Eliseu Amaro 918e6823a9
[ENTITY][Actor] Init Actor's class variable homepage, bio, and location to null
The template cards/profile/view.html.twig tries to access the bio variable before it's initialized, an is null check was already in place. However, even then, the variable needs to be init beforehand. The same change was applied to homepage and location since they might lead to similar issues.
2021-12-20 16:31:26 +00:00

559 lines
18 KiB

declare(strict_types = 1);
// {{{ License
// This file is part of GNU social -
// GNU social is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// GNU social is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with GNU social. If not, see <>.
// }}}
namespace App\Entity;
use App\Core\Cache;
use App\Core\DB\DB;
use App\Core\Entity;
use App\Core\Event;
use App\Core\Router\Router;
use App\Core\UserRoles;
use App\Util\Exception\NicknameException;
use App\Util\Exception\NotFoundException;
use App\Util\Nickname;
use Component\Avatar\Avatar;
use Component\Tag\Tag as TagComponent;
use DateTimeInterface;
use Functional as F;
* Entity for actors
* @category DB
* @package GNUsocial
* @author Zach Copley <>
* @copyright 2010 StatusNet Inc.
* @author Mikael Nordfeldth <>
* @copyright 2009-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc
* @author Hugo Sales <>
* @copyright 2020-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc
* @license GNU AGPL v3 or later
class Actor extends Entity
// {{{ Autocode
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
private int $id;
private string $nickname;
private ?string $fullname = null;
private int $roles = 4;
private int $type;
private ?string $homepage = null;
private ?string $bio = null;
private ?string $location = null;
private ?float $lat;
private ?float $lon;
private ?int $location_id;
private ?int $location_service;
private bool $is_local;
private DateTimeInterface $created;
private DateTimeInterface $modified;
public function setId(int $id): self
$this->id = $id;
return $this;
public function getId(): int
return $this->id;
public function setNickname(string $nickname): self
$this->nickname = $nickname;
return $this;
public function getNickname(): string
return $this->nickname;
public function setFullname(?string $fullname): self
$this->fullname = $fullname;
return $this;
public function getFullname(): ?string
if (\is_null($this->fullname)) {
return null;
return $this->fullname;
public function setRoles(int $roles): self
$this->roles = $roles;
return $this;
public function getRoles(): int
return $this->roles;
public function setType(int $type): self
$this->type = $type;
return $this;
public function getType(): int
return $this->type;
public function setHomepage(?string $homepage): self
$this->homepage = $homepage;
return $this;
public function getHomepage(): ?string
return $this->homepage;
public function setBio(?string $bio): self
$this->bio = $bio;
return $this;
public function getBio(): ?string
return $this->bio;
public function setLocation(?string $location): self
$this->location = $location;
return $this;
public function getLocation(): ?string
return $this->location;
public function setLat(?float $lat): self
$this->lat = $lat;
return $this;
public function getLat(): ?float
return $this->lat;
public function setLon(?float $lon): self
$this->lon = $lon;
return $this;
public function getLon(): ?float
return $this->lon;
public function setLocationId(?int $location_id): self
$this->location_id = $location_id;
return $this;
public function getLocationId(): ?int
return $this->location_id;
public function setLocationService(?int $location_service): self
$this->location_service = $location_service;
return $this;
public function getLocationService(): ?int
return $this->location_service;
public function setIsLocal(bool $is_local): self
$this->is_local = $is_local;
return $this;
public function getIsLocal(): bool
return $this->is_local;
public function setCreated(DateTimeInterface $created): self
$this->created = $created;
return $this;
public function getCreated(): DateTimeInterface
return $this->created;
public function setModified(DateTimeInterface $modified): self
$this->modified = $modified;
return $this;
public function getModified(): DateTimeInterface
return $this->modified;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
// }}} Autocode
public const PERSON = 1;
public const GROUP = 2;
public const ORGANIZATION = 3;
public const BUSINESS = 4;
public const BOT = 5;
public static function cacheKeys(int $actor_id, mixed $other = null): array
return [
'id' => "actor-id-{$actor_id}",
'nickname' => "actor-nickname-id-{$actor_id}",
'fullname' => "actor-fullname-id-{$actor_id}",
'tags' => \is_null($other) ? "actor-circles-and-tags-{$actor_id}" : "actor-circles-and-tags-{$actor_id}-by-{$other}", // $other is $context_id
'subscriber' => "subscriber-{$actor_id}",
'subscribed' => "subscribed-{$actor_id}",
'relative-nickname' => "actor-{$actor_id}-relative-nickname-{$other}", // $other is $nickname
public function getLocalUser()
if ($this->getIsLocal()) {
return DB::findOneBy('local_user', ['id' => $this->getId()]);
} else {
throw new NotFoundException('This is a remote actor.');
public function isGroup()
// TODO: implement
return false;
public function getAvatarUrl(string $size = 'full')
return Avatar::getUrl($this->getId(), $size);
public function getAvatarDimensions(string $size = 'full')
return Avatar::getDimensions($this->getId(), $size);
public static function getById(int $id): ?self
return Cache::get(self::cacheKeys($id)['id'], fn () => DB::find('actor', ['id' => $id]));
public static function getNicknameById(int $id): string
return Cache::get(self::cacheKeys($id)['nickname'], fn () => self::getById($id)->getNickname());
public static function getFullnameById(int $id): ?string
return Cache::get(self::cacheKeys($id)['fullname'], fn () => self::getById($id)->getFullname());
* For consistency with Note
public function getActorId(): int
return $this->getId();
* Tags attributed to self, shortcut function for increased legibility
* @return array<int, array> [ActorCircle[], ActorTag[]] resulting lists
public function getSelfTags(bool $_test_force_recompute = false): array
return $this->getOtherTags(context: $this->getId(), _test_force_recompute: $_test_force_recompute);
* Get tags that other people put on this actor, in reverse-chron order
* @param null|Actor|int $context Actor we are requesting as:
* - If null = All tags attributed to self by other actors (excludes self tags)
* - If self = Same as getSelfTags
* - otherwise = Tags that $context attributed to $this
* @param null|int $offset Offset from latest
* @param null|int $limit Max number to get
* @return array<int, array> [ActorCircle[], ActorTag[]] resulting lists
public function getOtherTags(self|int|null $context = null, ?int $offset = null, ?int $limit = null, bool $_test_force_recompute = false): array
if (\is_null($context)) {
return Cache::get(
fn () => DB::dql(
<<< 'EOQ'
SELECT circle, tag
FROM actor_tag tag
JOIN actor_circle circle
WITH tag.tagger = circle.tagger
AND tag.tag = circle.tag
WHERE tag.tagged = :id
ORDER BY tag.modified DESC, tag.tagged DESC
['id' => $this->getId()],
options: ['offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit],
} else {
$context_id = \is_int($context) ? $context : $context->getId();
return Cache::get(
self::cacheKeys($this->getId(), $context_id)['tags'],
fn () => DB::dql(
<<< 'EOQ'
SELECT circle, tag
FROM actor_tag tag
JOIN actor_circle circle
WITH tag.tagger = circle.tagger
AND tag.tag = circle.tag
tag.tagged = :id
AND (circle.private != true
OR (circle.tagger = :scoped
AND circle.private = true
ORDER BY tag.modified DESC, tag.tagged DESC
['id' => $this->getId(), 'scoped' => $context_id],
options: ['offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit],
* @param array $tags array of strings to become self tags
* @param null|array $existing array of existing self tags (ActorTag[])
* @return $this
public function setSelfTags(array $tags, ?array $existing = null): self
$tags = F\filter($tags, fn ($tag) => Nickname::isCanonical($tag)); // TODO: Have an actual #Tag test
$tags = array_unique($tags);
if (\is_null($existing)) {
[$_, $existing] = $this->getSelfTags();
$existing_actor_tags = F\map($existing, fn ($actor_tag) => $actor_tag->getTag());
$tags_to_add = array_diff($tags, $existing_actor_tags);
$tags_to_remove = array_diff($existing_actor_tags, $tags);
$actor_tags_to_remove = F\filter($existing, fn ($actor_tag) => \in_array($actor_tag->getTag(), $tags_to_remove));
foreach ($tags_to_add as $tag) {
$canonical_tag = TagComponent::canonicalTag($tag, $this->getTopLanguage()->getLocale());
DB::persist(ActorCircle::create(['tagger' => $this->getId(), 'tag' => $tag, 'private' => false]));
DB::persist(ActorTag::create(['tagger' => $this->id, 'tagged' => $this->id, 'tag' => $tag, 'canonical' => $canonical_tag, 'use_canonical' => false])); // TODO make use canonical configurable
foreach ($actor_tags_to_remove as $actor_tag) {
DB::removeBy('actor_tag', ['tagger' => $this->getId(), 'tagged' => $this->getId(), 'tag' => $actor_tag->getTag(), 'use_canonical' => $actor_tag->getUseCanonical()]);
DB::removeBy('actor_circle', ['tagger' => $this->getId(), 'tag' => $actor_tag->getTag()]); // TODO only remove if unused
Cache::delete(self::cacheKeys($this->getId(), $this->getId())['tags']);
return $this;
private function getSubCount(string $which, string $column): int
return Cache::get(
fn () => DB::dql(
"select count(s) from subscription s where s.{$column} = :{$column}", // Not injecting the parameter value
[$column => $this->getId()],
)[0][1] - ($this->getIsLocal() ? 1 : 0), // Remove self subscription if local
public function getSubscribersCount(): int
return $this->getSubCount(which: 'subscriber', column: 'subscribed');
public function getSubscribedCount()
return $this->getSubCount(which: 'subscribed', column: 'subscriber');
public function isPerson(): bool
return ($this->roles & UserRoles::BOT) === 0;
* Resolve an ambiguous nickname reference, checking in following order:
* - Actors that $sender subscribes to
* - Actors that subscribe to $sender
* - Any Actor
* @param string $nickname validated nickname of
* @throws NicknameException
public function findRelativeActor(string $nickname): ?self
// Will throw exception on invalid input.
$nickname = Nickname::normalize($nickname, check_already_used: false);
return Cache::get(
self::cacheKeys($this->getId(), $nickname)['relative-nickname'],
fn () => DB::dql(
select a from actor a where in (select fa.subscribed from subscription fa join actor aa with fa.subscribed = where fa.subscriber = :actor_id and aa.nickname = :nickname) or in (select fb.subscriber from subscription fb join actor ab with fb.subscriber = where fb.subscribed = :actor_id and ab.nickname = :nickname) or
a.nickname = :nickname
['nickname' => $nickname, 'actor_id' => $this->getId()],
['limit' => 1],
)[0] ?? null,
public function getUri(int $type = Router::ABSOLUTE_URL): string
$uri = null;
if (Event::handle('StartGetActorUri', [$this, $type, &$uri]) === Event::next) {
$uri = Router::url('actor_view_id', ['id' => $this->getId()], $type);
Event::handle('EndGetActorUri', [$this, $type, &$uri]);
return $uri;
public function getUrl(int $type = Router::ABSOLUTE_URL): string
$url = null;
if (Event::handle('StartGetActorUrl', [$this, $type, &$url]) === Event::next) {
if ($this->getIsLocal()) {
$url = Router::url('actor_view_nickname', ['nickname' => $this->getNickname()], $type);
} else {
return $this->getUri($type);
Event::handle('EndGetActorUrl', [$this, $type, &$url]);
return $url;
public function getAliases(): array
return array_keys($this->getAliasesWithIDs());
public function getAliasesWithIDs(): array
$aliases = [];
$aliases[$this->getUri(Router::ABSOLUTE_URL)] = $this->getId();
$aliases[$this->getUrl(Router::ABSOLUTE_URL)] = $this->getId();
return $aliases;
public function getTopLanguage(): Language
return ActorLanguage::getActorLanguages($this, context: null)[0];
* Get the most appropriate language for $this to use when
* referring to $context (a reply or a group, for instance)
* @return Language[]
public function getPreferredLanguageChoices(?self $context = null): array
$langs = ActorLanguage::getActorLanguages($this, context: $context);
return array_merge(...F\map($langs, fn ($l) => $l->toChoiceFormat()));
public function isVisibleTo(null|LocalUser|self $other): bool
return true; // TODO
public static function schemaDef(): array
return [
'name' => 'actor',
'description' => 'local and remote users, groups and bots are actors, for instance',
'fields' => [
'id' => ['type' => 'serial', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'unique identifier'],
'nickname' => ['type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 64, 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'nickname or username'],
'fullname' => ['type' => 'text', 'description' => 'display name'],
'roles' => ['type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'Bitmap of permissions this actor has'],
'type' => ['type' => 'int', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'The type of actor (person, group, bot, etc)'],
'homepage' => ['type' => 'text', 'description' => 'identifying URL'],
'bio' => ['type' => 'text', 'description' => 'descriptive biography'],
'location' => ['type' => 'text', 'description' => 'physical location'],
'lat' => ['type' => 'numeric', 'precision' => 10, 'scale' => 7, 'description' => 'latitude'],
'lon' => ['type' => 'numeric', 'precision' => 10, 'scale' => 7, 'description' => 'longitude'],
'location_id' => ['type' => 'int', 'description' => 'location id if possible'],
'location_service' => ['type' => 'int', 'description' => 'service used to obtain location id'],
'is_local' => ['type' => 'bool', 'not null' => true, 'description' => 'Does this actor have a LocalUser associated'],
'created' => ['type' => 'datetime', 'not null' => true, 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'description' => 'date this record was created'],
'modified' => ['type' => 'timestamp', 'not null' => true, 'default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'description' => 'date this record was modified'],
'primary key' => ['id'],
'indexes' => [
'actor_nickname_idx' => ['nickname'],
'fulltext indexes' => [
'actor_fulltext_idx' => ['nickname', 'fullname', 'location', 'bio', 'homepage'],