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* Zend Framework (
* @link for the canonical source repository
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
* @license New BSD License
namespace Zend\Hydrator;
use Traversable;
use Zend\Stdlib\ArrayUtils;
class ClassMethods extends AbstractHydrator implements HydratorOptionsInterface
* Holds the names of the methods used for hydration, indexed by class::property name,
* false if the hydration method is not callable/usable for hydration purposes
* @var string[]|bool[]
private $hydrationMethodsCache = [];
* A map of extraction methods to property name to be used during extraction, indexed
* by class name and method name
* @var string[][]
private $extractionMethodsCache = [];
* Flag defining whether array keys are underscore-separated (true) or camel case (false)
* @var bool
protected $underscoreSeparatedKeys = true;
* @var Filter\FilterInterface
private $callableMethodFilter;
* Define if extract values will use camel case or name with underscore
* @param bool|array $underscoreSeparatedKeys
public function __construct($underscoreSeparatedKeys = true)
$this->callableMethodFilter = new Filter\OptionalParametersFilter();
$this->filterComposite->addFilter('is', new Filter\IsFilter());
$this->filterComposite->addFilter('has', new Filter\HasFilter());
$this->filterComposite->addFilter('get', new Filter\GetFilter());
new Filter\OptionalParametersFilter(),
* @param array|Traversable $options
* @return ClassMethods
* @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
public function setOptions($options)
if ($options instanceof Traversable) {
$options = ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($options);
} elseif (!is_array($options)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(
'The options parameter must be an array or a Traversable'
if (isset($options['underscoreSeparatedKeys'])) {
return $this;
* @param bool $underscoreSeparatedKeys
* @return ClassMethods
public function setUnderscoreSeparatedKeys($underscoreSeparatedKeys)
$this->underscoreSeparatedKeys = (bool) $underscoreSeparatedKeys;
if ($this->underscoreSeparatedKeys) {
$this->setNamingStrategy(new NamingStrategy\UnderscoreNamingStrategy);
} elseif ($this->getNamingStrategy() instanceof NamingStrategy\UnderscoreNamingStrategy) {
return $this;
* @return bool
public function getUnderscoreSeparatedKeys()
return $this->underscoreSeparatedKeys;
* Extract values from an object with class methods
* Extracts the getter/setter of the given $object.
* @param object $object
* @return array
* @throws Exception\BadMethodCallException for a non-object $object
public function extract($object)
if (!is_object($object)) {
throw new Exception\BadMethodCallException(sprintf(
'%s expects the provided $object to be a PHP object)',
$objectClass = get_class($object);
// reset the hydrator's hydrator's cache for this object, as the filter may be per-instance
if ($object instanceof Filter\FilterProviderInterface) {
$this->extractionMethodsCache[$objectClass] = null;
// pass 1 - finding out which properties can be extracted, with which methods (populate hydration cache)
if (! isset($this->extractionMethodsCache[$objectClass])) {
$this->extractionMethodsCache[$objectClass] = [];
$filter = $this->filterComposite;
$methods = get_class_methods($object);
if ($object instanceof Filter\FilterProviderInterface) {
$filter = new Filter\FilterComposite(
[new Filter\MethodMatchFilter('getFilter')]
foreach ($methods as $method) {
$methodFqn = $objectClass . '::' . $method;
if (! ($filter->filter($methodFqn) && $this->callableMethodFilter->filter($methodFqn))) {
$attribute = $method;
if (strpos($method, 'get') === 0) {
$attribute = substr($method, 3);
if (!property_exists($object, $attribute)) {
$attribute = lcfirst($attribute);
$this->extractionMethodsCache[$objectClass][$method] = $attribute;
$values = [];
// pass 2 - actually extract data
foreach ($this->extractionMethodsCache[$objectClass] as $methodName => $attributeName) {
$realAttributeName = $this->extractName($attributeName, $object);
$values[$realAttributeName] = $this->extractValue($realAttributeName, $object->$methodName(), $object);
return $values;
* Hydrate an object by populating getter/setter methods
* Hydrates an object by getter/setter methods of the object.
* @param array $data
* @param object $object
* @return object
* @throws Exception\BadMethodCallException for a non-object $object
public function hydrate(array $data, $object)
if (!is_object($object)) {
throw new Exception\BadMethodCallException(sprintf(
'%s expects the provided $object to be a PHP object)',
$objectClass = get_class($object);
foreach ($data as $property => $value) {
$propertyFqn = $objectClass . '::$' . $property;
if (! isset($this->hydrationMethodsCache[$propertyFqn])) {
$setterName = 'set' . ucfirst($this->hydrateName($property, $data));
$this->hydrationMethodsCache[$propertyFqn] = is_callable([$object, $setterName])
? $setterName
: false;
if ($this->hydrationMethodsCache[$propertyFqn]) {
$object->{$this->hydrationMethodsCache[$propertyFqn]}($this->hydrateValue($property, $value, $data));
return $object;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function addFilter($name, $filter, $condition = Filter\FilterComposite::CONDITION_OR)
return parent::addFilter($name, $filter, $condition);
* {@inheritDoc}
public function removeFilter($name)
return parent::removeFilter($name);
* {@inheritDoc}
public function setNamingStrategy(NamingStrategy\NamingStrategyInterface $strategy)
return parent::setNamingStrategy($strategy);
* {@inheritDoc}
public function removeNamingStrategy()
return parent::removeNamingStrategy();
* Reset all local hydration/extraction caches
private function resetCaches()
$this->hydrationMethodsCache = $this->extractionMethodsCache = [];