--- title: "Security and Privacy - Assignment 4" subtitle: "Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing" author: - Diogo Cordeiro (201705417) - Hugo Sales (201704178) date: 2022/06/02 geometry: margin=2cm output: pdf_document --- # Attribute classification We classified the attributes as follows: Attribute | Classification -----------------+--------------- `age` | QID `workclass` | Insensitive `fnlwgt` | Insensitive `education` | QID `education-num` | QID `marital-status` | QID `occupation` | QID `relationship` | QID `race` | QID `sex` | QID `capital-gain` | Sensitive `capital-loss` | Sensitive `hours-per-week` | QID `native-country` | Insensitive `prediction` | Insensitive Table: Attribute classifications ## Justifications The vast majority of attributes present low values of distinction. This is consistent with the nature of the dataset, considering that `fnlwgt` should indicate the quantity of individuals that present the same set of attributes. ### `age` According to HIPPA recommendations, and together with it's very high separation value (99.87%), we classify this attribute as a QID. ### `workclass` This attribute presents a relatively low separation value (49.71%), and given how generic it is, it's deemed Insensitive. ### `fnlwgt` Despite high values of distinction (66.48%) and separation (99.99%) the `fnlwgt` column is not a QID because it represents a weight, not a count of individuals in the same equivalence class in the original dataset. This can be seen with the results below. Additionally, it's not easily connected to another auxiliary info dataset. ```sh $ tail -n '+2' adult_data.csv | awk -F',' '{count[$10] += $3;} \ END {for(sex in count){print sex, count[sex]}}' ``` Resulting in: Sex | Sum -------+-------- Female | 2000673518 Male | 4178699874 Table: Sum of `fnlwgt` for each `sex` The sum of these values is 6,179,373,392. This value is much larger than the population of the U.S.A., the origin of the dataset, which implies this attribute is not a count, as stated. We also note there are substantially more Male than Female records (more than double the `fnlwgt`). ### `education` This attribute presents a separation of 80.96%, which is quite high, thus we classified it as a QID. ### `education-num` We exported the anonymized dataset and used the following command to verify there weren't any discrepencies between the `education` and `education-num` columns: ```sh $ cat anonymized.csv | sed -r 's/,([^ ])/\t\1/g' | awk -F';' '{print $5, $4}' | sort -un ``` Since there was a one-to-one mapping, we confirmed this was just a representation of the `education` attribute. As such, this attribute recieves the same classification, which is backed by the equally high separation value of 80.96%, so it's classified as a QID. ### `marital-status` With a relatively high separation value of 66.01%, together with the fact that it could be cross referenced with other available datasets, we classify this attribute as a QID. ### `occupation` With a separation of 90.02%, this attribute is classified as a QID. ### `relationship` Given it's separation value of 73.21%, this attribute is classified as a QID. ### `race` This collumn presents some weirdly specific values (Amer-Indian-Eskimo), but has a separation of 25.98%; given the fact that this attribute could be cross referenced with other datases, it is classified as a QID, so it may be transformed into more generic values. ### `sex` Despite the low separation value of 44.27%, this attribute is canonically classified as a QID, since it can be easily cross referenced with other datasets. We noted this dataset seems to have more males than females. See Table 2 and the following table `education` | Female | Male -------------+-------:+----: Preschool | 16 | 35 1st-4th | 46 | 122 5th-6th | 84 | 249 7th-8th | 160 | 486 9th | 144 | 370 10th | 295 | 638 11th | 432 | 743 12th | 144 | 289 HS-grad | 3390 | 7111 Some-college | 2806 | 4485 Assoc-voc | 500 | 882 Assoc-acdm | 421 | 646 Bachelors | 1619 | 3736 Masters | 536 | 1187 Prof-school | 92 | 484 Doctorate | 86 | 327 Table: Number of records with each `education` for each `sex` ### `capital-gain` & `capital-loss` With a separation of 15.93% and 9.15% respectively, these attributes are not QIDs. They're qualified as Sensitive, as the individuals may not want their capital gains and losses publicly known. A t-closeness privacy model was chosen for these attributes, with a value of t of 0.2. This reasoning is discussed in Applying anonymization models > k-Anonymity > Effect of parameters ### `hours-per-week` This attribute has a relatively high separation (76.24%) and since it had really unique values, it could be cross referenced with another dataset to help identify individuals, so it's classified as QID. ### `native-country` While this attribute might be regarded as a QID, it presents really low separation values (19.65%) in this dataset, so it's qualified as Insensitive. ### `prediction` This is the target attribute, the attribute the other attributes predict, and is therefore Insensitive. # Privacy risks in the original dataset In the original dataset, nearly 40% of records have a more than 50% risk of re-identification by a prosecutor. In general, we see a stepped distribution of the record risk, which indicates some privacy model was already applied to the dataset, however to a different standard than what we intend. All records had really high uniqueness percentage even for small sampling factors, according to the Zayatz, Pitman and Dankar methods. Only SNB indicated a low uniquess percentage for sampling factors under 90%. What this means, is that with a fraction of the original dataset, a very significant number of records was sufficiently unique that it could be distinguished among the rest, which means it's potentially easier to re-identify the individuals in question. All attacker models show a success rate of more than 50%, which is not acceptable. # Applying anonymization models ## k-Anonymity We opted for 8-anonymity, for it's tradeoff between maximal risk and suppression. t-closeness was chosen for `capital-gain` and `capital-loss` (sensitive attributes). ### Re-identification risk The average re-identification risk dropped to nearly 0%, whereas the maximal risk dropped to 12.5%. The success rate for all attacker models was reduced drastically, to 1.3%. ### Utility The original Classification Performance, a measure of how well the attributes predict the target variable (`prediction`) was 83.24% and it remained at 82.45%. 10.07% of attributes are missing from the anonymized dataset. This value being equal across all atributes suggests entire rows were removed, rather than select values from separate rows. The only exception is the `occupation` attribute, which was entirely removed. ### Effect of parameters At a suppression limit of 0%, the same accuracy is maintained, but the vast majority of QIDs are entirely removed. At a suppression limit of 5%, roughly the same prediction accuracy is maintained, with around 4.5% of values missing, however with really high Generalization Intensity values for some attributes (e.g. 95.42% for `sex`, 93.87% for `race` and 91.47% for `education` and `education-num`). `occupation` was entirely removed. At a suppression limit of 10%, the prediction accuracy is maintained, with around 9.8% of values missing. However, the Gen. Intensity drops to around 90%. At a suppression limit of 20%, accuracy is maintained, once again, with around 10% of values missing, indicating this would be the optimal settings, as the same results are achieved with a limit of 100%. At a t-closeness for `capital-gain` and `capital-loss` t value of 0.001 (the default), anonymization fails, not producing any output. At a t value of 0.01, accuracy drops to 75% and most attributes have missing values of 100%. At a t value of 0.1, classification accuracy is nearly 81%, but missings values are around 20%. At a t value of 0.2, the chosen value, the accuracy is 82.5% with lower Gen. Intensity values. At a t value of 0.5, the classification accuracy goes to 82.2% with increased Generalization Intensity values. Adjusting the coding model had no significant effects. ## $(\epsilon, \delta)$-Differential Privacy With the default $\epsilon$ value of 2 and a $\delta$ value of $10^{-6}$, the performance was really good. ### Re-identification risk All indicators for risk by each attacker model was between 0.1% and 0.9%. ### Utility The original Classification Performance was 83.24% and it remained at 80.97%. Nearly 16% of attributes are missing, with the expection of `age` and `education-num`, which are 100% missing. ### Effect of parameters An $\epsilon$ value of 3 maintained the accuracy at 80.5% with missings values rounding 32%. An increase of $\delta$ to $10^{-5}$ resulted in a classification performance of 82.05% and a missings value of 21.02% for all attributes. A further increase of $\delta$ to $10^{-4}$ resulted in an increased accuracy of 82.32%, but a maximal risk of 1.25%. # Results The 8-anonymity model was chosen as it resulted in a broader distribution of attribute values like `age`, whereas with Differential Privacy, they were split into only 2 categories. # Observations We noted that the contingency between `sex` and `relationship` maintained the same distribution after anonymization, meaning that these changes don't mean `relationship` can identify an individual's `sex` any more than in the original dataset. With the following commands, we noted some possible errors in the original dataset, where the `sex` and `relationship` attributes didn't map entirely one to one: there was one occurence of (Husband, Female) and two of (Wife, Male). It's possible this is an error in the original dataset. ```sh $ cat adult_data.csv | tail -n +2 | sed -r 's/,([^ ])/\t\1/g' | cut -d',' -f8,10 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n 1 Husband, Female 2 Wife, Male 430 Other-relative, Female 551 Other-relative, Male 792 Unmarried, Male 1566 Wife, Female 2245 Own-child, Female 2654 Unmarried, Female 2823 Own-child, Male 3875 Not-in-family, Female 4430 Not-in-family, Male 13192 Husband, Male ``` ```sh $ cat anonymized.csv | tail -n +2 | sed -r 's/,([^ ])/\t\1/g' | cut -d';' -f8,10 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | column -s ';' -t 1295 {Husband, Wife} Female 2264 {Other-relative, Own-child} Female 2981 {Other-relative, Own-child} Male 3280 * * 4391 {Unmarried, Not-in-family} Male 5713 {Unmarried, Not-in-family} Female 12637 {Husband, Wife} Male ``` Since there were occurences of (Wife, Male), "({Husband, Wife}, Male)" does not undo the transformation of the `relationship` attribute.