2021-04-03 14:59:12 +01:00
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< title > GNU social & mdash ; Summer of Code 2021 Ideas </ title >
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2021-09-11 19:08:03 +01:00
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< li class = " menu-item " >< a href = " /soc " class = " menu-link " > Programme </ a ></ li >
< li class = " menu-item menu-selected " > 2021 </ li >
< li class = " menu-item " >< a href = " /soc/#about-soc " class = " menu-link " > About </ a ></ li >
< li class = " menu-item " >< a href = " #ideas " class = " menu-link " > Ideas </ a ></ li >
< li class = " menu-item " >< a href = " /soc/#apply " class = " menu-link " > Apply </ a ></ li >
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2021-04-03 14:59:12 +01:00
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< h2 class = " content-head is-center " > Summer of Code 2021 </ h2 >
< article id = " about " >
< h2 > About the programme </ h2 >
< p > Check the < a href = " /soc/ " > programme page </ a > to learn more about the programme and on how to apply .</ p >
< p > GNU social is a social communication software used in < a href = " https://blog.diogo.site/posts/what-is-the-fediverse " > federated social networks </ a >. It is widely supported and has a large userbase .</ p >
< p > If you would like to know how is it like to be a GSoC student at GNU social , < a href = " https://blog.diogo.site/posts/gsoc-2018 " > read this blog post </ a >!</ p >
</ article >
< article id = " stipend " >
< h2 > Summer Stipend </ h2 >
< p > Usually we participate in Google Summer of Code and are thus are able to give accepted students a stipend . It 's not the case this year. Last year we' ve had a successful student supported by < a href = " https://thefreaks.club/ " > The Freaks Club </ a > , you can reach thndrbvr and try your luck , or look for another sponsor .</ p >
</ article >
< article id = " ideas " >
< h2 > Ideas </ h2 >
< p > The community has not proposed ideas for 2021 yet . As the current development team is planning on major active development of v3 with NLnet sponsorship this year , as a student you can either try to join the development of v3 or contribute with plugins for v2 , which is the latest release .</ p >
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