2020-08-07 23:42:38 +01:00

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Review Alexandru 2008-05-08
[X] Regarding feature request #8529 (a du -s implementation). The documentation
for ezcBaseFile::findRecursive() says that you can supply an empty array
as the 4th argument to get the statistics.
If I pass for example $stats which I initialized with array() before, then
I get notices: "Undefined index: count in /home/as/dev/ezcomponents/trunk/Base/src/file.php
on line 139", and the same notice for index "size".
Also the documentation does not mention that you need to pass a variable and not
a value - if I pass array() as the 4th argument I get the error "Cannot pass
parameter 4 by reference"
If I pass $stats which I initialize with null, false or empty string before,
then the function works.
Also all the file recursive tests fail on Windows (slash issues mostly).
[X] Regarding feature request #11506 (method ezcBase::getInstallationPath()). On
Linux it returns the path without any slash at the end, but on Windows (Vista)
it adds a Windows slash at the end.