Showing reports for susannadiv

Day 0

No report.

Day 1

No report.

Day 2

No report.

Day 3

No report.

Day 4

No report.

Day 5

Summary: Setting up the enviroment

Dedicated Time (in hours): 4.5

- Set up of a GS-dedicated virtual machine
- Installation of docker and docker-compose
- Acquired the domain and set up /bin/bootstrap_certificates

Day 6

Summary: Continuation of enviroment setup

Dedicated Time (in hours): 2.5

- Registered for a GnuDIP dynamic DNS solution
- Researched systemd Debian documentation page

Total hours this week: 7

Day 7

Summary: Self-study of UNIX/Bash-based tools

Dedicated Time (in hours): 1.75

- Finished studying all the material regarding git usage
- Studied recommended (and some additional) resources regarding file
  manipulation and shell scripting
- Short self-training period to freshen-up previous knowledge

Day 8

Summary: Continuation of enviroment setup

Dedicated Time (in hours): 0.15

Day 9

No report.

Day 10

Summary: Debugged initial setup

Dedicated Time (in hours): 6

- Configured CNAME profile record from the DNS provider
- Succefully finished GunDIP dynamic DNS hosting setup
- Installed necessary php-packages

Day 11

No report.

Day 12

Summary: Terminated installation

Dedicated Time (in hours): 7

- Ateended briefing on ActivityPub, OStatus, Core and Plugins functionalities

Day 13

No report.

Total hours this week: 14.9

Day 14

No report.

Day 15

No report.

Day 16

Summary: Finished CSS styling on the GNU social landing page

Dedicated Time (in hours): 3

- Perfected readability by tuning down rgb brighteness for a less vivacious dark background + modified font palette into lighter tones

Day 17

No report.

Day 18

No report.

Day 19

Summary: Continued personal instances debugging

Dedicated Time (in hours): 4.25

- Searched for port-forwarding isp-related problems and analized possible solutions  

Day 20

No report.

Total hours this week: 7.25

Day 21

No report.

Day 22

Summary: Setting up of AWS VPS service EC2

Dedicated Time (in hours): 6

- Setting up of a fully functioning EC-2 instance with docker and docker-compose
- Debugging of DNS problems
- Installation of another CS v2 instance on said EC-2 machine

Day 23

Summary: Succesfully set up net-based instance and started 'get to know the federation handling' tests

Dedicated Time (in hours): 1.15

Day 24

No report.

Day 25

No report.

Day 26

No report.

Day 27

No report.

Total hours this week: 7.15