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2021-11-02 15:12:47 +00:00
\newcommand{\etalia}{\textit{et al.}}
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\IACconference{International Astronautical Congress IAC 2021, Dubai, United Arab Emirates}
\IAClocation{Dubai, United Arab Emirates}
\IACdate{25-29 October 2021}
\IACcopyrightB{Mr. author 1 and Mr. author 2}
\title{Your paper's title}
\IACauthor{Author 1$^{\orcidlink{0000-0000-0000-0000}}$}{Company location, \normalfont{\texttt{}}}{1}
\IACauthor{Author 2$^{\orcidlink{0000-0000-0000-0000}}$}{Company location, \normalfont{\texttt{}}}{0}
\thispagestyle{fancy} % resets proper header/footer
This document is an unofficial \LaTeX model for papers submitted for the International Astronautical Congress.
\\This template was used to submit \cite{fari2021vector}.
Please observe the conference page for the most updated instruction.
This section offers some template for the most common \LaTeX objects, such as equation, tables and figures.
\end{matrix} \right]
Equations can be referenced as: ``Eq.~\ref{eq:sample_equation} represents ... ''.
Tables can be designed as shown in Table~\ref{tab:model_coefficients}.
\textbf{Param.} & \textbf{Value} & \textbf{Param.} & \textbf{Value} \\ \hline
$m_p$ & 13 & $m_b$ & 135 \\
a & 1 & b & 7 \\
$c$ & 3 & $t$ & 3 \\
$S_b$ & 0.500 & $S_p$ & 21 \\
$\|X_{cb}\|$ & 0.500 & $\|X_{cp}\|$ & 7.500 \\
$I_b$ & diag(5.620) & $I_p(1,1)$ & 53.180 \\
$I_p(2,2)$ & 9.840 & $I_p(3,3)$ & 62.830\\
$C_{{L,p}_0}$ & 0.400 & $C_{{L,p}_\alpha}$ & 2 \\
$C_{{D,p}_0}$ & 0.150 & $C_{{D,p}_\alpha}$ & 1 \\
$C_{{D,b}_0}$ & 0.150 & $C_{{D,b}_\alpha}$ & 1 \\
$C_{l_p}$ & -0.100 & $C_{l_\phi}$ & -0.050 \\
$C_{m_q}$ & -2 & $C_{m_0}$ & 0.018 \\
$C_{n_r}$ & -0.070 & $C_{m_\alpha}$ & -0.200 \\
$C_{L_{\delta_a}}$ & 1\texttt{e-4} & $C_{L_{\delta_s}}$ & 0.210 \\
$C_{D_{\delta_a}}$ & 1\texttt{e-4} & $C_{D_{\delta_s}}$ & 0.300 \\
$C_{l_{\delta_a}}$ & 21\texttt{e-4} & $C_{n_{\delta_a}}$ & 0.004\\
$k_k$ & 0.350 & $c_c$ & 4.700 \\\hline
\caption{Model parameters (reported in SI units).}
Figures can be included as shown in Figure~\ref{fig:VF_straight_line}.
\includegraphics[width = \columnwidth]{images/vf_example.eps}
\caption{Vector field straight-line path-following example.}
\section{Conclusion and future work}\label{sec:conclusions}
\subsection{Future work}\label{ss_sec:second_subsec}