<p><ahref="https://code.undefinedhackers.net/GNUsocial/gnu-social/src/branch/v3/plugins/Pinboard/Pinboard.php#L45">Most endpoints of Pinboard v1 API were implemented</a>. We've left out some such as tag delete (as one can't really delete one in GNU social), among others that don't really fit. We have tested our implementation against <ahref="https://github.com/fibelatti/pinboard-kotlin">Pinkt</a> and we will soon be contacting the maintainer so the functionality of using a different <code>API_TARGET</code> is included with this app (as it was all we had to change to have this working).</p>
<p>Discussion regarding <ahref="https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/explicitly-attached-links/2357/16">how bookmarks are better expressed in terms of ActivityStreams 2.0</a> is also developing in SocialHub.</p>