package CompetitiveProgramming.Uva; import CompetitiveProgramming.DirectedMultiGraph; import java.util.*; public class M11709 { static DirectedMultiGraph g, g_transpose; static int n_nodes, // P T, idx; static Map name_idx; private static int number_of_scc = 0, current_scc_n_nodes = 0; /** * WARNING: Changes all graph nodes' visited state to true * temporary storage: current_scc_n_nodes won't be reset by the end * * Time complexity: O(E+N) * void operations: Will set number_of_scc * * @param g DirectedMultiGraph The graph to be used * @param u int The start point * @param dfs_finished_stack Stack ending_sequence I/O (optional) If DAG is given, * it will correspond to a top sort (total order) */ @SafeVarargs private static void dfs_visit(DirectedMultiGraph g, int u, ArrayDeque... dfs_finished_stack) { g.seen[u] = true; ++current_scc_n_nodes; for (int w : g.edges(u)) { if (!g.seen[w]) { dfs_visit(g, w, dfs_finished_stack); } } // Check if a dfs_finished_stack was supplied to be filled if (dfs_finished_stack.length == 1) { dfs_finished_stack[0].addFirst(u); } } // Time complexity: O(E+N) private static void kosaraju_sharir(DirectedMultiGraph g, DirectedMultiGraph g_transpose, int n_nodes) { // DFS visit the graph ArrayDeque dfs_finished_stack = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (int v = 0; v < n_nodes; ++v) { if (!g.seen[v]) { dfs_visit(g, v, dfs_finished_stack); } } // Reset globals current_scc_n_nodes = 0; number_of_scc = 0; // DFS visit in transposed graph using dfs_finished_stack seq while (!dfs_finished_stack.isEmpty()) { int v = dfs_finished_stack.removeFirst(); // New component is being discovered if (!g_transpose.seen[v]) { current_scc_n_nodes = 0; dfs_visit(g_transpose, v); // Actions ++number_of_scc; } } } public static int idx_in_graph(String name) { Integer u = name_idx.get(name); if (u == null) { u = idx++; name_idx.put(name, u); } return u; } public static boolean generate_structures(Scanner stdin) { if (n_nodes == 0 && T == 0) return false; stdin.nextLine(); // flush from int buffer name_idx = new HashMap<>(n_nodes); idx = 0; g = new DirectedMultiGraph(n_nodes, true); g_transpose = new DirectedMultiGraph(n_nodes, true); for (int p = 0; p < n_nodes; ++p) { String name = stdin.nextLine(); idx_in_graph(name); } for (int t = 0; t < T; ++t) { String u_name = stdin.nextLine(), w_name = stdin.nextLine(); int u = idx_in_graph(u_name), w = idx_in_graph(w_name); g.link_first(u, w); g_transpose.link_first(w, u); } return true; } public static void main(String[] args) { // Input and Data Representation Scanner stdin = new Scanner(; while (true) { n_nodes = stdin.nextInt(); T = stdin.nextInt(); if (!generate_structures(stdin)) break; // Process kosaraju_sharir(g, g_transpose, n_nodes); // Output System.out.println(number_of_scc); } // That's all folks stdin.close(); } }