------ README ------ StatusNet 1.1.0 2 July 2012 This is the README file for StatusNet, the Open Source social networking platform. It includes general information about the software and the project. Some other files to review: - INSTALL: instructions on how to install the software. - UPGRADE: upgrading from earlier versions - CONFIGURE: configuration options in gruesome detail. - PLUGINS.txt: how to install and configure plugins. - EVENTS.txt: events supported by the plugin system - COPYING: full text of the software license Information on using StatusNet can be found in the "doc" subdirectory or in the "help" section on-line. About ===== StatusNet is a Free and Open Source social networking platform. It helps people in a community, company or group to exchange short status updates, do polls, announce events, or other social activities (and you can add more!). Users can choose which people to "follow" and receive only their friends' or colleagues' status messages. It provides a similar service to sites like Twitter, Google+, Facebook or Yammer, but is much more awesome. With a little work, status messages can be sent to mobile phones, instant messenger programs (GTalk/Jabber), and specially-designed desktop clients that support the Twitter API. StatusNet supports an open standard called OStatus <http://ostatus.org/> that lets users in different networks follow each other. It enables a distributed social network spread all across the Web. StatusNet was originally developed for the Open Software Service, Identi.ca <http://identi.ca/>. It is shared with you in hope that you too make an Open Software Service available to your users. To learn more, please see the Open Software Service Definition 1.1: http://www.opendefinition.org/ossd StatusNet, Inc. <http://status.net/> also offers this software as a Web service, requiring no installation on your part. See <http://status.net/signup> for details. The software run on status.net is identical to the software available for download, so you can move back and forth between a hosted version or a version installed on your own servers. A commercial software subscription is available from StatusNet Inc. It includes 24-hour technical support and developer support. More information at http://status.net/contact or email sales@status.net. License ======= This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program, in the file "COPYING". If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. IMPORTANT NOTE: The GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) has *different requirements* from the "regular" GPL. In particular, if you make modifications to the StatusNet source code on your server, you *MUST MAKE AVAILABLE* the modified version of the source code to your users under the same license. This is a legal requirement of using the software, and if you do not wish to share your modifications, *YOU MAY NOT INSTALL STATUSNET*. Documentation in the /doc-src/ directory is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license, with attribution to "StatusNet". See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ for details. CSS and images in the /theme/ directory are available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license, with attribution to "StatusNet". See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ for details. Our understanding and intention is that if you add your own theme that uses only CSS and images, those files are not subject to the copyleft requirements of the Affero General Public License 3.0. See http://wordpress.org/news/2009/07/themes-are-gpl-too/ . This is not legal advice; consult your lawyer. Additional library software has been made available in the 'extlib' directory. All of it is Free Software and can be distributed under liberal terms, but those terms may differ in detail from the AGPL's particulars. See each package's license file in the extlib directory for additional terms. New this version ================ This is a minor bug fix and feature release since 1.0.1, released 3 October 2011. (Because the plugin interface has changed in an upwardly compatible way, we've incremented the minor version number. See http://semver.org/ for the semantic versioning scheme we follow.) It includes the following changes: - ActivitySpam plugin to check updates against spamicity.info - Options to hide users who've been silenced or have posted spammy updates. - OfflineBackup experimental plugin. - Fixes for TwitterBridge to correctly handle replies through the bridge. - Improvements in ActivityStreams JSON output to better match 1.0 spec. - Console scripts for managing groups. - Bug fix for conversation counts in conversation streams. - Rights for moderators to manage spam. A full changelog is available at http://status.net/wiki/StatusNet_1.1.0. Troubleshooting =============== The primary output for StatusNet is syslog, unless you configured a separate logfile. This is probably the first place to look if you're getting weird behaviour from StatusNet. If you're tracking the unstable version of StatusNet in the git repository (see below), and you get a compilation error ("unexpected T_STRING") in the browser, check to see that you don't have any conflicts in your code. Unstable version ================ If you're adventurous or impatient, you may want to install the development version of StatusNet. To get it, use the git version control tool <http://git-scm.com/> like so: git clone git@gitorious.org:statusnet/mainline.git This is the version of the software that runs on Identi.ca and the status.net hosted service. Using it is a mixed bag. On the positive side, it usually includes the latest security and bug fix patches. On the downside, it may also include changes that require admin intervention (like running a script or even raw SQL!) that may not be documented yet. It may be a good idea to test this version before installing it on your production machines. To keep it up-to-date, use 'git pull'. Watch for conflicts! Further information =================== There are several ways to get more information about StatusNet. * There is a mailing list for StatusNet developers and admins at http://mail.status.net/mailman/listinfo/statusnet-dev * The #statusnet IRC channel on freenode.net <http://www.freenode.net/>. * The StatusNet wiki, http://status.net/wiki/ * The StatusNet blog, http://status.net/blog/ * The StatusNet status update, <http://status.status.net/> (!) Feedback ======== * Messages to http://support.status.net/ are very welcome. * The group http://identi.ca/group/statusnet is a good place to discuss the software. * StatusNet has a bug tracker for any defects you may find, or ideas for making things better. http://status.net/open-source/issues * The StatusNet forum is at http://forum.status.net/. Credits ======= The following is an incomplete list of developers who've worked on StatusNet. Apologies for any oversight; please let evan@status.net know if anyone's been overlooked in error. * Evan Prodromou, founder and lead developer, StatusNet, Inc. * Zach Copley, StatusNet, Inc. * Earle Martin, StatusNet, Inc. * Marie-Claude Doyon, designer, StatusNet, Inc. * Sarven Capadisli, StatusNet, Inc. * Robin Millette, StatusNet, Inc. * Ciaran Gultnieks * Michael Landers * Ori Avtalion * Garret Buell * Mike Cochrane * Matthew Gregg * Florian Biree * Erik Stambaugh * 'drry' * Gina Haeussge * Tryggvi Björgvinsson * Adrian Lang * Ori Avtalion * Meitar Moscovitz * Ken Sheppardson (Trac server, man-about-town) * Tiago 'gouki' Faria (i18n manager) * Sean Murphy * Leslie Michael Orchard * Eric Helgeson * Ken Sedgwick * Brian Hendrickson * Tobias Diekershoff * Dan Moore * Fil * Jeff Mitchell * Brenda Wallace * Jeffery To * Federico Marani * Craig Andrews * mEDI * Brett Taylor * Brigitte Schuster * Siebrand Mazeland and the amazing volunteer translators at translatewiki.net * Brion Vibber, StatusNet, Inc. * James Walker, StatusNet, Inc. * Samantha Doherty, designer, StatusNet, Inc. Thanks also to the developers of our upstream library code and to the thousands of people who have tried out Identi.ca, installed StatusNet, told their friends, and built the Open Microblogging network to what it is today.
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