
185 lines
5.6 KiB

* This file is part of the Cilex framework.
* (c) Mike van Riel <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Cilex;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
* The Compiler class compiles the Cilex framework.
* This is an adapted version of the Silex\Compiler class.
* @author Fabien Potencier <>
* @author Mike van Riel <>
class Compiler
protected $version;
* Compiles the Cilex source code into one single Phar file.
* @param string $pharFile Name of the output Phar file
public function compile($pharFile = 'cilex.phar')
if (file_exists($pharFile)) {
$process = new Process('git log --pretty="%h %ci" -n1 HEAD');
if ($process->run() > 0) {
throw new \RuntimeException('The git binary cannot be found.');
$this->version = trim($process->getOutput());
$phar = new \Phar($pharFile, 0, 'cilex.phar');
$finder = new Finder();
foreach ($finder as $file) {
$this->addFile($phar, $file);
$this->addFile($phar, new \SplFileInfo(__DIR__.'/../../LICENSE'), false);
$this->addFile($phar, new \SplFileInfo(__DIR__.'/../../vendor/autoload.php'));
$this->addFile($phar, new \SplFileInfo(__DIR__.'/../../vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php'));
$this->addFile($phar, new \SplFileInfo(__DIR__.'/../../vendor/composer/autoload_real.php'));
$this->addFile($phar, new \SplFileInfo(__DIR__.'/../../vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php'));
$this->addFile($phar, new \SplFileInfo(__DIR__.'/../../vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php'));
// Stubs
// $phar->compressFiles(\Phar::GZ);
protected function addFile(\Phar $phar, \splFileInfo $file, $strip = true)
$path = str_replace(dirname(dirname(__DIR__)).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', $file->getRealPath());
$content = file_get_contents($file);
if ($strip) {
$content = self::stripWhitespace($content);
$content = str_replace('@package_version@', $this->version, $content);
$phar->addFromString($path, $content);
protected function getStub()
return <<<'EOF'
* This file is part of the Cilex framework.
* (c) Mike van Riel <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
require_once 'phar://cilex.phar/vendor/autoload.php';
if ('cli' === php_sapi_name() && basename(__FILE__) === basename($_SERVER['argv'][0]) && isset($_SERVER['argv'][1])) {
switch ($_SERVER['argv'][1]) {
case 'update':
$remoteFilename = '';
$localFilename = __DIR__.'/cilex.phar';
file_put_contents($localFilename, file_get_contents($remoteFilename));
case 'check':
$latest = trim(file_get_contents(''));
if ($latest != Cilex\Application::VERSION) {
printf("A newer Cilex version is available (%s).\n", $latest);
} else {
print("You are using the latest Cilex version.\n");
case 'version':
printf("Cilex version %s\n", Cilex\Application::VERSION);
printf("Unknown command '%s' (available commands: version, check, and update).\n", $_SERVER['argv'][1]);
* Removes whitespace from a PHP source string while preserving line numbers.
* Based on Kernel::stripComments(), but keeps line numbers intact.
* @param string $source A PHP string
* @return string The PHP string with the whitespace removed
public static function stripWhitespace($source)
if (!function_exists('token_get_all')) {
return $source;
$output = '';
foreach (token_get_all($source) as $token) {
if (is_string($token)) {
$output .= $token;
} elseif (in_array($token[0], array(T_COMMENT, T_DOC_COMMENT))) {
$output .= str_repeat("\n", substr_count($token[1], "\n"));
} elseif (T_WHITESPACE === $token[0]) {
// reduce wide spaces
$whitespace = preg_replace('{[ \t]+}', ' ', $token[1]);
// normalize newlines to \n
$whitespace = preg_replace('{(?:\r\n|\r|\n)}', "\n", $whitespace);
// trim leading spaces
$whitespace = preg_replace('{\n +}', "\n", $whitespace);
$output .= $whitespace;
} else {
$output .= $token[1];
return $output;