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NumericalAnalysisModule/2 - Newton and Iterative methods/slides/js/story.js
2019-08-28 16:50:10 +01:00

147 lines
5.2 KiB

// Render KaTeX math typesetting, but only if the <body> has the class
// feature-math
$( function() {
if ( $( "body.feature-math:not(.feature-nomath)" ).length ) {
// Render abcjs sheet music, but only if the <body> has the class
// feature-music. Do this by removing the <pre><code class="language-abc">
// and replacing it with a <p id="music-X"> which will be used to hold the
// generated sheet music. Remark's code syntax highlighting transforms the
// <code> block into a bunch of
// <div class="remark-code-line">K: Emin</div>
// one per line, so we have to reassemble those to get back linebreaks.
$( function() {
if ( $( "body.feature-music:not(.feature-nomusic)" ).length ) {
$( "code.language-abc," ).each(function(i, e){
var $this = $(this);
var abc = $this.text();
if ( $this.hasClass("remark-code") ) {
abc = "";
$this.children().each(function(i, e) {
abc += "\n" + $(this).text();
abc = abc.trim();
var p = $this.parent().before('<p id="music-' + (i+1) + '">');
ABCJS.renderAbc("music-" + (i+1), abc, {
paddingtop: 0,
paddingbottom: 0,
paddingright: 0,
paddingleft: 0,
responsive: "resize"
// Render tweet-styled blockquotes, if <body> has the class feature-tweetquote and the blockquote ends
// with a twitter permalink URL.
$( function() {
if ( $( "body.feature-tweetquote:not(.feature-notweetquote)" ).length ) {
$("blockquote p:first-child a[href*='']").each(function(i, e){
$(this.parentElement.parentElement).addClass("tweet sans-serif mw6");
$(this).addClass("no-underline b");
$(this).prepend('<i class="fl mr2 fab fa-twitter fa-2x pa2 ba br3">');
var m = $(this).attr('href').match(/\/([^\/]*)\//);
if (m.length > 1) {
$(this).append('<br><span class="normal gray">@' + m[1] + '</span>');
// Render perspective book images, if <body> has the class
// feature-3dbook-covers
$( function() {
$( "body.feature-3dbook-covers article a" ).has( "img[src~='3dbook']" ).each(function(i, e) {
$( this ).addClass("book");
$( this ).parent().addClass("books");
// Highlight code listings, if <body> has the class
// feature-highlight
$( function() {
if ( $( "body.feature-highlight:not(.feature-nohighlight)" ).length ) {
/* Turn images into figures with captions. Several scenarios are handled, in
* order:
* If the img is followed by an <em>, then transform the <em> into a caption.
* If the img has a title, use that as the caption.
* If the img has an alt, use that.
* The following features have to be enabled:
* - feature-figcaption has to be enabled or the whole thing is disabled
* - feature-figcaption-hidden makes the captions invisible till you hover
* - feature-fignum adds figure numbering
* - feature-figlink adds automatic links of text like "Figure 4"
$( function() {
$("body.feature-figcaption:not(.feature-nofigcaption) article img").each(function(i, e) {
var $this = $(this);
// Don't put captions on images that have URL fragment pseudo-classes.
if ( $this.attr('src').match(/#/) ) return;
var $txt = false;
if ( $"em") ) {
$txt = $;
} else {
$txt = $this.attr('title') ? $this.attr('title')
: $this.attr('alt') ? $this.attr('alt')
: false;
if ( $txt ) {
var $fig = $this.wrap('<figure id="fig-' + (i+1) + '">')
.after('<figcaption class="f5 lh-copy i ph3">' + $txt + '</figcaption>')
if ( $("body.feature-figlink").length ) {
$("article p, article li").each(function(i, e) {
var $old = $(this).html();
var $new = $old.replace(/Figure\s+(\d+)/g, '<a href="#fig-$1">Figure $1</a>');
if ( $old !== $new ) {
/* Add captions to tables.
* If the table is followed by a <p><em>, then transform the <em> into a caption.
* The following features have to be enabled:
* - feature-tablecaption has to be enabled or the whole thing is disabled
* - feature-fignum adds table numbering
* - feature-figlink adds automatic links of text like "Table 4"
$( function() {
$("body.feature-tablecaption article table").each(function(i, e) {
var $this = $(this);
var $txt = false;
if ( $"p") ) {
if ( $"em:only-child") ) {
$txt = $;
if ( $txt ) {
$this.prepend('<caption id="tbl-' + (i+1) + '">' + $txt + '</caption>');
if ( $("body.feature-figlink").length ) {
$("article p, article li").each(function(i, e) {
var $old = $(this).html();
var $new = $old.replace(/Table\s+(\d+)/g, '<a href="#tbl-$1">Table $1</a>');
if ( $old !== $new ) {