Hugo Sales b8b19abed2
[ENTITY][AttachmentThumbnail] Do not attempt to check if a file exists if the path is null
2021-11-15 19:25:52 +00:00
Command [TOOLS][COMMAND] Add 'app:populate_initial_values' command, which inserts values into the language table if it does not yet contain values. Add database-force-nuke to Makefile, which does all the steps necessary to reset the database 2021-11-08 16:08:02 +00:00
Controller [CONTROLLER][Network] Temporarily remove replies from streams, following planned changes to the Reply plugin 2021-11-15 19:25:52 +00:00
Core [CORE][Cache] Allow retrieving multiple keys from a hashmap 2021-11-15 19:25:52 +00:00
DataFixtures [TESTS] Remove 'reply_to' in note creation in data fixtures 2021-11-15 19:25:51 +00:00
DependencyInjection/Compiler [TOOLS][PHPStan][DocCheck] Fix errors found by PHPStan and Doc Check 2021-10-27 04:19:31 +01:00
Entity [ENTITY][AttachmentThumbnail] Do not attempt to check if a file exists if the path is null 2021-11-15 19:25:52 +00:00
Migrations [V3] Big Bang 2021-09-14 13:01:33 +01:00
PHPStan [TOOLS][PHPStan] Add missing toString on the call to DB::filterName, as it seems something changed in some update 2021-10-27 04:19:28 +01:00
Repository [TOOLS][CS-FIXER] Run new PHP CS Fixer config. Notably, adds strict_types 2021-10-27 04:19:28 +01:00
Routes [UI][CONTROLLER][UserPanel][ENTITY][ActorLanguage][Language][Actor] Add interface to allow user to select thier preferred languages and to order them. Rename ActorLanguage::order to ordering 2021-11-15 19:25:52 +00:00
Security [TESTS][Security] Fix SecurityTest. Remove nickname normalization on register (a plugin can handle that). Move from filter_var(FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) as it does not support dotless domains 2021-11-15 19:25:50 +00:00
Twig [UI][TWIG][CONTROLLER][UserPanell] Add way to expand details with a GET parameter. Implement it in UserPanel 2021-11-15 19:25:51 +00:00
Util [UTIL][FormFields] Refactor duplicated language choice form entry logic 2021-11-15 19:25:52 +00:00
CacheKernel.php [TOOLS][CS-FIXER] Run new PHP CS Fixer config. Notably, adds strict_types 2021-10-27 04:19:28 +01:00
Kernel.php [TOOLS][CS-FIXER] Run new PHP CS Fixer config. Notably, adds strict_types 2021-10-27 04:19:28 +01:00