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Relevant commits: - 36e276e8cc@upstream </pre><h3 id="day-13">Day 13</h3><p><strong>Summary:</strong> Finished responsive work for redesign</p><p><strong>Dedicated Time (in hours):</strong> 8</p><pre> Relevant commits: - 92fbde43c7@upstream [UI] Redesign responsiveness work done </pre><hr><p><strong>Total hours this week:</strong> 33</p><hr><h3 id="day-14">Day 14</h3><p><b>No report.</b></p><h3 id="day-15">Day 15</h3><p><b>No report.</b></p><h3 id="day-16">Day 16</h3><p><strong>Summary:</strong> Review issues with Diogo and discuss what to implement in v3</p><p><strong>Dedicated Time (in hours):</strong> 2</p><pre> </pre><h3 id="day-17">Day 17</h3><p><b>No report.</b></p><h3 id="day-18">Day 18</h3><p><strong>Summary:</strong> Side panel animations, FAQ template fixes</p><p><strong>Dedicated Time (in hours):</strong> 6</p><pre> - Started port of UserPanel pages to new design Relevant commits: - d2ddb648c2@upstream [UI] Fixed FAQ template issues - 583785dc84@upstream [UI] Side panel animation added - e16909cf90@upstream [UI] Corrected core action name, UserPanel CSS work </pre><h3 id="day-19">Day 19</h3><p><strong>Summary:</strong> Overall polish, fixes and finalizing redesign port</p><p><strong>Dedicated Time (in hours):</strong> 12</p><pre> Relevant commits: - 7b78a2af69@upstream [UI] Settings page CSS redesign port completed - 10aaba911c@upstream [UI] Reset CSS added, small fixes all around - a4066608f8@upstream [UI] Form help messages added, fixed checkbox trick hitbox - 4ae2cc44dd@upstream [UI] FAQ pages markdown fixes </pre><h3 id="day-20">Day 20</h3><p><strong>Summary:</strong> UserPanel Controller work</p><p><strong>Dedicated Time (in hours):</strong> 10</p><pre> - Further discussion with Diogo about porting remaining core actions Relevant commits: - c2df96beda@upstream [UI] Fixed top header spacing issue, hamburger menu weird rendering - ac67734978@upstream [CORE][UI] UserPanel account page form added, account page CSS work </pre><hr><p><strong>Total hours this week:</strong> 30</p><hr><h3 id="day-21">Day 21</h3><p><strong>Summary:</strong> Settings pages added, routes rework</p><p><strong>Dedicated Time (in hours):</strong> 4</p><pre> - Further discussions with Hugo and Diogo Relevant commits: - 4255a21e63@upstream [CORE][UI] Settings routes refactor, avatar and misc settings added. </pre><h3 id="day-22">Day 22</h3><p><strong>Summary:</strong> Left panel template, Login page CSS</p><p><strong>Dedicated Time (in hours):</strong> 5</p><pre> - Overall refactoring done as well - Left panel is now aware if user is logged in Relevant commits: - cd53227e3c@upstream [UI] Left panel template and Login page CSS work done </pre><h3 id="day-23">Day 23</h3><p><strong>Summary:</strong> Footer links and pages, small fixes</p><p><strong>Dedicated Time (in hours):</strong> 8</p><pre> Relevant commits: - de9e05dda4@upstream [UI] Login template small fix - dfec290870@upstream [UI] Footer links added - eee902d977@upstream [UI] Footer links and pages done - dd1f02291d@upstream [UI] Fixing problem due to Firefox's autofill filter </pre><h3 id="day-24">Day 24</h3><p><strong>Summary:</strong> Register CSS and Login CSS rework</p><p><strong>Dedicated Time (in hours):</strong> 8</p><pre> - Register and Login now occupy left panel, defaults into view in smaller screens - Body to be added as public timeline tommorow Relevant commits: - 5c01fb7338@upstream [UI] Register and Login rework </pre><h3 id="day-25">Day 25</h3><p><strong>Summary:</strong> CSS, templates and navs fixes</p><p><strong>Dedicated Time (in hours):</strong> 10</p><pre> - Starting work on avatar cropping Relevant commits: - bbe941c291@upstream [CONTROLLER][UI] Fixing controller display errors, Settings CSS fixes - 440795b4db@upstream [ROUTER][UI] Fixing Settings navs and templates - cf740048c5@upstream [FIX][SECURITY] Fix typo </pre><h3 id="day-26">Day 26</h3><p><strong>Summary:</strong> Avatar JS cropping, small fixes</p><p><strong>Dedicated Time (in hours):</strong> 10</p><pre> - Started work on Public Timeline structure and CSS Relevant commits: - 1788600589@upstream [CONTROLLER][UI] Avatar JS cropping added - e8ab639df4@upstream [UI] Login and Register button fixes </pre><h3 id="day-27">Day 27</h3><p><strong>Summary:</strong> Avatar cropping works as intended now</p><p><strong>Dedicated Time (in hours):</strong> 4</p><pre> - Crops a perfect circle - Shows proper preview Issues: - JS shows above header elements, of which the left panel is part of, to fix this z-index would be used; - To fix it the position property cannot be fixed, which would break the design, of course it needs to be fixed and will as soon as I find some alternative; Relevant commits: dfe061130b@upstream [UI] Cropping avatar as a circle, proper preview done </pre><hr><p><strong>Total hours this week:</strong> 49</p><hr><h3 id="day-28">Day 28</h3><p><b>No report.</b></p><h3 id="day-29">Day 29</h3><p><b>No report.</b></p><h3 id="day-30">Day 30</h3><p><b>No report.</b></p><h3 id="day-31">Day 31</h3><p><b>No report.</b></p></article></body> </html>