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# Scripts for zsh
Doc for my zsh scripts (`scripts.zsh`).
## System
### Update system
* Go binaries
* Composer global install
* Official Arch linux packages (via Aurman or yay if installed ; otherwise pacman)
* AUR packages (via Aurman or yay if installed)
### Disk backup
`dback <disk source> <disk output>`
Use dd to copy an entire hard disk to another disk output. Ask questions to be sure you know what you are doing :)
Way safer than using pure dd without any warning message...
### Create ssh key
`sshcreate <name>`
Create a new ssh key at `~/.ssh/<name>` with permission 700.
The name will be put as comment in the key as well.
## Archives
### Extraction
`extract <archive_file>`
Extract any archive automatically. Require `tar` and `unzip`.
### Compression
`compress <folder>`
Compress a folder - output `tar.gz`
## Database
### Postgres
These commands need `pv` to be installed.
#### Dump
`postgdump <database> <user> <host>`
Create a dump of a database. Include clean up and create dabatase when imported back.
The file created will be `<database>`.sql
`<user>` and `<host>` are not mandatory, default `postgres` and `localhost`.
#### Import
`postgimport <table_name> <user> <host>`
Import a database. If the file is called `database.sql`, it will try to import into the database named `database`.
`<user>` and `<host>` are not mandatory, default `postgres` and `localhost`.
## Network
### Ports
List of port opens, fuzzy searchable via fzf
## Images
### Screenshot
`screenshot <win|scr|area>`
Take a screenshot of the window / screen / area respectively.
### Image size
`imgsize <img>`
Display width / height of an image.
### Image resize
`imgresize <source> <width>`
Resize and create a new image named `<source>_<width>.<extension>` following aspect ratio.
`imgresizeall <extension> <width>`
Resize every images with the same extension in the current folder
`imgoptimize <file>`
Optimize the image (conv -strip -interlace Plane -quality 85%) and create a new image
`Imgoptimize <file>`
Optimize the image (conv -strip -interlace Plane -quality 85%) and *replace* the image
`imgoptimizeall <extension>`
Optimize the images with same extension in current folder(conv -strip -interlace Plane -quality 85%) and create new images
`Imgoptimizeall *.<extension>`
Optimize the images with same extension in current folder(conv -strip -interlace Plane -quality 85%) and *replace* them
### Image resize all
`imgresize <extension> <width>`
Resize every images with the extension `<extention>` in the current folder.
Use Image resize (see above)
### Image convert to jpg
`imgconvjpg <source>`
Require imagemagick.
Convert source to a jpg image
## Git
`gtD <tag_name> <remote>`
Delete a tag locally AND on the remote. `<remote>` argument is not mandatory, default `origin`.
`gtd <tag_name> <remote>`
Delete a tag ONLY on the remote. `<remote>` argument is not mandatory, default `origin`.
### FZF
Let you choose a tmuxp config
### FZF meets Git
#### Checkout
Require fzf of course :)
Checkout local or remote branch via FZF
#### Logs
Simple way to fuzzy search in the log tree.
### Stash
Fuzzy search in the stash list.
## Other
Generate thrift config via thrift on local (docker image doesn't work...)
Create a folder like `mkdir -p` and goes in it.
Update antibody plugins
Display the time for the prompt to appear when opening a new zsh instance
## Fun
Display... the matrix!
Display the main terminal colors configured, in nice blocks. [source](https://github.com/iiPlasma/dots/blob/master/bin/bin/colorblocks).
Display all the terminal colors configured, in nice panes. [source](https://github.com/iiPlasma/dots/blob/master/bin/bin/colorcards).
Remember the OpenGL pipes screensaver on windows 9*? The same in the terminal. [source](https://github.com/iiPlasma/dots/blob/master/bin/bin/pipes).