2014-09-25 08:39:05 +02:00

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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

namespace Mf2;
use DOMDocument;
use DOMElement;
use DOMXPath;
use DOMNode;
use DOMNodeList;
use Exception;
use SplObjectStorage;
use stdClass;
* Parse Microformats2
* Functional shortcut for the commonest cases of parsing microformats2 from HTML.
* Example usage:
* use Mf2;
* $output = Mf2\parse('<span class="h-card">Barnaby Walters</span>');
* echo json_encode($output, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
* Produces:
* {
* "items": [
* {
* "type": ["h-card"],
* "properties": {
* "name": ["Barnaby Walters"]
* }
* }
* ],
* "rels": {}
* }
* @param string|DOMDocument $input The HTML string or DOMDocument object to parse
* @param string $url The URL the input document was found at, for relative URL resolution
* @param bool $convertClassic whether or not to convert classic microformats
* @return array Canonical MF2 array structure
function parse($input, $url = null, $convertClassic = true) {
$parser = new Parser($input, $url);
return $parser->parse($convertClassic);
* Fetch microformats2
* Given a URL, fetches it (following up to 5 redirects) and, if the content-type appears to be HTML, returns the parsed
* microformats2 array structure.
* Not that even if the response code was a 4XX or 5XX error, if the content-type is HTML-like then it will be parsed
* all the same, as there are legitimate cases where error pages might contain useful microformats (for example a deleted
* h-entry resulting in a 410 Gone page with a stub h-entry explaining the reason for deletion). Look in $curlInfo['http_code']
* for the actual value.
* @param string $url The URL to fetch
* @param bool $convertClassic (optional, default true) whether or not to convert classic microformats
* @param &array $curlInfo (optional) the results of curl_getinfo will be placed in this variable for debugging
* @return array|null canonical microformats2 array structure on success, null on failure
function fetch($url, $convertClassic = true, &$curlInfo=null) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 5);
$html = curl_exec($ch);
$info = $curlInfo = curl_getinfo($ch);
if (strpos(strtolower($info['content_type']), 'html') === false) {
// The content was not delivered as HTML, do not attempt to parse it.
return null;
return parse($html, $url, $convertClassic);
* Unicode to HTML Entities
* @param string $input String containing characters to convert into HTML entities
* @return string
function unicodeToHtmlEntities($input) {
return mb_convert_encoding($input, 'HTML-ENTITIES', mb_detect_encoding($input));
* Collapse Whitespace
* Collapses any sequences of whitespace within a string into a single space
* character.
* @deprecated since v0.2.3
* @param string $str
* @return string
function collapseWhitespace($str) {
return preg_replace('/[\s|\n]+/', ' ', $str);
function unicodeTrim($str) {
// this is cheating. TODO: find a better way if this causes any problems
$str = str_replace(mb_convert_encoding('&nbsp;', 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES'), ' ', $str);
$str = preg_replace('/^\s+/', '', $str);
return preg_replace('/\s+$/', '', $str);
* Microformat Name From Class string
* Given the value of @class, get the relevant mf classnames (e.g. h-card,
* p-name).
* @param string $class A space delimited list of classnames
* @param string $prefix The prefix to look for
* @return string|array The prefixed name of the first microfomats class found or false
function mfNamesFromClass($class, $prefix='h-') {
$class = str_replace(array(' ', ' ', "\n"), ' ', $class);
$classes = explode(' ', $class);
$matches = array();
foreach ($classes as $classname) {
$compare_classname = strtolower(' ' . $classname);
$compare_prefix = strtolower(' ' . $prefix);
if (stristr($compare_classname, $compare_prefix) !== false && ($compare_classname != $compare_prefix)) {
$matches[] = ($prefix === 'h-') ? $classname : substr($classname, strlen($prefix));
return $matches;
* Get Nested µf Property Name From Class
* Returns all the p-, u-, dt- or e- prefixed classnames it finds in a
* space-separated string.
* @param string $class
* @return array
function nestedMfPropertyNamesFromClass($class) {
$prefixes = array('p-', 'u-', 'dt-', 'e-');
$propertyNames = array();
$class = str_replace(array(' ', ' ', "\n"), ' ', $class);
foreach (explode(' ', $class) as $classname) {
foreach ($prefixes as $prefix) {
$compare_classname = strtolower(' ' . $classname);
if (stristr($compare_classname, $prefix) && ($compare_classname != $prefix)) {
$propertyNames = array_merge($propertyNames, mfNamesFromClass($classname, ltrim($prefix)));
return $propertyNames;
* Wraps mfNamesFromClass to handle an element as input (common)
* @param DOMElement $e The element to get the classname for
* @param string $prefix The prefix to look for
* @return mixed See return value of mf2\Parser::mfNameFromClass()
function mfNamesFromElement(\DOMElement $e, $prefix = 'h-') {
$class = $e->getAttribute('class');
return mfNamesFromClass($class, $prefix);
* Wraps nestedMfPropertyNamesFromClass to handle an element as input
function nestedMfPropertyNamesFromElement(\DOMElement $e) {
$class = $e->getAttribute('class');
return nestedMfPropertyNamesFromClass($class);
* Converts various time formats to HH:MM
* @param string $time The time to convert
* @return string
function convertTimeFormat($time) {
$hh = $mm = $ss = '';
preg_match('/(\d{1,2}):?(\d{2})?:?(\d{2})?(a\.?m\.?|p\.?m\.?)?/i', $time, $matches);
// if no am/pm specified
if (empty($matches[4])) {
return $time;
// else am/pm specified
else {
$meridiem = strtolower(str_replace('.', '', $matches[4]));
// hours
$hh = $matches[1];
// add 12 to the pm hours
if ($meridiem == 'pm' && ($hh < 12)) {
$hh += 12;
$hh = str_pad($hh, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
// minutes
$mm = (empty($matches[2]) ) ? '00' : $matches[2];
// seconds, only if supplied
if (!empty($matches[3])) {
$ss = $matches[3];
if (empty($ss)) {
return sprintf('%s:%s', $hh, $mm);
else {
return sprintf('%s:%s:%s', $hh, $mm, $ss);
* Microformats2 Parser
* A class which holds state for parsing microformats2 from HTML.
* Example usage:
* use Mf2;
* $parser = new Mf2\Parser('<p class="h-card">Barnaby Walters</p>');
* $output = $parser->parse();
class Parser {
/** @var string The baseurl (if any) to use for this parse */
public $baseurl;
/** @var DOMXPath object which can be used to query over any fragment*/
public $xpath;
/** @var DOMDocument */
public $doc;
/** @var SplObjectStorage */
protected $parsed;
public $jsonMode;
* Constructor
* @param DOMDocument|string $input The data to parse. A string of HTML or a DOMDocument
* @param string $url The URL of the parsed document, for relative URL resolution
* @param boolean $jsonMode Whether or not to use a stdClass instance for an empty `rels` dictionary. This breaks PHP looping over rels, but allows the output to be correctly serialized as JSON.
public function __construct($input, $url = null, $jsonMode = false) {
if (is_string($input)) {
$doc = new DOMDocument();
} elseif (is_a($input, 'DOMDocument')) {
$doc = $input;
} else {
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$this->xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$baseurl = $url;
foreach ($this->xpath->query('//base[@href]') as $base) {
$baseElementUrl = $base->getAttribute('href');
if (parse_url($baseElementUrl, PHP_URL_SCHEME) === null) {
/* The base element URL is relative to the document URL.
* :/
* Perhaps the author was high? */
$baseurl = resolveUrl($url, $baseElementUrl);
} else {
$baseurl = $baseElementUrl;
// Ignore <template> elements as per the HTML5 spec
foreach ($this->xpath->query('//template') as $templateEl) {
$this->baseurl = $baseurl;
$this->doc = $doc;
$this->parsed = new SplObjectStorage();
$this->jsonMode = $jsonMode;
private function elementPrefixParsed(\DOMElement $e, $prefix) {
if (!$this->parsed->contains($e))
$this->parsed->attach($e, array());
$prefixes = $this->parsed[$e];
$prefixes[] = $prefix;
$this->parsed[$e] = $prefixes;
private function isElementParsed(\DOMElement $e, $prefix) {
if (!$this->parsed->contains($e))
return false;
$prefixes = $this->parsed[$e];
if (!in_array($prefix, $prefixes))
return false;
return true;
private function resolveChildUrls(DOMElement $el) {
$hyperlinkChildren = $this->xpath->query('.//*[@src or @href or @data]', $el);
foreach ($hyperlinkChildren as $child) {
if ($child->hasAttribute('href'))
$child->setAttribute('href', $this->resolveUrl($child->getAttribute('href')));
if ($child->hasAttribute('src'))
$child->setAttribute('src', $this->resolveUrl($child->getAttribute('src')));
if ($child->hasAttribute('data'))
$child->setAttribute('data', $this->resolveUrl($child->getAttribute('data')));
public function textContent(DOMElement $el) {
$clonedEl = $el->cloneNode(true);
foreach ($this->xpath->query('.//img', $clonedEl) as $imgEl) {
$newNode = $this->doc->createTextNode($imgEl->getAttribute($imgEl->hasAttribute('alt') ? 'alt' : 'src'));
$imgEl->parentNode->replaceChild($newNode, $imgEl);
return $clonedEl->textContent;
// TODO: figure out if this has problems with sms: and geo: URLs
public function resolveUrl($url) {
// If the URL is seriously malformed its probably beyond the scope of this
// parser to try to do anything with it.
if (parse_url($url) === false)
return $url;
$scheme = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME);
if (empty($scheme) and !empty($this->baseurl)) {
return resolveUrl($this->baseurl, $url);
} else {
return $url;
// Parsing Functions
* Parse value-class/value-title on an element, joining with $separator if
* there are multiple.
* @param \DOMElement $e
* @param string $separator = '' if multiple value-title elements, join with this string
* @return string|null the parsed value or null if value-class or -title arent in use
public function parseValueClassTitle(\DOMElement $e, $separator = '') {
$valueClassElements = $this->xpath->query('./*[contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " value ")]', $e);
if ($valueClassElements->length !== 0) {
// Process value-class stuff
$val = '';
foreach ($valueClassElements as $el) {
$val .= $this->textContent($el);
return unicodeTrim($val);
$valueTitleElements = $this->xpath->query('./*[contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " value-title ")]', $e);
if ($valueTitleElements->length !== 0) {
// Process value-title stuff
$val = '';
foreach ($valueTitleElements as $el) {
$val .= $el->getAttribute('title');
return unicodeTrim($val);
// No value-title or -class in this element
return null;
* Given an element with class="p-*", get its value
* @param DOMElement $p The element to parse
* @return string The plaintext value of $p, dependant on type
* @todo Make this adhere to value-class
public function parseP(\DOMElement $p) {
$classTitle = $this->parseValueClassTitle($p, ' ');
if ($classTitle !== null)
return $classTitle;
if ($p->tagName == 'img' and $p->getAttribute('alt') !== '') {
$pValue = $p->getAttribute('alt');
} elseif ($p->tagName == 'area' and $p->getAttribute('alt') !== '') {
$pValue = $p->getAttribute('alt');
} elseif ($p->tagName == 'abbr' and $p->getAttribute('title') !== '') {
$pValue = $p->getAttribute('title');
} elseif (in_array($p->tagName, array('data', 'input')) and $p->getAttribute('value') !== '') {
$pValue = $p->getAttribute('value');
} else {
$pValue = unicodeTrim($this->textContent($p));
return $pValue;
* Given an element with class="u-*", get the value of the URL
* @param DOMElement $u The element to parse
* @return string The plaintext value of $u, dependant on type
* @todo make this adhere to value-class
public function parseU(\DOMElement $u) {
if (($u->tagName == 'a' or $u->tagName == 'area') and $u->getAttribute('href') !== null) {
$uValue = $u->getAttribute('href');
} elseif ($u->tagName == 'img' and $u->getAttribute('src') !== null) {
$uValue = $u->getAttribute('src');
} elseif ($u->tagName == 'object' and $u->getAttribute('data') !== null) {
$uValue = $u->getAttribute('data');
if (isset($uValue)) {
return $this->resolveUrl($uValue);
$classTitle = $this->parseValueClassTitle($u);
if ($classTitle !== null) {
return $classTitle;
} elseif ($u->tagName == 'abbr' and $u->getAttribute('title') !== null) {
return $u->getAttribute('title');
} elseif (in_array($u->tagName, array('data', 'input')) and $u->getAttribute('value') !== null) {
return $u->getAttribute('value');
} else {
return unicodeTrim($this->textContent($u));
* Given an element with class="dt-*", get the value of the datetime as a php date object
* @param DOMElement $dt The element to parse
* @param array $dates Array of dates processed so far
* @return string The datetime string found
public function parseDT(\DOMElement $dt, &$dates = array()) {
// Check for value-class pattern
$valueClassChildren = $this->xpath->query('./*[contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " value ") or contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " value-title ")]', $dt);
$dtValue = false;
if ($valueClassChildren->length > 0) {
// Theyre using value-class
$dateParts = array();
foreach ($valueClassChildren as $e) {
if (strstr(' ' . $e->getAttribute('class') . ' ', ' value-title ')) {
$title = $e->getAttribute('title');
if (!empty($title))
$dateParts[] = $title;
elseif ($e->tagName == 'img' or $e->tagName == 'area') {
// Use @alt
$alt = $e->getAttribute('alt');
if (!empty($alt))
$dateParts[] = $alt;
elseif ($e->tagName == 'data') {
// Use @value, otherwise innertext
$value = $e->hasAttribute('value') ? $e->getAttribute('value') : unicodeTrim($e->nodeValue);
if (!empty($value))
$dateParts[] = $value;
elseif ($e->tagName == 'abbr') {
// Use @title, otherwise innertext
$title = $e->hasAttribute('title') ? $e->getAttribute('title') : unicodeTrim($e->nodeValue);
if (!empty($title))
$dateParts[] = $title;
elseif ($e->tagName == 'del' or $e->tagName == 'ins' or $e->tagName == 'time') {
// Use @datetime if available, otherwise innertext
$dtAttr = ($e->hasAttribute('datetime')) ? $e->getAttribute('datetime') : unicodeTrim($e->nodeValue);
if (!empty($dtAttr))
$dateParts[] = $dtAttr;
else {
if (!empty($e->nodeValue))
$dateParts[] = unicodeTrim($e->nodeValue);
// Look through dateParts
$datePart = '';
$timePart = '';
foreach ($dateParts as $part) {
// Is this part a full ISO8601 datetime?
if (preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}(?::\d{2})?(?:Z?[+|-]\d{2}:?\d{2})?$/', $part)) {
// Break completely, weve got our value.
$dtValue = $part;
} else {
// Is the current part a valid time(+TZ?) AND no other time representation has been found?
if ((preg_match('/\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}(Z?[+|-]\d{2}:?\d{2})?/', $part) or preg_match('/\d{1,2}[a|p]m/', $part)) and empty($timePart)) {
$timePart = $part;
} elseif (preg_match('/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/', $part) and empty($datePart)) {
// Is the current part a valid date AND no other date representation has been found?
$datePart = $part;
if ( !empty($datePart) && !in_array($datePart, $dates) ) {
$dates[] = $datePart;
$dtValue = '';
if ( empty($datePart) && !empty($timePart) ) {
$timePart = convertTimeFormat($timePart);
$dtValue = unicodeTrim($timePart, 'T');
else if ( !empty($datePart) && empty($timePart) ) {
$dtValue = rtrim($datePart, 'T');
else {
$timePart = convertTimeFormat($timePart);
$dtValue = rtrim($datePart, 'T') . 'T' . unicodeTrim($timePart, 'T');
} else {
// Not using value-class (phew).
if ($dt->tagName == 'img' or $dt->tagName == 'area') {
// Use @alt
// Is it an entire dt?
$alt = $dt->getAttribute('alt');
if (!empty($alt))
$dtValue = $alt;
} elseif (in_array($dt->tagName, array('data'))) {
// Use @value, otherwise innertext
// Is it an entire dt?
$value = $dt->getAttribute('value');
if (!empty($value))
$dtValue = $value;
$dtValue = $dt->nodeValue;
} elseif ($dt->tagName == 'abbr') {
// Use @title, otherwise innertext
// Is it an entire dt?
$title = $dt->getAttribute('title');
if (!empty($title))
$dtValue = $title;
$dtValue = $dt->nodeValue;
} elseif ($dt->tagName == 'del' or $dt->tagName == 'ins' or $dt->tagName == 'time') {
// Use @datetime if available, otherwise innertext
// Is it an entire dt?
$dtAttr = $dt->getAttribute('datetime');
if (!empty($dtAttr))
$dtValue = $dtAttr;
$dtValue = $dt->nodeValue;
} else {
$dtValue = $dt->nodeValue;
if ( preg_match('/(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})/', $dtValue, $matches) ) {
$dates[] = $matches[0];
* if $dtValue is only a time and there are recently parsed dates,
* form the full date-time using the most recnetly parsed dt- value
if ( (preg_match('/^\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}(Z?[+|-]\d{2}:?\d{2})?/', $dtValue) or preg_match('/^\d{1,2}[a|p]m/', $dtValue)) && !empty($dates) ) {
$dtValue = convertTimeFormat($dtValue);
$dtValue = end($dates) . 'T' . unicodeTrim($dtValue, 'T');
return $dtValue;
* Given the root element of some embedded markup, return a string representing that markup
* @param DOMElement $e The element to parse
* @return string $es innerHTML
* @todo need to mark this element as e- parsed so it doesnt get parsed as its parents e-* too
public function parseE(\DOMElement $e) {
$classTitle = $this->parseValueClassTitle($e);
if ($classTitle !== null)
return $classTitle;
// Expand relative URLs within children of this element
// TODO: as it is this is not relative to only children, make this .// and rerun tests
$html = '';
foreach ($e->childNodes as $node) {
$html .= $node->C14N();
return array(
'html' => $html,
'value' => unicodeTrim($this->textContent($e))
* Recursively parse microformats
* @param DOMElement $e The element to parse
* @return array A representation of the values contained within microformat $e
public function parseH(\DOMElement $e) {
// If its already been parsed (e.g. is a child mf), skip
if ($this->parsed->contains($e))
return null;
// Get current µf name
$mfTypes = mfNamesFromElement($e, 'h-');
// Initalise var to store the representation in
$return = array();
$children = array();
$dates = array();
// Handle nested microformats (h-*)
foreach ($this->xpath->query('.//*[contains(concat(" ", @class)," h-")]', $e) as $subMF) {
// Parse
$result = $this->parseH($subMF);
// If result was already parsed, skip it
if (null === $result)
$result['value'] = $this->parseP($subMF);
// Does this µf have any property names other than h-*?
$properties = nestedMfPropertyNamesFromElement($subMF);
if (!empty($properties)) {
// Yes! Its a nested property µf
foreach ($properties as $property) {
$return[$property][] = $result;
} else {
// No, its a child µf
$children[] = $result;
// Make sure this sub-mf wont get parsed as a µf or property
// TODO: Determine if clearing this is required?
$this->elementPrefixParsed($subMF, 'h');
$this->elementPrefixParsed($subMF, 'p');
$this->elementPrefixParsed($subMF, 'u');
$this->elementPrefixParsed($subMF, 'dt');
$this->elementPrefixParsed($subMF, 'e');
// Handle p-*
foreach ($this->xpath->query('.//*[contains(concat(" ", @class) ," p-")]', $e) as $p) {
if ($this->isElementParsed($p, 'p'))
$pValue = $this->parseP($p);
// Add the value to the array for its p- properties
foreach (mfNamesFromElement($p, 'p-') as $propName) {
if (!empty($propName))
$return[$propName][] = $pValue;
// Make sure this sub-mf wont get parsed as a top level mf
$this->elementPrefixParsed($p, 'p');
// Handle u-*
foreach ($this->xpath->query('.//*[contains(concat(" ", @class)," u-")]', $e) as $u) {
if ($this->isElementParsed($u, 'u'))
$uValue = $this->parseU($u);
// Add the value to the array for its property types
foreach (mfNamesFromElement($u, 'u-') as $propName) {
$return[$propName][] = $uValue;
// Make sure this sub-mf wont get parsed as a top level mf
$this->elementPrefixParsed($u, 'u');
// Handle dt-*
foreach ($this->xpath->query('.//*[contains(concat(" ", @class), " dt-")]', $e) as $dt) {
if ($this->isElementParsed($dt, 'dt'))
$dtValue = $this->parseDT($dt, $dates);
if ($dtValue) {
// Add the value to the array for dt- properties
foreach (mfNamesFromElement($dt, 'dt-') as $propName) {
$return[$propName][] = $dtValue;
// Make sure this sub-mf wont get parsed as a top level mf
$this->elementPrefixParsed($dt, 'dt');
// Handle e-*
foreach ($this->xpath->query('.//*[contains(concat(" ", @class)," e-")]', $e) as $em) {
if ($this->isElementParsed($em, 'e'))
$eValue = $this->parseE($em);
if ($eValue) {
// Add the value to the array for e- properties
foreach (mfNamesFromElement($em, 'e-') as $propName) {
$return[$propName][] = $eValue;
// Make sure this sub-mf wont get parsed as a top level mf
$this->elementPrefixParsed($em, 'e');
// Implied Properties
// Check for p-name
if (!array_key_exists('name', $return)) {
try {
// Look for img @alt
if ($e->tagName == 'img' and $e->getAttribute('alt') != '')
throw new Exception($e->getAttribute('alt'));
if ($e->tagName == 'abbr' and $e->hasAttribute('title'))
throw new Exception($e->getAttribute('title'));
// Look for nested img @alt
foreach ($this->xpath->query('./img[count(preceding-sibling::*)+count(following-sibling::*)=0]', $e) as $em) {
if ($em->getAttribute('alt') != '')
throw new Exception($em->getAttribute('alt'));
// Look for double nested img @alt
foreach ($this->xpath->query('./*[count(preceding-sibling::*)+count(following-sibling::*)=0]/img[count(preceding-sibling::*)+count(following-sibling::*)=0]', $e) as $em) {
if ($em->getAttribute('alt') != '')
throw new Exception($em->getAttribute('alt'));
throw new Exception($e->nodeValue);
} catch (Exception $exc) {
$return['name'][] = unicodeTrim($exc->getMessage());
// Check for u-photo
if (!array_key_exists('photo', $return)) {
// Look for img @src
try {
if ($e->tagName == 'img')
throw new Exception($e->getAttribute('src'));
// Look for nested img @src
foreach ($this->xpath->query('./img[count(preceding-sibling::*)+count(following-sibling::*)=0]', $e) as $em) {
if ($em->getAttribute('src') != '')
throw new Exception($em->getAttribute('src'));
// Look for double nested img @src
foreach ($this->xpath->query('./*[count(preceding-sibling::*)+count(following-sibling::*)=0]/img[count(preceding-sibling::*)+count(following-sibling::*)=0]', $e) as $em) {
if ($em->getAttribute('src') != '')
throw new Exception($em->getAttribute('src'));
} catch (Exception $exc) {
$return['photo'][] = $this->resolveUrl($exc->getMessage());
// Check for u-url
if (!array_key_exists('url', $return)) {
// Look for img @src
if ($e->tagName == 'a')
$url = $e->getAttribute('href');
// Look for nested img @src
foreach ($this->xpath->query('./a[count(preceding-sibling::a)+count(following-sibling::a)=0]', $e) as $em) {
$url = $em->getAttribute('href');
if (!empty($url))
$return['url'][] = $this->resolveUrl($url);
// Make sure things are in alphabetical order
// Phew. Return the final result.
$parsed = array(
'type' => $mfTypes,
'properties' => $return
if (!empty($children))
$parsed['children'] = array_values(array_filter($children));
return $parsed;
* Parse Rels and Alternatives
* Returns [$rels, $alternatives]. If the $rels value is to be empty, i.e. there are no links on the page
* with a rel value *not* containing `alternate`, then the type of $rels depends on $this->jsonMode. If set
* to true, it will be a stdClass instance, optimising for JSON serialisation. Otherwise (the default case),
* it will be an empty array.
public function parseRelsAndAlternates() {
$rels = array();
$alternates = array();
// Iterate through all a, area and link elements with rel attributes
foreach ($this->xpath->query('//*[@rel and @href]') as $hyperlink) {
if ($hyperlink->getAttribute('rel') == '')
// Resolve the href
$href = $this->resolveUrl($hyperlink->getAttribute('href'));
// Split up the rel into space-separated values
$linkRels = array_filter(explode(' ', $hyperlink->getAttribute('rel')));
// If alternate in rels, create alternate structure, append
if (in_array('alternate', $linkRels)) {
$alt = array(
'url' => $href,
'rel' => implode(' ', array_diff($linkRels, array('alternate')))
if ($hyperlink->hasAttribute('media'))
$alt['media'] = $hyperlink->getAttribute('media');
if ($hyperlink->hasAttribute('hreflang'))
$alt['hreflang'] = $hyperlink->getAttribute('hreflang');
$alternates[] = $alt;
} else {
foreach ($linkRels as $rel) {
$rels[$rel][] = $href;
if (empty($rels) and $this->jsonMode) {
$rels = new stdClass();
return array($rels, $alternates);
* Kicks off the parsing routine
* If `$htmlSafe` is set, any angle brackets in the results from non e-* properties
* will be HTML-encoded, bringing all output to the same level of encoding.
* If a DOMElement is set as the $context, only descendants of that element will
* be parsed for microformats.
* @param bool $htmlSafe whether or not to html-encode non e-* properties. Defaults to false
* @param DOMElement $context optionally an element from which to parse microformats
* @return array An array containing all the µfs found in the current document
public function parse($convertClassic = true, DOMElement $context = null) {
$mfs = array();
if ($convertClassic) {
$mfElements = null === $context
? $this->xpath->query('//*[contains(concat(" ", @class), " h-")]')
: $this->xpath->query('.//*[contains(concat(" ", @class), " h-")]', $context);
// Parser microformats
foreach ($mfElements as $node) {
// For each microformat
$result = $this->parseH($node);
// Add the value to the array for this property type
$mfs[] = $result;
// Parse rels
list($rels, $alternates) = $this->parseRelsAndAlternates();
$top = array(
'items' => array_values(array_filter($mfs)),
'rels' => $rels
if (count($alternates))
$top['alternates'] = $alternates;
return $top;
* Parse From ID
* Given an ID, parse all microformats which are children of the element with
* that ID.
* Note that rel values are still document-wide.
* If an element with the ID is not found, an empty skeleton mf2 array structure
* will be returned.
* @param string $id
* @param bool $htmlSafe = false whether or not to HTML-encode angle brackets in non e-* properties
* @return array
public function parseFromId($id, $convertClassic=true) {
$matches = $this->xpath->query("//*[@id='{$id}']");
if (empty($matches))
return array('items' => array(), 'rels' => array(), 'alternates' => array());
return $this->parse($convertClassic, $matches->item(0));
* Convert Legacy Classnames
* Adds microformats2 classnames into a document containing only legacy
* semantic classnames.
* @return Parser $this
public function convertLegacy() {
$doc = $this->doc;
$xp = new DOMXPath($doc);
// replace all roots
foreach ($this->classicRootMap as $old => $new) {
foreach ($xp->query('//*[contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " ' . $old . ' ") and not(contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " ' . $new . ' "))]') as $el) {
$el->setAttribute('class', $el->getAttribute('class') . ' ' . $new);
foreach ($this->classicPropertyMap as $oldRoot => $properties) {
$newRoot = $this->classicRootMap[$oldRoot];
foreach ($properties as $old => $new) {
foreach ($xp->query('//*[contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " ' . $oldRoot . ' ")]//*[contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " ' . $old . ' ") and not(contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " ' . $new . ' "))]') as $el) {
$el->setAttribute('class', $el->getAttribute('class') . ' ' . $new);
return $this;
* XPath Query
* Runs an XPath query over the current document. Works in exactly the same
* way as DOMXPath::query.
* @param string $expression
* @param DOMNode $context
* @return DOMNodeList
public function query($expression, $context = null) {
return $this->xpath->query($expression, $context);
* Classic Root Classname map
public $classicRootMap = array(
'vcard' => 'h-card',
'hfeed' => 'h-feed',
'hentry' => 'h-entry',
'hrecipe' => 'h-recipe',
'hresume' => 'h-resume',
'hevent' => 'h-event',
'hreview' => 'h-review',
'hproduct' => 'h-product'
public $classicPropertyMap = array(
'vcard' => array(
'fn' => 'p-name',
'url' => 'u-url',
'honorific-prefix' => 'p-honorific-prefix',
'given-name' => 'p-given-name',
'additional-name' => 'p-additional-name',
'family-name' => 'p-family-name',
'honorific-suffix' => 'p-honorific-suffix',
'nickname' => 'p-nickname',
'email' => 'u-email',
'logo' => 'u-logo',
'photo' => 'u-photo',
'url' => 'u-url',
'uid' => 'u-uid',
'category' => 'p-category',
'adr' => 'p-adr h-adr',
'extended-address' => 'p-extended-address',
'street-address' => 'p-street-address',
'locality' => 'p-locality',
'region' => 'p-region',
'postal-code' => 'p-postal-code',
'country-name' => 'p-country-name',
'label' => 'p-label',
'geo' => 'p-geo h-geo',
'latitude' => 'p-latitude',
'longitude' => 'p-longitude',
'tel' => 'p-tel',
'note' => 'p-note',
'bday' => 'dt-bday',
'key' => 'u-key',
'org' => 'p-org',
'organization-name' => 'p-organization-name',
'organization-unit' => 'p-organization-unit',
'hentry' => array(
'entry-title' => 'p-name',
'entry-summary' => 'p-summary',
'entry-content' => 'e-content',
'published' => 'dt-published',
'updated' => 'dt-updated',
'author' => 'p-author h-card',
'category' => 'p-category',
'geo' => 'p-geo h-geo',
'latitude' => 'p-latitude',
'longitude' => 'p-longitude',
'hrecipe' => array(
'fn' => 'p-name',
'ingredient' => 'p-ingredient',
'yield' => 'p-yield',
'instructions' => 'e-instructions',
'duration' => 'dt-duration',
'nutrition' => 'p-nutrition',
'photo' => 'u-photo',
'summary' => 'p-summary',
'author' => 'p-author h-card'
'hresume' => array(
'summary' => 'p-summary',
'contact' => 'h-card p-contact',
'education' => 'h-event p-education',
'experience' => 'h-event p-experience',
'skill' => 'p-skill',
'affiliation' => 'p-affiliation h-card',
'hevent' => array(
'dtstart' => 'dt-start',
'dtend' => 'dt-end',
'duration' => 'dt-duration',
'description' => 'p-description',
'summary' => 'p-summary',
'description' => 'p-description',
'url' => 'u-url',
'category' => 'p-category',
'location' => 'h-card',
'geo' => 'p-location h-geo'
'hreview' => array(
'summary' => 'p-name',
'fn' => 'p-item h-item p-name', // doesnt work properly, see spec
'photo' => 'u-photo', // of the item being reviewed (p-item h-item u-photo)
'url' => 'u-url', // of the item being reviewed (p-item h-item u-url)
'reviewer' => 'p-reviewer p-author h-card',
'dtreviewed' => 'dt-reviewed',
'rating' => 'p-rating',
'best' => 'p-best',
'worst' => 'p-worst',
'description' => 'p-description'
'hproduct' => array(
'fn' => 'p-name',
'photo' => 'u-photo',
'brand' => 'p-brand',
'category' => 'p-category',
'description' => 'p-description',
'identifier' => 'u-identifier',
'url' => 'u-url',
'review' => 'p-review h-review',
'price' => 'p-price'
function parseUriToComponents($uri) {
$result = array(
'scheme' => null,
'authority' => null,
'path' => null,
'query' => null,
'fragment' => null
$u = @parse_url($uri);
if(array_key_exists('scheme', $u))
$result['scheme'] = $u['scheme'];
if(array_key_exists('host', $u)) {
if(array_key_exists('user', $u))
$result['authority'] = $u['user'];
if(array_key_exists('pass', $u))
$result['authority'] .= ':' . $u['pass'];
if(array_key_exists('user', $u) || array_key_exists('pass', $u))
$result['authority'] .= '@';
$result['authority'] .= $u['host'];
if(array_key_exists('port', $u))
$result['authority'] .= ':' . $u['port'];
if(array_key_exists('path', $u))
$result['path'] = $u['path'];
if(array_key_exists('query', $u))
$result['query'] = $u['query'];
if(array_key_exists('fragment', $u))
$result['fragment'] = $u['fragment'];
return $result;
function resolveUrl($baseURI, $referenceURI) {
$target = array(
'scheme' => null,
'authority' => null,
'path' => null,
'query' => null,
'fragment' => null
# 5.2.1 Pre-parse the Base URI
# The base URI (Base) is established according to the procedure of
# Section 5.1 and parsed into the five main components described in
# Section 3
$base = parseUriToComponents($baseURI);
# If base path is blank (http://example.com) then set it to /
# (I can't tell if this is actually in the RFC or not, but seems like it makes sense)
if($base['path'] == null)
$base['path'] = '/';
# 5.2.2. Transform References
# The URI reference is parsed into the five URI components
# (R.scheme, R.authority, R.path, R.query, R.fragment) = parse(R);
$reference = parseUriToComponents($referenceURI);
# A non-strict parser may ignore a scheme in the reference
# if it is identical to the base URI's scheme.
if($reference['scheme']) {
$target['scheme'] = $reference['scheme'];
$target['authority'] = $reference['authority'];
$target['path'] = removeDotSegments($reference['path']);
$target['query'] = $reference['query'];
} else {
if($reference['authority']) {
$target['authority'] = $reference['authority'];
$target['path'] = removeDotSegments($reference['path']);
$target['query'] = $reference['query'];
} else {
if($reference['path'] == '') {
$target['path'] = $base['path'];
if($reference['query']) {
$target['query'] = $reference['query'];
} else {
$target['query'] = $base['query'];
} else {
if(substr($reference['path'], 0, 1) == '/') {
$target['path'] = removeDotSegments($reference['path']);
} else {
$target['path'] = mergePaths($base, $reference);
$target['path'] = removeDotSegments($target['path']);
$target['query'] = $reference['query'];
$target['authority'] = $base['authority'];
$target['scheme'] = $base['scheme'];
$target['fragment'] = $reference['fragment'];
# 5.3 Component Recomposition
$result = '';
if($target['scheme']) {
$result .= $target['scheme'] . ':';
if($target['authority']) {
$result .= '//' . $target['authority'];
$result .= $target['path'];
if($target['query']) {
$result .= '?' . $target['query'];
if($target['fragment']) {
$result .= '#' . $target['fragment'];
} elseif($referenceURI == '#') {
$result .= '#';
return $result;
# 5.2.3 Merge Paths
function mergePaths($base, $reference) {
# If the base URI has a defined authority component and an empty
# path,
if($base['authority'] && $base['path'] == null) {
# then return a string consisting of "/" concatenated with the
# reference's path; otherwise,
$merged = '/' . $reference['path'];
} else {
if(($pos=strrpos($base['path'], '/')) !== false) {
# return a string consisting of the reference's path component
# appended to all but the last segment of the base URI's path (i.e.,
# excluding any characters after the right-most "/" in the base URI
# path,
$merged = substr($base['path'], 0, $pos + 1) . $reference['path'];
} else {
# or excluding the entire base URI path if it does not contain
# any "/" characters).
$merged = $base['path'];
return $merged;
# 5.2.4.A Remove leading ../ or ./
function removeLeadingDotSlash(&$input) {
if(substr($input, 0, 3) == '../') {
$input = substr($input, 3);
} elseif(substr($input, 0, 2) == './') {
$input = substr($input, 2);
# 5.2.4.B Replace leading /. with /
function removeLeadingSlashDot(&$input) {
if(substr($input, 0, 3) == '/./') {
$input = '/' . substr($input, 3);
} else {
$input = '/' . substr($input, 2);
# 5.2.4.C Given leading /../ remove component from output buffer
function removeOneDirLevel(&$input, &$output) {
if(substr($input, 0, 4) == '/../') {
$input = '/' . substr($input, 4);
} else {
$input = '/' . substr($input, 3);
$output = substr($output, 0, strrpos($output, '/'));
# 5.2.4.D Remove . and .. if it's the only thing in the input
function removeLoneDotDot(&$input) {
if($input == '.') {
$input = substr($input, 1);
} else {
$input = substr($input, 2);
# 5.2.4.E Move one segment from input to output
function moveOneSegmentFromInput(&$input, &$output) {
if(substr($input, 0, 1) != '/') {
$pos = strpos($input, '/');
} else {
$pos = strpos($input, '/', 1);
if($pos === false) {
$output .= $input;
$input = '';
} else {
$output .= substr($input, 0, $pos);
$input = substr($input, $pos);
# 5.2.4 Remove Dot Segments
function removeDotSegments($path) {
# 1. The input buffer is initialized with the now-appended path
# components and the output buffer is initialized to the empty
# string.
$input = $path;
$output = '';
$step = 0;
# 2. While the input buffer is not empty, loop as follows:
while($input) {
if(substr($input, 0, 3) == '../' || substr($input, 0, 2) == './') {
# A. If the input buffer begins with a prefix of "../" or "./",
# then remove that prefix from the input buffer; otherwise,
} elseif(substr($input, 0, 3) == '/./' || $input == '/.') {
# B. if the input buffer begins with a prefix of "/./" or "/.",
# where "." is a complete path segment, then replace that
# prefix with "/" in the input buffer; otherwise,
} elseif(substr($input, 0, 4) == '/../' || $input == '/..') {
# C. if the input buffer begins with a prefix of "/../" or "/..",
# where ".." is a complete path segment, then replace that
# prefix with "/" in the input buffer and remove the last
# segment and its preceding "/" (if any) from the output
# buffer; otherwise,
removeOneDirLevel($input, $output);
} elseif($input == '.' || $input == '..') {
# D. if the input buffer consists only of "." or "..", then remove
# that from the input buffer; otherwise,
} else {
# E. move the first path segment in the input buffer to the end of
# the output buffer and any subsequent characters up to, but not including,
# the next "/" character or the end of the input buffer
moveOneSegmentFromInput($input, $output);
return $output;