten or lost your password, you can get a new one sent the "
"email address you have stored in your account."
msgstr "パスワードを忘れた場合、登録されたアドレスで新しいものを受け取ることができます。"
#: ../actions/password.php:69
msgid "Incorrect old password"
msgstr "古いパスワードが間違っています。"
#: ../actions/login.php:63
msgid "Incorrect username or password."
msgstr "ユーザ名またはパスワードが間違っています。"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:226
msgid ""
"Instructions for recovering your password have been sent to the email "
"address registered to your account."
msgstr "登録されたメールアドレスにパスワードの回復方法をおおくりしました。"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:113
#, php-format
msgid "Invalid avatar URL '%s'"
msgstr "不正なアバターURL '%s'"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:97
#, php-format
msgid "Invalid homepage '%s'"
msgstr "不正なホームページ '%s'"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:81
#, php-format
msgid "Invalid license URL '%s'"
msgstr "不正なライセンスURL '%s'"
#: ../actions/postnotice.php:61
msgid "Invalid notice content"
msgstr "不正な通知内容"
#: ../actions/postnotice.php:67
msgid "Invalid notice uri"
msgstr "不正な通知uri"
#: ../actions/postnotice.php:72
msgid "Invalid notice url"
msgstr "不正な通知url"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:86
#, php-format
msgid "Invalid profile URL '%s'."
msgstr "不正なプロファイルURL '%s'。"
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:96
msgid "Invalid profile URL (bad format)"
msgstr "不正なプロファイルURL。(形式不備)"
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:77
msgid "Invalid profile URL returned by server."
msgstr "不正なプロファイルURLがサーバから返されました。"
#: ../actions/avatarbynickname.php:37
msgid "Invalid size."
msgstr "不正なサイズ。"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:264 ../actions/register.php:68
#: ../actions/register.php:84
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "不正なユーザ名またはパスワード。"
#: ../lib/util.php:237
#, php-format
msgid ""
"It runs the [Laconica]( microblogging software, version "
"%s, available under the [GNU Affero General Public "
msgstr ""
"マイクロブロギングソフト [Laconica]( , "
"バージョン %s で動いています。 ライセンス [GNU Affero "
"General Public License](。"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:164
msgid "Jabber ID already belongs to another user."
msgstr "Jabber ID jは既に別のユーザが使用しています。"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:63
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Jabber or GTalk address, like \"\". First, make sure to "
"add %s to your buddy list in your IM client or on GTalk."
msgstr ""
"\"\" といった Jabber または GTalk "
"のアドレス。まず、%s をIMクライアントやGTalkに追加して下さい。"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:55
msgid "Location"
msgstr "場所"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:96 ../actions/updateprofile.php:107
msgid "Location is too long (max 255 chars)."
msgstr "場所が長すぎます。(255字まで)"
#: ../actions/login.php:93 ../actions/login.php:102
#: ../actions/openidlogin.php:68 ../lib/util.php:286
msgid "Login"
msgstr "ログイン"
#: ../actions/openidlogin.php:44
#, php-format
msgid "Login with an [OpenID](%%doc.openid%%) account."
msgstr "[OpenID](%%doc.openid%%) でログイン。"
#: ../actions/login.php:122
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Login with your username and password. Don't have a username yet? "
"[Register](%%action.register%%) a new account, or try "
"[OpenID](%%action.openidlogin%%). "
msgstr ""
"<22><>ログイン。ユーザ名をお持ちで無ければ[登録](%%action.register%%), もしくは [OpenID](%%action.openidlogin%%) でログイン。 "
#: ../lib/util.php:284
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "ログアウト"
#: ../actions/login.php:106
msgid "Lost or forgotten password?"
msgstr "パスワードを紛失、忘れた?"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:281
msgid "Member since"
msgstr "からのメンバー"
#: ../actions/userrss.php:70
#, php-format
msgid "Microblog by %s"
msgstr "マイクロブログ by %s"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:79 ../actions/register.php:190
msgid "My text and files are available under "
msgstr "の下でテキスト及びファイルを利用可能"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:71
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "新しいニックネーム"
#: ../actions/newnotice.php:100
msgid "New notice"
msgstr "新しい通知"
#: ../actions/password.php:41 ../actions/recoverpassword.php:164
msgid "New password"
msgstr "新しいパスワード"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:275
msgid "New password successfully saved. You are now logged in."
msgstr "新しいパスワードの保存に成功しました。ログインしています。"
#: ../actions/login.php:97 ../actions/profilesettings.php:41
#: ../actions/register.php:175
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "ニックネーム"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:175 ../actions/profilesettings.php:99
#: ../actions/register.php:59
msgid "Nickname already in use. Try another one."
msgstr "そのニックネームは既に使用されています。他のものを試してみて下さい。"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:165 ../actions/profilesettings.php:80
#: ../actions/register.php:57 ../actions/updateprofile.php:76
msgid "Nickname must have only lowercase letters and numbers and no spaces."
msgstr "ニックネームには、小文字アルファベットと数字のみ使用できます。スペースは使用できません。"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:170
msgid "Nickname not allowed."
msgstr "そのニックネームは使用できません。"
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:72
msgid "Nickname of the user you want to follow"
msgstr "フォローしたいユーザのニックネーム"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:147
msgid "Nickname or email"
msgstr "ニックネームまたはメールアドレス"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:147
msgid "No Jabber ID."
msgstr "Jabbar ID はありません。"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:128
msgid "No authorization request!"
msgstr "認証のリクエストがありません。"
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:33
msgid "No confirmation code."
msgstr "確認コードがありません。"
#: ../actions/newnotice.php:49
msgid "No content!"
msgstr "コンテンツがありません!"
#: ../actions/userbyid.php:27
msgid "No id."
msgstr "id がありません。"
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:65
msgid "No nickname provided by remote server."
msgstr "リモートユーザのニックネームがありません。"
#: ../actions/avatarbynickname.php:27
msgid "No nickname."
msgstr "ニックネームがありません。"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:197
msgid "No pending confirmation to cancel."
msgstr "認証待ちのものはありません。"
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:72
msgid "No profile URL returned by server."
msgstr "サーバから提供されるプロファイルURLはありません。"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:189
msgid "No registered email address for that user."
msgstr "そのユーザにはメールアドレスの登録がありません。"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:48
msgid "No request found!"
msgstr "リクエストがありません!"
#: ../actions/noticesearch.php:64 ../actions/peoplesearch.php:64
msgid "No results"
msgstr "結果なし"
#: ../actions/avatarbynickname.php:32
msgid "No size."
msgstr "サイズがありません。"
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:135
msgid "No such OpenID."
msgstr "そのようなOpenIDはありません。"
#: ../actions/doc.php:29
msgid "No such document."
msgstr "そのようなドキュメントはありません。"
#: ../actions/shownotice.php:32 ../actions/shownotice.php:65
msgid "No such notice."
msgstr "そのような通知はありません。"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:56
msgid "No such recovery code."
msgstr "そのような回復コードはありません。"
#: ../actions/postnotice.php:56
msgid "No such subscription"
msgstr "そのようなサブスクリプションはありません。"
#: ../actions/all.php:34 ../actions/allrss.php:35
#: ../actions/avatarbynickname.php:43 ../actions/foaf.php:36
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:185 ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:84
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:91 ../actions/repliesrss.php:35
#: ../actions/showstream.php:95 ../actions/subscribe.php:43
#: ../actions/unsubscribe.php:38 ../actions/userbyid.php:31
#: ../actions/userrss.php:35 ../actions/xrds.php:31 ../lib/gallery.php:53
msgid "No such user."
msgstr "そのようなユーザはいません。"
#: ../lib/gallery.php:76
msgid "Nobody to show!"
msgstr "表示できるユーザはいません。"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:60
msgid "Not a recovery code."
msgstr "回復コードではありません。"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:158
msgid "Not a valid Jabber ID"
msgstr "有効な Jabber ID ではありません。"
#: ../lib/openid.php:131
msgid "Not a valid OpenID."
msgstr "有効な OpenID ではありません。"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:75 ../actions/register.php:53
msgid "Not a valid email address."
msgstr "有効なメールアドレスではありません。"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:83 ../actions/register.php:61
msgid "Not a valid nickname."
msgstr "有効なニックネームではありません。"
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:118
msgid "Not a valid profile URL (incorrect services)."
msgstr "有効なプロファイルURLではありません。(間違ったサービス)"
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:111
msgid "Not a valid profile URL (no XRDS defined)."
msgstr "有効なプロファイルURLではありません。(XRDSの定義が無い)"
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:104
msgid "Not a valid profile URL (no YADIS document)."
msgstr "有効なプロファイルURLではありません。(XRDSドキュメントが無い)"
#: ../actions/avatar.php:95
msgid "Not an image or corrupt file."
msgstr "画像ではないかファイルが破損しています。"
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:51
msgid "Not authorized."
msgstr "認証されていません。"
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:38
msgid "Not expecting this response!"
msgstr "想定外のレスポンスです!"
#: ../actions/finishaddopenid.php:29 ../actions/logout.php:28
#: ../actions/newnotice.php:29 ../actions/subscribe.php:27
#: ../actions/unsubscribe.php:24 ../lib/settingsaction.php:27
msgid "Not logged in."
msgstr "ログインしていません。"
#: ../actions/unsubscribe.php:43
msgid "Not subscribed!."
msgstr "購読していません!"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:82
#, php-format
msgid "Notice feed for %s"
msgstr "%sの通知フィード"
#: ../actions/shownotice.php:39
msgid "Notice has no profile"
msgstr "通知にはプロファイルはありません。"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:297
msgid "Notices"
msgstr "通知"
#: ../actions/password.php:39
msgid "Old password"
msgstr "古いパスワード"
#: ../lib/util.php:288
msgid "OpenID"
msgstr "OpenID"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:61
msgid "OpenID Account Setup"
msgstr "OpenID アカウントセットアップ"
#: ../lib/openid.php:180
msgid "OpenID Auto-Submit"
msgstr "OpenID 自動提示"
#: ../actions/finishaddopenid.php:99 ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:140
#: ../actions/openidlogin.php:60
msgid "OpenID Login"
msgstr "OpenID ログイン"
#: ../actions/openidlogin.php:65 ../actions/openidsettings.php:49
msgid "OpenID URL"
msgstr "OpenID URL"
#: ../actions/finishaddopenid.php:42 ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:103
msgid "OpenID authentication cancelled."
msgstr "OpenID での認証がキャンセルされました。"
#: ../actions/finishaddopenid.php:46 ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:107
#, php-format
msgid "OpenID authentication failed: %s"
msgstr "OpenID での認証に失敗しました : %s"
#: ../lib/openid.php:133
#, php-format
msgid "OpenID failure: %s"
msgstr "OpenID 障害 : %s"
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:144
msgid "OpenID removed."
msgstr "OpenID は消去されました。"
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:37
msgid "OpenID settings"
msgstr "OpenID 設定"
#: ../actions/avatar.php:84
msgid "Partial upload."
msgstr "不完全なアップロード。"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:90 ../actions/login.php:98
#: ../actions/register.php:177
msgid "Password"
msgstr "パスワード"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:249
msgid "Password and confirmation do not match."
msgstr "パスワードと確認が一致しません。"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:245
msgid "Password must be 6 chars or more."
msgstr "パスワードは6字以上でなければいけません。"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:222 ../actions/recoverpassword.php:224
msgid "Password recovery requested"
msgstr "パスワード回復のリクエストされました"
#: ../actions/password.php:89 ../actions/recoverpassword.php:274
msgid "Password saved."
msgstr "パスワードが保存されました。"
#: ../actions/password.php:61 ../actions/register.php:65
msgid "Passwords don't match."
msgstr "パスワードが一致しません。"
#: ../actions/peoplesearch.php:33
msgid "People search"
msgstr "ピープルサーチ"
#: ../lib/stream.php:44
msgid "Personal"
msgstr "パーソナル"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:77
msgid ""
"Please check these details to make sure that you want to subscribe to this "
"user's notices. If you didn't just ask to subscribe to someone's notices, "
"click \"Cancel\"."
msgstr "ユーザの通知を購読するには詳細を確認して下さい。購読しない場合は、\"Cancel\" キャンセルをクリックして下さい。"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:74
msgid "Post a notice when my Jabber/GTalk status changes."
msgstr "Jabber/GTalkのステータスが変更された時に通知を送る。"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:68
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "設定"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:135
msgid "Preferences saved."
msgstr "設定が保存されました。"
#: ../lib/util.php:300
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "プライバシー"
#: ../actions/newnotice.php:61 ../actions/newnotice.php:69
msgid "Problem saving notice."
msgstr "通知を保存する際に問題が発生しました。"
#: ../lib/stream.php:54
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "プロファイル"
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:73
msgid "Profile URL"
msgstr "プロファイルURL"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:34
msgid "Profile settings"
msgstr "プロファイル設定"
#: ../actions/postnotice.php:51 ../actions/updateprofile.php:51
msgid "Profile unknown"
msgstr "プロファイルが不明"
#: ../lib/util.php:276
msgid "Public"
msgstr "パブリック"
#: ../actions/public.php:54
msgid "Public Stream Feed"
msgstr "パブリックフィード"
#: ../actions/public.php:33
msgid "Public timeline"
msgstr "パブリックタイムライン"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:151
msgid "Recover"
msgstr "回復"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:141
msgid "Recover password"
msgstr "パスワードを回復"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:67
msgid "Recovery code for unknown user."
msgstr "不明なユーザのための回復コード。"
#: ../actions/register.php:171 ../actions/register.php:195 ../lib/util.php:287
msgid "Register"
msgstr "登録"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:119
msgid "Reject"
msgstr "拒否"
#: ../actions/login.php:99 ../actions/register.php:183
msgid "Remember me"
msgstr "ログイン状態を保持"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:69
msgid "Remote profile with no matching profile"
msgstr "リモートプロファイルと一致するものがありません"
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:65
msgid "Remote subscribe"
msgstr "リモートサブスクライブ"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:48 ../actions/openidsettings.php:106
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "削除"
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:68
msgid "Remove OpenID"
msgstr "OpenID を削除"
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:73
msgid ""
"Removing your only OpenID would make it impossible to log in! If you need to "
"remove it, add another OpenID first."
msgstr "最後の OpenID を削除すると、ログインできなくなります!削除するまえに、別の OpenID を追加して下さい。"
#: ../lib/stream.php:49
msgid "Replies"
msgstr "返信"
#: ../actions/replies.php:47 ../actions/repliesrss.php:76 ../lib/stream.php:50
#, php-format
msgid "Replies to %s"
msgstr "%s への返信"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:168
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "リセット"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:158
msgid "Reset password"
msgstr "パスワードをリセット"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:167 ../actions/register.php:180
msgid "Same as password above"
msgstr "上と同じパスワード"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:76 ../actions/profilesettings.php:58
msgid "Save"
msgstr "保存"
#: ../lib/searchaction.php:73 ../lib/util.php:277
msgid "Search"
msgstr "検索"
#: ../actions/noticesearch.php:80
msgid "Search Stream Feed"
msgstr "ストリームフィードを検索"
#: ../actions/noticesearch.php:30
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Search for notices on by their contents. Separate search terms "
"by spaces; they must be 3 characters or more."
msgstr " の通知を内容から検索。検索語はスペース区切る。3字以上"
#: ../actions/peoplesearch.php:28
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Search for people on by their name, location, or interests. "
"Separate the terms by spaces; they must be 3 characters or more."
msgstr " の人を名前、場所、興味から検索。検索語はスペース区切る。3字以上"
#: ../lib/util.php:982
msgid "Send"
msgstr "送る"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:71
msgid "Send me notices through Jabber/GTalk."
msgstr "Jabber/GTalk で私に通知を送って下さい。"
#: ../lib/util.php:282
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "設定"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:183
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "設定が保存されました。"
#: ../actions/finishaddopenid.php:66
msgid "Someone else already has this OpenID."
msgstr "既に他の人がこの OpenID を使用しています。"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:42 ../actions/openidsettings.php:126
msgid "Something weird happened."
msgstr "不測の事態が発生しました。"
#: ../lib/util.php:302
msgid "Source"
msgstr "ソース"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:277
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "統計データ"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:182 ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:275
msgid "Stored OpenID not found."
msgstr "保存された OpenID は見つかりません。"
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:75 ../actions/showstream.php:172
#: ../actions/showstream.php:181
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "購読"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:294 ../actions/subscribers.php:27
msgid "Subscribers"
msgstr "購読者"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:309
msgid "Subscription authorized"
msgstr "購読が許可"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:319
msgid "Subscription rejected"
msgstr "購読が拒否"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:212 ../actions/showstream.php:288
#: ../actions/subscriptions.php:27
msgid "Subscriptions"
msgstr "サブスクリプション"
#: ../actions/avatar.php:87
msgid "System error uploading file."
msgstr "ファイルのアップロードでシステムエラー"
#: ../actions/noticesearch.php:34
msgid "Text search"
msgstr "文字検索"
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:140
msgid "That OpenID does not belong to you."
msgstr "その OpenID はあなたのものではありません。"
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:52
msgid "That address has already been confirmed."
msgstr "そのアドレスは既に承認されています。"
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:43
msgid "That confirmation code is not for you!"
msgstr "その確認コードはあなたのものではありません!"
#: ../actions/avatar.php:80
msgid "That file is too big."
msgstr "ファイルサイズが大きすぎます。"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:161
msgid "That is already your Jabber ID."
msgstr "その Jabber ID は既にあなたのものです。"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:224
msgid "That is not your Jabber ID."
msgstr "その Jabber ID はあなたのものではありません。"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:201
msgid "That is the wrong IM address."
msgstr "その IM アドレスは不正です。"
#: ../actions/newnotice.php:52
msgid "That's too long. Max notice size is 140 chars."
msgstr "長すぎます。通知は最大 140 字までです。"
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:86
#, php-format
msgid "The address \"%s\" has been confirmed for your account."
msgstr "アドレス \"%s\" はあなたのアカウントとして承認されています。"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:241
msgid "The address was removed."
msgstr "アドレスは削除されました。"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:311
msgid ""
"The subscription has been authorized, but no callback URL was passed. Check "
"with the site's instructions for details on how to authorize the "
"subscription. Your subscription token is:"
msgstr ""
"ンは許可されましたが、コールバックURLが渡されていません。サブスクリプションを許可する方法について、サイトの説明をご覧ください。あなたのサブスクリプショントークンは : "
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:321
msgid ""
"The subscription has been rejected, but no callback URL was passed. Check "
"with the site's instructions for details on how to fully reject the "
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/subscribers.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "These are the people who listen to %s's notices."
msgstr "%s の通知を聞いている人"
#: ../actions/subscribers.php:33
msgid "These are the people who listen to your notices."
msgstr "あなたの通知を聞いている人"
#: ../actions/subscriptions.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "These are the people whose notices %s listens to."
msgstr "%s が通知を聞いている人"
#: ../actions/subscriptions.php:33
msgid "These are the people whose notices you listen to."
msgstr "あなたが通知を聞いている人"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:87
msgid "This confirmation code is too old. Please start again."
msgstr "確認コードが古すぎます。もう一度やり直してください。"
#: ../lib/openid.php:195
msgid ""
"This form should automatically submit itself. If not, click the submit "
"button to go to your OpenID provider."
msgstr "このフォームは自動的にサブミットされます。されない場合は、サブミットボタンをクリックして下さい。OpenIDプロバイダへ転送されます。"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:56
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you've logged into %s so we must connect your OpenID "
"to a local account. You can either create a new account, or connect with "
"your existing account, if you have one."
msgstr ""
"これが %s "
#: ../lib/util.php:147
msgid "This page is not available in a media type you accept"
msgstr "このページはあなたが承認したメディアタイプでは利用できません。"
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:43
#, php-format
msgid ""
"To subscribe, you can [login](%%action.login%%), or "
"[register](%%action.register%%) a new account. If you already have an "
"account on a [compatible microblogging site](%%doc.openmublog%%), enter "
"your profile URL below."
msgstr ""
"サブスクライブするには、[ログイン](%%action.login%%) "
"するか, [登録](%%action.register%%) を行って下さい。既に "
"[compatible microblogging site](%%doc.openmublog%%) にアカウントを持っおもちの場合は、下にプロファイルURLを入力して下さい."
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:51
msgid "URL of your homepage, blog, or profile on another site"
msgstr "ホームページ、ブログ、プロファイル、その他サイトの URL"
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:74
msgid "URL of your profile on another compatible microblogging service"
msgstr "プロファイルサービスまたはマイクロブロギングサービスのURL"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:105 ../actions/recoverpassword.php:39
msgid "Unexpected form submission."
msgstr "予期せぬフォーム送信です。"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:237
msgid "Unexpected password reset."
msgstr "予期せぬパスワードのリセットです。"
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:58
msgid "Unknown version of OMB protocol."
msgstr "予期せぬ OMB プロトコルのバージョンです。"
#: ../lib/util.php:245
msgid ""
"Unless otherwise specified, contents of this site are copyright by the "
"contributors and available under the "
msgstr "特に断りが無い場合は、このサイトのコンテンツの著作権は著作者に帰属し、下記条件の下で使用可能です。"
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:48
#, php-format
msgid "Unrecognized address type %s"
msgstr "不明なアドレスタイプ %s"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:193
msgid "Unsubscribe"
msgstr "サブスクライブ中止"
#: ../actions/postnotice.php:44 ../actions/updateprofile.php:44
msgid "Unsupported OMB version"
msgstr "サポート外の OMB バージョン"
#: ../actions/avatar.php:105
msgid "Unsupported image file format."
msgstr "サポート外の画像形式です。"
#: ../actions/avatar.php:68
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "アップロード"
#: ../actions/avatar.php:27
msgid ""
"Upload a new \"avatar\" (user image) here. You can't edit the picture after "
"you upload it, so make sure it's more or less square. It must be under the "
"site license, also. Use a picture that belongs to you and that you want to "
msgstr ""
"\"アバター\" (ユーザの画像) をアップロード。 "
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:48 ../actions/register.php:182
msgid "Used only for updates, announcements, and password recovery"
msgstr "更新、アナウンス、パスワードリカバリーでのみ使用されます。"
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:86
msgid "User being listened to doesn't exist."
msgstr "リストされているユーザは存在しません。"
#: ../actions/all.php:41 ../actions/avatarbynickname.php:48
#: ../actions/foaf.php:43 ../actions/replies.php:41
#: ../actions/showstream.php:44
msgid "User has no profile."
msgstr "プロファイルがありません。"
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:71
msgid "User nickname"
msgstr "ユーザのニックネーム"
#: ../lib/util.php:969
#, php-format
msgid "What's up, %s?"
msgstr "最近どう %s?"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:57
msgid "Where you are, like \"City, State (or Region), Country\""
msgstr "いる場所, 例えば \"City, State (or Region), Country\""
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:127
#, php-format
msgid "Wrong image type for '%s'"
msgstr "不正な画像形式。'%s'"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:122
#, php-format
msgid "Wrong size image at '%s'"
msgstr "不正な画像サイズ。'%s'"
#: ../actions/finishaddopenid.php:64
msgid "You already have this OpenID!"
msgstr "既にこの OpenID を使用しています。"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:31
msgid "You are already logged in!"
msgstr "既にログイン済みです。"
#: ../actions/password.php:27
msgid "You can change your password here. Choose a good one!"
msgstr "パスワードはここで変更できます。良いものを選んで下さい!"
#: ../actions/register.php:164
msgid "You can create a new account to start posting notices."
msgstr "アカウントを作成して通知の投稿が可能です。"
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:86
msgid ""
"You can remove an OpenID from your account by clicking the button marked "
msgstr "\"削除\"をクリックして OpenID を削除できます。"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:28
#, php-format
msgid ""
"You can send and receive notices through Jabber/GTalk [instant "
"messages]( Configure your address and settings below."
msgstr ""
"Jabber/GTalk [instant "
"messages]( 経由で通知の送信、受信が可能です。下のアドレスを設定して下さい。"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:27
msgid ""
"You can update your personal profile info here so people know more about "
msgstr "あなたのことについて知ってもらうために、ここでプロファイル情報を更新できます。"
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:31 ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:31
msgid "You can use the local subscription!"
msgstr "ローカルサブスクリプションを使用可能です!"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:33 ../actions/register.php:51
msgid "You can't register if you don't agree to the license."
msgstr "ライセンスに同意頂けない場合は登録できません。"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:62
msgid "You did not send us that profile"
msgstr "そのプロファイルは送信されていません。"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:134
msgid "You've been identified. Enter a new password below. "
msgstr "確認されました。新しいパスワードを入力して下さい。"
#: ../actions/openidlogin.php:67
msgid "Your OpenID URL"
msgstr "あなたの OpenID URL"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:149
msgid "Your nickname on this server, or your registered email address."
msgstr "このサーバでのニックネーム、または登録したメールアドレス。"
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:28
#, php-format
msgid ""
"[OpenID](%%doc.openid%%) lets you log into many sites with the same user "
"account. Manage your associated OpenIDs from here."
msgstr ""
"[OpenID](%%doc.openid%%) "
"を使って同じアカウントで様々なウェブサイトへログインすることができます。ここで関連付ける OpenID を管理して下さい。"
#: ../lib/util.php:814
msgid "a few seconds ago"
msgstr "数秒前"
#: ../lib/util.php:826
#, php-format
msgid "about %d days ago"
msgstr "約 %d 日前"
#: ../lib/util.php:822
#, php-format
msgid "about %d hours ago"
msgstr "約 %d 時間前"
#: ../lib/util.php:818
#, php-format
msgid "about %d minutes ago"
msgstr "約 %d 分前"
#: ../lib/util.php:830
#, php-format
msgid "about %d months ago"
msgstr "約 %d ヵ月前"
#: ../lib/util.php:824
msgid "about a day ago"
msgstr "約 1 日前"
#: ../lib/util.php:816
msgid "about a minute ago"
msgstr "約 1 分前"
#: ../lib/util.php:828
msgid "about a month ago"
msgstr "約 1 ヵ月前"
#: ../lib/util.php:832
msgid "about a year ago"
msgstr "約 1 年前"
#: ../lib/util.php:820
msgid "about an hour ago"
msgstr "約 1 時間前"
#: ../actions/noticesearch.php:126 ../actions/showstream.php:383
#: ../lib/stream.php:101
msgid "in reply to..."
msgstr "...に対しての返信"
#: ../actions/noticesearch.php:133 ../actions/showstream.php:390
#: ../lib/stream.php:108
msgid "reply"
msgstr "返信"
#: ../actions/password.php:44
msgid "same as password above"
msgstr "上のパスワードと同じ"
#: ../lib/util.php:1127
msgid "« After"
msgstr "<< 前"