Diogo Cordeiro 4eb4a2de00 [ActivityPub] Fix some bugs with onStartNoticeSearch
Refactored Activitypub_profile::ensure_web_finger to Activitypub_profile::ensure_webfinger
Do not throw exceptions in the handling of this event because we don't
want to stop the regular search just because we were unable to find
ActivityPub actors or notes.
2019-09-13 18:10:20 +01:00

490 lines
19 KiB

// This file is part of GNU social - https://www.gnu.org/software/social
// GNU social is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// GNU social is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with GNU social. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* ActivityPub implementation for GNU social
* @package GNUsocial
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <diogo@fc.up.pt>
* @copyright 2018-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc http://www.fsf.org
* @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html GNU AGPL v3 or later
* @link http://www.gnu.org/software/social/
defined('GNUSOCIAL') || die();
* ActivityPub's own Explorer
* Allows to discovery new (or the same) Profiles (both local or remote)
* @category Plugin
* @package GNUsocial
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <diogo@fc.up.pt>
* @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html GNU AGPL v3 or later
class Activitypub_explorer
private $discovered_actor_profiles = [];
* Shortcut function to get a single profile from its URL.
* @param string $url
* @param bool $grab_online whether to try online grabbing, defaults to true
* @return Profile
* @throws HTTP_Request2_Exception
* @throws NoProfileException
* @throws ServerException
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <diogo@fc.up.pt>
public static function get_profile_from_url($url, $grab_online = true)
$discovery = new Activitypub_explorer;
// Get valid Actor object
$actor_profile = $discovery->lookup($url, $grab_online);
if (!empty($actor_profile)) {
return $actor_profile[0];
throw new Exception('Invalid Actor.');
* Get every profile from the given URL
* This function cleans the $this->discovered_actor_profiles array
* so that there is no erroneous data
* @param string $url User's url
* @param bool $grab_online whether to try online grabbing, defaults to true
* @return array of Profile objects
* @throws HTTP_Request2_Exception
* @throws NoProfileException
* @throws ServerException
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <diogo@fc.up.pt>
public function lookup(string $url, bool $grab_online = true)
if (in_array($url, ACTIVITYPUB_PUBLIC_TO)) {
return [];
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Started now looking for '.$url);
$this->discovered_actor_profiles = [];
return $this->_lookup($url, $grab_online);
* Get every profile from the given URL
* This is a recursive function that will accumulate the results on
* $discovered_actor_profiles array
* @param string $url User's url
* @param bool $grab_online whether to try online grabbing, defaults to true
* @return array of Profile objects
* @throws HTTP_Request2_Exception
* @throws NoProfileException
* @throws ServerException
* @throws Exception
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <diogo@fc.up.pt>
private function _lookup(string $url, bool $grab_online = true)
$grab_local = $this->grab_local_user($url);
// First check if we already have it locally and, if so, return it.
// If the local fetch fails and remote grab is required: store locally and return.
if (!$grab_local && (!$grab_online || !$this->grab_remote_user($url))) {
throw new Exception('User not found.');
return $this->discovered_actor_profiles;
* This ensures that we are using a valid ActivityPub URI
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <diogo@fc.up.pt>
* @param string $url
* @return boolean success state (related to the response)
* @throws Exception (If the HTTP request fails)
private function ensure_proper_remote_uri($url)
$client = new HTTPClient();
$headers = [];
$headers[] = 'Accept: application/ld+json; profile="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"';
$headers[] = 'User-Agent: GNUSocialBot v0.1 - https://gnu.io/social';
$response = $client->get($url, $headers);
$res = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);
if (self::validate_remote_response($res)) {
$this->temp_res = $res;
return true;
} else {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Invalid potential remote actor while ensuring URI: '.$url. '. He returned the following: '.json_encode($res, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES));
return false;
* Get a local user profile from its URL and joins it on
* $this->discovered_actor_profiles
* @param string $uri Actor's uri
* @param bool $online
* @return boolean success state
* @throws NoProfileException
* @throws Exception
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <diogo@fc.up.pt>
private function grab_local_user($uri, $online = false)
if ($online) {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Searching locally for '.$uri. ' with online resources.');
} else {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Searching locally for '.$uri. ' offline.');
// Ensure proper remote URI
// If an exception occurs here it's better to just leave everything
// break than to continue processing
if ($online && $this->ensure_proper_remote_uri($uri)) {
$uri = $this->temp_res["id"];
// Try standard ActivityPub route
// Is this a known filthy little mudblood?
$aprofile = self::get_aprofile_by_url($uri);
if ($aprofile instanceof Activitypub_profile) {
$profile = $aprofile->local_profile();
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Found a local Aprofile for '.$uri);
// We found something!
$this->discovered_actor_profiles[]= $profile;
unset($this->temp_res); // IMPORTANT to avoid _dangerous_ noise in the Explorer system
return true;
} else {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Unable to find a local Aprofile for '.$uri.' - looking for a Profile instead.');
// Well, maybe it is a pure blood?
// Iff, we are in the same instance:
try {
$profile = Profile::getByID(intval(substr($uri, $ACTIVITYPUB_BASE_ACTOR_URI_length)));
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Found a Profile for '.$uri);
// We found something!
$this->discovered_actor_profiles[]= $profile;
unset($this->temp_res); // IMPORTANT to avoid _dangerous_ noise in the Explorer system
return true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Let the exception go on its merry way.
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Unable to find a Profile for '.$uri);
// If offline grabbing failed, attempt again with online resources
if (!$online) {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Will try everything again with online resources against: '.$uri);
return $this->grab_local_user($uri, true);
return false;
* Get a remote user(s) profile(s) from its URL and joins it on
* $this->discovered_actor_profiles
* @param string $url User's url
* @return boolean success state
* @throws HTTP_Request2_Exception
* @throws NoProfileException
* @throws ServerException
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <diogo@fc.up.pt>
private function grab_remote_user($url)
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Trying to grab a remote actor for '.$url);
if (!isset($this->temp_res)) {
$client = new HTTPClient();
$headers = [];
$headers[] = 'Accept: application/ld+json; profile="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"';
$headers[] = 'User-Agent: GNUSocialBot v0.1 - https://gnu.io/social';
$response = $client->get($url, $headers);
$res = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);
} else {
$res = $this->temp_res;
if (isset($res['type']) && $res['type'] === 'OrderedCollection' && isset($res['first'])) { // It's a potential collection of actors!!!
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Found a collection of actors for '.$url);
return true;
} elseif (self::validate_remote_response($res)) {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Found a valid remote actor for '.$url);
$this->discovered_actor_profiles[]= $this->store_profile($res);
return true;
} else {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Invalid potential remote actor while grabbing remotely: '.$url. '. He returned the following: '.json_encode($res, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES));
// TODO: Fallback to OStatus
return false;
* Save remote user profile in local instance
* @param array $res remote response
* @return Profile remote Profile object
* @throws NoProfileException
* @throws ServerException
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <diogo@fc.up.pt>
private function store_profile($res)
// ActivityPub Profile
$aprofile = new Activitypub_profile;
$aprofile->uri = $res['id'];
$aprofile->nickname = $res['preferredUsername'];
$aprofile->fullname = isset($res['name']) ? $res['name'] : null;
$aprofile->bio = isset($res['summary']) ? substr(strip_tags($res['summary']), 0, 1000) : null;
$aprofile->inboxuri = $res['inbox'];
$aprofile->sharedInboxuri = isset($res['endpoints']['sharedInbox']) ? $res['endpoints']['sharedInbox'] : $res['inbox'];
$profile = $aprofile->local_profile();
// Public Key
$apRSA = new Activitypub_rsa();
$apRSA->profile_id = $profile->getID();
$apRSA->public_key = $res['publicKey']['publicKeyPem'];
// Avatar
if (isset($res['icon']['url'])) {
try {
$this->update_avatar($profile, $res['icon']['url']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Let the exception go, it isn't a serious issue
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: An error ocurred while grabbing remote avatar: '.$e->getMessage());
return $profile;
* Download and update given avatar image
* @author GNU social
* @param Profile $profile
* @param string $url
* @return Avatar The Avatar we have on disk.
* @throws Exception in various failure cases
public static function update_avatar(Profile $profile, $url)
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Started grabbing remote avatar from: '.$url);
if (!filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
// TRANS: Server exception. %s is a URL.
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Failed because it is an invalid url: '.$url);
throw new ServerException(sprintf('Invalid avatar URL %s.', $url));
// @todo FIXME: This should be better encapsulated
// ripped from oauthstore.php (for old OMB client)
$temp_filename = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'listener_avatar');
try {
$imgData = HTTPClient::quickGet($url);
// Make sure it's at least an image file. ImageFile can do the rest.
if (false === getimagesizefromstring($imgData)) {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Failed because the downloaded avatar: '.$url. 'is not a valid image.');
throw new UnsupportedMediaException('Downloaded avatar was not an image.');
file_put_contents($temp_filename, $imgData);
unset($imgData); // No need to carry this in memory.
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Stored dowloaded avatar in: '.$temp_filename);
$id = $profile->getID();
$imagefile = new ImageFile(null, $temp_filename);
$filename = Avatar::filename(
rename($temp_filename, Avatar::path($filename));
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Moved avatar from: '.$temp_filename.' to '.$filename);
} catch (Exception $e) {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Something went wrong while processing the avatar from: '.$url.' details: '.$e->getMessage());
throw $e;
// @todo FIXME: Hardcoded chmod is lame, but seems to be necessary to
// keep from accidentally saving images from command-line (queues)
// that can't be read from web server, which causes hard-to-notice
// problems later on:
// http://status.net/open-source/issues/2663
chmod(Avatar::path($filename), 0644);
$orig = clone($profile);
$profile->avatar = $url;
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Seted Avatar from: '.$url.' to profile.');
return Avatar::getUploaded($profile);
* Validates a remote response in order to determine whether this
* response is a valid profile or not
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <diogo@fc.up.pt>
* @param array $res remote response
* @return boolean success state
public static function validate_remote_response($res)
if (!isset($res['id'], $res['preferredUsername'], $res['inbox'], $res['publicKey']['publicKeyPem'])) {
return false;
return true;
* Get a ActivityPub Profile from it's uri
* Unfortunately GNU social cache is not truly reliable when handling
* potential ActivityPub remote profiles, as so it is important to use
* this hacky workaround (at least for now)
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <diogo@fc.up.pt>
* @param string $v URL
* @return boolean|Activitypub_profile false if fails | Aprofile object if successful
public static function get_aprofile_by_url($v)
$i = Managed_DataObject::getcached("Activitypub_profile", "uri", $v);
if (empty($i)) { // false = cache miss
$i = new Activitypub_profile;
$result = $i->get("uri", $v);
if ($result) {
// Hit!
} else {
return false;
return $i;
* Given a valid actor profile url returns its inboxes
* @param string $url of Actor profile
* @return boolean|array false if fails | array with inbox and shared inbox if successful
* @throws HTTP_Request2_Exception
* @throws Exception
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <diogo@fc.up.pt>
public static function get_actor_inboxes_uri($url)
$client = new HTTPClient();
$headers = [];
$headers[] = 'Accept: application/ld+json; profile="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"';
$headers[] = 'User-Agent: GNUSocialBot ' . GNUSOCIAL_VERSION . ' - https://gnu.io/social';
$response = $client->get($url, $headers);
if (!$response->isOk()) {
throw new Exception('Invalid Actor URL.');
$res = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);
if (self::validate_remote_response($res)) {
return [
'inbox' => $res['inbox'],
'sharedInbox' => isset($res['endpoints']['sharedInbox']) ? $res['endpoints']['sharedInbox'] : $res['inbox']
return false;
* Allows the Explorer to transverse a collection of persons.
* @param string $url
* @return boolean
* @throws HTTP_Request2_Exception
* @throws NoProfileException
* @throws ServerException
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <diogo@fc.up.pt>
private function travel_collection($url)
$client = new HTTPClient();
$headers = [];
$headers[] = 'Accept: application/ld+json; profile="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"';
$headers[] = 'User-Agent: GNUSocialBot v0.1 - https://gnu.io/social';
$response = $client->get($url, $headers);
$res = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);
if (!isset($res['orderedItems'])) {
return false;
foreach ($res["orderedItems"] as $profile) {
if ($this->_lookup($profile) == false) {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Found an invalid actor for '.$profile);
// TODO: Invalid actor found, fallback to OStatus
// Go through entire collection
if (!is_null($res["next"])) {
return true;
* Get a remote user array from its URL (this function is only used for
* profile updating and shall not be used for anything else)
* @param string $url User's url
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <diogo@fc.up.pt>
public static function get_remote_user_activity($url)
$client = new HTTPClient();
$headers = [];
$headers[] = 'Accept: application/ld+json; profile="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"';
$headers[] = 'User-Agent: GNUSocialBot v0.1 - https://gnu.io/social';
$response = $client->get($url, $headers);
$res = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);
if (Activitypub_explorer::validate_remote_response($res)) {
common_debug('ActivityPub Explorer: Found a valid remote actor for '.$url);
return $res;
throw new Exception('ActivityPub Explorer: Failed to get activity.');