The code is now more event-driven when it comes to rendering notices and their related HTML elements, since we can't have direct calls from core to a plugin. lib/activitymover.php has a function to move a Favorite activity which will not happen now. The move must be pluginified and performed as an event which plugins can catch on to.
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* GNU Social - a federating social network
* Copyright (C) 2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
if (!defined('GNUSOCIAL')) { exit(1); }
* @package Activity
* @maintainer Mikael Nordfeldth <>
class FavoritePlugin extends ActivityHandlerPlugin
public function tag()
return 'favorite';
public function types()
return array();
public function verbs()
return array(ActivityVerb::FAVORITE);
public function onCheckSchema()
$schema = Schema::get();
$schema->ensureTable('fave', Fave::schemaDef());
return true;
public function onEndUpgrade()
printfnq("Ensuring all faves have a URI...");
$fave = new Fave();
$fave->whereAdd('uri IS NULL');
if ($fave->find()) {
while ($fave->fetch()) {
try {
$fave->query(sprintf('UPDATE fave '.
'SET uri = "%s", '.
' modified = "%s" '.
'WHERE user_id = %d '.
'AND notice_id = %d',
Fave::newURI($fave->user_id, $fave->notice_id, $fave->modified),
} catch (Exception $e) {
common_log(LOG_ERR, "Error updating fave URI: " . $e->getMessage());
public function onRouterInitialized(URLMapper $m)
// Web UI actions
$m->connect('main/favor', array('action' => 'favor'));
$m->connect('main/disfavor', array('action' => 'disfavor'));
if (common_config('singleuser', 'enabled')) {
$nickname = User::singleUserNickname();
array('action' => 'showfavorites',
'nickname' => $nickname));
array('action' => 'favoritesrss',
'nickname' => $nickname));
} else {
$m->connect('favoritedrss', array('action' => 'favoritedrss'));
$m->connect('favorited/', array('action' => 'favorited'));
$m->connect('favorited', array('action' => 'favorited'));
array('action' => 'showfavorites'),
array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT));
array('action' => 'favoritesrss'),
array('nickname' => Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT));
// Favorites for API
array('action' => 'ApiFavoriteCreate',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiFavoriteDestroy',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiTimelineFavorites',
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom|as)'));
array('action' => 'ApiTimelineFavorites',
'id' => Nickname::INPUT_FMT,
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom|as)'));
array('action' => 'ApiTimelineFavorites',
'format' => '(xml|json|rss|atom|as)'));
array('action' => 'ApiFavoriteCreate',
'id' => '[0-9]+',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
array('action' => 'ApiFavoriteDestroy',
'id' => '[0-9]+',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
// AtomPub API
array('action' => 'AtomPubShowFavorite'),
array('profile' => '[0-9]+',
'notice' => '[0-9]+'));
array('action' => 'AtomPubFavoriteFeed'),
array('profile' => '[0-9]+'));
// Required for qvitter API
array('action' => 'ApiStatusesFavs',
'id' => '[0-9]+',
'format' => '(xml|json)'));
* Typically just used to fill out Twitter-compatible API status data.
* FIXME: Make all the calls before this end up with a Notice instead of ArrayWrapper please...
public function onNoticeSimpleStatusArray($notice, array &$status, Profile $scoped=null, array $args=array())
if ($scoped instanceof Profile) {
$status['favorited'] = Fave::existsForProfile($notice, $scoped);
} else {
$status['favorited'] = false;
return true;
* Typically just used to fill out StatusNet specific data in API calls in the referenced $info array.
public function onStatusNetApiNoticeInfo(Notice $notice, array &$info, Profile $scoped=null, array $args=array())
if ($scoped instanceof Profile) {
$info['favorite'] = Fave::existsForProfile($notice, $scoped) ? 'true' : 'false';
return true;
public function onNoticeDeleteRelated(Notice $notice)
$fave = new Fave();
$fave->notice_id = $notice->id;
if ($fave->find()) {
while ($fave->fetch()) {
Memcached_DataObject::blow('fave:ids_by_user_own:%d', $fave->user_id);
Memcached_DataObject::blow('fave:ids_by_user_own:%d;last', $fave->user_id);
Memcached_DataObject::blow('fave:ids_by_user:%d', $fave->user_id);
Memcached_DataObject::blow('fave:ids_by_user:%d;last', $fave->user_id);
public function onStartNoticeListPrefill(array &$notices, array $notice_ids, Profile $scoped=null)
// prefill array of objects, before pluginfication it was Notice::fillFaves($notices)
// DB caching
if ($scoped instanceof Profile) {
Fave::pivotGet('notice_id', $notice_ids, array('user_id' => $scoped->id));
* show the "favorite" form in the notice options element
* FIXME: Don't let a NoticeListItemAdapter slip in here (or extend that from NoticeListItem)
* @return void
public function onStartShowNoticeOptionItems($nli)
if (Event::handle('StartShowFaveForm', array($nli))) {
$scoped = Profile::current();
if ($scoped instanceof Profile) {
if (Fave::existsForProfile($nli->notice, $scoped)) {
$disfavor = new DisfavorForm($nli->out, $nli->notice);
} else {
$favor = new FavorForm($nli->out, $nli->notice);
Event::handle('EndShowFaveForm', array($nli));
public function onAppendUserActivityStreamObjects(UserActivityStream $uas, array &$objs)
$faves = array();
$fave = new Fave();
$fave->user_id = $uas->user->id;
if (!empty($uas->after)) {
$fave->whereAdd("modified > '" . common_sql_date($uas->after) . "'");
if ($fave->find()) {
while ($fave->fetch()) {
$faves[] = clone($fave);
return $faves;
public function onStartShowThreadedNoticeTailItems(NoticeListItem $nli, Notice $notice, &$threadActive)
if ($nli instanceof ThreadedNoticeListSubItem) {
// The sub-items are replies to a conversation, thus we use different HTML elements etc.
$item = new ThreadedNoticeListInlineFavesItem($notice, $nli->out);
} else {
$item = new ThreadedNoticeListFavesItem($notice, $nli->out);
$threadActive = $item->show() || $threadActive;
return true;
* EndInterpretCommand for FavoritePlugin will handle the 'fav' command
* using the class FavCommand.
* @param string $cmd Command being run
* @param string $arg Rest of the message (including address)
* @param User $user User sending the message
* @param Command &$result The resulting command object to be run.
* @return boolean hook value
public function onStartInterpretCommand($cmd, $arg, $user, &$result)
if ($result === false && $cmd == 'fav') {
if (empty($arg)) {
$result = null;
} else {
list($other, $extra) = $this->split_arg($arg);
if (!empty($extra)) {
$result = null;
} else {
$result = new FavCommand($user, $other);
return false;
return true;
public function onHelpCommandMessages(HelpCommand $help, array &$commands)
// TRANS: Help message for IM/SMS command "fav <nickname>".
$commands['fav <nickname>'] = _m('COMMANDHELP', "add user's last notice as a 'fave'");
// TRANS: Help message for IM/SMS command "fav #<notice_id>".
$commands['fav #<notice_id>'] = _m('COMMANDHELP', "add notice with the given id as a 'fave'");
* Are we allowed to perform a certain command over the API?
public function onCommandSupportedAPI(Command $cmd, array &$supported)
$supported = $supported || $cmd instanceof FavCommand;
public function onPluginVersion(array &$versions)
$versions[] = array('name' => 'Favorite',
'author' => 'Mikael Nordfeldth',
'homepage' => '',
'rawdescription' =>
// TRANS: Plugin description.
_m('Favorites (likes) using ActivityStreams.'));
return true;