# Setup by linking .vimrc and initializing submodules ./install.sh ./patch_fonts.sh # To be performed once only # Installing a plugin as a submodule git submodule add http://github.com/[user]/[plugin] bundle/[plugin-name] git add . git commit -m "Installed [plugin] bundle as a submodule." # Updating bundled submodule plugins git submodule foreach git pull origin master # or update each plugin manually cd bundles/[plugin] git pull # Removing a plugin git submodule deinit -f bundle/[plugin-name] git rm -rf bundle/[plugin-name] git add . git commit -m "Removed [plugin] bundle" # Pathogen with Submodules Guides https://gist.github.com/romainl/9970697 http://vimcasts.org/episodes/synchronizing-plugins-with-git-submodules-and-pathogen/