2021-03-23 13:36:33 +00:00
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< h1 > GNU social Summer of Code 2020 - WARNING : THIS IS AN ARCHIVE OF OUR 2020 PROGRAMME PAGE </ h1 >
< strong > For the latest programme page , < a href = " https://www.diogo.site/projects/GNU-social/soc/current/ " > click here </ a >.</ strong >
< p > Organized by < strong >< a href = " https://www.diogo.site/ " > Diogo Cordeiro </ a ></ strong ></ p >
< p > Mentors : < a href = " https://www.diogo.site/ " > Diogo Cordeiro </ a > , < a href = " https://loadaverage.org/XRevan86 " > Alexei Sorokin </ a > , < a href = " https://dansup.com " > Daniel Supernault </ a > , < a href = " https://www.hackerposse.com/~rozzin/ " > Joshua Judson Rosen </ a > and < a href = " https://github.com/phablulo " > Phablulo Joel </ a ></ p >
</ header >
< article id = " pinned " style = " border-style:solid;border-color:coral;padding:1em " >
< h2 > Day - to - day links </ h2 >
< p >
< b > Tasks </ b >< br >
2021-04-03 14:04:04 +01:00
< a href = " https://kanban.undefinedhackers.net/?controller=BoardViewController&action=show&project_id=1 " > Kanban board GS v2 </ a > [ < a href = " https://kanban.undefinedhackers.net/?controller=BoardViewController&action=readonly&token=03795efb8138c4e7661a900c234c0df1bc3fc03cdfcda8619cd5d0e666de " > Public </ a > ] < br >
< a href = " https://kanban.undefinedhackers.net/?controller=BoardViewController&action=show&project_id=2 " > Kanban board GS v3 </ a > [ < a href = " https://kanban.undefinedhackers.net/?controller=BoardViewController&action=readonly&token=d2293e55cabae7cceff9fb496c651328195357d392b9e61a9f229ed6d463 " > Public </ a > ] < br >
< a href = " https://kanban.undefinedhackers.net/?controller=BoardViewController&action=show&project_id=3 " > Kanban board Pleroma FE </ a > [ < a href = " https://kanban.undefinedhackers.net/?controller=BoardViewController&action=readonly&token=38a6276b337d873d349357796c265403d4ff4bc3d8d11819e849271044b0 " > Public </ a > ] < br >
<!--< a href = " https://www.diogo.site/projects/GNU-social/soc/2020/roadmap.txt " > GSoC Roadmap </ a >< br >-->
2021-03-23 13:36:33 +00:00
< a href = " https://notabug.org/diogo/gnu-social/issues " > Issue tracker </ a >
</ p >
< p >
< b > Contributing </ b >< br >
< a href = " https://notabug.org/diogo/gnu-social/src/nightly/DOCUMENTATION/DEVELOPERS/CONTRIBUTING/coding_standards.md " > Style guide </ a >< br >
2021-04-03 14:04:04 +01:00
< a href = " /soc/2020/daily_report/ " > Daily Reports </ a >< br >
< a href = " /soc/study_resources.html " > Study Resources </ a >
2021-03-23 13:36:33 +00:00
</ p >
</ article >
< article id = " announcements " >
< h2 > Announcements </ h2 >
< h3 > Last August Week ( -- 08 - 24 ) </ h3 >
< p >< strong > Final Report Instructions </ strong >< br >
The report must have A4 paper geometry with 12 pt font - size .
The pages , sections and figures must be enumerated . Maximum of 5000 words .<!-- It ' s expected a minimum of 5000 words and a maximum of 6500. -->
These limits don ' t include cover , indexes nor appendices .
The report must be well structured .< br >< br >
< b > One example of a suitable format is :</ b >< br >
< pre >
- Cover
Title / Author / Date
- Mentors Page
Page for the mentors to sign and make the necessary comments ( namely a declaration confirming
the student has evidenced certain knowledge throughout the summer and worked the
declared hours ) . Note that this is mandatory .
- Abstract
A brief summary of approximately 250 words . Note that this is mandatory .
- Preface
Explaining when , where , and why the project was carried out , and thanking those who helped .
- Table of contents
- Introduction
Introduction to the done work , and description of the objectives during the summer .
Short background , issue and aim , as well as the structure of the report .
- Methodology
Theories , tools , etc . , that were applied in the project .
Description of used technologies as well as discarded alternatives .
- Results <!-- Description of the done work chronologically sorted and divided in sub - sections . You must describe the various tasks during the work period , including methods and results .-->
- Discusssion and conclusion
Reflection on whether the aim was fulfilled , and on the opportunities
for further development . Critical review and discussion of the results .
- References
In order to enable the reader to review the project and go to the original sources
on which the material is based , the report needs a good reference list .
Continuously filling in the reference list can save you a lot of time
compared to doing everything at the end .
- Appendices
Extensive data material that is relevant to the work , but too large
to incorporate into the text , can be included in an appendix .
</ pre >
< p >< a href = " https://libguides.lub.lu.se/c.php?g=526053 " target = " _top " class = " external-link " > Information on referencing ( Lund University Libraries ' website ) </ a ></ p >
< p >< a href = " http://www.lth.se/fileadmin/lth/anstallda/kvalitet/examensarbete/Guide_foer_populaervetenskapligt_skrivande_141015_-_eng.pdf " target = " _top " class = " external-link " > Guide and checklist for writing a summary of a degree project aiming at a popular science readership ( Faculty of Engineering ( LTH ), Lund University ) </ a ></ p >
< b > The graphic design </ b >
< p > It is better to concentrate more on the content of the report than on the design . Customise the layout to fit the content rather than the other way around .</ p >
< h3 > Second Evaluations open July 27 - 31 17 : 00 ( GMT + 1 ) </ h3 >
< p > Quick reminder that the GNU social Summer of Code 2020 assessing week has started ! You should have opened your Merge Requests by now . Additionally , if you 're on GSoC, you need to fill Google' s forms .</ p >
< p > Best wishes !</ p >
< h3 > First Evaluations open June 30 - July 2 17 : 00 ( GMT + 1 ) </ h3 >
< p > Quick reminder that the GNU social Summer of Code 2020 assessing week has started ! You should have opened your Merge Requests by now . Additionally , we need you to fill two forms .</ p >
< p > Mentor Evaluation : ( information on that one at your email inbox ) </ p >
< p >< a href = " https://forms.gle/95mkjEfmddepuVTv5 " > Student Self Assessment </ a ></ p >
< p > These two forms together will only take 10 minutes to complete and are < b > REQUIRED </ b > - don 't miss the deadline and fail GS SoC because you didn' t take 10 minutes to complete the evaluation .</ p >
< p >< strong > Deadline for students to complete the evaluation form is Thursday , July 2 nd at 17 : 00 ( GMT + 1 ) .</ strong ></ p >
< p > Best wishes !</ p >
< h3 > End of June ' s third week ( -- 06 - 22 ) </ h3 >
< p >< strong > Important Note </ strong >:
Congrats to you all on maintaining a sensible amount of hours to work with in this final June ' s week , this was specially important in this exams season of yours .< br >
This system based on debitable hours per week was a special case due to distributing work with May in order to make it up for exams .
This is < em > not </ em > how it will work in the next two months . As was stated in the < a href = " https://www.diogo.site/projects/GNU-social/soc/2020/daily_report/ " > work schedule explanation </ a > , there ' s
a closed interval of hours that we expect you to work per week . Hence , the freedom you had this month regarding transferring work
from a week to another will soon be significantly reduced .< br >
That being said , it ' s also now opportune to kindly remind you of our < a href = " https://www.diogo.site/projects/GNU-social/soc/2020/academics.html " > assessing framework </ a > ,
please note that hours is not even part of what we use to assess , i . e . , working more or less hours isn ' t really considered ,
that ' s just a formal requirement , we care about results . The parameters you will be graded on are :
- < em > Autonomy </ em > ( Have you bothered the mentors beyong what ' s healthy ? );
- < em > Objectives satisfaction </ em > ( Have you done all the tasks you were assigned in the roadmap ? );
- < em > Difficulty </ em > ( Were these tasks hard ? ) .< br >
By the end of this week , GSoC assessment will start . Best of work nailing it ! : )
</ p >
< p >
< pre >< b > Current status of debitable hours </ b >
< u > Hugo </ u >
Dedicated hours this week : 12
Expected hours this week : 36.5
Debitable hours next week : 49.5 - ( 36.5 - 12 ) = 25
< u > Susanna </ u >
Dedicated hours this week : 57.75
Expected hours this week : 36.5
Debitable hours next week : - 5.14 - ( 36.5 - 57.75 ) = 16.11
< u > Eliseu </ u >
Dedicated hours this week : 24
Expected hours this week : 32
Debitable hours next week : 16 - ( 32 - 24 ) = 8 </ pre >
</ p >
< h3 > End of June ' s second week ( -- 06 - 15 ) </ h3 >
< p >
< pre >< b > Current status of debitable hours </ b >
< u > Hugo </ u >
Dedicated hours this week : 6
Expected hours this week : 36.5
Debitable hours next week : 80 - ( 36.5 - 6 ) = 49.5
< u > Susanna </ u >
Dedicated hours this week : 2.15
Expected hours this week : 36.5
Debitable hours next week : 29.21 - ( 36.5 - 2.15 ) = - 5.14
< u > Eliseu </ u >
Dedicated hours this week : 34
Expected hours this week : 32
Debitable hours next week : 14 - ( 32 - 34 ) = 16 </ pre >
</ p >
< h3 > End of June ' s first week ( -- 06 - 08 ) </ h3 >
< p >
< pre >< b > Current status of May debitable hours </ b >
< u > Hugo </ u >
Dedicated hours this week : 20
Expected hours this week : 24
24 - 20 = 4 h debited from May
84 - 4 = 80 debitable May hours remaining
< u > Susanna </ u >
Dedicated hours this week : 29.41
Expected hours this week : 36.5
36.5 - 29.41 = 7.09 h debited from May
36.3 - 7.09 = 29.21 debitable May hours remaining
< u > Eliseu </ u >
Dedicated hours this week : 23
Expected hours this week : 32
32 - 23 = 9 h debited from May
23 - 9 = 14 debitable May hours remaining </ pre >
</ p >
< h3 > Bonding period end ( -- 06 - 01 ) </ h3 >
< p >
< pre >< b > Total of May dedicated hours per student </ b >
Hugo : 84 h
Susanna : 36.3 h
Eliseu : 23 h
< b > State of the tasks </ b >
< u > Hugo </ u >
The following tasks :
- Port configuration
- Basic interfaces for queuing , caching , etc .
- Basic test structure
have moved to June .
< u > Susanna </ u >
May tasks moved all to June .
< u > Eliseu </ u >
May tasks moved all to June .</ pre >
</ p >
< h3 > Bonding Period Start ( -- 05 - 04 ) </ h3 >
< p >< a href = " roadmap-as-of-may.txt " > GSoC Roadmap published </ a > and added to day - to - day links !</ p >
< h3 > New landing page ( -- 04 - 14 ) </ h3 >
< p > Poll results :
< ul >
< li >< strong > susanna </ strong >: 5 </ li >
< li >< strong > pranjal </ strong >: 3 </ li >
< li >< strong > spookie </ strong >: 3 </ li >
< li >< strong > suraj </ strong >: 0 </ li >
</ ul >
Congrats everyone ! : )
</ p >
< h3 > New landing page contest ( -- 04 - 12 ) </ h3 >
< p > The FE prospective students had to write a new landing page as part of their Proof of Competence , we ' re now < a href = " https://www.diogo.site/projects/GNU-social/soc/2020/landing/ " > running a poll </ a > in our IRC channel to decide which one will replace the existing one at < a href = " https://gnusocial.network " > gnusocial . network </ a >.</ p >
< h3 > End of GSoC Student Application Period ( -- 03 - 31 ) </ h3 >
< p > Students who haven 't finished their proof of competence are allowed to further work until --04-10. After that we won' t consider any further work in the assessment process . Results will be announced in -- 05 - 04. </ p >
</ article >
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