Starting the process of remote subscriptions. First, add the capacity to mint tags. May in the future want to allow some kind of UUID or URL for unique URIs. New config options for tag authority and date, and a function for minting tags. Store URIs in the DB. If the admin changes his/her tag config, this shouldn't change the URIs in the DB. Unless they really want to make that happen. Generate an XRDS document with the appropriate URLs for microblogging. Also, redefined some stuff in openmicroblogging.txt. And moved the file. darcs-hash:20080522183421-84dde-fe46f32e4050f2c4b6c850334103007ed7feabf7.gz
140 lines
3.5 KiB
140 lines
3.5 KiB
+ login
+ register
+ settings
+ upload avatar
+ change password
+ settings menu
+ disallow login if user is logged in
+ disallow register if user is logged in
+ common_current_user()
+ common_logged_in()
+ session variable for login
+ post notice
+ logout
+ subscribe
+ unsubscribe
+ subscribe links on profile
+ header menu
+ footer menu
+ disallow direct to PHP files
+ common_local_url()
+ configuration for DB_DataObject
+ date formatting
+ new notice redirects to notice page
+ date in shown notice links to notice page
+ common_redirect()
+ configuration system ($config)
+ release 0.1
+ design from Open Source Web Designs
+ add H1 to each page
+ add H2 for each page section
+ default to public stream
+ default avatar
+ default HTML type
+ set Content-Type
+ show current values in profile settings
+ save profile URL in profilesettings
+ save profile URL on registration
+ require valid nicknames
+ reject empty notices
+ validate registration form results
+ validate profilesettings form results
+ validate newnotice form results
+ remove validation code from classes
+ use only canonical usernames
+ fix layout of textarea
+ make notices into "big links"
+ RSS 1.0 feeds of a user's notices
+ RSS 1.0 feeds of a user's notices + friends
+ RSS 1.0 dump of a user's notices
+ RSS 1.0 feed of all public notices
+ deal with PHP quotes escaping
+ source link in footer menu
+ public stream link in top menu
+ dump, fix, undump database
+ release 0.2
- YADIS document link on showstream
- YADIS document
- subscribe remote
- add subscriber remote
- send remote notice
- receive remote notice
- pretty URLs
- doc action
- about doc
- help doc
- privacy doc
- source doc
- FOAF dump for user
- license in RSS feeds
- TOS checkbox on register
- instructions
- fix spacing on notices
- fix spacing in profile
- limit entry in textarea to 140 chars
- add a next page link to showstream
- add a next page link to public
- add a next page link to all
- AGPL notification
- gettext
- release 0.3
- license per notice
- Automatically linkify URLs in notices
- tinyurl-ification of URLs
- use only canonical email addresses
- allow mixed-case usernames
- allow non-latin usernames
- store canonical username for comparison and fetch
- set Last-Modified
- XML sitemap generation
- themes
- theme per site
- theme per profile
- email confirmation for registration
- change cookie handling for anon users to be more cache-friendly
- jQuery for as much as possible
- content negotiation for interface language
- content negotiation for content type
- content negotiation for encoding
- content negotiation for charset
- If-Modified-Since support
- Vary
- site logo
- release 0.4
- RDF dump of entire site
- delete a notice
- plugins and hooks
- RDFa for stream pages
- RDFa for subscriber pages
- RDFa for subscribed pages
- @ messages
- # tags
- L: location
- hreviews
- stay logged in between sessions
- use RSS as a subscription
- URL notices
- image notices
- video notices
- audio notices
- license per attachment
- release 0.5
- forward notices to Jabber
- forward notices to other IM
- forward notices to mobile phone
- receive notices from Jabber
- receive notices from other IM
- receive notices from mobile phone
- machine tags
- release 0.6
- Twitter-compatible API
- Pownce-compatible API
- include twitter subscriptions (push and pull)
- include Pownce subscriptions (push and pull)
- privacy
- Wrap DB_DataObject with memcached caching layer
- login throttle to prevent brute-force attacks
- form token in login to prevent XSS
- release 1.0
- Atom Publishing Protocol
- "Universal" public feed |