
276 lines
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import java.util.*;
* The DirectedWeightedGraph class is a structure to store a n-weighted
* graph of nodes named 0 through N-1.
* The implementation uses an adjacency-lists representation for the graph
* and a HashMap indexed by strings of the form "u-v", u and v being nodes,
* the map's values are a List of generic type.
* Each edge can have a different number of weights (or even none).
* @author Diogo Peralta Cordeiro <>
public class
private final List<LinkedList<Integer>> edges;
private final Map<String, List<T>> edges_weights;
public int n_nodes, n_edges; // N, #Edges, respectively
// O(n) to construct the structure
DirectedWeightedGraph (int n_nodes)
this.n_nodes = n_nodes;
this.n_edges = 0;
this.edges = new ArrayList<>(n_nodes);
this.edges_weights = new HashMap<>(n_nodes);
for (int i = 0; i < n_nodes; ++i)
this.edges.add(i, new LinkedList<>());
// O(1) to get the adjacency-list for a node
public LinkedList<Integer>
edges (int u)
return this.edges.get(u);
// O(1) to get the weights list
public List<T>
weight (int u, int w)
return this.edges_weights.get(u + "-" + w);
// O(1) to add a node to the last position of the adjacency-list
// O(1) to update the weight of an existing edge
public final void
link (int u, int w, T... weight)
// O(1) to ensure we don't make a MultiGraph
if (!this.edges(u).contains(w)) {
// O(1) to add an adjacency
// O(1) to put or update a weight, if we want to
this.edges_weights.put(u + "-" + w, Arrays.asList(weight));
// O(n) to remove a node
public void
delete_node (int u)
for (int w = 0; w < this.n_nodes; ++w)
this.unlink(u, w);
this.unlink(w, u);
// O(n) to remove an adjacency
public void
unlink (int u, int w)
// O(n)
this.edges(u).remove((Integer) w);
// O(1)
this.edges_weights.remove(u + "-" + w);
/* UTILS */
// O(#Edges + N*lg(N))
public List<Object>
int_dijkstra(int s) {
/* Set Data Structures */
int[] dist = new int[this.n_nodes];
List<List<Integer>> come_from = new ArrayList<>(this.n_nodes);
for (int i = 0; i < this.n_nodes; ++i) {
dist[i] = 1000000000; // 1e9 to avoid overflow
come_from.add(i, new LinkedList<>());
// Compare by distance, then by index
TreeSet<Integer> to_explore = new TreeSet<>(Comparator.comparingInt((Integer i) -> dist[i]).thenComparingInt(i -> i));
// Let's find distances from s
dist[s] = 0;
// Dijkstra's Algorithm
while (!to_explore.isEmpty()) {
int u = to_explore.pollFirst();
// Assert: u.distance is the true shortest distance from s to u
// Assert: u is never put back into to_explore
this.edges(u).forEach((w) -> {
int edge_cost = (int) this.weight(u, w).get(0);
int dist_w = dist[u] + edge_cost;
if (dist_w < dist[w]) {
// Decrease key with new distance
dist[w] = dist_w;
} else if (dist_w == dist[w]) {
// That's all folks.
return Arrays.asList(dist, come_from);
public List<Object>
double_dijkstra(int s) {
/* Set Data Structures */
double[] dist = new double[this.n_nodes];
List<List<Integer>> come_from = new ArrayList<>(this.n_nodes);
for (int i = 0; i < this.n_nodes; ++i) {
dist[i] = 1000000000; // 1e9 to avoid overflow
come_from.add(i, new LinkedList<>());
// Compare by distance, then by index
TreeSet<Integer> to_explore = new TreeSet<>(Comparator.comparingDouble((Integer i) -> dist[i]).thenComparingInt(i -> i));
// Let's find distances from s
dist[s] = 0;
// Dijkstra's Algorithm
while (!to_explore.isEmpty()) {
int u = to_explore.pollFirst();
// Assert: u.distance is the true shortest distance from s to u
// Assert: u is never put back into to_explore
this.edges(u).forEach((w) -> {
double edge_cost = (double) this.weight(u, w).get(0);
double dist_w = dist[u] + edge_cost;
if (, dist[w]) < 0) {
// Decrease key with new distance
dist[w] = dist_w;
} else if (, dist[w]) == 0) {
// That's all folks.
return Arrays.asList(dist, come_from);
// O(#Edges + N*lg(N))
public int[]
int_prim() {
/* Set Data Structures */
int[] dist = new int[this.n_nodes];
boolean[] in_tree = new boolean[this.n_nodes];
int[] come_from = new int[this.n_nodes];
Arrays.fill(dist, 1000000000); // 1e9 to avoid overflow
TreeSet<Integer> to_explore = new TreeSet<>(Comparator.comparingInt((Integer i) -> dist[i]).thenComparingInt(i -> i));
// Let's find distances from s
int s = 0;
dist[s] = 0;
while (!to_explore.isEmpty()) {
int u = to_explore.pollFirst();
in_tree[u] = true;
// Let t be the graph made of nodes with in_tree = true,
// and edges {(w - come_from[w]), for w in g.nodes excluding s}
// Assert: t is part of an MST for g
this.edges(u).forEach((w) -> {
int edge_cost = (int) this.weight(u, w).get(0);
if (!in_tree[w] && edge_cost < dist[w]) {
come_from[w] = u;
dist[w] = edge_cost;
// That's all folks.
return come_from;
public int[]
double_prim() {
/* Set Data Structures */
double[] dist = new double[this.n_nodes];
boolean[] in_tree = new boolean[this.n_nodes];
int[] come_from = new int[this.n_nodes];
Arrays.fill(dist, 1000000000); // 1e9 to avoid overflow
TreeSet<Integer> to_explore = new TreeSet<>(Comparator.comparingDouble((Integer i) -> dist[i]).thenComparingInt(i -> i));
// Let's find distances from s
int s = 0;
dist[s] = 0;
while (!to_explore.isEmpty()) {
int u = to_explore.pollFirst();
in_tree[u] = true;
// Let t be the graph made of nodes with in_tree = true,
// and edges {(w - come_from[w]), for w in g.nodes excluding s}
// Assert: t is part of an MST for g
this.edges(u).forEach((w) -> {
double edge_cost = (double) this.weight(u, w).get(0);
if (!in_tree[w] &&, dist[w]) < 0) {
come_from[w] = u;
dist[w] = edge_cost;
// That's all folks.
return come_from;
// O(N*#Edges)
public int[]
int_bellman_ford (int s) throws Exception {
int[] min_weight = new int[this.n_nodes];
// best estimate so far of minimum weight from s to another vertex
Arrays.fill(min_weight, 1000000000); // 1e9 to avoid overflow
min_weight[s] = 0;
// Repeat
for (int i = 0; i < this.n_nodes; ++i) {
// relax all the edges
for (int u = 0; u < this.n_nodes; ++u) {
for (int w : this.edges(u)) {
int edge_cost = (int) this.weight(u, w).get(0);
min_weight[w] = Math.min(min_weight[u] + edge_cost, min_weight[w]);
// Assert: v.min_weight >= true minimum weight from s to v
for (int u = 0; u < this.n_nodes; ++u) {
for (int w : this.edges(u)) {
int edge_cost = (int) this.weight(u, w).get(0);
if (min_weight[u] + edge_cost < min_weight[w]) {
throw new Exception("Negative-weight cycle detected.");
// That's all folks.
return min_weight;