2009-12-04 12:36:00 -05:00

214 lines
7.1 KiB

// currently these only test serve() when passed the 'quiet' options
require_once '_inc.php';
require_once 'Minify.php';
function test_Minify()
global $thisDir;
$minifyTestPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/_test_files/minify';
$thisFileActive = (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']));
$tomorrow = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] + 86400;
$lastModified = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - 86400;
// Test 304 response
// simulate conditional headers
$_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] = "\"{$lastModified}pub\"";
$_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', $lastModified);
$expected = array (
'success' => true
,'statusCode' => 304
,'content' => '',
'headers' => array(
'Expires' => gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] + 1800),
'Vary' => 'Accept-Encoding',
'Last-Modified' => gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', $lastModified),
'ETag' => "\"pub{$lastModified}\"",
'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=1800, public',
'_responseCode' => 'HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified',
$output = Minify::serve('Files', array(
'files' => $thisDir . '/_test_files/css/styles.css' // controller casts to array
,'quiet' => true
,'lastModifiedTime' => $lastModified
,'encodeOutput' => false
$passed = assertTrue($expected === $output, 'Minify : 304 response');
if ($thisFileActive) {
echo "\nOutput: " .var_export($output, 1). "\n\n";
if (! $passed) {
echo "\n\n\n\n---Expected: " .var_export($expected, 1). "\n\n";
! class_exists('Minify_CSS', false)
&& ! class_exists('Minify_Cache', false)
,'Minify : cache, and minifier classes aren\'t loaded for 304s'
// Test minifying JS and serving with Expires header
$content = preg_replace('/\\r\\n?/', "\n", file_get_contents($minifyTestPath . '/minified.js'));
$lastModified = max(
filemtime($minifyTestPath . '/email.js')
,filemtime($minifyTestPath . '/QueryString.js')
$expected = array(
'success' => true
,'statusCode' => 200
// JSMin always converts to \n line endings
,'content' => $content
,'headers' => array (
'Expires' => gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', $tomorrow),
'Vary' => 'Accept-Encoding',
'Last-Modified' => gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', $lastModified),
'ETag' => "\"pub{$lastModified}\"",
'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=86400, public',
'Content-Length' => strlen($content),
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8',
$output = Minify::serve('Files', array(
'files' => array(
$minifyTestPath . '/email.js'
,$minifyTestPath . '/QueryString.js'
,'quiet' => true
,'maxAge' => 86400
,'encodeOutput' => false
$passed = assertTrue($expected === $output, 'Minify : JS and Expires');
if ($thisFileActive) {
echo "\nOutput: " .var_export($output, 1). "\n\n";
if (! $passed) {
echo "\n\n\n\n---Expected: " .var_export($expected, 1). "\n\n";
// test for Issue 73
$expected = ";function h(){}";
$output = Minify::serve('Files', array(
'files' => array(
$minifyTestPath . '/issue73_1.js'
,$minifyTestPath . '/issue73_2.js'
,'quiet' => true
,'encodeOutput' => false
$output = $output['content'];
$passed = assertTrue($expected === $output, 'Minify : Issue 73');
if ($thisFileActive) {
if (! $passed) {
echo "\n---Output : " .var_export($output, 1). "\n";
echo "---Expected: " .var_export($expected, 1). "\n\n";
// test for Issue 89
$expected = file_get_contents($minifyTestPath . '/issue89_out.min.css');
$output = Minify::serve('Files', array(
'files' => array(
$minifyTestPath . '/issue89_1.css'
,$minifyTestPath . '/issue89_2.css'
,'quiet' => true
,'encodeOutput' => false
,'bubbleCssImports' => true
$output = $output['content'];
$passed = assertTrue($expected === $output, 'Minify : Issue 89 : bubbleCssImports');
if ($thisFileActive) {
if (! $passed) {
echo "\n---Output : " .var_export($output, 1). "\n";
echo "---Expected: " .var_export($expected, 1). "\n\n";
$output = Minify::serve('Files', array(
'files' => array(
$minifyTestPath . '/issue89_1.css'
,$minifyTestPath . '/issue89_2.css'
,'quiet' => true
,'encodeOutput' => false
$output = $output['content'];
$passed = assertTrue(0 === strpos($output, Minify::$importWarning), 'Minify : Issue 89 : detect invalid imports');
if ($thisFileActive) {
if (! $passed) {
echo "\n---Output : " .var_export($output, 1). "\n";
echo "---Expected: " .var_export($expected, 1). "\n\n";
$output = Minify::serve('Files', array(
'files' => array(
$minifyTestPath . '/issue89_1.css'
,'quiet' => true
,'encodeOutput' => false
$output = $output['content'];
$passed = assertTrue(false === strpos($output, Minify::$importWarning), 'Minify : Issue 89 : don\'t warn about valid imports');
if ($thisFileActive) {
if (! $passed) {
echo "\n---Output : " .var_export($output, 1). "\n";
echo "---Expected: " .var_export($expected, 1). "\n\n";
// Test minifying CSS and responding with Etag/Last-Modified
// don't allow conditional headers
$expectedContent = file_get_contents($minifyTestPath . '/minified.css');
$expected = array(
'success' => true
,'statusCode' => 200
,'content' => $expectedContent
,'headers' => array (
'Vary' => 'Accept-Encoding',
'Last-Modified' => gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', $lastModified),
'ETag' => "\"pub{$lastModified}\"",
'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=0, public',
'Content-Length' => strlen($expectedContent),
'Content-Type' => 'text/css; charset=utf-8',
$output = Minify::serve('Files', array(
'files' => array(
$thisDir . '/_test_files/css/styles.css'
,$thisDir . '/_test_files/css/comments.css'
,'quiet' => true
,'lastModifiedTime' => $lastModified
,'encodeOutput' => false
,'maxAge' => false
$passed = assertTrue($expected === $output, 'Minify : CSS and Etag/Last-Modified');
if ($thisFileActive) {
echo "\nOutput: " .var_export($output, 1). "\n\n";
if (! $passed) {
echo "\n\n\n\n---Expected: " .var_export($expected, 1). "\n\n";