different books. These are automatically generated from the [source](https://code.undefinedhackers.net/GNUsocial/gnu-social/src/branch/v3/docs) using [mdBook](https://rust-lang.github.io/mdBook/).
* The [Developer](https://docs.gnusocial.rocks/developer) is both intended to guide third-party plugin developers and to make it easier of contributing to the code.
* The [Designer](https://docs.gnusocial.rocks/designer) is the most recent of the four and came from a necessity of keeping some standardization between templates and ensuring the same principles are kept in mind when designing new themes.
And two of them are updates from existing documentation:
[tests](https://code.undefinedhackers.net/GNUsocial/gnu-social/src/branch/v3/tests). And the coverage is available [here](https://coverage.gnusocial.rocks/). At the time of writing the coverage has 98.76% code lines tested.