My Neovim setup =============== My Neovim IDE setup for Python, Go, Rust, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript, gettext and more. Features --------- * `init.vim` handling * Incremental and smart case search. * Sublime Text style multiple selections * Trailing whitespace highlighting and cleaning shortcut * Logical and Visual layout (for Right-To-Left lanaguegs) editing. * Tabs expand to 4 spaces by default * Remap `` to `` and `jj` to `` * Highlight current row and color column 80 * 70+ language packs support * Syntax checking * Snippets * Quotes, parens etc pair, surround * Extended pair matching with % * ASCII drawing * Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder * VCS plugins (Fugitive, Lawrencium) * Tab completion * Commenting Prerequisites ------------- - Neovim and Neovim Python client. - For faster search, [ripgrep]( - For tags: [ctags]( - For devicons, a patched font, like the one from [nerd-fonts]( Usage ------------ The following commands will clone the repo, and install `vim-plug` plugin manager: mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim git clone ~/.config/nvim curl -fLo ~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \ Install plugins from the command line: nvim +PlugUpdate +qa After that, [install the desired COC plugins or extensions]( Overrides ---------------- * `~/.config/nvim/before.vim`, if exists, is sourced before everything allowing definitions of variables to act upon. * `~/.config/nvim/after.vim` if exists, is sourced after all the files in `~/.config/nvim/rc.d` allowing override of default settings (e.g: color schemes, plugin configuration, etc.). Go tags ---------- For CtrlPBufTag search in go files, make sure you have an updated version of ``ctags`` (>=5.8) and put in your ``~/.ctags``:: --langdef=Go --langmap=Go:.go --regex-Go=/func([ \t]+\([^)]+\))?[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\2/f,func/ --regex-Go=/var[ \t]+([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/v,var/ --regex-Go=/type[ \t]+([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/t,type/ Rust tags ------------------------- For Rust ctags to wok (e.g: TagBar), put in your ``~/.ctags``:: --langdef=Rust --regex-Rust=/^[ \t]*(#\[[^\]]\][ \t]*)*(pub[ \t]+)?(extern[ \t]+)?("[^"]+"[ \t]+)?(unsafe[ \t]+)?fn[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\6/f,functions,function definitions/ --regex-Rust=/^[ \t]*(pub[ \t]+)?type[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\2/T,types,type definitions/ --regex-Rust=/^[ \t]*(pub[ \t]+)?enum[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\2/g,enum,enumeration names/ --regex-Rust=/^[ \t]*(pub[ \t]+)?struct[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\2/s,structure names/ --regex-Rust=/^[ \t]*(pub[ \t]+)?mod[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\2/m,modules,module names/ --regex-Rust=/^[ \t]*(pub[ \t]+)?(static|const)[ \t]+(mut[ \t]+)?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\4/c,consts,static constants/ --regex-Rust=/^[ \t]*(pub[ \t]+)?(unsafe[ \t]+)?trait[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\3/t,traits,traits/ --regex-Rust=/^[ \t]*(pub[ \t]+)?(unsafe[ \t]+)?impl([ \t\n]*<[^>]*>)?[ \t]+(([a-zA-Z0-9_:]+)[ \t]*(<[^>]*>)?[ \t]+(for)[ \t]+)?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\5 \7 \8/i,impls,trait implementations/ --regex-Rust=/^[ \t]*macro_rules![ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/d,macros,macro definitions/ Plugins ------------ * [Solarized]( - color scheme * [base16-vim]( - color scheme * [vim-molokai]( - color scheme * [Oceanic-next]( - color scheme * [Nord VIM]( - color scheme * [Gruvbox]( - color scheme * [Fugitive]( - a Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal * [gv.vim]( - A git commit browser in Vim * [Lawrencium]( - Mercurial wrapper for Vim, inspired by Tim Pope's Fugitive * [ctrlp.vim]( - Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder * [ale]( - Asynchronous Lint Engine * [coc.nvim]( - Intellisense engine for vim8 & neovim, full language server protocol support as VSCode * [UltiSnips]( - The ultimate snippet solution for Vim. * [vim-snippets]( - vim-snipmate default snippets * [python-mode]( - Vim python-mode. PyLint, Rope, Pydoc, breakpoints from box * [vim-go]( - Go development plugin for Vim * [rust.vim]( - provides Rust file detection, syntax highlighting, formatting, Syntastic integration, and more. * [DrawIt]( - ASCII drawing plugin: lines, ellipses, arrows, fills, and more! * [vim-surround]( - quoting/parenthesizing made simple * [Shebang]( - Make executable by setting the correct shebang and executable bit * [Tagbar]( - Displays tags in a window, ordered by class etc. * [NERD tree]( - A tree explorer * [nerdtree-git-plugin]( - A plugin of NERDTree showing git status * [auto-pairs]( - Insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pair * [po.vim]( - Easier editing of GNU gettext PO files * [MatchTagAlways]( - A Vim plugin that always highlights the enclosing html/xml tags * [vim-airline]( - Light weight status line utility * [tabular]( - text filtering and alignment * [tcomment_vim]( - An extensible & universal comment vim-plugin that also handles embedded filetypes * [vim-unimpaired]( - pairs of handy bracket mappings * [vim-multiple-cursors]( - True Sublime Text style multiple selections for Vim * [splitjoin.vim]( - A Vim plugin that simplifies the transition between multiline and single-line code * [vim-repeat]( - enable repeating supported plugin maps with "." * [tsuquyomi]( - A Vim plugin for TypeScript * [vim-highlightedyank]( - Make the yanked region apparent! Shortcuts and re-Mappings ---------------------------- | Key | Command | | ---------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | | ``jj`` | ```` in insert and command modes | | ```` | ```` | | ``v`` | Load `.vimrc` | | ``V`` | Activate changes to `.vimrc` (Make sure to save it before) | | ```` | Close current split (window) | | ```` | Toggle NERD tree | | ```` | Toggle Tagbar | | ``S`` | Remove trailing whitespace | | ``hjkl`` | Window movement commands | | ``arrow`` | Window movement commands | | ``d`` | Delete buffer, keep the split | | ``-``, ``+`` | Resize horizontal splits | | ``<`` ``>`` | Resize vertical splits | | ```` | Toggle logical (RTL, e.g: Hebrew) editing | | ```` | Toggle visual (RTL, e.g: Hebrew) editing | | ``g/`` | :grep! | | ``g*`` | :grep! -w current_word | | ``ga`` | :grepadd! (add results to the current search) | | ``gr`` | :CtrlPBufTag (fuzzy tag search in current file) | Virtualenv settings ------------------- If you're running from virtualenv activated, make sure to point nvim and ale to correct locations. By default, settings are: let g:python3_host_prog = '/usr/bin/python' let g:ale_python_flake8_executable = '/usr/bin/flake8' If needed, override those settings to the locations on your machine.