Dotfiles ======== This is my collection of [configuration files]( Usage ----- Pull the repository, and then create the symbolic links [using GNU stow]( ```bash $ git clone ~/.dotfiles $ cd ~/.dotfiles $ stow tools templates composer feh geany ghc git i3 mariadbcli pgsqlcli ranger terminfo theme xorg-server zathura # plus whatever else you'd like ``` Applications ------------ **OS**: Debian **Desktop Environment**: XFCE **WM**: i3 **LockScreen**: light-lock **Launcher**: Rofi **Browser**: Firefox **Development Environment**: Neovim **Document Viewer**: Atril **File Manager**: PCManFM **Music**: pragha **Video**: totem License ------- [MIT]( ## Installing ### Download Download the XFCE CD1 from: ### Repositories Keys wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - wget -O- | sudo apt-key add - wget -O- | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 60EE47FBAD3DD469 wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add - ### USB flash installation media dd if=debian-9.2.1-amd64-xfce-CD-1.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M ### Software selection Select: * print server * standard system utilities * XFCE ## Setting the repositories apt install aptitude aptitude install debian-archive-keyring aptitude install synaptic apt-xapian-index gdebi ## SUDO ### Install sudo aptitude install sudo gksu ### Add Administrator to sudoers adduser {username} sudo ## Hardware ### Firmware aptitude install firmware-linux intel-microcode amd64-microcode initramfs-tools firmware-amd-graphics aptitude install inotify-tools inotify-hookable sassc dpkg --add-architecture i386 ### Wifi aptitude install firmware-realtek firmware-iwlwifi ### Battery and Overheating * tlp * tlp-rdw * thermald * cpufreqd `sudo aptitude install tlp tlp-rdw thermald cpufreqd` > For thinkpads only: `sudo aptitude install tp-smapi-dkms acpi-call-dkms` ### Hardware sensors * lm-sensors * hddtemp * psensor * i7z * cpupower `sudo aptitude install lm-sensors hddtemp psensor` ### Disable bluetooth auto power-on Blueman automatically enables Bluetooth adapter when certain events (on boot, laptop lid is opened, ...) occur. This can be disabled with the auto-power-on in org.blueman.plugins.powermanager: sudo gsettings set org.blueman.plugins.powermanager auto-power-on false ### Network Proper network manager with VPN support * curl * network-manager * network-manager-gnome * network-manager-openvpn * network-manager-vpnc * network-manager-vpnc-gnome * network-manager-pptp * network-manager-pptp-gnome * network-manager-openvpn * network-manager-openvpn-gnome * pptpd * ppp * pptp-linux `sudo aptitude install curl network-manager network-manager-gnome network-manager-openvpn network-manager-vpnc network-manager-vpnc-gnome network-manager-pptp network-manager-pptp-gnome network-manager-openvpn network-manager-openvpn-gnome pptpd ppp pptp-linux` ### Storage * gnome-disks * gparted `sudo aptitude install gnome-disks gparted` ## Shell * `sudo aptitude install kitty ripgrep zsh shellcheck fzf silversearcher-ag bat` * `stow kitty shell tmux` * `chsh -s $(which zsh)` * `sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator` ## Appearance ### Utilities * lxappearance * xsettingsd * nitrogen ### Theme * numix-gtk-theme * numix-icon-theme `sudo aptitude install numix-gtk-theme numix-icon-theme` ### Fonts * ttf-mscorefonts-installer * ttf-dejavu * fonts-hack-ttf * fonts-font-awesome * fonts-open-sans * fonts-paratype * fonts-noto `sudo aptitude install ttf-mscorefonts-installer ttf-dejavu fonts-hack-ttf fonts-font-awesome fonts-open-sans fonts-paratype fonts-noto` #### Install Microsoft Tahoma, Segoe UI, and other fonts mkdir ~/.fonts wget -qO- | bash ### Spotlight (unused) [Diogo's spotlight script]( ### i3 * [i3]( * suckless-tools * i3blocks * [XBright]( * [morc_menu]( * ranger * light-locker * dconf-editor * xdotool * `sudo aptitude install i3 j4-dmenu-desktop suckless-tools i3blocks ranger nitrogen light-locker xdotool` #### Notifications * xfce4-notifyd `sudo aptitude install xfce4-notifyd` ## System ### Power Manager * xfce4-power-manager `sudo aptitude install xfce4-power-manager` ### SECURITY (FIREWALL AND ANTI-VIRUS) sudo aptitude install ufw gufw clamav clamtk sudo ufw default deny sudo ufw enable ### Updates notifier * pk-update-icon * apt-config-auto-update `sudo aptitude install pk-update-icon apt-config-auto-update` ### Wine `sudo aptitude -t stretch-backports install wine` ## General Software ### Multimedia * pavucontrol * libavcodec-extra * clementine * gimp * totem * handbrake * kdenlive * audacity * krita * blender * freecad * openscad `sudo aptitude install pavucontrol libavcodec-extra clementine gimp totem handbrake kdenlive audacity cmus` ### Utilities * tmux * parcellite * qalculate * gparted * simplescreenrecorder * kde-spectacle * gthumb * feh * engrampa * arandr * redshift-gtk * seahorse `sudo aptitude install tmux parcellite qalculate gparted libreoffice simplescreenrecorder kde-spectacle gthumb engrampa arandr redshift-gtk seahorse` ### Programming * geany with [Darcula colorscheme]( * git `sudo aptitude install geany git` #### Neovim * `sudo aptitude purge vim-tiny` * `sudo aptitude install neovim` * `stow neovim tags-settings python javascript ruby` * `~/.config/nvim/installer/` ### Internet * `sudo aptitude install deluge firefox` #### Chatting * [hexchat]( (with [Monokai]( theme) * `sudo aptitude install pidgin` #### KDE CONNECT sudo aptitude install kdeconnect sudo ufw allow 1714:1764/udp sudo ufw allow 1714:1764/tcp sudo ufw reload ### Math * bc * SageMath * GNUPlot * jupyter-notebook `sudo aptitude install bc sagemath gnuplot python3-dev python3-pip jupyter-notebook` ### Office * atril * libreoffice `sudo aptitude install atril libreoffice zathura`