978 lines
34 KiB

declare(strict_types = 1);
* Validation class
* Copyright (c) 1997-2006 Pierre-Alain Joye,Tomas V.V.Cox, Amir Saied
* This source file is subject to the New BSD license, That is bundled
* with this package in the file LICENSE, and is available through
* the world-wide-web at
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the new BSDlicense and are unable
* to obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to
* pajoye@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* Author: Tomas V.V.Cox <cox@idecnet.com>
* Pierre-Alain Joye <pajoye@php.net>
* Amir Mohammad Saied <amir@php.net>
* Package to validate various datas. It includes :
* - numbers (min/max, decimal or not)
* - email (syntax, domain check)
* - string (predifined type alpha upper and/or lowercase, numeric,...)
* - date (min, max, rfc822 compliant)
* - uri (RFC2396)
* - possibility valid multiple data with a single method call (::multiple)
* @category Validate
* @package Validate
* @author Tomas V.V.Cox <cox@idecnet.com>
* @author Pierre-Alain Joye <pajoye@php.net>
* @author Amir Mohammad Saied <amir@php.net>
* @copyright 1997-2006 Pierre-Alain Joye,Tomas V.V.Cox,Amir Mohammad Saied
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License
* @version CVS: $Id$
* @see http://pear.php.net/package/Validate
// {{{ Constants
* Methods for common data validations
\define('VALIDATE_NUM', '0-9');
\define('VALIDATE_SPACE', '\s');
\define('VALIDATE_ALPHA_LOWER', 'a-z');
\define('VALIDATE_EALPHA_LOWER', VALIDATE_ALPHA_LOWER . 'áéíóúýàèìòùäëïöüÿâêîôûãñõ¨åæç½ðøþß');
\define('VALIDATE_PUNCTUATION', VALIDATE_SPACE . '\.,;\:&"\'\?\!\(\)');
\define('VALIDATE_ALL_EMAILS', 8);
// }}}
* Validation class
* Package to validate various datas. It includes :
* - numbers (min/max, decimal or not)
* - email (syntax, domain check)
* - string (predifined type alpha upper and/or lowercase, numeric,...)
* - date (min, max)
* - uri (RFC2396)
* - possibility valid multiple data with a single method call (::multiple)
* @category Validate
* @package Validate
* @author Tomas V.V.Cox <cox@idecnet.com>
* @author Pierre-Alain Joye <pajoye@php.net>
* @author Amir Mohammad Saied <amir@php.net>
* @author Diogo Cordeiro <diogo@fc.up.pt>
* @copyright 1997-2006 Pierre-Alain Joye,Tomas V.V.Cox,Amir Mohammad Saied
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @see http://pear.php.net/package/Validate
class Validate
// {{{ International, Generic and Country code TLDs
* International Top-Level Domain
* This is an array of the known international
* top-level domain names.
* @var array $itld (International top-level domains)
protected static array $itld = [
* Generic top-level domain
* This is an array of the official
* generic top-level domains.
* @var array $gtld (Generic top-level domains)
protected static array $gtld = [
* Country code top-level domains
* This is an array of the official country
* codes top-level domains
* @var array $cctld (Country Code Top-Level Domain)
protected static array $cctld = [
'ad', 'ae', 'af', 'ag',
'ai', 'al', 'am', 'an',
'ao', 'aq', 'ar', 'as',
'at', 'au', 'aw', 'ax',
'az', 'ba', 'bb', 'bd',
'be', 'bf', 'bg', 'bh',
'bi', 'bj', 'bm', 'bn',
'bo', 'br', 'bs', 'bt',
'bu', 'bv', 'bw', 'by',
'bz', 'ca', 'cc', 'cd',
'cf', 'cg', 'ch', 'ci',
'ck', 'cl', 'cm', 'cn',
'co', 'cr', 'cs', 'cu',
'cv', 'cx', 'cy', 'cz',
'de', 'dj', 'dk', 'dm',
'do', 'dz', 'ec', 'ee',
'eg', 'eh', 'er', 'es',
'et', 'eu', 'fi', 'fj',
'fk', 'fm', 'fo', 'fr',
'ga', 'gb', 'gd', 'ge',
'gf', 'gg', 'gh', 'gi',
'gl', 'gm', 'gn', 'gp',
'gq', 'gr', 'gs', 'gt',
'gu', 'gw', 'gy', 'hk',
'hm', 'hn', 'hr', 'ht',
'hu', 'id', 'ie', 'il',
'im', 'in', 'io', 'iq',
'ir', 'is', 'it', 'je',
'jm', 'jo', 'jp', 'ke',
'kg', 'kh', 'ki', 'km',
'kn', 'kp', 'kr', 'kw',
'ky', 'kz', 'la', 'lb',
'lc', 'li', 'lk', 'lr',
'ls', 'lt', 'lu', 'lv',
'ly', 'ma', 'mc', 'md',
'me', 'mg', 'mh', 'mk',
'ml', 'mm', 'mn', 'mo',
'mp', 'mq', 'mr', 'ms',
'mt', 'mu', 'mv', 'mw',
'mx', 'my', 'mz', 'na',
'nc', 'ne', 'nf', 'ng',
'ni', 'nl', 'no', 'np',
'nr', 'nu', 'nz', 'om',
'pa', 'pe', 'pf', 'pg',
'ph', 'pk', 'pl', 'pm',
'pn', 'pr', 'ps', 'pt',
'pw', 'py', 'qa', 're',
'ro', 'rs', 'ru', 'rw',
'sa', 'sb', 'sc', 'sd',
'se', 'sg', 'sh', 'si',
'sj', 'sk', 'sl', 'sm',
'sn', 'so', 'sr', 'st',
'su', 'sv', 'sy', 'sz',
'tc', 'td', 'tf', 'tg',
'th', 'tj', 'tk', 'tl',
'tm', 'tn', 'to', 'tp',
'tr', 'tt', 'tv', 'tw',
'tz', 'ua', 'ug', 'uk',
'us', 'uy', 'uz', 'va',
'vc', 've', 'vg', 'vi',
'vn', 'vu', 'wf', 'ws',
'ye', 'yt', 'yu', 'za',
'zm', 'zw',
// }}}
* Validate a tag URI (RFC4151)
* @param string $uri tag URI to validate
* @throws Exception
* @return bool true if valid tag URI, false if not
private static function uriRFC4151(string $uri): bool
$datevalid = false;
if (preg_match(
)) {
$date = $matches['date'];
$date6 = strtotime($date);
if ((mb_strlen($date) == 4) && $date <= date('Y')) {
$datevalid = true;
} elseif ((mb_strlen($date) == 7) && ($date6 < strtotime('now'))) {
$datevalid = true;
} elseif ((mb_strlen($date) == 10) && ($date6 < strtotime('now'))) {
$datevalid = true;
if (self::email($matches['name'])) {
$namevalid = true;
} else {
$namevalid = self::email('info@' . $matches['name']);
return $datevalid && $namevalid;
} else {
return false;
* Validate a number
* @param string $number Number to validate
* @param array $options array where:
* 'decimal' is the decimal char or false when decimal
* not allowed.
* i.e. ',.' to allow both ',' and '.'
* 'dec_prec' Number of allowed decimals
* 'min' minimum value
* 'max' maximum value
* @return bool true if valid number, false if not
public static function number(string $number, array $options = []): bool
$decimal = $dec_prec = $min = $max = null;
if (\is_array($options)) {
$dec_prec = $dec_prec ? "{1,{$dec_prec}}" : '+';
$dec_regex = $decimal ? "[{$decimal}][0-9]{$dec_prec}" : '';
if (!preg_match("|^[-+]?\\s*[0-9]+({$dec_regex})?\$|", $number)) {
return false;
if ($decimal != '.') {
$number = strtr($number, $decimal, '.');
$number = (float) str_replace(' ', '', $number);
if ($min !== null && $min > $number) {
return false;
return !($max !== null && $max < $number);
* Converting a string to UTF-7 (RFC 2152)
* @param string $string string to be converted
* @return string converted string
private static function stringToUtf7(string $string): string
$return = '';
$utf7 = [
'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K',
'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V',
'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g',
'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r',
's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2',
'3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '+', ',',
$state = 0;
if (!empty($string)) {
$i = 0;
while ($i <= mb_strlen($string)) {
$char = mb_substr($string, $i, 1);
if ($state == 0) {
if ((\ord($char) >= 0x7F) || (\ord($char) <= 0x1F)) {
if ($char) {
$return .= '&';
$state = 1;
} elseif ($char == '&') {
$return .= '&-';
} else {
$return .= $char;
} elseif (($i == mb_strlen($string)
|| !((\ord($char) >= 0x7F)) || (\ord($char) <= 0x1F))) {
if ($state != 1) {
if (\ord($char) > 64) {
$return .= '';
} else {
$return .= $utf7[\ord($char)];
$return .= '-';
$state = 0;
} else {
switch ($state) {
case 1:
$return .= $utf7[\ord($char) >> 2];
$residue = (\ord($char) & 0x03) << 4;
$state = 2;
case 2:
$return .= $utf7[$residue | (\ord($char) >> 4)];
$residue = (\ord($char) & 0x0F) << 2;
$state = 3;
case 3:
$return .= $utf7[$residue | (\ord($char) >> 6)];
$return .= $utf7[\ord($char) & 0x3F];
$state = 1;
return $return;
return '';
* Validate an email according to full RFC822 (inclusive human readable part)
* @param string $email email to validate,
* will return the address for optional dns validation
* @param array $options email() options
* @return bool true if valid email, false if not
private static function emailRFC822(string &$email, array &$options): bool
static $address = null;
static $uncomment = null;
if (!$address) {
// atom = 1*<any CHAR except specials, SPACE and CTLs>
$atom = '[^][()<>@,;:\\".\s\000-\037\177-\377]+\s*';
// qtext = <any CHAR excepting <">, ; => may be folded
// "\" & CR, and including linear-white-space>
$qtext = '[^"\\\\\r]';
// quoted-pair = "\" CHAR ; may quote any char
$quoted_pair = '\\\\.';
// quoted-string = <"> *(qtext/quoted-pair) <">; Regular qtext or
// ; quoted chars.
$quoted_string = '"(?:' . $qtext . '|' . $quoted_pair . ')*"\s*';
// word = atom / quoted-string
$word = '(?:' . $atom . '|' . $quoted_string . ')';
// local-part = word *("." word) ; uninterpreted
// ; case-preserved
$local_part = $word . '(?:\.\s*' . $word . ')*';
// dtext = <any CHAR excluding "[", ; => may be folded
// "]", "\" & CR, & including linear-white-space>
$dtext = '[^][\\\\\r]';
// domain-literal = "[" *(dtext / quoted-pair) "]"
$domain_literal = '\[(?:' . $dtext . '|' . $quoted_pair . ')*\]\s*';
// sub-domain = domain-ref / domain-literal
// domain-ref = atom ; symbolic reference
$sub_domain = '(?:' . $atom . '|' . $domain_literal . ')';
// domain = sub-domain *("." sub-domain)
$domain = $sub_domain . '(?:\.\s*' . $sub_domain . ')*';
// addr-spec = local-part "@" domain ; global address
$addr_spec = $local_part . '@\s*' . $domain;
// route = 1#("@" domain) ":" ; path-relative
$route = '@' . $domain . '(?:,@\s*' . $domain . ')*:\s*';
// route-addr = "<" [route] addr-spec ">"
$route_addr = '<\s*(?:' . $route . ')?' . $addr_spec . '>\s*';
// phrase = 1*word ; Sequence of words
$phrase = $word . '+';
// mailbox = addr-spec ; simple address
// / phrase route-addr ; name & addr-spec
$mailbox = '(?:' . $addr_spec . '|' . $phrase . $route_addr . ')';
// group = phrase ":" [#mailbox] ";"
$group = $phrase . ':\s*(?:' . $mailbox . '(?:,\s*' . $mailbox . ')*)?;\s*';
// address = mailbox ; one addressee
// / group ; named list
$address = '/^\s*(?:' . $mailbox . '|' . $group . ')$/';
= '/((?:(?:\\\\"|[^("])*(?:' . $quoted_string
. ')?)*)((?<!\\\\)\((?:(?2)|.)*?(?<!\\\\)\))/';
// strip comments
$email = preg_replace($uncomment, '$1 ', $email);
return preg_match($address, $email);
* Full TLD Validation function
* This function is used to make a much more proficient validation
* against all types of official domain names.
* @param string $email the email address to check
* @param array $options The options for validation
* @return bool True if validating succeeds
protected static function fullTLDValidation(
string $email,
array $options,
): bool {
$validate = [];
if (!empty($options['VALIDATE_ITLD_EMAILS'])) {
$validate[] = 'itld';
if (!empty($options['VALIDATE_GTLD_EMAILS'])) {
$validate[] = 'gtld';
if (!empty($options['VALIDATE_CCTLD_EMAILS'])) {
$validate[] = 'cctld';
if (\count($validate) === 0) {
array_push($validate, 'itld', 'gtld', 'cctld');
$toValidate = [];
foreach ($validate as $valid) {
$tmpVar = (string) $valid;
$toValidate[$valid] = self::${$tmpVar};
$e = self::executeFullEmailValidation($email, $toValidate);
return $e;
* Execute the validation
* This function will execute the full email vs tld
* validation using an array of tlds passed to it.
* @param string $email the email to validate
* @param array $arrayOfTLDs The array of the TLDs to validate
* @return bool true or false (Depending on if it validates or if it does not)
public static function executeFullEmailValidation(
string $email,
array $arrayOfTLDs,
): bool {
$emailEnding = explode('.', $email);
$emailEnding = $emailEnding[\count($emailEnding) - 1];
foreach ($arrayOfTLDs as $validator => $keys) {
if (\in_array($emailEnding, $keys)) {
return true;
return false;
* Validate an email
* @param string $email email to validate
* @param mixed bool (BC) $check_domain Check or not if the domain exists
* array $options associative array of options
* 'check_domain' boolean Check or not if the domain exists
* 'use_rfc822' boolean Apply the full RFC822 grammar
* Ex.
* $options = [
* 'check_domain' => 'true',
* 'fullTLDValidation' => 'true',
* 'use_rfc822' => 'true',
* ];
* @param null|mixed $options
* @throws Exception
* @return bool true if valid email, false if not
public static function email(string $email, $options = null): bool
$check_domain = false;
$use_rfc822 = false;
if (\is_bool($options)) {
$check_domain = $options;
} elseif (\is_array($options)) {
* Check for IDN usage so we can encode the domain as Punycode
* before continuing.
$hasIDNA = false;
if (self::includePathFileExists('Net/IDNA2.php')) {
$hasIDNA = true;
if ($hasIDNA === true) {
if (str_contains($email, '@')) {
$tmpEmail = explode('@', $email);
$domain = array_pop($tmpEmail);
// Check if the domain contains characters > 127 which means
// it's an idn domain name.
$chars = count_chars($domain, 1);
if (!empty($chars) && max(array_keys($chars)) > 127) {
$idna = &Net_IDNA2::singleton();
$domain = $idna->encode($domain);
$tmpEmail[] = $domain;
$email = implode('@', $tmpEmail);
* @todo Fix bug here.. even if it passes this, it won't be passing
* The regular expression below
if (isset($fullTLDValidation)) {
//$valid = self::fullTLDValidation($email, $fullTLDValidation);
$valid = self::fullTLDValidation($email, $options);
if (!$valid) {
return false;
// the base regexp for address
$regex = '&^(?: # recipient:
("\s*(?:[^"\f\n\r\t\v\b\s]+\s*)+")| #1 quoted name
([-\w!\#\$%\&\'*+~/^`|{}]+(?:\.[-\w!\#\$%\&\'*+~/^`|{}]+)*)) #2 OR dot-atom
@(((\[)? #3 domain, 4 as IPv4, 5 optionally bracketed
((?:[a-z0-9](?:[-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?\.)*[a-z0-9](?:[-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?) #6 domain as hostname
\.((?:([^- ])[-a-z]*[-a-z]))) #7 TLD
//checks if exists the domain (MX or A)
if ($use_rfc822 ? self::emailRFC822($email, $options)
: preg_match($regex, $email)) {
if ($check_domain && \function_exists('checkdnsrr')) {
$domain = preg_replace('/[^-a-z.0-9]/i', '', array_pop(explode('@', $email)));
return (bool) (checkdnsrr($domain, 'MX') || checkdnsrr($domain, 'A'));
return true;
return false;
* Validate a string using the given format 'format'
* @param string $string String to validate
* @param array|string $options Options array where:
* 'format' is the format of the string
* Ex:VALIDATE_NUM . VALIDATE_ALPHA (see constants)
* 'min_length' minimum length
* 'max_length' maximum length
* @return bool true if valid string, false if not
public static function string(string $string, $options): bool
$format = null;
$min_length = 0;
$max_length = 0;
if (\is_array($options)) {
if ($format && !preg_match("|^[{$format}]*\$|s", $string)) {
return false;
if ($min_length && mb_strlen($string) < $min_length) {
return false;
return !($max_length && mb_strlen($string) > $max_length);
* Validate an URI (RFC2396)
* This function will validate 'foobarstring' by default, to get it to validate
* only http, https, ftp and such you have to pass it in the allowed_schemes
* option, like this:
* <code>
* $options = ['allowed_schemes' => ['http', 'https', 'ftp']]
* var_dump(Validate::uri('http://www.example.org', $options));
* </code>
* NOTE 1: The rfc2396 normally allows middle '-' in the top domain
* e.g. http://example.co-m should be valid
* However, as '-' is not used in any known TLD, it is invalid
* NOTE 2: As double shlashes // are allowed in the path part, only full URIs
* including an authority can be valid, no relative URIs
* the // are mandatory (optionally preceeded by the 'sheme:' )
* NOTE 3: the full complience to rfc2396 is not achieved by default
* the characters ';/?:@$,' will not be accepted in the query part
* if not urlencoded, refer to the option "strict'"
* @param string $url URI to validate
* @param null|array $options Options used by the validation method.
* key => type
* 'domain_check' => boolean
* Whether to check the DNS entry or not
* 'allowed_schemes' => array, list of protocols
* List of allowed schemes ('http',
* 'ssh+svn', 'mms')
* 'strict' => string the refused chars
* in query and fragment parts
* default: ';/?:@$,'
* empty: accept all rfc2396 foreseen chars
* @throws Exception
* @return bool true if valid uri, false if not
public static function uri(string $url, ?array $options = null): bool
$strict = ';/?:@$,';
$domain_check = false;
$allowed_schemes = null;
if (\is_array($options)) {
if (\is_array($allowed_schemes)
&& \in_array('tag', $allowed_schemes)
) {
if (str_starts_with($url, 'tag:')) {
return self::uriRFC4151($url);
if (preg_match(
'&^(?:([a-z][-+.a-z0-9]*):)? # 1. scheme
(?:// # authority start
(?:((?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[-a-z0-9_.!~*\'();:\&=+$,])*)@)? # 2. authority-userinfo
(?:((?:[a-z0-9](?:[-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?\.)*[a-z](?:[a-z0-9]+)?\.?) # 3. authority-hostname OR
|([0-9]{1,3}(?:\.[0-9]{1,3}){3})) # 4. authority-ipv4
(?::([0-9]*))?) # 5. authority-port
((?:/(?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[-a-z0-9_.!~*\'():@\&=+$,;])*)*/?)? # 6. path
(?:\?([^#]*))? # 7. query
(?:\#((?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[-a-z0-9_.!~*\'();/?:@\&=+$,])*))? # 8. fragment
)) {
$scheme = $matches[1] ?? '';
$authority = $matches[3] ?? '';
if (\is_array($allowed_schemes)
&& !\in_array($scheme, $allowed_schemes)
) {
return false;
if (!empty($matches[4])) {
$parts = explode('.', $matches[4]);
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if ($part > 255) {
return false;
} elseif ($domain_check && \function_exists('checkdnsrr')) {
if (!checkdnsrr($authority, 'A')) {
return false;
if ($strict) {
$strict = '#[' . preg_quote($strict, '#') . ']#';
if ((!empty($matches[7]) && preg_match($strict, $matches[7]))
|| (!empty($matches[8]) && preg_match($strict, $matches[8]))) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Substr
* @param string &$date Date
* @param string $num Length
* @param false|string $opt Unknown
private static function substr(
string &$date,
string $num,
$opt = false,
): string {
if (
&& mb_strlen($date) >= $opt
&& preg_match('/^[0-9]{' . $opt . '}/', $date, $m)
) {
$ret = $m[0];
} else {
$ret = mb_substr($date, 0, $num);
$date = mb_substr($date, mb_strlen($ret));
return $ret;
protected static function modf($val, $div)
if (\function_exists('bcmod')) {
return bcmod($val, $div);
} elseif (\function_exists('fmod')) {
return fmod($val, $div);
$r = $val / $div;
$i = (int) $r;
return (int) ($val - $i * $div + .1);
* Calculates sum of product of number digits with weights
* @param string $number number string
* @param array $weights reference to array of weights
* @return int returns product of number digits with weights
protected static function multWeights(
string $number,
array &$weights,
): int {
if (!\is_array($weights)) {
return -1;
$sum = 0;
$count = min(\count($weights), mb_strlen($number));
if ($count == 0) { // empty string or weights array
return -1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
$sum += (int) (mb_substr($number, $i, 1)) * $weights[$i];
return $sum;
* Calculates control digit for a given number
* @param string $number number string
* @param array $weights reference to array of weights
* @param int $modulo (optionsl) number
* @param int $subtract (optional) number
* @param bool $allow_high (optional) true if function can return number higher than 10
* @return int -1 calculated control number is returned
protected static function getControlNumber(
string $number,
array &$weights,
int $modulo = 10,
int $subtract = 0,
bool $allow_high = false,
): int {
// calc sum
$sum = self::multWeights($number, $weights);
if ($sum == -1) {
return -1;
$mod = self::modf($sum, $modulo); // calculate control digit
if ($subtract > $mod && $mod > 0) {
$mod = $subtract - $mod;
if ($allow_high === false) {
$mod %= 10; // change 10 to zero
return $mod;
* Validates a number
* @param string $number number to validate
* @param array $weights reference to array of weights
* @param int $modulo (optional) number
* @param int $subtract (optional) number
* @return bool true if valid, false if not
protected static function checkControlNumber(
string $number,
array &$weights,
int $modulo = 10,
int $subtract = 0,
): bool {
if (mb_strlen($number) < \count($weights)) {
return false;
$target_digit = mb_substr($number, \count($weights), 1);
$control_digit = self::getControlNumber(
($modulo > 10),
if ($control_digit == -1) {
return false;
if ($target_digit === 'X' && $control_digit == 10) {
return true;
return !($control_digit != $target_digit);
* Bulk data validation for data introduced in the form of an
* assoc array in the form $var_name => $value.
* Can be used on any of Validate subpackages
* @param array $data Ex: ['name' => 'toto', 'email' => 'toto@thing.info'];
* @param array $val_type Contains the validation type and all parameters used in.
* 'val_type' is not optional
* others validations properties must have the same name as the function
* parameters.
* Ex: ['toto' => ['type'=>'string','format'='toto@thing.info','min_length'=>5]];
* @param bool $remove if set, the elements not listed in data will be removed
* @return array value name => true|false the value name comes from the data key
public static function multiple(
array &$data,
array &$val_type,
bool $remove = false,
): array {
$keys = array_keys($data);
$valid = [];
foreach ($keys as $var_name) {
if (!isset($val_type[$var_name])) {
if ($remove) {
$opt = $val_type[$var_name];
$methods = get_class_methods('Validate');
$val2check = $data[$var_name];
// core validation method
if (\in_array(mb_strtolower($opt['type']), $methods)) {
//$opt[$opt['type']] = $data[$var_name];
$method = $opt['type'];
if (sizeof($opt) == 1 && \is_array(reset($opt))) {
$opt = array_pop($opt);
$valid[$var_name] = \call_user_func(['Validate', $method], $val2check, $opt);
* external validation method in the form:
* "<class name><underscore><method name>"
* Ex: us_ssn will include class Validate/US.php and call method ssn()
} elseif (str_contains($opt['type'], '_')) {
$validateType = explode('_', $opt['type']);
$method = array_pop($validateType);
$class = implode('_', $validateType);
$classPath = str_replace('_', \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $class);
$class = 'Validate_' . $class;
if (self::includePathFileExists("Validate/{$classPath}.php")) {
include_once "Validate/{$classPath}.php";
} else {
trigger_error("{$class} isn't installed or you may have some permission issues", \E_USER_ERROR);
$ce = mb_substr(phpversion(), 0, 1) > 4
? class_exists($class, false) : class_exists($class);
if (!$ce
|| !\in_array($method, get_class_methods($class))
) {
"Invalid validation type {$class}::{$method}",
if (sizeof($opt) == 1) {
$opt = array_pop($opt);
$valid[$var_name] = \call_user_func(
[$class, $method],
} else {
"Invalid validation type {$opt['type']}",
return $valid;
* Determine whether specified file exists along the include path.
* @param string $filename file to search for
* @return bool true if file exists
private static function includePathFileExists(string $filename): bool
$paths = explode(':', ini_get('include_path'));
$result = false;
foreach ($paths as $val) {
$result = file_exists($val . '/' . $filename);
if ($result) {
return $result;