Brion Vibber 02c2c3a6cc Provisional workaround for router inconsistencies in background processes that switch site configs.
Ensure that router is cleared when we do site setup; we can still fetch the data from cache, so it should stay fast, but should ensure that we don't end up with someone else's routes still set up, which may be an issue breaking some of the bookmark handling that needs routing with a rare plugin.
2011-03-30 14:18:29 -07:00

1025 lines
42 KiB

* StatusNet, the distributed open-source microblogging tool
* URL routing utilities
* PHP version 5
* LICENCE: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @category URL
* @package StatusNet
* @author Evan Prodromou <>
* @copyright 2009 StatusNet, Inc.
* @license GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
* @link
if (!defined('STATUSNET') && !defined('LACONICA')) {
require_once 'Net/URL/Mapper.php';
class StatusNet_URL_Mapper extends Net_URL_Mapper
private static $_singleton = null;
private $_actionToPath = array();
private function __construct()
public static function getInstance($id = '__default__')
if (empty(self::$_singleton)) {
self::$_singleton = new StatusNet_URL_Mapper();
return self::$_singleton;
public function connect($path, $defaults = array(), $rules = array())
$result = null;
if (Event::handle('StartConnectPath', array(&$path, &$defaults, &$rules, &$result))) {
$result = parent::connect($path, $defaults, $rules);
if (array_key_exists('action', $defaults)) {
$action = $defaults['action'];
} elseif (array_key_exists('action', $rules)) {
$action = $rules['action'];
} else {
$action = null;
$this->_mapAction($action, $result);
Event::handle('EndConnectPath', array($path, $defaults, $rules, $result));
return $result;
protected function _mapAction($action, $path)
if (!array_key_exists($action, $this->_actionToPath)) {
$this->_actionToPath[$action] = array();
$this->_actionToPath[$action][] = $path;
public function generate($values = array(), $qstring = array(), $anchor = '')
if (!array_key_exists('action', $values)) {
return parent::generate($values, $qstring, $anchor);
$action = $values['action'];
if (!array_key_exists($action, $this->_actionToPath)) {
return parent::generate($values, $qstring, $anchor);
$oldPaths = $this->paths;
$this->paths = $this->_actionToPath[$action];
$result = parent::generate($values, $qstring, $anchor);
$this->paths = $oldPaths;
return $result;
* URL Router
* Cheap wrapper around Net_URL_Mapper
* @category URL
* @package StatusNet
* @author Evan Prodromou <>
* @license GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
* @link
class Router
var $m = null;
static $inst = null;
static $bare = array('requesttoken', 'accesstoken', 'userauthorization',
'postnotice', 'updateprofile', 'finishremotesubscribe');
const REGEX_TAG = '[^\/]+'; // [\pL\pN_\-\.]{1,64} better if we can do unicode regexes
static function get()
if (!Router::$inst) {
Router::$inst = new Router();
return Router::$inst;
* Clear the global singleton instance for this class.
* Needed to ensure reset when switching site configurations.
static function clear()
Router::$inst = null;
function __construct()
if (empty($this->m)) {
if (!common_config('router', 'cache')) {
$this->m = $this->initialize();
} else {
$k = self::cacheKey();
$c = Cache::instance();
$m = $c->get($k);
if (!empty($m)) {
$this->m = $m;
} else {
$this->m = $this->initialize();
$c->set($k, $this->m);
* Create a unique hashkey for the router.
* The router's url map can change based on the version of the software
* you're running and the plugins that are enabled. To avoid having bad routes
* get stuck in the cache, the key includes a list of plugins and the software
* version.
* There can still be problems with a) differences in versions of the plugins and
* b) people running code between official versions, but these tend to be more
* sophisticated users who can grok what's going on and clear their caches.
* @return string cache key string that should uniquely identify a router
static function cacheKey()
$parts = array('router');
// Many router paths depend on this setting.
if (common_config('singleuser', 'enabled')) {
$parts[] = '1user';
} else {
$parts[] = 'multi';
return Cache::codeKey(implode(':', $parts));
function initialize()
$m = StatusNet_URL_Mapper::getInstance();
if (Event::handle('StartInitializeRouter', array(&$m))) {
$m->connect('robots.txt', array('action' => 'robotstxt'));
$m->connect('opensearch/people', array('action' => 'opensearch',
'type' => 'people'));
$m->connect('opensearch/notice', array('action' => 'opensearch',
'type' => 'notice'));
// docs
$m->connect('doc/:title', array('action' => 'doc'));
array('action' => 'otp'),
array('user_id' => '[0-9]+',
'token' => '.+'));
// main stuff is repetitive
$main = array('login', 'logout', 'register', 'subscribe',
'unsubscribe', 'confirmaddress', 'recoverpassword',
'invite', 'favor', 'disfavor', 'sup',
'block', 'unblock', 'subedit',
'groupblock', 'groupunblock',
'sandbox', 'unsandbox',
'silence', 'unsilence',
'grantrole', 'revokerole',
foreach ($main as $a) {
$m->connect('main/'.$a, array('action' => $a));
// Also need a block variant accepting ID on URL for mail links
array('action' => 'block'),
array('profileid' => '[0-9]+'));
$m->connect('main/sup/:seconds', array('action' => 'sup'),
array('seconds' => '[0-9]+'));
$m->connect('main/tagother/:id', array('action' => 'tagother'));
array('action' => 'oembed'));
array('action' => 'publicxrds'));
array('action' => 'hostmeta'));
array('action' => 'userxrd'));
// these take a code
foreach (array('register', 'confirmaddress', 'recoverpassword') as $c) {
$m->connect('main/'.$c.'/:code', array('action' => $c));
// exceptional
$m->connect('main/remote', array('action' => 'remotesubscribe'));
$m->connect('main/remote?nickname=:nickname', array('action' => 'remotesubscribe'), array('nickname' => '[A-Za-z0-9_-]+'));
foreach (Router::$bare as $action) {
$m->connect('index.php?action=' . $action, array('action' => $action));
// settings
foreach (array('profile', 'avatar', 'password', 'im', 'oauthconnections',
'oauthapps', 'email', 'sms', 'userdesign', 'other') as $s) {
$m->connect('settings/'.$s, array('action' => $s.'settings'));
array('action' => 'showapplication'),
array('id' => '[0-9]+')
array('action' => 'newapplication')
array('action' => 'editapplication'),
array('id' => '[0-9]+')
array('action' => 'deleteapplication'),
array('id' => '[0-9]+')
// search
foreach (array('group', 'people', 'notice') as $s) {
$m->connect('search/'.$s, array('action' => $s.'search'));
array('action' => $s.'search'),
array('q' => '.+'));
// The second of these is needed to make the link work correctly
// when inserted into the page. The first is needed to match the
// route on the way in. Seems to be another Net_URL_Mapper bug to me.
$m->connect('search/notice/rss', array('action' => 'noticesearchrss'));
$m->connect('search/notice/rss?q=:q', array('action' => 'noticesearchrss'),
array('q' => '.+'));
array('action' => 'attachment'),
array('attachment' => '[0-9]+'));
array('action' => 'attachment_ajax'),
array('attachment' => '[0-9]+'));
array('action' => 'attachment_thumbnail'),
array('attachment' => '[0-9]+'));
$m->connect('notice/new', array('action' => 'newnotice'));
array('action' => 'newnotice'),
array('replyto' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT));
array('action' => 'newnotice'),
array('replyto' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT),
array('inreplyto' => '[0-9]+'));
array('action' => 'file'),
array('notice' => '[0-9]+'));
array('action' => 'shownotice'),
array('notice' => '[0-9]+'));
$m->connect('notice/delete', array('action' => 'deletenotice'));
array('action' => 'deletenotice'),
array('notice' => '[0-9]+'));
$m->connect('bookmarklet/new', array('action' => 'bookmarklet'));
// conversation
array('action' => 'conversation'),
array('id' => '[0-9]+'));
$m->connect('message/new', array('action' => 'newmessage'));
$m->connect('message/new?to=:to', array('action' => 'newmessage'), array('to' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT));
array('action' => 'showmessage'),
array('message' => '[0-9]+'));
array('action' => 'userbyid'),
array('id' => '[0-9]+'));
$m->connect('tags/', array('action' => 'publictagcloud'));
$m->connect('tag/', array('action' => 'publictagcloud'));
$m->connect('tags', array('action' => 'publictagcloud'));
$m->connect('tag', array('action' => 'publictagcloud'));
array('action' => 'tagrss'),
array('tag' => self::REGEX_TAG));
array('action' => 'tag'),
array('tag' => self::REGEX_TAG));
array('action' => 'peopletag'),
array('tag' => self::REGEX_TAG));
// groups
$m->connect('group/new', array('action' => 'newgroup'));
foreach (array('edit', 'join', 'leave', 'delete') as $v) {
array('action' => $v.'group'),
array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT));
array('action' => $v.'group'),
array('id' => '[0-9]+'));
foreach (array('members', 'logo', 'rss', 'designsettings') as $n) {
array('action' => 'group'.$n),
array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT));
array('action' => 'foafgroup'),
array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT));
array('action' => 'blockedfromgroup'),
array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT));
array('action' => 'makeadmin'),
array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT));
array('action' => 'groupbyid'),
array('id' => '[0-9]+'));
array('action' => 'showgroup'),
array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT));
$m->connect('group/', array('action' => 'groups'));
$m->connect('group', array('action' => 'groups'));
$m->connect('groups/', array('action' => 'groups'));
$m->connect('groups', array('action' => 'groups'));
// Twitter-compatible API
// statuses API
array('action' => 'ApiTimelinePublic',
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom|as)'));
array('action' => 'ApiTimelineFriends',
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom|as)'));
array('action' => 'ApiTimelineFriends',
'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom|as)'));
array('action' => 'ApiTimelineHome',
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom|as)'));
array('action' => 'ApiTimelineHome',
'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom|as)'));
array('action' => 'ApiTimelineUser',
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom|as)'));
array('action' => 'ApiTimelineUser',
'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom|as)'));
array('action' => 'ApiTimelineMentions',
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom|as)'));
array('action' => 'ApiTimelineMentions',
'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom|as)'));
array('action' => 'ApiTimelineMentions',
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom|as)'));
array('action' => 'ApiTimelineMentions',
'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom|as)'));
array('action' => 'ApiTimelineRetweetedByMe',
'format' => '(xml|json|atom|as)'));
array('action' => 'ApiTimelineRetweetedToMe',
'format' => '(xml|json|atom|as)'));
array('action' => 'ApiTimelineRetweetsOfMe',
'format' => '(xml|json|atom|as)'));
array('action' => 'ApiUserFriends',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiUserFriends',
'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiUserFollowers',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiUserFollowers',
'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiStatusesShow',
'format' => '(xml|json|atom)'));
array('action' => 'ApiStatusesShow',
'id' => '[0-9]+',
'format' => '(xml|json|atom)'));
array('action' => 'ApiStatusesUpdate',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiStatusesDestroy',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiStatusesDestroy',
'id' => '[0-9]+',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiStatusesRetweet',
'id' => '[0-9]+',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiStatusesRetweets',
'id' => '[0-9]+',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
// users
array('action' => 'ApiUserShow',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiUserShow',
'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiUserProfileImage',
'screen_name' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
// direct messages
array('action' => 'ApiDirectMessage',
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom)'));
array('action' => 'ApiDirectMessage',
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom)',
'sent' => true));
array('action' => 'ApiDirectMessageNew',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
// friendships
array('action' => 'ApiFriendshipsShow',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiFriendshipsExists',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiFriendshipsCreate',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiFriendshipsDestroy',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiFriendshipsCreate',
'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiFriendshipsDestroy',
'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
// Social graph
array('action' => 'ApiUserFriends',
'ids_only' => true));
array('action' => 'ApiUserFollowers',
'ids_only' => true));
array('action' => 'ApiUserFriends',
'ids_only' => true));
array('action' => 'ApiUserFollowers',
'ids_only' => true));
// account
array('action' => 'ApiAccountVerifyCredentials'));
array('action' => 'ApiAccountUpdateProfile'));
array('action' => 'ApiAccountUpdateProfileImage'));
array('action' => 'ApiAccountUpdateProfileBackgroundImage'));
array('action' => 'ApiAccountUpdateProfileColors'));
array('action' => 'ApiAccountUpdateDeliveryDevice'));
// special case where verify_credentials is called w/out a format
array('action' => 'ApiAccountVerifyCredentials'));
array('action' => 'ApiAccountRateLimitStatus'));
// favorites
array('action' => 'ApiTimelineFavorites',
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom|as)'));
array('action' => 'ApiTimelineFavorites',
'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom|as)'));
array('action' => 'ApiFavoriteCreate',
'id' => '[0-9]+',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiFavoriteDestroy',
'id' => '[0-9]+',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
// blocks
array('action' => 'ApiBlockCreate',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiBlockCreate',
'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiBlockDestroy',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiBlockDestroy',
'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
// help
array('action' => 'ApiHelpTest',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
// statusnet
array('action' => 'ApiStatusnetVersion',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiStatusnetConfig',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
// For older methods, we provide "laconica" base action
array('action' => 'ApiStatusnetVersion',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiStatusnetConfig',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
// Groups and tags are newer than 0.8.1 so no backward-compatibility
// necessary
// Groups
//'list' has to be handled differently, as php will not allow a method to be named 'list'
array('action' => 'ApiTimelineGroup',
'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom|as)'));
array('action' => 'ApiGroupShow',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiGroupShow',
'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiGroupJoin',
'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiGroupJoin',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiGroupLeave',
'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiGroupLeave',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiGroupIsMember',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiGroupList',
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom)'));
array('action' => 'ApiGroupList',
'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom)'));
array('action' => 'ApiGroupListAll',
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom)'));
array('action' => 'ApiGroupMembership',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiGroupMembership',
'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiGroupCreate',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
// Tags
array('action' => 'ApiTimelineTag',
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom|as)'));
// media related
array('action' => 'ApiMediaUpload')
// search
$m->connect('api/search.atom', array('action' => 'ApiSearchAtom'));
$m->connect('api/search.json', array('action' => 'ApiSearchJSON'));
$m->connect('api/trends.json', array('action' => 'ApiTrends'));
array('action' => 'ApiOauthRequestToken'));
array('action' => 'ApiOauthAccessToken'));
array('action' => 'ApiOauthAuthorize'));
// Admin
$m->connect('admin/site', array('action' => 'siteadminpanel'));
$m->connect('admin/design', array('action' => 'designadminpanel'));
$m->connect('admin/user', array('action' => 'useradminpanel'));
$m->connect('admin/access', array('action' => 'accessadminpanel'));
$m->connect('admin/paths', array('action' => 'pathsadminpanel'));
$m->connect('admin/sessions', array('action' => 'sessionsadminpanel'));
$m->connect('admin/sitenotice', array('action' => 'sitenoticeadminpanel'));
$m->connect('admin/snapshot', array('action' => 'snapshotadminpanel'));
$m->connect('admin/license', array('action' => 'licenseadminpanel'));
array('action' => 'getfile'),
array('filename' => '[A-Za-z0-9._-]+'));
// In the "root"
if (common_config('singleuser', 'enabled')) {
$nickname = User::singleUserNickname();
foreach (array('subscriptions', 'subscribers',
'all', 'foaf', 'xrds',
'replies', 'microsummary', 'hcard') as $a) {
array('action' => $a,
'nickname' => $nickname));
foreach (array('subscriptions', 'subscribers') as $a) {
array('action' => $a,
'nickname' => $nickname),
array('tag' => self::REGEX_TAG));
foreach (array('rss', 'groups') as $a) {
array('action' => 'user'.$a,
'nickname' => $nickname));
foreach (array('all', 'replies', 'favorites') as $a) {
array('action' => $a.'rss',
'nickname' => $nickname));
array('action' => 'showfavorites',
'nickname' => $nickname));
array('action' => 'avatarbynickname',
'nickname' => $nickname),
array('size' => '(original|96|48|24)'));
array('action' => 'userrss',
'nickname' => $nickname),
array('tag' => self::REGEX_TAG));
array('action' => 'showstream',
'nickname' => $nickname),
array('tag' => self::REGEX_TAG));
array('action' => 'rsd',
'nickname' => $nickname));
array('action' => 'showstream',
'nickname' => $nickname));
} else {
$m->connect('', array('action' => 'public'));
$m->connect('rss', array('action' => 'publicrss'));
$m->connect('featuredrss', array('action' => 'featuredrss'));
$m->connect('favoritedrss', array('action' => 'favoritedrss'));
$m->connect('featured/', array('action' => 'featured'));
$m->connect('featured', array('action' => 'featured'));
$m->connect('favorited/', array('action' => 'favorited'));
$m->connect('favorited', array('action' => 'favorited'));
$m->connect('rsd.xml', array('action' => 'rsd'));
foreach (array('subscriptions', 'subscribers',
'nudge', 'all', 'foaf', 'xrds',
'replies', 'inbox', 'outbox', 'microsummary', 'hcard') as $a) {
array('action' => $a),
array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT));
foreach (array('subscriptions', 'subscribers') as $a) {
array('action' => $a),
array('tag' => self::REGEX_TAG,
'nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT));
foreach (array('rss', 'groups') as $a) {
array('action' => 'user'.$a),
array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT));
foreach (array('all', 'replies', 'favorites') as $a) {
array('action' => $a.'rss'),
array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT));
array('action' => 'showfavorites'),
array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT));
array('action' => 'avatarbynickname'),
array('size' => '(original|96|48|24)',
'nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT));
array('action' => 'userrss'),
array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT),
array('tag' => self::REGEX_TAG));
array('action' => 'showstream'),
array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT),
array('tag' => self::REGEX_TAG));
array('action' => 'rsd'),
array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT));
array('action' => 'showstream'),
array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT));
// AtomPub API
array('action' => 'ApiAtomService'),
array('id' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT));
array('action' => 'ApiAtomService'));
array('action' => 'AtomPubShowSubscription'),
array('subscriber' => '[0-9]+',
'subscribed' => '[0-9]+'));
array('action' => 'AtomPubSubscriptionFeed'),
array('subscriber' => '[0-9]+'));
array('action' => 'AtomPubShowFavorite'),
array('profile' => '[0-9]+',
'notice' => '[0-9]+'));
array('action' => 'AtomPubFavoriteFeed'),
array('profile' => '[0-9]+'));
array('action' => 'AtomPubShowMembership'),
array('profile' => '[0-9]+',
'group' => '[0-9]+'));
array('action' => 'AtomPubMembershipFeed'),
array('profile' => '[0-9]+'));
// user stuff
Event::handle('RouterInitialized', array($m));
return $m;
function map($path)
try {
$match = $this->m->match($path);
} catch (Net_URL_Mapper_InvalidException $e) {
common_log(LOG_ERR, "Problem getting route for $path - " .
// TRANS: Client error on action trying to visit a non-existing page.
$cac = new ClientErrorAction(_('Page not found.'), 404);
return $match;
function build($action, $args=null, $params=null, $fragment=null)
$action_arg = array('action' => $action);
if ($args) {
$args = array_merge($action_arg, $args);
} else {
$args = $action_arg;
$url = $this->m->generate($args, $params, $fragment);
// Due to a bug in the Net_URL_Mapper code, the returned URL may
// contain a malformed query of the form ?p1=v1?p2=v2?p3=v3. We
// repair that here rather than modifying the upstream code...
$qpos = strpos($url, '?');
if ($qpos !== false) {
$url = substr($url, 0, $qpos+1) .
str_replace('?', '&', substr($url, $qpos+1));
// @fixme this is a hacky workaround for http_build_query in the
// lower-level code and bad configs that set the default separator
// to &amp; instead of &. Encoded &s in parameters will not be
// affected.
$url = substr($url, 0, $qpos+1) .
str_replace('&amp;', '&', substr($url, $qpos+1));
return $url;