2021-06-12 23:04:51 +02:00
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< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > IndieAuth Server< / p >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > A PSR-7-compatible implementation of the request-handling logic for IndieAuth authorization endpoints
and token endpoints.< / p >
< p > Typical minimal usage looks something like this:< / p >
< pre class = "prettyprint" > < code class = "prettyprint" > // Somewhere in your app set-up code:
$server = new Taproot\IndieAuth\Server([
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// A secret key, > = 64 characters long.
// A path to store token data, or an object implementing TokenStorageInterface.
'tokenStorage' => '/../data/auth_tokens/',
// An authentication callback function, which either returns data about the current user,
// or redirects to/implements an authentication flow.
2021-06-13 00:19:16 +02:00
'authenticationHandler' => function (ServerRequestInterface $request, string $authenticationRedirect, ?string $normalizedMeUrl) {
2021-06-12 23:04:51 +02:00
// If the request is authenticated, return an array with a `me` key containing the
// canonical URL of the currently logged-in user.
if ($userUrl = getLoggedInUserUrl($request)) {
return ['me' => $userUrl];
// Otherwise, redirect the user to a login page, ensuring that they will be redirected
// back to the IndieAuth flow with query parameters intact once logged in.
return new Response('302', ['Location' => 'https://example.com/login?next=' . urlencode($authenticationRedirect)]);
// In your authorization endpoint route:
return $server-> handleAuthorizationEndpointRequest($request);
// In your token endpoint route:
return $server-> handleTokenEndpointRequest($request);
// In another route (e.g. a micropub route), to authenticate the request:
// (assuming $bearerToken is a token parsed from an “Authorization: Bearer XXXXXX” header
// or access_token property from a request body)
if ($accessToken = $server-> getTokenStorage()-> getAccessToken($bearerToken)) {
// Request is authenticated as $accessToken['me'], and is allowed to
// act according to the scopes listed in $accessToken['scope'].
$scopes = explode(' ', $accessToken['scope']);
< / code > < / pre >
< p > Refer to the < code class = "prettyprint" > __construct< / code > documentation for further configuration options, and to the
documentation for both handling methods for further documentation about them.< / p >
< / section >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__heading" id = "tags" >
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > link< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< a class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" href = "https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/" > https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/ < / a >
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > link< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< a class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" href = "https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749.html#section-5.2" > https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749.html#section-5.2 < / a >
< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > link< / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< a class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" href = "https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth-client-php" > https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth-client-php < / a >
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-tag__name" > link< / span >
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< dd class = "phpdocumentor-tag-list__definition" >
< a class = "phpdocumentor-tag-link" href = "https://github.com/Zegnat/php-mindee/blob/development/index.php" > https://github.com/Zegnat/php-mindee/blob/development/index.php < / a >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h3 id = "toc" >
Table of Contents
< a href = "#toc" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h3 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#constant_APPROVE_ACTION_KEY" > APPROVE_ACTION_KEY< / a >
< span >
= ' taproot_indieauth_action' < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > The form data key used for identifying a request as an authorization (consent screen) form submissions.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#constant_APPROVE_ACTION_VALUE" > APPROVE_ACTION_VALUE< / a >
< span >
= ' approve' < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > The form data value used for identifying a request as an authorization (consent screen) form submissions.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#constant_DEFAULT_CSRF_KEY" > DEFAULT_CSRF_KEY< / a >
< span >
= ' taproot_indieauth_server_csrf' < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > The key used to store the CSRF token everywhere it’ s used: Request parameters, Request body, and Cookies.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#constant_HANDLE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUEST" > HANDLE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUEST< / a >
< span >
2021-06-13 00:19:16 +02:00
= ' authenticationHandler' < / span >
2021-06-12 23:04:51 +02:00
< / dt >
< dd > < / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#constant_HANDLE_NON_INDIEAUTH_REQUEST" > HANDLE_NON_INDIEAUTH_REQUEST< / a >
< span >
= ' handleNonIndieAuthRequestCallback' < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > < / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -constant -public" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#constant_HASH_QUERY_STRING_KEY" > HASH_QUERY_STRING_KEY< / a >
< span >
= ' taproot_indieauth_server_hash' < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > The query string parameter key used for storing the hash used for validating authorization request parameters.< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -property -protected" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#property_authorizationForm" > $authorizationForm< / a >
< span >
: < a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Callback-AuthorizationFormInterface.html" > < abbr title = "\Taproot\IndieAuth\Callback\AuthorizationFormInterface" > AuthorizationFormInterface< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > < / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -property -protected" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#property_csrfMiddleware" > $csrfMiddleware< / a >
< span >
: < abbr title = "\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface" > MiddlewareInterface< / abbr > < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > < / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -property -protected" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#property_exceptionTemplatePath" > $exceptionTemplatePath< / a >
< span >
: string < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > < / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -property -protected" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#property_handleAuthenticationRequestCallback" > $handleAuthenticationRequestCallback< / a >
< span >
2021-06-15 01:14:27 +02:00
: callable < / span >
2021-06-12 23:04:51 +02:00
< / dt >
< dd > < / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -property -protected" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#property_handleNonIndieAuthRequest" > $handleNonIndieAuthRequest< / a >
< span >
2021-06-15 01:14:27 +02:00
: callable < / span >
2021-06-12 23:04:51 +02:00
< / dt >
< dd > < / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -property -protected" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#property_httpGetWithEffectiveUrl" > $httpGetWithEffectiveUrl< / a >
< span >
2021-06-15 01:14:27 +02:00
: callable < / span >
2021-06-12 23:04:51 +02:00
< / dt >
< dd > < / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -property -protected" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#property_logger" > $logger< / a >
< span >
: < abbr title = "\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface" > LoggerInterface< / abbr > < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > < / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -property -protected" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#property_secret" > $secret< / a >
< span >
: string < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > < / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -property -protected" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#property_tokenStorage" > $tokenStorage< / a >
< span >
: < a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Storage-TokenStorageInterface.html" > < abbr title = "\Taproot\IndieAuth\Storage\TokenStorageInterface" > TokenStorageInterface< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > < / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -public" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#method___construct" > __construct()< / a >
< span >
: self < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Constructor< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -public" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#method_getTokenStorage" > getTokenStorage()< / a >
< span >
: < a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Storage-TokenStorageInterface.html" > < abbr title = "\Taproot\IndieAuth\Storage\TokenStorageInterface" > TokenStorageInterface< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > < / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -public" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#method_handleAuthorizationEndpointRequest" > handleAuthorizationEndpointRequest()< / a >
< span >
: < abbr title = "\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface" > ResponseInterface< / abbr > < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Handle Authorization Endpoint Request< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -public" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#method_handleTokenEndpointRequest" > handleTokenEndpointRequest()< / a >
< span >
: < abbr title = "\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface" > ResponseInterface< / abbr > < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Handle Token Endpoint Request< / dd >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-table-of-contents__entry -method -protected" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#method_handleException" > handleException()< / a >
< span >
: < abbr title = "\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface" > ResponseInterface< / abbr > < / span >
< / dt >
< dd > Handle Exception< / dd >
< / dl >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-constants" >
< h3 class = "phpdocumentor-elements__header" id = "constants" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#constants" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h3 >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_APPROVE_ACTION_KEY" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#constant_APPROVE_ACTION_KEY" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/Server.php" > < a href = "files/src-server.html" > < abbr title = "src/Server.php" > Server.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > The form data key used for identifying a request as an authorization (consent screen) form submissions.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > mixed< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > APPROVE_ACTION_KEY< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > ' taproot_indieauth_action' < / span >
< / code >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / article >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_APPROVE_ACTION_VALUE" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#constant_APPROVE_ACTION_VALUE" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/Server.php" > < a href = "files/src-server.html" > < abbr title = "src/Server.php" > Server.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > The form data value used for identifying a request as an authorization (consent screen) form submissions.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > mixed< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > APPROVE_ACTION_VALUE< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > ' approve' < / span >
< / code >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / article >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_DEFAULT_CSRF_KEY" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#constant_DEFAULT_CSRF_KEY" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/Server.php" > < a href = "files/src-server.html" > < abbr title = "src/Server.php" > Server.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > The key used to store the CSRF token everywhere it’ s used: Request parameters, Request body, and Cookies.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > mixed< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > DEFAULT_CSRF_KEY< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > ' taproot_indieauth_server_csrf' < / span >
< / code >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / article >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_HANDLE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUEST" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#constant_HANDLE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUEST" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/Server.php" > < a href = "files/src-server.html" > < abbr title = "src/Server.php" > Server.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< / aside >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > mixed< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > HANDLE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUEST< / span >
2021-06-13 00:19:16 +02:00
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > ' authenticationHandler' < / span >
2021-06-12 23:04:51 +02:00
< / code >
< / article >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_HANDLE_NON_INDIEAUTH_REQUEST" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#constant_HANDLE_NON_INDIEAUTH_REQUEST" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/Server.php" > < a href = "files/src-server.html" > < abbr title = "src/Server.php" > Server.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< / aside >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > mixed< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > HANDLE_NON_INDIEAUTH_REQUEST< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > ' handleNonIndieAuthRequestCallback' < / span >
< / code >
< / article >
< article class = "phpdocumentor-element -constant -public " >
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "constant_HASH_QUERY_STRING_KEY" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#constant_HASH_QUERY_STRING_KEY" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/Server.php" > < a href = "files/src-server.html" > < abbr title = "src/Server.php" > Server.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > The query string parameter key used for storing the hash used for validating authorization request parameters.< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-signature phpdocumentor-code " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > mixed< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > HASH_QUERY_STRING_KEY< / span >
= < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__default-value" > ' taproot_indieauth_server_hash' < / span >
< / code >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / article >
< / section >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-properties" >
< h3 class = "phpdocumentor-elements__header" id = "properties" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#properties" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h3 >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "property_authorizationForm" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#property_authorizationForm" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__modifiers" >
< / span >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/Server.php" > < a href = "files/src-server.html" > < abbr title = "src/Server.php" > Server.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 105< / span >
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< / aside >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > < a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Callback-AuthorizationFormInterface.html" > < abbr title = "\Taproot\IndieAuth\Callback\AuthorizationFormInterface" > AuthorizationFormInterface< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > $authorizationForm< / span >
< / code >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "property_csrfMiddleware" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#property_csrfMiddleware" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__modifiers" >
< / span >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/Server.php" > < a href = "files/src-server.html" > < abbr title = "src/Server.php" > Server.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 107< / span >
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< / aside >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > < abbr title = "\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface" > MiddlewareInterface< / abbr > < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > $csrfMiddleware< / span >
< / code >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "property_exceptionTemplatePath" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#property_exceptionTemplatePath" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__modifiers" >
< / span >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/Server.php" > < a href = "files/src-server.html" > < abbr title = "src/Server.php" > Server.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 120< / span >
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< / aside >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > string< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > $exceptionTemplatePath< / span >
< / code >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "property_handleAuthenticationRequestCallback" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#property_handleAuthenticationRequestCallback" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__modifiers" >
< / span >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/Server.php" > < a href = "files/src-server.html" > < abbr title = "src/Server.php" > Server.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 115< / span >
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< / aside >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
2021-06-15 01:14:27 +02:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > callable< / span >
2021-06-12 23:04:51 +02:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > $handleAuthenticationRequestCallback< / span >
< / code >
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< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
2021-06-12 23:04:51 +02:00
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "property_handleNonIndieAuthRequest" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#property_handleNonIndieAuthRequest" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__modifiers" >
< / span >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/Server.php" > < a href = "files/src-server.html" > < abbr title = "src/Server.php" > Server.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 118< / span >
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< / aside >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
2021-06-15 01:14:27 +02:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > callable< / span >
2021-06-12 23:04:51 +02:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > $handleNonIndieAuthRequest< / span >
< / code >
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< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
2021-06-12 23:04:51 +02:00
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "property_httpGetWithEffectiveUrl" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#property_httpGetWithEffectiveUrl" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__modifiers" >
< / span >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/Server.php" > < a href = "files/src-server.html" > < abbr title = "src/Server.php" > Server.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 112< / span >
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< / aside >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
2021-06-15 01:14:27 +02:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > callable< / span >
2021-06-12 23:04:51 +02:00
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > $httpGetWithEffectiveUrl< / span >
< / code >
2021-06-15 01:14:27 +02:00
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
2021-06-12 23:04:51 +02:00
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "property_logger" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#property_logger" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__modifiers" >
< / span >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/Server.php" > < a href = "files/src-server.html" > < abbr title = "src/Server.php" > Server.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 109< / span >
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< / aside >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > < abbr title = "\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface" > LoggerInterface< / abbr > < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > $logger< / span >
< / code >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "property_secret" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#property_secret" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__modifiers" >
< / span >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/Server.php" > < a href = "files/src-server.html" > < abbr title = "src/Server.php" > Server.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 122< / span >
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< / aside >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > string< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > $secret< / span >
< / code >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "property_tokenStorage" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#property_tokenStorage" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-element__modifiers" >
< / span >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/Server.php" > < a href = "files/src-server.html" > < abbr title = "src/Server.php" > Server.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 103< / span >
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< / aside >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__type" > < a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Storage-TokenStorageInterface.html" > < abbr title = "\Taproot\IndieAuth\Storage\TokenStorageInterface" > TokenStorageInterface< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > $tokenStorage< / span >
< / code >
< / article >
< / section >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-methods" >
< h3 class = "phpdocumentor-elements__header" id = "methods" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#methods" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h3 >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method___construct" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#method___construct" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/Server.php" > < a href = "files/src-server.html" > < abbr title = "src/Server.php" > Server.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Constructor< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > __construct< / span > < span > (< / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $config< / span > < / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > self< / span > < / code >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Server instances are configured by passing a config array to the constructor.< / p >
< p > The following keys are required:< / p >
< ul >
< li >
2021-06-13 12:49:23 +02:00
< p > < code class = "prettyprint" > authenticationHandler< / code > : a callable with the signature
2021-06-12 23:04:51 +02:00
< code class = "prettyprint" > function (ServerRequestInterface $request, string $authenticationRedirect, ?string $normalizedMeUrl): array|ResponseInterface< / code > .
This function is called on IndieAuth authorization requests, after validating the query parameters.< / p >
< p > It should check to see if $request is authenticated, then:< / p >
< ul >
< li > If it is authenticated, return an array which MUST have a < code class = "prettyprint" > me< / code > key, mapping to the
canonical URL of the currently logged-in user. It may additionally have a < code class = "prettyprint" > profile< / code > key. These
keys will be stored in the authorization code and sent to the client, if successful.< / li >
< li > If it is not authenticated, either present or redirect to an authentication flow. This flow MUST
redirect the logged-in used back to < code class = "prettyprint" > $authenticationRedirect< / code > .< / li >
< / ul >
< p > If the request has a valid < code class = "prettyprint" > me< / code > parameter, the canonicalized version of it is passed as
< code class = "prettyprint" > $normalizedMeUrl< / code > . Otherwise, this parameter is null. This parameter can optionally be used
as a suggestion for which user to log in as in a multi-user authentication flow, but should NOT
be considered valid data.< / p >
< p > If redirecting to an existing authentication flow, this callable can usually be implemented as a
closure. The callable may also implement its own authentication logic. For an example, see
< code class = "prettyprint" > Callback\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallback< / code > .< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p > < code class = "prettyprint" > secret< / code > : A cryptographically random string with a minimum length of 64 characters. Used
to hash and subsequently verify request query parameters which get passed around.< / p >
< / li >
< li >
< p > < code class = "prettyprint" > tokenStorage< / code > : Either an object implementing < code class = "prettyprint" > Storage\TokenStorageInterface< / code > , or a string path,
which will be passed to < code class = "prettyprint" > Storage\FilesystemJsonStorage< / code > . This object handles persisting authorization
codes and access tokens, as well as implementation-specific parts of the exchange process which are
out of the scope of the Server class (e.g. lifetimes and expiry). Refer to the < code class = "prettyprint" > Storage\TokenStorageInterface< / code >
documentation for more details.< / p >
< / li >
< / ul >
< p > The following keys may be required depending on which packages you have installed:< / p >
< ul >
< li >
< code class = "prettyprint" > httpGetWithEffectiveUrl< / code > : must be a callable with the following signature:
< code class = "prettyprint" > function (string $url): array [ResponseInterface $response, string $effectiveUrl]< / code > , where
< code class = "prettyprint" > $effectiveUrl< / code > is the final URL after following any redirects (unfortunately, neither the PSR-7
Response nor the PSR-18 Client interfaces offer a standard way of getting this very important
data, hence the unusual return signature). If < code class = "prettyprint" > guzzlehttp/guzzle< / code > is installed, this parameter
will be created automatically. Otherwise, the user must provide their own callable.< / li >
< / ul >
< p > The following keys are optional:< / p >
< ul >
< li >
< code class = "prettyprint" > authorizationForm< / code > : an instance of < code class = "prettyprint" > AuthorizationFormInterface< / code > . Defaults to < code class = "prettyprint" > DefaultAuthorizationForm< / code > .
Refer to that implementation if you wish to replace the consent screen/scope choosing/authorization form.< / li >
< li >
< code class = "prettyprint" > csrfMiddleware< / code > : an instance of < code class = "prettyprint" > MiddlewareInterface< / code > , which will be used to CSRF-protect the
user-facing authorization flow. By default an instance of < code class = "prettyprint" > DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddleware< / code > .
Refer to that implementation if you want to replace it with your own middleware — you will
likely have to either make sure your middleware sets the same request attribute, or alter your
templates accordingly.< / li >
< li >
< code class = "prettyprint" > exceptionTemplatePath< / code > : string, path to a template which will be used for displaying user-facing
errors. Defaults to < code class = "prettyprint" > ../templates/default_exception_response.html.php< / code > , refer to that if you wish
to write your own template.< / li >
< li >
< code class = "prettyprint" > handleNonIndieAuthRequestCallback< / code > : A callback with the following signature:
< code class = "prettyprint" > function (ServerRequestInterface $request): ?ResponseInterface< / code > which will be called if the
authorization endpoint gets a request which is not identified as an IndieAuth request or authorization
form submission request. You could use this to handle various requests e.g. client-side requests
made by your authentication or authorization pages, if it’ s not convenient to put them elsewhere.
Returning < code class = "prettyprint" > null< / code > will result in a standard < code class = "prettyprint" > invalid_request< / code > error being returned.< / li >
< li >
< code class = "prettyprint" > logger< / code > : An instance of < code class = "prettyprint" > LoggerInterface< / code > . Will be used for internal logging, and will also be set
as the logger for any objects passed in config which implement < code class = "prettyprint" > LoggerAwareInterface< / code > .< / li >
< / ul >
< / section >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__heading" > Parameters< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $config< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > array< string|int, mixed> < / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > An array of configuration variables< / p >
< / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > self< / span >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_getTokenStorage" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#method_getTokenStorage" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/Server.php" > < a href = "files/src-server.html" > < abbr title = "src/Server.php" > Server.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 286< / span >
2021-06-12 23:04:51 +02:00
< / aside >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > getTokenStorage< / span > < span > (< / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > < a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Storage-TokenStorageInterface.html" > < abbr title = "\Taproot\IndieAuth\Storage\TokenStorageInterface" > TokenStorageInterface< / abbr > < / a > < / span > < / code >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > < a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Storage-TokenStorageInterface.html" > < abbr title = "\Taproot\IndieAuth\Storage\TokenStorageInterface" > TokenStorageInterface< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_handleAuthorizationEndpointRequest" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#method_handleAuthorizationEndpointRequest" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/Server.php" > < a href = "files/src-server.html" > < abbr title = "src/Server.php" > Server.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 325< / span >
2021-06-12 23:04:51 +02:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Handle Authorization Endpoint Request< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > handleAuthorizationEndpointRequest< / span > < span > (< / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > < abbr title = "\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface" > ServerRequestInterface< / abbr > < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $request< / span > < / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > < abbr title = "\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface" > ResponseInterface< / abbr > < / span > < / code >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > This method handles all requests to your authorization endpoint, passing execution off to
other callbacks when necessary. The logical flow can be summarised as follows:< / p >
< ul >
< li > If this request an < strong > auth code exchange for profile information< / strong > , validate the request
and return a response or error response.< / li >
< li > Otherwise, proceed, wrapping all execution in CSRF-protection middleware.< / li >
< li > Validate the request’ s indieauth authorization code request parameters, returning an
error response if any are missing or invalid.< / li >
< li > Call the authentication callback
< ul >
< li > If the callback returned an instance of ResponseInterface, the user is not currently
logged in. Return the Response, which will presumably start an authentication flow.< / li >
< li > Otherwise, the callback returned information about the currently logged-in user. Continue.< / li >
< / ul >
< / li >
< li > If this request is an authorization form submission, validate the data, store and authorization
code and return a redirect response to the client redirect_uri with code data. On an error, return
an appropriate error response.< / li >
< li > Otherwise, fetch the client_id, parse app data if present, validate the < code class = "prettyprint" > redirect_uri< / code > and present
the authorization form/consent screen to the user.< / li >
< li > If none of the above apply, try calling the non-indieauth request handler. If it returns a Response,
return that, otherwise return an error response.< / li >
< / ul >
< p > This route should NOT be wrapped in additional CSRF-protection, due to the need to handle API
POST requests from the client. Make sure you call it from a route which is excluded from any
CSRF-protection you might be using. To customise the CSRF protection used internally, refer to the
< code class = "prettyprint" > __construct< / code > config array documentation for the < code class = "prettyprint" > csrfMiddleware< / code > key.< / p >
< p > Most user-facing errors are thrown as instances of < code class = "prettyprint" > IndieAuthException< / code > , which are passed off to
< code class = "prettyprint" > handleException< / code > to be turned into an instance of < code class = "prettyprint" > ResponseInterface< / code > . If you want to customise
error behaviour, one way to do so is to subclass < code class = "prettyprint" > Server< / code > and override that method.< / p >
< / section >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__heading" > Parameters< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $request< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > < abbr title = "\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface" > ServerRequestInterface< / abbr > < / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > < abbr title = "\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface" > ResponseInterface< / abbr > < / span >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_handleTokenEndpointRequest" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#method_handleTokenEndpointRequest" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/Server.php" > < a href = "files/src-server.html" > < abbr title = "src/Server.php" > Server.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 685< / span >
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< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Handle Token Endpoint Request< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > public< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > handleTokenEndpointRequest< / span > < span > (< / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > < abbr title = "\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface" > ServerRequestInterface< / abbr > < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $request< / span > < / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > < abbr title = "\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface" > ResponseInterface< / abbr > < / span > < / code >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Handles requests to the IndieAuth token endpoint. The logical flow can be summarised as follows:< / p >
< ul >
< li > Check that the request is a code redeeming request. Return an error if not.< / li >
< li > Ensure that all required parameters are present. Return an error if not.< / li >
< li > Attempt to exchange the < code class = "prettyprint" > code< / code > parameter for an access token. Return an error if it fails.< / li >
< li > Make sure the client_id and redirect_uri request parameters match those stored in the auth code. If not, revoke the access token and return an error.< / li >
< li > Make sure the provided code_verifier hashes to the code_challenge stored in the auth code. If not, revoke the access token and return an error.< / li >
< li > Make sure the granted scope stored in the auth code is not empty. If it is, revoke the access token and return an error.< / li >
< li > Otherwise, return a success response containing information about the issued access token.< / li >
< / ul >
< p > This method must NOT be CSRF-protected as it accepts external requests from client apps.< / p >
< / section >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__heading" > Parameters< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $request< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > < abbr title = "\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface" > ServerRequestInterface< / abbr > < / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > < abbr title = "\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface" > ResponseInterface< / abbr > < / span >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / article >
< article
< h4 class = "phpdocumentor-element__name" id = "method_handleException" >
< a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-Server.html#method_handleException" class = "headerlink" > < i class = "fas fa-link" > < / i > < / a >
< / h4 >
< aside class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in" >
< abbr class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__file" title = "src/Server.php" > < a href = "files/src-server.html" > < abbr title = "src/Server.php" > Server.php< / abbr > < / a > < / abbr >
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< span class = "phpdocumentor-element-found-in__line" > 780< / span >
2021-06-12 23:04:51 +02:00
< / aside >
< p class = "phpdocumentor-summary" > Handle Exception< / p >
< code class = "phpdocumentor-code phpdocumentor-signature " >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__visibility" > protected< / span >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__name" > handleException< / span > < span > (< / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument" > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > < a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-IndieAuthException.html" > < abbr title = "\Taproot\IndieAuth\IndieAuthException" > IndieAuthException< / abbr > < / a > < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $exception< / span > < / span > < span > )< / span > < span > : < / span > < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > < abbr title = "\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface" > ResponseInterface< / abbr > < / span > < / code >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < p > Turns an instance of < code class = "prettyprint" > IndieAuthException< / code > into an appropriate instance of < code class = "prettyprint" > ResponseInterface< / code > .< / p >
< / section >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__heading" > Parameters< / h5 >
< dl class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list" >
< dt class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__entry" >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__name" > $exception< / span >
: < span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__argument__return-type" > < a href = "classes/Taproot-IndieAuth-IndieAuthException.html" > < abbr title = "\Taproot\IndieAuth\IndieAuthException" > IndieAuthException< / abbr > < / a > < / span >
< / dt >
< dd class = "phpdocumentor-argument-list__definition" >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< h5 class = "phpdocumentor-return-value__heading" > Return values< / h5 >
< span class = "phpdocumentor-signature__response_type" > < abbr title = "\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface" > ResponseInterface< / abbr > < / span >
< section class = "phpdocumentor-description" > < / section >
< / article >
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