Evan Prodromou 1d4f1f6bf6 add standard directories
Added some of the standard directories

2008-05-06 11:17:29 -04:00

3009 lines
86 KiB

# French translations for Laconica package
# Traductions françaises du paquet Laconica.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Laconica package.
# Florian Birée <florian@biree.name>, 2008.
# For translation choices and other informations, please read
# <http://dev.filyb.info/laconica/wiki/french-translation>
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 0.43\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-08-17 11:01-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-07-13 22:49+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Florian Birée <florian@biree.name>\n"
"Language-Team: French\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#: ../actions/noticesearchrss.php:64
#, php-format
msgid " Search Stream for \"%s\""
msgstr " Flux de recherche pour « %s »"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:82 ../actions/register.php:193
msgid ""
" except this private data: password, email address, IM address, phone "
msgstr ""
" à l'exception de données personnelles telles que les mots de passe, "
"adressesemail, adresses de messagerie instantanée et numéros de "
#: ../actions/subscribe.php:84
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s is now listening to your notices on %2$s."
msgstr "%1$s est désormais à l'écoute de vos messages sur %2$s."
#: ../actions/subscribe.php:86
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s is now listening to your notices on %2$s.\n"
"Faithfully yours,\n"
msgstr ""
"%1$s est désormais à l'écoute de vos messages sur %2$s.\n"
"Salutations distinguées,\n"
#: ../actions/shownotice.php:45
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s's status on %2$s"
msgstr "Statut de %1$s sur %2$s"
#: ../actions/publicrss.php:60
#, php-format
msgid "%s Public Stream"
msgstr "Flux public de %s"
#: ../actions/all.php:47 ../actions/allrss.php:70 ../lib/stream.php:45
#, php-format
msgid "%s and friends"
msgstr "%s et ses connaissances"
#: ../lib/util.php:233
#, php-format
msgid ""
"**%%site.name%%** is a microblogging service brought to you by "
"[%%site.broughtby%%](%%site.broughtbyurl%%). "
msgstr ""
"**%%site.name%%** est un service de microblog is a microblogging service "
"quivous est proposé par [%%site.broughtby%%](%%site.broughtbyurl%%). "
#: ../lib/util.php:235
#, php-format
msgid "**%%site.name%%** is a microblogging service. "
msgstr "**%%site.name%%** est un service de microblog. "
#: ../lib/util.php:250
msgid ". Contributors should be attributed by full name or nickname."
msgstr ". Les contributeurs doivent être cités par leur nom ou leur surnom."
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:73 ../actions/profilesettings.php:43
#: ../actions/register.php:176
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces"
msgstr "1 à 64 lettres minuscules ou chiffres, sans ponctuation ni espaces"
#: ../actions/password.php:42 ../actions/register.php:178
msgid "6 or more characters"
msgstr "6 caractères ou plus"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:165
msgid "6 or more characters, and don't forget it!"
msgstr "6 caractères ou plus, et ne l'oubliez pas !'"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:188
#, php-format
msgid ""
"A confirmation code was sent to the IM address you added. You must approve "
"%s for sending messages to you."
msgstr ""
"Un code de confirmation a été envoyé à l'adresse que vous avez ajouté. "
"Vousdevez approuver %s pour qu'il vous envoie des messages."
#: ../lib/util.php:296
msgid "About"
msgstr "À propos"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:118
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Accepter"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:64 ../actions/openidsettings.php:57
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Ajouter"
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:43
msgid "Add OpenID"
msgstr "Ajouter un OpenID"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:39
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresse"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:254
msgid "All subscriptions"
msgstr "Toutes les inscriptions"
#: ../actions/publicrss.php:62
#, php-format
msgid "All updates for %s"
msgstr "Toutes les mises à jour pour %s"
#: ../actions/noticesearchrss.php:66
#, php-format
msgid "All updates matching search term \"%s\""
msgstr "Toutes les mises à jour correspondantes aux termes cherchés « %s »"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:29 ../actions/login.php:27
#: ../actions/openidlogin.php:29 ../actions/register.php:28
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Déjà connecté."
#: ../actions/subscribe.php:48
msgid "Already subscribed!."
msgstr "Déjà enregistré !"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:76
msgid "Authorize subscription"
msgstr "Inscription autorisée"
#: ../actions/login.php:100 ../actions/register.php:184
msgid "Automatically login in the future; not for shared computers!"
msgstr ""
"Se reconnecter automatiquement ; ne pas utiliser sur un ordinateurpartagé "
#: ../actions/avatar.php:32
msgid "Avatar"
msgstr "Avatar"
#: ../actions/avatar.php:113
msgid "Avatar updated."
msgstr "Avatar mis à jour."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:55
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Awaiting confirmation on this address. Check your Jabber/GTalk account for a "
"message with further instructions. (Did you add %s to your buddy list?)"
msgstr ""
"En attente d'une confirmation pour cette adresse. Vérifiez votre "
"compteJabber/GTalk pour recevoir un message avec les instructions "
"suivantes.(Avez-vous ajouté %s à votre liste de contacts ?)"
#: ../lib/util.php:1136
msgid "Before »"
msgstr "Avant »"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:52
msgid "Bio"
msgstr "Bio"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:93 ../actions/updateprofile.php:102
msgid "Bio is too long (max 140 chars)."
msgstr "La bio est trop longue (140 caractères max)."
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:118
#, php-format
msgid "Can't read avatar URL '%s'"
msgstr "Impossible de lire l'URL de l'avatar '%s'"
#: ../actions/password.php:85 ../actions/recoverpassword.php:261
msgid "Can't save new password."
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer le nouveau mot de passe."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:59
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
#: ../lib/openid.php:121
msgid "Cannot instantiate OpenID consumer object."
msgstr "Impossible d'instancier l'objet client pour OpenID"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:154
msgid "Cannot normalize that Jabber ID"
msgstr "Impossible de normaliser cet identifiant Jabber"
#: ../actions/password.php:45
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Changer"
#: ../actions/password.php:32
msgid "Change password"
msgstr "Changer de mot de passe"
#: ../actions/password.php:43 ../actions/recoverpassword.php:166
#: ../actions/register.php:179
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Confirmer"
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:84
msgid "Confirm Address"
msgstr "Confirmer l'adresse"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:213
msgid "Confirmation cancelled."
msgstr "Confirmation annulée."
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:38
msgid "Confirmation code not found."
msgstr "Code de confirmation non trouvé."
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:91
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connecter"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:86
msgid "Connect existing account"
msgstr "Connecté à un compte existant"
#: ../lib/util.php:304
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "Contact"
#: ../lib/openid.php:178
#, php-format
msgid "Could not create OpenID form: %s"
msgstr "Impossible de créer le formulaire OpenID : %s"
#: ../lib/openid.php:160
#, php-format
msgid "Could not redirect to server: %s"
msgstr "Impossible de rediriger vers le serveur : %s"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:161
msgid "Could not save avatar info"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer les informations de l'avatar"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:154
msgid "Could not save new profile info"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer les informations du nouveau profil"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:146
msgid "Couldn't confirm email."
msgstr "Impossible de confirmer l'email"
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:99
msgid "Couldn't convert request tokens to access tokens."
msgstr "Impossible de convertir les jetons de requête en jetons d'accès"
#: ../actions/subscribe.php:59
msgid "Couldn't create subscription."
msgstr "Impossible de créer l'inscription."
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:78 ../actions/imsettings.php:209
msgid "Couldn't delete email confirmation."
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer la confirmation d'email."
#: ../actions/unsubscribe.php:56
msgid "Couldn't delete subscription."
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer l'inscription."
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:125
msgid "Couldn't get a request token."
msgstr "Impossible d'obtenir le jeton de requête."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:178
msgid "Couldn't insert confirmation code."
msgstr "Impossible d'insérer le code de confirmation."
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:180
msgid "Couldn't insert new subscription."
msgstr "Impossible d'insérer une nouvelle inscription."
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:175
msgid "Couldn't save profile."
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer le profil"
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:70 ../actions/imsettings.php:129
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:234 ../actions/profilesettings.php:123
msgid "Couldn't update user."
msgstr "Impossible de mettre à jour l'utilisateur."
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:84
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Créer"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:70
msgid "Create a new user with this nickname."
msgstr "Créer un nouvel utilisateur avec ce surnom."
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:68
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Créer un nouveau compte"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:191
msgid "Creating new account for OpenID that already has a user."
msgstr "Création d'un nouveau compte pour un OpenID qui a déjà un utilisateur."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:45
msgid "Current confirmed Jabber/GTalk address."
msgstr "Adresse Jabber/GTalk actuellement confirmée."
#: ../actions/showstream.php:337
msgid "Currently"
msgstr "Actuellement"
#: ../lib/util.php:893
#, php-format
msgid "DB error inserting reply: %s"
msgstr "Erreur de base de donnée en insérant la réponse : %s"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:54
msgid "Describe yourself and your interests in 140 chars"
msgstr "Décrivez-vous et vous intérêts en 140 caractères"
#: ../actions/register.php:181
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Email"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:46
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Adresse email"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:102 ../actions/register.php:63
msgid "Email address already exists."
msgstr "L'adresse email existe déjà."
#: ../lib/mail.php:82
msgid "Email address confirmation"
msgstr "Confirmation de l'adresse email"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:176
msgid "Enter a nickname or email address."
msgstr "Entrez un surnom ou une adresse email."
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:136
msgid "Error authorizing token"
msgstr "Erreur d'autorisation de jeton"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:282
msgid "Error connecting user to OpenID."
msgstr "Erreur de connexion d'utilisateur par OpenID."
#: ../actions/finishaddopenid.php:78
msgid "Error connecting user."
msgstr "Erreur de connexion d'utilisateur."
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:151
msgid "Error inserting avatar"
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'insertion d'un avatar"
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:143
msgid "Error inserting new profile"
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'insertion d'un nouveau profil"
#: ../actions/postnotice.php:88
msgid "Error inserting notice"
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'insertion d'un message"
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:167
msgid "Error inserting remote profile"
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'insertion d'un profil distant"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:201
msgid "Error saving address confirmation."
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'enregistrement de la confirmation de l'adresse."
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:139
msgid "Error saving remote profile"
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'enregistrement d'un profil distant"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:222 ../lib/openid.php:226
msgid "Error saving the profile."
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'enregistrement du profil."
#: ../lib/openid.php:237
msgid "Error saving the user."
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'enregistrement de l'utilisateur."
#: ../actions/password.php:80
msgid "Error saving user; invalid."
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'enregistrement de l'utilisateur ; invalide."
#: ../actions/login.php:43 ../actions/login.php:69
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:268 ../actions/register.php:73
msgid "Error setting user."
msgstr "Erreur lors de la mise en place de l'utilisateur."
#: ../actions/finishaddopenid.php:83
msgid "Error updating profile"
msgstr "Erreur lors de la mise à jour du profil"
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:161
msgid "Error updating remote profile"
msgstr "Erreur lors de la mise à jour du profil distant"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:79
msgid "Error with confirmation code."
msgstr "Erreur avec le code de confirmation."
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:89
msgid "Existing nickname"
msgstr "Surnom existant"
#: ../lib/util.php:298
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "FAQ"
#: ../actions/avatar.php:115
msgid "Failed updating avatar."
msgstr "La mise à jour de l'avatar a échoué."
#: ../actions/all.php:61 ../actions/allrss.php:74
#, php-format
msgid "Feed for friends of %s"
msgstr "Fil des connaissances de %s"
#: ../actions/replies.php:61 ../actions/repliesrss.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "Feed for replies to %s"
msgstr "Fil des réponses à %s"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:44
msgid "Full name"
msgstr "Nom complet"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:90 ../actions/updateprofile.php:92
msgid "Full name is too long (max 255 chars)."
msgstr "Le nom est trop long (255 caractères max)."
#: ../lib/util.php:279
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Aise"
#: ../lib/util.php:274
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Accueil"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:49
msgid "Homepage"
msgstr "Page personnelle"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:87
msgid "Homepage is not a valid URL."
msgstr "La page personnelle n'est pas un URL valide."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:61
msgid "IM Address"
msgstr "Adresse de messagerie instantanée"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:33
msgid "IM Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres de messagerie instantanée"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:88
msgid ""
"If you already have an account, login with your username and password to "
"connect it to your OpenID."
msgstr ""
"Si vous avez déjà un compte, connectez-vous avec votre nom d'utilisateur "
"et votre mot de passe pour les relier à votre OpenID."
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:45
msgid ""
"If you want to add an OpenID to your account, enter it in the box below and "
"click \"Add\"."
msgstr ""
"Si vous voulez ajouter un OpenID à votre compte, entrez-le dans le champ "
"ci-dessous et cliquez sur « Ajouter »."
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:122
msgid ""
"If you've forgotten or lost your password, you can get a new one sent the "
"email address you have stored in your account."
msgstr ""
"Si vous avez oublié ou perdu votre mot de passe, vous pouvez en recevoir "
"unnouveau à l'adresse email que vous avez définie dans votre compte."
#: ../actions/password.php:69
msgid "Incorrect old password"
msgstr "Ancien mot de passe incorrect"
#: ../actions/login.php:63
msgid "Incorrect username or password."
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe."
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:226
msgid ""
"Instructions for recovering your password have been sent to the email "
"address registered to your account."
msgstr ""
"Les instructions pour récupérer votre mot de passe ont été envoyées à "
"l'adresse email définie dans votre compte."
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:113
#, php-format
msgid "Invalid avatar URL '%s'"
msgstr "URL d'avatar invalide : '%s'"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:97
#, php-format
msgid "Invalid homepage '%s'"
msgstr "Page personnelle invalide '%s'"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:81
#, php-format
msgid "Invalid license URL '%s'"
msgstr "URL de licence invalide '%s'"
#: ../actions/postnotice.php:61
msgid "Invalid notice content"
msgstr "Contenu du message invalide"
#: ../actions/postnotice.php:67
msgid "Invalid notice uri"
msgstr "URI du message invalide"
#: ../actions/postnotice.php:72
msgid "Invalid notice url"
msgstr "URL du message invalide"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:86
#, php-format
msgid "Invalid profile URL '%s'."
msgstr "URL du profil invalide '%s'."
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:96
msgid "Invalid profile URL (bad format)"
msgstr "URL du profil invalide (mauvais format)"
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:77
msgid "Invalid profile URL returned by server."
msgstr "URL du profil retourné par le serveur invalide."
#: ../actions/avatarbynickname.php:37
msgid "Invalid size."
msgstr "Taille invalide."
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:264 ../actions/register.php:68
#: ../actions/register.php:84
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe invalide."
#: ../lib/util.php:237
#, php-format
msgid ""
"It runs the [Laconica](http://laconi.ca/) microblogging software, version "
"%s, available under the [GNU Affero General Public License] "
msgstr ""
"Il utilise le logiciel de microblog [Laconica](http://laconi.ca/), version "
"%s, disponible sous la licence [GNU Affero General Public License] "
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:164
msgid "Jabber ID already belongs to another user."
msgstr "Cet identifiant Jabber appartient déjà à un autre utilisateur."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:63
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Jabber or GTalk address, like \"UserName@example.org\". First, make sure to "
"add %s to your buddy list in your IM client or on GTalk."
msgstr ""
"Adresse Jabber ou GTalk, comme « NomDUtilisateur@example.org ». Tout "
"d'abord,ajoutez %s à votre liste de contact dans votre client de messagerie "
"instantanée ou dans GTalk."
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:55
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Localisation"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:96 ../actions/updateprofile.php:107
msgid "Location is too long (max 255 chars)."
msgstr "La localisation est trop longue (255 caractères maximum)."
#: ../actions/login.php:93 ../actions/login.php:102
#: ../actions/openidlogin.php:68 ../lib/util.php:286
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Se connecter"
#: ../actions/openidlogin.php:44
#, php-format
msgid "Login with an [OpenID](%%doc.openid%%) account."
msgstr "Se connecter avec un compte [OpenID](%%doc.openid%%)."
#: ../actions/login.php:112
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Login with your username and password. Don't have a username yet? "
"[Register](%%action.register%%) a new account, or try "
"[OpenID](%%action.openidlogin%%). "
msgstr ""
"Connectez-vous avec votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe. Vous "
"n'avezpas encore de nom d'utilisateur ? [Créez un nouveau "
"compte](%%action.register%%), ou essayez [OpenID](%%action.openidlogin%%). "
#: ../lib/util.php:284
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Se déconnecter"
#: ../actions/login.php:106
msgid "Lost or forgotten password?"
msgstr "Mot de passe perdu ou oublié ?"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:281
msgid "Member since"
msgstr "Membre depuis"
#: ../actions/userrss.php:70
#, php-format
msgid "Microblog by %s"
msgstr "Microblog par %s"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:79 ../actions/register.php:190
msgid "My text and files are available under "
msgstr "Mes textes et fichiers sont disponibles sous "
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:71
msgid "New nickname"
msgstr "Nouveau surnom"
#: ../actions/newnotice.php:100
msgid "New notice"
msgstr "Nouveau message"
#: ../actions/password.php:41 ../actions/recoverpassword.php:164
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Nouveau mot de passe"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:275
msgid "New password successfully saved. You are now logged in."
msgstr "Nouveau mot de passe enregistré. Vous êtes à présent connecté."
#: ../actions/login.php:97 ../actions/profilesettings.php:41
#: ../actions/register.php:175
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "Surnom"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:175 ../actions/profilesettings.php:99
#: ../actions/register.php:59
msgid "Nickname already in use. Try another one."
msgstr "Surnom déjà utilisé. Essayez-en un autre."
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:165 ../actions/profilesettings.php:80
#: ../actions/register.php:57 ../actions/updateprofile.php:76
msgid "Nickname must have only lowercase letters and numbers and no spaces."
msgstr ""
"Le surnom doit n'avoir que des lettres minuscules ou des nombres, etpas "
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:170
msgid "Nickname not allowed."
msgstr "Surnom non-autorisé."
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:72
msgid "Nickname of the user you want to follow"
msgstr "Surnom de l'utilisateur à surveiller"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:147
msgid "Nickname or email"
msgstr "Surnom ou email"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:147
msgid "No Jabber ID."
msgstr "Pas d'identifiant Jabber."
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:128
msgid "No authorization request!"
msgstr "Pas de requête d'autorisation !"
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:33
msgid "No confirmation code."
msgstr "Pas de code de confirmation."
#: ../actions/newnotice.php:49
msgid "No content!"
msgstr "Pas de contenu !"
#: ../actions/userbyid.php:27
msgid "No id."
msgstr "Pas d'identifiant."
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:65
msgid "No nickname provided by remote server."
msgstr "Pas de surnom proposé par le serveur distant."
#: ../actions/avatarbynickname.php:27
msgid "No nickname."
msgstr "Pas de surnom."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:197
msgid "No pending confirmation to cancel."
msgstr "Pas de confirmation en attente à annuler."
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:72
msgid "No profile URL returned by server."
msgstr "Pas d'URL de profil retourné par le serveur."
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:189
msgid "No registered email address for that user."
msgstr "Pas d'adresse email définie pour cet utilisateur."
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:48
msgid "No request found!"
msgstr "Pas de requête trouvée !"
#: ../actions/noticesearch.php:64 ../actions/peoplesearch.php:64
msgid "No results"
msgstr "Pas de résultats"
#: ../actions/avatarbynickname.php:32
msgid "No size."
msgstr "Pas de taille."
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:135
msgid "No such OpenID."
msgstr "Il n'y a pas cet OpenID."
#: ../actions/doc.php:29
msgid "No such document."
msgstr "Il n'y a pas ce document.'"
#: ../actions/shownotice.php:32 ../actions/shownotice.php:65
msgid "No such notice."
msgstr "Il n'y a pas ce message."
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:56
msgid "No such recovery code."
msgstr "Il n'y a pas ce code de récupération."
#: ../actions/postnotice.php:56
msgid "No such subscription"
msgstr "Il n'y a pas cette inscription'"
#: ../actions/all.php:34 ../actions/allrss.php:35
#: ../actions/avatarbynickname.php:43 ../actions/foaf.php:36
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:185 ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:84
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:91 ../actions/repliesrss.php:35
#: ../actions/showstream.php:95 ../actions/subscribe.php:43
#: ../actions/unsubscribe.php:38 ../actions/userbyid.php:31
#: ../actions/userrss.php:35 ../actions/xrds.php:31 ../lib/gallery.php:53
msgid "No such user."
msgstr "Il n'y a pas cet utilisateur.'"
#: ../lib/gallery.php:76
msgid "Nobody to show!"
msgstr "Personne à montrer !"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:60
msgid "Not a recovery code."
msgstr "Pas de code de récupération."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:158
msgid "Not a valid Jabber ID"
msgstr "Ce n'est pas un identifiant Jabber valide"
#: ../lib/openid.php:131
msgid "Not a valid OpenID."
msgstr "Ce n'est pas un OpenID valide."
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:75 ../actions/register.php:53
msgid "Not a valid email address."
msgstr "Ce n'est pas une adresse email valide."
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:83 ../actions/register.php:61
msgid "Not a valid nickname."
msgstr "Ce n'est pas un surnom valide."
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:118
msgid "Not a valid profile URL (incorrect services)."
msgstr "Ce n'est pas un URL de profil valide (services incorrects)."
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:111
msgid "Not a valid profile URL (no XRDS defined)."
msgstr "Ce n'est pas un URL de profil valide (pas de XRDS défini)."
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:104
msgid "Not a valid profile URL (no YADIS document)."
msgstr "Ce n'est pas un URL de profil valide (pas de document YADIS)."
#: ../actions/avatar.php:95
msgid "Not an image or corrupt file."
msgstr "Ce n'est pas une image, ou c'est un fichier corrompu."
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:51
msgid "Not authorized."
msgstr "Non autorisé."
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:38
msgid "Not expecting this response!"
msgstr "Cette réponse n'était pas attendue !"
#: ../actions/finishaddopenid.php:29 ../actions/logout.php:28
#: ../actions/newnotice.php:29 ../actions/subscribe.php:27
#: ../actions/unsubscribe.php:24 ../lib/settingsaction.php:27
msgid "Not logged in."
msgstr "Non connecté."
#: ../actions/unsubscribe.php:43
msgid "Not subscribed!."
msgstr "Non inscrit !"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:82
#, php-format
msgid "Notice feed for %s"
msgstr "Fil des messages de %s"
#: ../actions/shownotice.php:39
msgid "Notice has no profile"
msgstr "Le message n'a pas de profil"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:297
msgid "Notices"
msgstr "Messages"
#: ../actions/password.php:39
msgid "Old password"
msgstr "Ancien mot de passe"
#: ../lib/util.php:288
msgid "OpenID"
msgstr "OpenID"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:61
msgid "OpenID Account Setup"
msgstr "Mise en place du compte OpenID"
#: ../lib/openid.php:180
msgid "OpenID Auto-Submit"
msgstr "Soumission automatique OpenID"
#: ../actions/finishaddopenid.php:99 ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:140
#: ../actions/openidlogin.php:60
msgid "OpenID Login"
msgstr "Connexion OpenID"
#: ../actions/openidlogin.php:65 ../actions/openidsettings.php:49
msgid "OpenID URL"
msgstr "URL OpenID"
#: ../actions/finishaddopenid.php:42 ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:103
msgid "OpenID authentication cancelled."
msgstr "Authentification OpenID annulée."
#: ../actions/finishaddopenid.php:46 ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:107
#, php-format
msgid "OpenID authentication failed: %s"
msgstr "L'authentification OpenID a échouée : %s'"
#: ../lib/openid.php:133
#, php-format
msgid "OpenID failure: %s"
msgstr "Erreur OpenID : %s"
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:144
msgid "OpenID removed."
msgstr "OpenID enlevé."
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:37
msgid "OpenID settings"
msgstr "Paramètres OpenID"
#: ../actions/avatar.php:84
msgid "Partial upload."
msgstr "Transfert partiel."
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:90 ../actions/login.php:98
#: ../actions/register.php:177
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Mot de passe"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:249
msgid "Password and confirmation do not match."
msgstr "Le mot de passe et sa confirmation ne correspondent pas."
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:245
msgid "Password must be 6 chars or more."
msgstr "Le mot de passe doit être de 6 caractères ou plus."
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:222 ../actions/recoverpassword.php:224
msgid "Password recovery requested"
msgstr "Récupération de mot de passe demandée"
#: ../actions/password.php:89 ../actions/recoverpassword.php:274
msgid "Password saved."
msgstr "Mot de passe enregistré."
#: ../actions/password.php:61 ../actions/register.php:65
msgid "Passwords don't match."
msgstr "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas."
#: ../actions/peoplesearch.php:33
msgid "People search"
msgstr "Rechercher des personnes"
#: ../lib/stream.php:44
msgid "Personal"
msgstr "Personnel"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:77
msgid ""
"Please check these details to make sure that you want to subscribe to this "
"user's notices. If you didn't just ask to subscribe to someone's notices, "
"click \"Cancel\"."
msgstr ""
"Veuillez vérifier ces détails pour être sûr que vous voulez vous "
"inscrire auxmessages de cet utilisateur. Si vous n'avez pas demandé à vous "
"inscrire aumessages de quelqu'un, cliquez sur « Annuler »."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:74
msgid "Post a notice when my Jabber/GTalk status changes."
msgstr "Envoyer un message quand mon statut Jabber/GTalk change."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:68
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Préférences"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:135
msgid "Preferences saved."
msgstr "Préférences enregistrées."
#: ../lib/util.php:300
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Vie privée"
#: ../actions/newnotice.php:61 ../actions/newnotice.php:69
msgid "Problem saving notice."
msgstr "Problème d'enregistrement du message."
#: ../lib/stream.php:54
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Profil"
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:73
msgid "Profile URL"
msgstr "URL du profil"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:34
msgid "Profile settings"
msgstr "Paramètres du profil"
#: ../actions/postnotice.php:51 ../actions/updateprofile.php:51
msgid "Profile unknown"
msgstr "Profil inconnu"
#: ../lib/util.php:276
msgid "Public"
msgstr "Public"
#: ../actions/public.php:54
msgid "Public Stream Feed"
msgstr "Fil du flux public"
#: ../actions/public.php:33
msgid "Public timeline"
msgstr "Évolution publique"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:151
msgid "Recover"
msgstr "Récupérer"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:141
msgid "Recover password"
msgstr "Récupérer le mot de passe"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:67
msgid "Recovery code for unknown user."
msgstr "Code de récupération d'un utilisateur inconnu."
#: ../actions/register.php:171 ../actions/register.php:195 ../lib/util.php:287
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Créer un compte"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:119
msgid "Reject"
msgstr "Rejeter"
#: ../actions/login.php:99 ../actions/register.php:183
msgid "Remember me"
msgstr "Se souvenir de moi"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:69
msgid "Remote profile with no matching profile"
msgstr "Profil distant sans profil correspondant"
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:65
msgid "Remote subscribe"
msgstr "Inscription distante"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:48 ../actions/openidsettings.php:106
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Enlever"
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:68
msgid "Remove OpenID"
msgstr "Enlever l'OpenID"
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:73
msgid ""
"Removing your only OpenID would make it impossible to log in! If you need to "
"remove it, add another OpenID first."
msgstr ""
"Enlever votre seul OpenID vous empêcherai de vous connecter ! Si vous avez "
"besoin de l'enlever, ajoutez un autre OpenID d'abord."
#: ../lib/stream.php:49
msgid "Replies"
msgstr "Réponses"
#: ../actions/replies.php:47 ../actions/repliesrss.php:76 ../lib/stream.php:50
#, php-format
msgid "Replies to %s"
msgstr "Réponses à %s"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:168
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Reset"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:158
msgid "Reset password"
msgstr "Reset du mot de passe"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:167 ../actions/register.php:180
msgid "Same as password above"
msgstr "Identique au mot de passe ci-dessus"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:76 ../actions/profilesettings.php:58
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Enregistrer"
#: ../lib/searchaction.php:73 ../lib/util.php:277
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Recherche"
#: ../actions/noticesearch.php:80
msgid "Search Stream Feed"
msgstr "Fil du flux de recherche"
#: ../actions/noticesearch.php:30
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Search for notices on %%site.name%% by their contents. Separate search terms "
"by spaces; they must be 3 characters or more."
msgstr ""
"Recherche des messages sur %%site.name%% par leur contenu. Séparez les "
"termes de la recherches par des espaces ; ils doivent être de 3 caractères "
"ou plus."
#: ../actions/peoplesearch.php:28
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Search for people on %%site.name%% by their name, location, or interests. "
"Separate the terms by spaces; they must be 3 characters or more."
msgstr ""
"Recherche de personne sur %%site.name%% par leur nom, localisation ou "
"intérêt. Séparez les termes de la recherches par des espaces ; ils "
"doivent être de 3 caractères ou plus."
#: ../lib/util.php:982
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Envoi"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:71
msgid "Send me notices through Jabber/GTalk."
msgstr "M'envoyer des messages par Jabber/GTalk."
#: ../lib/util.php:282
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:183
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Paramètres enregistrés."
#: ../actions/finishaddopenid.php:66
msgid "Someone else already has this OpenID."
msgstr "Quelqu'un d'autre a déjà cet OpenID."
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:42 ../actions/openidsettings.php:126
msgid "Something weird happened."
msgstr "Quelque chose de bizarre est arrivé."
#: ../lib/util.php:302
msgid "Source"
msgstr "Source"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:277
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Statistiques"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:182 ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:275
msgid "Stored OpenID not found."
msgstr "L'OpenID enregistré n'a pas été trouvé."
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:75 ../actions/showstream.php:172
#: ../actions/showstream.php:181
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "S'inscrire"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:294 ../actions/subscribers.php:27
msgid "Subscribers"
msgstr "Inscrits"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:309
msgid "Subscription authorized"
msgstr "Inscription autorisée"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:319
msgid "Subscription rejected"
msgstr "Inscription rejetée"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:212 ../actions/showstream.php:288
#: ../actions/subscriptions.php:27
msgid "Subscriptions"
msgstr "Inscriptions"
#: ../actions/avatar.php:87
msgid "System error uploading file."
msgstr "Erreur système en transférant le fichier."
#: ../actions/noticesearch.php:34
msgid "Text search"
msgstr "Texte cherché"
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:140
msgid "That OpenID does not belong to you."
msgstr "Cet OpenID ne vous appartient pas."
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:52
msgid "That address has already been confirmed."
msgstr "Cette adresse a déjà été confirmée."
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:43
msgid "That confirmation code is not for you!"
msgstr "Ce code de confirmation n'est pas pour vous !"
#: ../actions/avatar.php:80
msgid "That file is too big."
msgstr "Ce fichier est trop gros."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:161
msgid "That is already your Jabber ID."
msgstr "C'est déjà votre identifiant Jabber."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:224
msgid "That is not your Jabber ID."
msgstr "Ce n'est pas votre identifiant Jabber."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:201
msgid "That is the wrong IM address."
msgstr "C'est la mauvaise adresse de messagerie instantanée."
#: ../actions/newnotice.php:52
msgid "That's too long. Max notice size is 140 chars."
msgstr "C'est trop long. La taille maximale est de 140 caractères."
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:86
#, php-format
msgid "The address \"%s\" has been confirmed for your account."
msgstr "L'adresse « %s » a été confirmée pour votre compte."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:241
msgid "The address was removed."
msgstr "L'adresse a été enlevée."
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:311
msgid ""
"The subscription has been authorized, but no callback URL was passed. Check "
"with the site's instructions for details on how to authorize the "
"subscription. Your subscription token is:"
msgstr ""
"L'inscription a été autorisée, mais aucune URL de rappel n'a été "
"transmis. Vérifiez les instructions du site pour les détails à propos de "
"l'autorisation des inscriptions. Votre jeton d'inscription est :"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:321
msgid ""
"The subscription has been rejected, but no callback URL was passed. Check "
"with the site's instructions for details on how to fully reject the "
msgstr ""
"L'inscription a été rejetée, mais aucun URL de rappel n'a été transmis. "
"Vérifiez les instructions du site sur les détails pour rejeter totalement "
#: ../actions/subscribers.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "These are the people who listen to %s's notices."
msgstr "Ce sont les personnes qui suivent les messages de %s."
#: ../actions/subscribers.php:33
msgid "These are the people who listen to your notices."
msgstr "Ce sont les personnes qui suivent vos messages."
#: ../actions/subscriptions.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "These are the people whose notices %s listens to."
msgstr "Ce sont les personnes dont les messages sont suivis par %s."
#: ../actions/subscriptions.php:33
msgid "These are the people whose notices you listen to."
msgstr "Ce sont les personnes dont vous suivez les messages."
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:87
msgid "This confirmation code is too old. Please start again."
msgstr "Ce code de confirmation est trop ancien. Veuillez réessayer."
#: ../lib/openid.php:195
msgid ""
"This form should automatically submit itself. If not, click the submit "
"button to go to your OpenID provider."
msgstr ""
"Ce formulaire devrait se transmettre automatiquement. Si ce n'est pas le "
"cas, cliquez sur le bouton de soumission pour aller chez votre fournisseur "
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:56
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This is the first time you've logged into %s so we must connect your OpenID "
"to a local account. You can either create a new account, or connect with "
"your existing account, if you have one."
msgstr ""
"Ce la première fois que vous vous êtes connectés à %s, donc nous devons "
"connecter votre OpenID à un compte local. Vous pouvez soit créer un "
"nouveau compte, soit vous connectez avec un compte existant, si vous en avez "
#: ../lib/util.php:147
msgid "This page is not available in a media type you accept"
msgstr ""
"Cette page n'est pas disponible dans un type de média que vous "
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:43
#, php-format
msgid ""
"To subscribe, you can [login](%%action.login%%), or "
"[register](%%action.register%%) a new account. If you already have an "
"account on a [compatible microblogging site](%%doc.openmublog%%), enter "
"your profile URL below."
msgstr ""
"Pour s'inscrire, vous pouvez [vous connecter](%%action.login%%), ou [créer "
"unnouveau compte](%%action.register%%). Si vous avez déjà un compte sur un "
"[site de microblog compatible](%%doc.openmublog%%), entrez l'URL de votre "
"profil ci-dessous."
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:51
msgid "URL of your homepage, blog, or profile on another site"
msgstr "URL de votre page personnelle, blog, ou profil sur un autre site"
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:74
msgid "URL of your profile on another compatible microblogging service"
msgstr "URL de votre profil sur un autre service de microblog compatible"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:105 ../actions/recoverpassword.php:39
msgid "Unexpected form submission."
msgstr "Soumission de formulaire non-attendue."
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:237
msgid "Unexpected password reset."
msgstr "Reset de mot de passe non-attendu."
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:58
msgid "Unknown version of OMB protocol."
msgstr "Version inconnue du protocole OMB"
#: ../lib/util.php:245
msgid ""
"Unless otherwise specified, contents of this site are copyright by the "
"contributors and available under the "
msgstr ""
"Sauf mention contraire, les droits d'auteur du contenu de ce site "
"appartiennent aux contributeurs, et ce contenu est disponible sous la "
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:48
#, php-format
msgid "Unrecognized address type %s"
msgstr "Type d'adresse non reconnu : %s"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:193
msgid "Unsubscribe"
msgstr "Se désinscrire"
#: ../actions/postnotice.php:44 ../actions/updateprofile.php:44
msgid "Unsupported OMB version"
msgstr "Version OMB non-supportée"
#: ../actions/avatar.php:105
msgid "Unsupported image file format."
msgstr "Format de fichier d'image non-supporté."
#: ../actions/avatar.php:68
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Transfert."
#: ../actions/avatar.php:27
msgid ""
"Upload a new \"avatar\" (user image) here. You can't edit the picture after "
"you upload it, so make sure it's more or less square. It must be under the "
"site license, also. Use a picture that belongs to you and that you want to "
msgstr ""
"Transférez ici un nouvel « avatar » (image utilisateur). Vous ne pouvez "
"modifier l'image après l'envoi, alors faites en sorte qu'elle soit plus ou "
"moins carrée. Elle doit aussi être soumise à la licence du site. Utilisez "
"une image qui vous appartient et que vous voulez partager."
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:48 ../actions/register.php:182
msgid "Used only for updates, announcements, and password recovery"
msgstr ""
"Utilisé seulement pour les mises à jour, annonces et récupération de mot "
"de passe"
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:86
msgid "User being listened to doesn't exist."
msgstr "L'utilisateur à suivre n'existe pas."
#: ../actions/all.php:41 ../actions/avatarbynickname.php:48
#: ../actions/foaf.php:43 ../actions/replies.php:41
#: ../actions/showstream.php:44
msgid "User has no profile."
msgstr "L'utilisateur n'a pas de profil."
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:71
msgid "User nickname"
msgstr "Surnom de l'utilisateur"
#: ../lib/util.php:969
#, php-format
msgid "What's up, %s?"
msgstr "Quoi de neuf, %s ?"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:57
msgid "Where you are, like \"City, State (or Region), Country\""
msgstr "D'où venez-vous, par exemple « Ville, État (ou Région), Pays »"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:127
#, php-format
msgid "Wrong image type for '%s'"
msgstr "Mauvais type d'image pour '%s'"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:122
#, php-format
msgid "Wrong size image at '%s'"
msgstr "Mauvaise taille d'image pour '%s'"
#: ../actions/finishaddopenid.php:64
msgid "You already have this OpenID!"
msgstr "Vous avez déjà cet OpenID !"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:31
msgid "You are already logged in!"
msgstr "Vous êtes déjà connecté !"
#: ../actions/password.php:27
msgid "You can change your password here. Choose a good one!"
msgstr "Vous pouvez changer ici votre mot de passe. Choisissez-en un bon !"
#: ../actions/register.php:164
msgid "You can create a new account to start posting notices."
msgstr "Vous pouvez créer un compte pour commencer à envoyer des messages."
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:86
msgid ""
"You can remove an OpenID from your account by clicking the button marked "
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez enlever un OpenID de votre compte en cliquant sur le bouton « "
"Enlever »."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:28
#, php-format
msgid ""
"You can send and receive notices through Jabber/GTalk [instant "
"messages](%%doc.im%%). Configure your address and settings below."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez envoyer et recevoir des messages via [la messagerie "
"instantanée](%%doc.im%%)Jabber/GTalk. Configurez votre adresse et vos "
"paramètres ci-dessous."
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:27
msgid ""
"You can update your personal profile info here so people know more about "
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez mettre à jour les informations de votre profil personnel pour "
"que l'on en sache plus sur vous."
#: ../actions/finishremotesubscribe.php:31 ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:31
msgid "You can use the local subscription!"
msgstr "Vous pouvez utiliser l'inscription locale !"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:33 ../actions/register.php:51
msgid "You can't register if you don't agree to the license."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas vous enregistrer si vous n'acceptez pas la licence."
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:62
msgid "You did not send us that profile"
msgstr "Vous ne nous avez pas envoyé ce profil"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:134
msgid "You've been identified. Enter a new password below. "
msgstr "Vous avez été identifié. Entrez un nouveau mot de passe ci-dessous. "
#: ../actions/openidlogin.php:67
msgid "Your OpenID URL"
msgstr "Votre URL OpenID"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:149
msgid "Your nickname on this server, or your registered email address."
msgstr ""
"Votre surnom sur ce serveur, ou votre adresse email définie dans votre "
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:28
#, php-format
msgid ""
"[OpenID](%%doc.openid%%) lets you log into many sites with the same user "
"account. Manage your associated OpenIDs from here."
msgstr ""
"[OpenID](%%doc.openid%%) vous permet de vous connecter à différents sites "
"avec le même compte utilisateur. Gérez vos OpenID associés d'ici."
#: ../lib/util.php:814
msgid "a few seconds ago"
msgstr "il y a quelques secondes"
#: ../lib/util.php:826
#, php-format
msgid "about %d days ago"
msgstr "il y a environ %d jours"
#: ../lib/util.php:822
#, php-format
msgid "about %d hours ago"
msgstr "il y a environ %d heures"
#: ../lib/util.php:818
#, php-format
msgid "about %d minutes ago"
msgstr "il y a environ %d minutes"
#: ../lib/util.php:830
#, php-format
msgid "about %d months ago"
msgstr "il y a environ %d mois"
#: ../lib/util.php:824
msgid "about a day ago"
msgstr "il y a environ un jour"
#: ../lib/util.php:816
msgid "about a minute ago"
msgstr "il y a environ une minute"
#: ../lib/util.php:828
msgid "about a month ago"
msgstr "il y a environ un mois"
#: ../lib/util.php:832
msgid "about a year ago"
msgstr "il y a environ une année"
#: ../lib/util.php:820
msgid "about an hour ago"
msgstr "il y a environ une heure"
#: ../actions/noticesearch.php:126 ../actions/showstream.php:383
#: ../lib/stream.php:101
msgid "in reply to..."
msgstr "en réponse à..."
#: ../actions/noticesearch.php:133 ../actions/showstream.php:390
#: ../lib/stream.php:108
msgid "reply"
msgstr "répondre"
#: ../actions/password.php:44
msgid "same as password above"
msgstr "identique au mot de passe ci-dessus"
#: ../lib/util.php:1127
msgid "« After"
msgstr "« Après"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:82 ../actions/register.php:177
msgid ""
" except this private data: password, email address, IM address, phone "
msgstr ""
" à l'exception de données personnelles telles que les mots de passe, "
"adressesemail, adresses de messagerie instantanée et numéros de "
#: ../actions/showstream.php:400 ../lib/stream.php:105
msgid " from "
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/twitapistatuses.php:470
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s / Updates replying to %2$s"
msgstr ""
#: ../lib/mail.php:120
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s is now listening to your notices on %2$s."
msgstr "%1$s est désormais à l'écoute de vos messages sur %2$s."
#: ../lib/mail.php:122
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%1$s is now listening to your notices on %2$s.\n"
"Faithfully yours,\n"
msgstr ""
"%1$s est désormais à l'écoute de vos messages sur %2$s.\n"
"Salutations distinguées,\n"
#: ../actions/twitapistatuses.php:474
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s updates that reply to updates from %2$s / %3$s."
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/all.php:47 ../actions/allrss.php:60
#: ../actions/twitapistatuses.php:235 ../lib/stream.php:51
#, php-format
msgid "%s and friends"
msgstr "%s et ses connaissances"
#: ../actions/twitapistatuses.php:49
#, php-format
#, fuzzy
msgid "%s public timeline"
msgstr "Évolution publique"
#: ../lib/mail.php:202
#, php-format
#, fuzzy
msgid "%s status"
msgstr "Statut de %1$s sur %2$s"
#: ../actions/twitapistatuses.php:335
#, php-format
#, fuzzy
msgid "%s timeline"
msgstr "Évolution publique"
#: ../actions/twitapistatuses.php:52
#, php-format
msgid "%s updates from everyone!"
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/register.php:199
msgid ""
"(You should receive a message by email momentarily, with instructions on how "
"to confirm your email address.)"
msgstr ""
#: ../lib/util.php:256
#, php-format
msgid ""
"**%%site.name%%** is a microblogging service brought to you by "
"[%%site.broughtby%%](%%site.broughtbyurl%%). "
msgstr ""
"**%%site.name%%** est un service de microblog is a microblogging service "
"quivous est proposé par [%%site.broughtby%%](%%site.broughtbyurl%%). "
#: ../lib/util.php:258
#, php-format
msgid "**%%site.name%%** is a microblogging service. "
msgstr "**%%site.name%%** est un service de microblog. "
#: ../lib/util.php:273
msgid ". Contributors should be attributed by full name or nickname."
msgstr ". Les contributeurs doivent être cités par leur nom ou leur surnom."
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:73 ../actions/profilesettings.php:43
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces"
msgstr "1 à 64 lettres minuscules ou chiffres, sans ponctuation ni espaces"
#: ../actions/register.php:143
#, fuzzy
msgid "1-64 lowercase letters or numbers, no punctuation or spaces. Required."
msgstr "1 à 64 lettres minuscules ou chiffres, sans ponctuation ni espaces"
#: ../actions/password.php:42
msgid "6 or more characters"
msgstr "6 caractères ou plus"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:180
msgid "6 or more characters, and don't forget it!"
msgstr "6 caractères ou plus, et ne l'oubliez pas !'"
#: ../actions/register.php:145
#, fuzzy
msgid "6 or more characters. Required."
msgstr "6 caractères ou plus"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:197
#, php-format
msgid ""
"A confirmation code was sent to the IM address you added. You must approve "
"%s for sending messages to you."
msgstr ""
"Un code de confirmation a été envoyé à l'adresse que vous avez ajouté. "
"Vousdevez approuver %s pour qu'il vous envoie des messages."
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:213
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"A confirmation code was sent to the email address you added. Check your "
"inbox (and spam box!) for the code and instructions on how to use it."
msgstr ""
"Un code de confirmation a été envoyé à l'adresse que vous avez ajouté. "
"Vousdevez approuver %s pour qu'il vous envoie des messages."
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:216
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"A confirmation code was sent to the phone number you added. Check your inbox "
"(and spam box!) for the code and instructions on how to use it."
msgstr ""
"Un code de confirmation a été envoyé à l'adresse que vous avez ajouté. "
"Vousdevez approuver %s pour qu'il vous envoie des messages."
#: ../lib/util.php:321
msgid "About"
msgstr "À propos"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:119
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Accepter"
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:62 ../actions/imsettings.php:63
#: ../actions/openidsettings.php:57 ../actions/smssettings.php:71
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Ajouter"
#: ../lib/settingsaction.php:97
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add or remove OpenIDs"
msgstr "Enlever l'OpenID"
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:38 ../actions/imsettings.php:39
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:39
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresse"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:273
msgid "All subscriptions"
msgstr "Toutes les inscriptions"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:29 ../actions/login.php:31
#: ../actions/openidlogin.php:29 ../actions/register.php:30
msgid "Already logged in."
msgstr "Déjà connecté."
#: ../actions/subscribe.php:49
msgid "Already subscribed!."
msgstr "Déjà enregistré !"
#: ../actions/deletenotice.php:54
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this notice?"
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:77
msgid "Authorize subscription"
msgstr "Inscription autorisée"
#: ../actions/login.php:104 ../actions/register.php:164
msgid "Automatically login in the future; not for shared computers!"
msgstr ""
"Se reconnecter automatiquement ; ne pas utiliser sur un ordinateurpartagé "
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:65
msgid ""
"Automatically subscribe to whoever subscribes to me (best for "
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/avatar.php:32 ../lib/settingsaction.php:90
msgid "Avatar"
msgstr "Avatar"
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:54
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Awaiting confirmation on this address. Check your inbox (and spam box!) for "
"a message with further instructions."
msgstr ""
"En attente d'une confirmation pour cette adresse. Vérifiez votre "
"compteJabber/GTalk pour recevoir un message avec les instructions "
"suivantes.(Avez-vous ajouté %s à votre liste de contacts ?)"
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:58
msgid "Awaiting confirmation on this phone number."
msgstr ""
#: ../lib/util.php:1301
msgid "Before »"
msgstr "Avant »"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:49 ../actions/register.php:156
msgid "Bio"
msgstr "Bio"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:101 ../actions/register.php:78
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:103
msgid "Bio is too long (max 140 chars)."
msgstr "La bio est trop longue (140 caractères max)."
#: ../lib/deleteaction.php:41
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't delete this notice."
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer la confirmation d'email."
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:119
#, php-format
msgid "Can't read avatar URL '%s'"
msgstr "Impossible de lire l'URL de l'avatar '%s'"
#: ../actions/password.php:85 ../actions/recoverpassword.php:300
msgid "Can't save new password."
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer le nouveau mot de passe."
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:57 ../actions/imsettings.php:58
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:62
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:163
msgid "Cannot normalize that Jabber ID"
msgstr "Impossible de normaliser cet identifiant Jabber"
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:181
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot normalize that email address"
msgstr "Impossible de normaliser cet identifiant Jabber"
#: ../lib/settingsaction.php:88
msgid "Change email handling"
msgstr ""
#: ../lib/settingsaction.php:94
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change your password"
msgstr "Changer de mot de passe"
#: ../lib/settingsaction.php:85
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change your profile settings"
msgstr "Paramètres du profil"
#: ../actions/password.php:43 ../actions/recoverpassword.php:181
#: ../actions/register.php:146 ../actions/smssettings.php:65
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Confirmer"
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:86
msgid "Confirm Address"
msgstr "Confirmer l'adresse"
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:238 ../actions/imsettings.php:222
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:245
msgid "Confirmation cancelled."
msgstr "Confirmation annulée."
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:63
#, fuzzy
msgid "Confirmation code"
msgstr "Pas de code de confirmation."
#: ../actions/register.php:188
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Congratulations, %s! And welcome to %%%%site.name%%%%. From here, you may "
"want to...\n"
"* Go to [your profile](%s) and post your first message.\n"
"* Add a [Jabber/GTalk address](%%%%action.imsettings%%%%) so you can send "
"notices through instant messages.\n"
"* [Search for people](%%%%action.peoplesearch%%%%) that you may know or that "
"share your interests. \n"
"* Update your [profile settings](%%%%action.profilesettings%%%%) to tell "
"others more about you. \n"
"* Read over the [online docs](%%%%doc.help%%%%) for features you may have "
"missed. \n"
"Thanks for signing up and we hope you enjoy using this service."
msgstr ""
#: ../lib/util.php:329
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "Contact"
#: ../actions/twitapifriendships.php:48
msgid "Could not follow user: User not found."
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:162
msgid "Could not save avatar info"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer les informations de l'avatar"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:155
msgid "Could not save new profile info"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer les informations du nouveau profil"
#: ../actions/subscribe.php:62
msgid "Could not subscribe other to you."
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/subscribe.php:54
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not subscribe."
msgstr "Non inscrit !"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:102
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not update user with confirmed email address."
msgstr "Adresse Jabber/GTalk actuellement confirmée."
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:80 ../actions/emailsettings.php:234
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:218 ../actions/smssettings.php:241
msgid "Couldn't delete email confirmation."
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer la confirmation d'email."
#: ../actions/unsubscribe.php:57
msgid "Couldn't delete subscription."
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer l'inscription."
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:205 ../actions/imsettings.php:187
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:206
msgid "Couldn't insert confirmation code."
msgstr "Impossible d'insérer le code de confirmation."
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:184 ../actions/twitapiaccount.php:92
msgid "Couldn't save profile."
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer le profil"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:161
#, fuzzy
msgid "Couldn't update user for autosubscribe."
msgstr "Impossible de mettre à jour l'utilisateur."
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:280 ../actions/emailsettings.php:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Couldn't update user record."
msgstr "Impossible de mettre à jour l'utilisateur."
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:72 ../actions/emailsettings.php:156
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:259 ../actions/imsettings.php:138
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:243 ../actions/profilesettings.php:141
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:157 ../actions/smssettings.php:269
msgid "Couldn't update user."
msgstr "Impossible de mettre à jour l'utilisateur."
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:46
msgid "Current confirmed SMS-enabled phone number."
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:44
#, fuzzy
msgid "Current confirmed email address."
msgstr "Adresse Jabber/GTalk actuellement confirmée."
#: ../actions/showstream.php:356
msgid "Currently"
msgstr "Actuellement"
#: ../classes/Notice.php:72
#, php-format
#, fuzzy
msgid "DB error inserting hashtag: %s"
msgstr "Erreur de base de donnée en insérant la réponse : %s"
#: ../lib/util.php:1044
#, php-format
msgid "DB error inserting reply: %s"
msgstr "Erreur de base de donnée en insérant la réponse : %s"
#: ../actions/deletenotice.php:41
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete notice"
msgstr "Nouveau message"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:51 ../actions/register.php:158
msgid "Describe yourself and your interests in 140 chars"
msgstr "Décrivez-vous et vous intérêts en 140 caractères"
#: ../actions/register.php:148 ../lib/settingsaction.php:87
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Email"
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:59
#, fuzzy
msgid "Email Address"
msgstr "Adresse email"
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:32
#, fuzzy
msgid "Email Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres"
#: ../actions/register.php:69
msgid "Email address already exists."
msgstr "L'adresse email existe déjà."
#: ../lib/mail.php:90
msgid "Email address confirmation"
msgstr "Confirmation de l'adresse email"
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:61
msgid "Email address, like \"UserName@example.org\""
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:191
msgid "Enter a nickname or email address."
msgstr "Entrez un surnom ou une adresse email."
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:64
msgid "Enter the code you received on your phone."
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:137
msgid "Error authorizing token"
msgstr "Erreur d'autorisation de jeton"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:253
msgid "Error connecting user to OpenID."
msgstr "Erreur de connexion d'utilisateur par OpenID."
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:240
msgid "Error saving address confirmation."
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'enregistrement de la confirmation de l'adresse."
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:140
msgid "Error saving remote profile"
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'enregistrement d'un profil distant"
#: ../lib/openid.php:226
msgid "Error saving the profile."
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'enregistrement du profil."
#: ../actions/login.php:47 ../actions/login.php:73
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:307 ../actions/register.php:94
msgid "Error setting user."
msgstr "Erreur lors de la mise en place de l'utilisateur."
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:80
msgid "Error with confirmation code."
msgstr "Erreur avec le code de confirmation."
#: ../lib/util.php:323
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "FAQ"
#: ../actions/all.php:61 ../actions/allrss.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "Feed for friends of %s"
msgstr "Fil des connaissances de %s"
#: ../actions/replies.php:65 ../actions/repliesrss.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "Feed for replies to %s"
msgstr "Fil des réponses à %s"
#: ../actions/tag.php:55
#, php-format
#, fuzzy
msgid "Feed for tag %s"
msgstr "Fil des réponses à %s"
#: ../lib/searchaction.php:105
msgid "Find content of notices"
msgstr ""
#: ../lib/searchaction.php:101
msgid "Find people on this site"
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/login.php:122
msgid ""
"For security reasons, please re-enter your user name and password before "
"changing your settings."
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:44 ../actions/register.php:150
msgid "Full name"
msgstr "Nom complet"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:98 ../actions/register.php:75
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:93
msgid "Full name is too long (max 255 chars)."
msgstr "Le nom est trop long (255 caractères max)."
#: ../lib/util.php:319
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Aise"
#: ../lib/util.php:297
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Accueil"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:46 ../actions/register.php:153
msgid "Homepage"
msgstr "Page personnelle"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:95 ../actions/register.php:72
msgid "Homepage is not a valid URL."
msgstr "La page personnelle n'est pas un URL valide."
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:91
msgid "I want to post notices by email."
msgstr ""
#: ../lib/settingsaction.php:102
msgid "IM"
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:60
msgid "IM Address"
msgstr "Adresse de messagerie instantanée"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:137
msgid ""
"If you've forgotten or lost your password, you can get a new one sent the "
"email address you have stored in your account."
msgstr ""
"Si vous avez oublié ou perdu votre mot de passe, vous pouvez en recevoir "
"unnouveau à l'adresse email que vous avez définie dans votre compte."
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:67 ../actions/smssettings.php:76
msgid "Incoming email"
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incoming email address removed."
msgstr "L'adresse a été enlevée."
#: ../actions/login.php:67
msgid "Incorrect username or password."
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe."
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:265
msgid ""
"Instructions for recovering your password have been sent to the email "
"address registered to your account."
msgstr ""
"Les instructions pour récupérer votre mot de passe ont été envoyées à "
"l'adresse email définie dans votre compte."
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:114
#, php-format
msgid "Invalid avatar URL '%s'"
msgstr "URL d'avatar invalide : '%s'"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:98
#, php-format
msgid "Invalid homepage '%s'"
msgstr "Page personnelle invalide '%s'"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:82
#, php-format
msgid "Invalid license URL '%s'"
msgstr "URL de licence invalide '%s'"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:87
#, php-format
msgid "Invalid profile URL '%s'."
msgstr "URL du profil invalide '%s'."
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:235 ../actions/register.php:89
#: ../actions/register.php:107
msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe invalide."
#: ../lib/util.php:260
#, php-format
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"It runs the [Laconica](http://laconi.ca/) microblogging software, version "
"%s, available under the [GNU Affero General Public "
msgstr ""
"Il utilise le logiciel de microblog [Laconica](http://laconi.ca/), version "
"%s, disponible sous la licence [GNU Affero General Public License] "
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:173
msgid "Jabber ID already belongs to another user."
msgstr "Cet identifiant Jabber appartient déjà à un autre utilisateur."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:62
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Jabber or GTalk address, like \"UserName@example.org\". First, make sure to "
"add %s to your buddy list in your IM client or on GTalk."
msgstr ""
"Adresse Jabber ou GTalk, comme « NomDUtilisateur@example.org ». Tout "
"d'abord,ajoutez %s à votre liste de contact dans votre client de messagerie "
"instantanée ou dans GTalk."
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:57
msgid "Language"
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Language is too long (max 50 chars)."
msgstr "La localisation est trop longue (255 caractères maximum)."
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:52 ../actions/register.php:159
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Localisation"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:104 ../actions/register.php:81
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:108
msgid "Location is too long (max 255 chars)."
msgstr "La localisation est trop longue (255 caractères maximum)."
#: ../actions/login.php:97 ../actions/login.php:106
#: ../actions/openidlogin.php:68 ../lib/util.php:307
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Se connecter"
#: ../actions/login.php:126
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Login with your username and password. Don't have a username yet? "
"[Register](%%action.register%%) a new account, or try "
"[OpenID](%%action.openidlogin%%). "
msgstr ""
"Connectez-vous avec votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe. Vous "
"n'avezpas encore de nom d'utilisateur ? [Créez un nouveau "
"compte](%%action.register%%), ou essayez [OpenID](%%action.openidlogin%%). "
#: ../lib/util.php:305
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Se déconnecter"
#: ../actions/register.php:152
msgid "Longer name, preferably your \"real\" name"
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/login.php:110
msgid "Lost or forgotten password?"
msgstr "Mot de passe perdu ou oublié ?"
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:80 ../actions/smssettings.php:89
msgid "Make a new email address for posting to; cancels the old one."
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:27
#, php-format
msgid "Manage how you get email from %%site.name%%."
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/showstream.php:300
msgid "Member since"
msgstr "Membre depuis"
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:304
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Mobile carrier for your phone. If you know a carrier that accepts SMS over "
"email but isn't listed here, send email to let us know at %s."
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:79 ../actions/register.php:174
msgid "My text and files are available under "
msgstr "Mes textes et fichiers sont disponibles sous "
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:82 ../actions/smssettings.php:91
msgid "New"
msgstr ""
#: ../lib/mail.php:140
#, php-format
#, fuzzy
msgid "New email address for posting to %s"
msgstr "Pas d'adresse email définie pour cet utilisateur."
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:297
#, fuzzy
msgid "New incoming email address added."
msgstr "Ce n'est pas une adresse email valide."
#: ../actions/newnotice.php:85
msgid "New notice"
msgstr "Nouveau message"
#: ../actions/password.php:41 ../actions/recoverpassword.php:179
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Nouveau mot de passe"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:314
msgid "New password successfully saved. You are now logged in."
msgstr "Nouveau mot de passe enregistré. Vous êtes à présent connecté."
#: ../actions/login.php:101 ../actions/profilesettings.php:41
#: ../actions/register.php:142
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "Surnom"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:175 ../actions/profilesettings.php:110
#: ../actions/register.php:65
msgid "Nickname already in use. Try another one."
msgstr "Surnom déjà utilisé. Essayez-en un autre."
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:165 ../actions/profilesettings.php:88
#: ../actions/register.php:63 ../actions/updateprofile.php:77
msgid "Nickname must have only lowercase letters and numbers and no spaces."
msgstr ""
"Le surnom doit n'avoir que des lettres minuscules ou des nombres, etpas "
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:162
msgid "Nickname or email"
msgstr "Surnom ou email"
#: ../actions/deletenotice.php:59
msgid "No"
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:156
msgid "No Jabber ID."
msgstr "Pas d'identifiant Jabber."
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:129
msgid "No authorization request!"
msgstr "Pas de requête d'autorisation !"
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:181
msgid "No carrier selected."
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:316
#, fuzzy
msgid "No code entered"
msgstr "Pas de contenu !"
#: ../actions/newnotice.php:44
msgid "No content!"
msgstr "Pas de contenu !"
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "No email address."
msgstr "Adresse email"
#: ../actions/userbyid.php:32
msgid "No id."
msgstr "Pas d'identifiant."
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:271
#, fuzzy
msgid "No incoming email address."
msgstr "Ce n'est pas une adresse email valide."
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:222 ../actions/imsettings.php:206
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:229
msgid "No pending confirmation to cancel."
msgstr "Pas de confirmation en attente à annuler."
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:176
#, fuzzy
msgid "No phone number."
msgstr "Il n'y a pas cet utilisateur.'"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:226
msgid "No registered email address for that user."
msgstr "Pas d'adresse email définie pour cet utilisateur."
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:49
msgid "No request found!"
msgstr "Pas de requête trouvée !"
#: ../actions/shownotice.php:32 ../actions/shownotice.php:83
#: ../lib/deleteaction.php:30
msgid "No such notice."
msgstr "Il n'y a pas ce message."
#: ../actions/all.php:34 ../actions/allrss.php:35
#: ../actions/avatarbynickname.php:43 ../actions/foaf.php:40
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:84 ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:91
#: ../actions/replies.php:57 ../actions/repliesrss.php:35
#: ../actions/showstream.php:110 ../actions/subscribe.php:44
#: ../actions/unsubscribe.php:39 ../actions/userbyid.php:36
#: ../actions/userrss.php:35 ../actions/xrds.php:35 ../lib/gallery.php:57
msgid "No such user."
msgstr "Il n'y a pas cet utilisateur.'"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "No user with that email address or username."
msgstr "Pas d'adresse email définie pour cet utilisateur."
#: ../lib/gallery.php:80
msgid "Nobody to show!"
msgstr "Personne à montrer !"
#: ../scripts/maildaemon.php:50
#, fuzzy
msgid "Not a registered user."
msgstr "Pas de code de récupération."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:167
msgid "Not a valid Jabber ID"
msgstr "Ce n'est pas un identifiant Jabber valide"
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:185
#, fuzzy
msgid "Not a valid email address"
msgstr "Ce n'est pas une adresse email valide."
#: ../actions/register.php:59
msgid "Not a valid email address."
msgstr "Ce n'est pas une adresse email valide."
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:91 ../actions/register.php:67
msgid "Not a valid nickname."
msgstr "Ce n'est pas un surnom valide."
#: ../actions/finishaddopenid.php:29 ../actions/logout.php:33
#: ../actions/newnotice.php:29 ../actions/subscribe.php:28
#: ../actions/unsubscribe.php:25 ../lib/deleteaction.php:38
#: ../lib/settingsaction.php:27
msgid "Not logged in."
msgstr "Non connecté."
#: ../actions/unsubscribe.php:44
msgid "Not subscribed!."
msgstr "Non inscrit !"
#: ../actions/opensearch.php:35
#, fuzzy
msgid "Notice Search"
msgstr "Recherche"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:316
msgid "Notices"
msgstr "Messages"
#: ../actions/tag.php:35 ../actions/tag.php:81
#, php-format
#, fuzzy
msgid "Notices tagged with %s"
msgstr "Fil des messages de %s"
#: ../lib/settingsaction.php:96 ../lib/util.php:311
msgid "OpenID"
msgstr "OpenID"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:90 ../actions/login.php:102
#: ../actions/register.php:144 ../lib/settingsaction.php:93
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Mot de passe"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:288
msgid "Password and confirmation do not match."
msgstr "Le mot de passe et sa confirmation ne correspondent pas."
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:284
msgid "Password must be 6 chars or more."
msgstr "Le mot de passe doit être de 6 caractères ou plus."
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:261 ../actions/recoverpassword.php:263
msgid "Password recovery requested"
msgstr "Récupération de mot de passe demandée"
#: ../actions/password.php:89 ../actions/recoverpassword.php:313
msgid "Password saved."
msgstr "Mot de passe enregistré."
#: ../actions/password.php:61 ../actions/register.php:84
msgid "Passwords don't match."
msgstr "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas."
#: ../lib/searchaction.php:100
#, fuzzy
msgid "People"
msgstr "Rechercher des personnes"
#: ../actions/opensearch.php:33
#, fuzzy
msgid "People Search"
msgstr "Rechercher des personnes"
#: ../lib/stream.php:50
msgid "Personal"
msgstr "Personnel"
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:69
#, fuzzy
msgid "Phone number, no punctuation or spaces, with area code"
msgstr "1 à 64 lettres minuscules ou chiffres, sans ponctuation ni espaces"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:78
msgid ""
"Please check these details to make sure that you want to subscribe to this "
"user's notices. If you didn't just ask to subscribe to someone's notices, "
"click \"Cancel\"."
msgstr ""
"Veuillez vérifier ces détails pour être sûr que vous voulez vous "
"inscrire auxmessages de cet utilisateur. Si vous n'avez pas demandé à vous "
"inscrire aumessages de quelqu'un, cliquez sur « Annuler »."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:73
msgid "Post a notice when my Jabber/GTalk status changes."
msgstr "Envoyer un message quand mon statut Jabber/GTalk change."
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:85 ../actions/imsettings.php:67
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:94
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Préférences"
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:162 ../actions/imsettings.php:144
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:163
msgid "Preferences saved."
msgstr "Préférences enregistrées."
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:57
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preferred language"
msgstr "Préférences"
#: ../lib/util.php:325
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Vie privée"
#: ../classes/Notice.php:95 ../classes/Notice.php:102
msgid "Problem saving notice."
msgstr "Problème d'enregistrement du message."
#: ../lib/settingsaction.php:84 ../lib/stream.php:60
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Profil"
#: ../actions/postnotice.php:51 ../actions/updateprofile.php:52
msgid "Profile unknown"
msgstr "Profil inconnu"
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:79
#, fuzzy
msgid "Publish a MicroID for my Jabber/GTalk address."
msgstr "Adresse Jabber/GTalk actuellement confirmée."
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:94
#, fuzzy
msgid "Publish a MicroID for my email address."
msgstr "Entrez un surnom ou une adresse email."
#: ../actions/tag.php:75 ../actions/tag.php:76
msgid "Recent Tags"
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:166
msgid "Recover"
msgstr "Récupérer"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:156
msgid "Recover password"
msgstr "Récupérer le mot de passe"
#: ../actions/register.php:138 ../actions/register.php:179 ../lib/util.php:309
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Créer un compte"
#: ../actions/register.php:28
#, fuzzy
msgid "Registration not allowed."
msgstr "Surnom non-autorisé."
#: ../actions/register.php:186
msgid "Registration successful"
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:120
msgid "Reject"
msgstr "Rejeter"
#: ../actions/login.php:103 ../actions/register.php:162
msgid "Remember me"
msgstr "Se souvenir de moi"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:70
msgid "Remote profile with no matching profile"
msgstr "Profil distant sans profil correspondant"
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:47 ../actions/emailsettings.php:75
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:48 ../actions/openidsettings.php:106
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:50 ../actions/smssettings.php:84
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Enlever"
#: ../lib/stream.php:55
msgid "Replies"
msgstr "Réponses"
#: ../actions/replies.php:47 ../actions/repliesrss.php:76 ../lib/stream.php:56
#, php-format
msgid "Replies to %s"
msgstr "Réponses à %s"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:183
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Reset"
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:173
msgid "Reset password"
msgstr "Reset du mot de passe"
#: ../lib/settingsaction.php:99
msgid "SMS"
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:67
msgid "SMS Phone number"
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:33
#, fuzzy
msgid "SMS Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres de messagerie instantanée"
#: ../lib/mail.php:215
#, fuzzy
msgid "SMS confirmation"
msgstr "Pas de code de confirmation."
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:182
msgid "Same as password above"
msgstr "Identique au mot de passe ci-dessus"
#: ../actions/register.php:147
#, fuzzy
msgid "Same as password above. Required."
msgstr "Identique au mot de passe ci-dessus"
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:97 ../actions/imsettings.php:81
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:67 ../actions/smssettings.php:100
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Enregistrer"
#: ../lib/searchaction.php:84 ../lib/util.php:299
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Recherche"
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:296
msgid "Select a carrier"
msgstr ""
#: ../lib/util.php:1155
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Envoi"
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:73 ../actions/smssettings.php:82
msgid "Send email to this address to post new notices."
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:88
#, fuzzy
msgid "Send me notices of new subscriptions through email."
msgstr "M'envoyer des messages par Jabber/GTalk."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:70
msgid "Send me notices through Jabber/GTalk."
msgstr "M'envoyer des messages par Jabber/GTalk."
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:97
msgid ""
"Send me notices through SMS; I understand I may incur exorbitant charges "
"from my carrier."
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:76
#, fuzzy
msgid "Send me replies through Jabber/GTalk from people I'm not subscribed to."
msgstr "M'envoyer des messages par Jabber/GTalk."
#: ../lib/util.php:303
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:192
msgid "Settings saved."
msgstr "Paramètres enregistrés."
#: ../actions/tag.php:60
msgid "Showing most popular tags from the last week"
msgstr ""
#: ../scripts/maildaemon.php:58
msgid "Sorry, no incoming email allowed."
msgstr ""
#: ../scripts/maildaemon.php:54
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sorry, that is not your incoming email address."
msgstr "C'est la mauvaise adresse de messagerie instantanée."
#: ../lib/util.php:327
msgid "Source"
msgstr "Source"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:296
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Statistiques"
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:182 ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:246
msgid "Stored OpenID not found."
msgstr "L'OpenID enregistré n'a pas été trouvé."
#: ../actions/remotesubscribe.php:75 ../actions/showstream.php:188
#: ../actions/showstream.php:197
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "S'inscrire"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:313 ../actions/subscribers.php:27
msgid "Subscribers"
msgstr "Inscrits"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:310
msgid "Subscription authorized"
msgstr "Inscription autorisée"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:320
msgid "Subscription rejected"
msgstr "Inscription rejetée"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:230 ../actions/showstream.php:307
#: ../actions/subscriptions.php:27
msgid "Subscriptions"
msgstr "Inscriptions"
#: ../actions/tag.php:41 ../lib/util.php:300
msgid "Tags"
msgstr ""
#: ../lib/searchaction.php:104
msgid "Text"
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:191
#, fuzzy
msgid "That email address already belongs to another user."
msgstr "Cet identifiant Jabber appartient déjà à un autre utilisateur."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:170
msgid "That is already your Jabber ID."
msgstr "C'est déjà votre identifiant Jabber."
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:188
#, fuzzy
msgid "That is already your email address."
msgstr "C'est déjà votre identifiant Jabber."
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:188
#, fuzzy
msgid "That is already your phone number."
msgstr "C'est déjà votre identifiant Jabber."
#: ../actions/imsettings.php:233
msgid "That is not your Jabber ID."
msgstr "Ce n'est pas votre identifiant Jabber."
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:249
#, fuzzy
msgid "That is not your email address."
msgstr "C'est la mauvaise adresse de messagerie instantanée."
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:257
#, fuzzy
msgid "That is not your phone number."
msgstr "Ce n'est pas votre identifiant Jabber."
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:226 ../actions/imsettings.php:210
msgid "That is the wrong IM address."
msgstr "C'est la mauvaise adresse de messagerie instantanée."
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:233
#, fuzzy
msgid "That is the wrong confirmation number."
msgstr "C'est la mauvaise adresse de messagerie instantanée."
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:191
#, fuzzy
msgid "That phone number already belongs to another user."
msgstr "Cet identifiant Jabber appartient déjà à un autre utilisateur."
#: ../actions/newnotice.php:47
msgid "That's too long. Max notice size is 140 chars."
msgstr "C'est trop long. La taille maximale est de 140 caractères."
#: ../actions/confirmaddress.php:88
#, php-format
msgid "The address \"%s\" has been confirmed for your account."
msgstr "L'adresse « %s » a été confirmée pour votre compte."
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:264 ../actions/imsettings.php:250
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:274
msgid "The address was removed."
msgstr "L'adresse a été enlevée."
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:312
msgid ""
"The subscription has been authorized, but no callback URL was passed. Check "
"with the site's instructions for details on how to authorize the "
"subscription. Your subscription token is:"
msgstr ""
"L'inscription a été autorisée, mais aucune URL de rappel n'a été "
"transmis. Vérifiez les instructions du site pour les détails à propos de "
"l'autorisation des inscriptions. Votre jeton d'inscription est :"
#: ../actions/userauthorization.php:322
msgid ""
"The subscription has been rejected, but no callback URL was passed. Check "
"with the site's instructions for details on how to fully reject the "
msgstr ""
"L'inscription a été rejetée, mais aucun URL de rappel n'a été transmis. "
"Vérifiez les instructions du site sur les détails pour rejeter totalement "
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:88
msgid "This confirmation code is too old. Please start again."
msgstr "Ce code de confirmation est trop ancien. Veuillez réessayer."
#: ../lib/util.php:163
msgid "This page is not available in a media type you accept"
msgstr ""
"Cette page n'est pas disponible dans un type de média que vous "
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:63
msgid "Timezone"
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:107
msgid "Timezone not selected."
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/twitapifriendships.php:150
msgid "Two user ids or screen_names must be supplied."
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:48 ../actions/register.php:155
msgid "URL of your homepage, blog, or profile on another site"
msgstr "URL de votre page personnelle, blog, ou profil sur un autre site"
#: ../actions/emailsettings.php:130 ../actions/imsettings.php:110
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:39 ../actions/smssettings.php:135
msgid "Unexpected form submission."
msgstr "Soumission de formulaire non-attendue."
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:276
msgid "Unexpected password reset."
msgstr "Reset de mot de passe non-attendu."
#: ../index.php:57
msgid "Unknown action"
msgstr ""
#: ../lib/util.php:268
msgid ""
"Unless otherwise specified, contents of this site are copyright by the "
"contributors and available under the "
msgstr ""
"Sauf mention contraire, les droits d'auteur du contenu de ce site "
"appartiennent aux contributeurs, et ce contenu est disponible sous la "
#: ../actions/showstream.php:209
msgid "Unsubscribe"
msgstr "Se désinscrire"
#: ../actions/postnotice.php:44 ../actions/updateprofile.php:45
msgid "Unsupported OMB version"
msgstr "Version OMB non-supportée"
#: ../lib/twitterapi.php:248 ../lib/twitterapi.php:269
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unsupported type"
msgstr "Version OMB non-supportée"
#: ../lib/settingsaction.php:100
msgid "Updates by SMS"
msgstr ""
#: ../lib/settingsaction.php:103
msgid "Updates by instant messenger (IM)"
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/twitapistatuses.php:238
#, php-format
msgid "Updates from %1$s and friends on %2$s!"
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/twitapistatuses.php:338
#, php-format
msgid "Updates from %1$s on %2$s!"
msgstr ""
#: ../lib/settingsaction.php:91
#, fuzzy
msgid "Upload a new profile image"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer les informations du nouveau profil"
#: ../actions/register.php:149
msgid "Used only for updates, announcements, and password recovery"
msgstr ""
"Utilisé seulement pour les mises à jour, annonces et récupération de mot "
"de passe"
#: ../actions/all.php:41 ../actions/avatarbynickname.php:48
#: ../actions/foaf.php:47 ../actions/replies.php:41
#: ../actions/showstream.php:44 ../actions/twitapiaccount.php:78
#: ../actions/twitapistatuses.php:316 ../actions/twitapistatuses.php:622
#: ../actions/twitapiusers.php:82
msgid "User has no profile."
msgstr "L'utilisateur n'a pas de profil."
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:63
msgid "What timezone are you normally in?"
msgstr ""
#: ../lib/util.php:1142
#, php-format
msgid "What's up, %s?"
msgstr "Quoi de neuf, %s ?"
#: ../actions/profilesettings.php:54 ../actions/register.php:161
msgid "Where you are, like \"City, State (or Region), Country\""
msgstr "D'où venez-vous, par exemple « Ville, État (ou Région), Pays »"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:128
#, php-format
msgid "Wrong image type for '%s'"
msgstr "Mauvais type d'image pour '%s'"
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:123
#, php-format
msgid "Wrong size image at '%s'"
msgstr "Mauvaise taille d'image pour '%s'"
#: ../actions/deletenotice.php:63 ../actions/deletenotice.php:72
msgid "Yes"
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/deletenotice.php:37
msgid ""
"You are about to permanently delete a notice. Once this is done, it cannot "
"be undone."
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/twitapifriendships.php:115
msgid "You are not friends with the specified user."
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/register.php:131
msgid "You can create a new account to start posting notices."
msgstr "Vous pouvez créer un compte pour commencer à envoyer des messages."
#: ../actions/smssettings.php:28
#, php-format
msgid "You can receive SMS messages through email from %%site.name%%."
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/finishopenidlogin.php:33 ../actions/register.php:57
msgid "You can't register if you don't agree to the license."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas vous enregistrer si vous n'acceptez pas la licence."
#: ../actions/updateprofile.php:63
msgid "You did not send us that profile"
msgstr "Vous ne nous avez pas envoyé ce profil"
#: ../lib/mail.php:143
#, php-format
msgid ""
"You have a new posting address on %1$s.\n"
"Send email to %2$s to post new messages.\n"
"More email instructions at %3$s.\n"
"Faithfully yours,\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:149
msgid "You've been identified. Enter a new password below. "
msgstr "Vous avez été identifié. Entrez un nouveau mot de passe ci-dessous. "
#: ../actions/recoverpassword.php:164
msgid "Your nickname on this server, or your registered email address."
msgstr ""
"Votre surnom sur ce serveur, ou votre adresse email définie dans votre "
#: ../lib/util.php:930
msgid "a few seconds ago"
msgstr "il y a quelques secondes"
#: ../lib/util.php:942
#, php-format
msgid "about %d days ago"
msgstr "il y a environ %d jours"
#: ../lib/util.php:938
#, php-format
msgid "about %d hours ago"
msgstr "il y a environ %d heures"
#: ../lib/util.php:934
#, php-format
msgid "about %d minutes ago"
msgstr "il y a environ %d minutes"
#: ../lib/util.php:946
#, php-format
msgid "about %d months ago"
msgstr "il y a environ %d mois"
#: ../lib/util.php:940
msgid "about a day ago"
msgstr "il y a environ un jour"
#: ../lib/util.php:932
msgid "about a minute ago"
msgstr "il y a environ une minute"
#: ../lib/util.php:944
msgid "about a month ago"
msgstr "il y a environ un mois"
#: ../lib/util.php:948
msgid "about a year ago"
msgstr "il y a environ une année"
#: ../lib/util.php:936
msgid "about an hour ago"
msgstr "il y a environ une heure"
#: ../actions/showstream.php:423 ../lib/stream.php:128
msgid "delete"
msgstr ""
#: ../actions/noticesearch.php:130 ../actions/showstream.php:408
#: ../lib/stream.php:113
msgid "in reply to..."
msgstr "en réponse à..."
#: ../lib/twitterapi.php:354
#, fuzzy
msgid "not a supported data format"
msgstr "Format de fichier d'image non-supporté."
#: ../actions/noticesearch.php:137 ../actions/showstream.php:415
#: ../lib/stream.php:120
msgid "reply"
msgstr "répondre"
#: ../actions/twitapistatuses.php:692
#, fuzzy
msgid "unsupported file type"
msgstr "Format de fichier d'image non-supporté."
#: ../lib/util.php:1292
msgid "« After"
msgstr "« Après"