2021-06-13 15:35:07 +02:00
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2021-06-14 23:53:15 +02:00
< title > Code Coverage for /Users/barnabywalters/Documents/Programming/taproot/indieauth/src/functions.php< / title >
2021-06-13 15:35:07 +02:00
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< li class = "breadcrumb-item active" > functions.php< / li >
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< td colspan = "10" > < div align = "center" > < strong > Code Coverage< / strong > < / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > < / td >
< td colspan = "3" > < div align = "center" > < strong > Classes and Traits< / strong > < / div > < / td >
< td colspan = "4" > < div align = "center" > < strong > Functions and Methods< / strong > < / div > < / td >
< td colspan = "3" > < div align = "center" > < strong > Lines< / strong > < / div > < / td >
< / tr >
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< td class = "" > Total< / td >
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< td class = " small" > < div align = "right" > n/a< / div > < / td >
< td class = " small" > < div align = "right" > 0 / 0< / div > < / td >
< td class = "warning big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-warning" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "88.89" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 88.89%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 88.89% covered (warning)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "warning small" > < div align = "right" > 88.89%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "warning small" > < div align = "right" > 16 / 18< / div > < / td >
< td class = "warning small" > < abbr title = "Change Risk Anti-Patterns (CRAP) Index" > CRAP< / abbr > < / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "97.59" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 97.59%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 97.59% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 97.59%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 81 / 83< / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "success" colspan = "4" > < a href = "#11" > < abbr title = "generateRandomString($numBytes)" > Taproot\IndieAuth\generateRandomString< / abbr > < / a > < / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 1 / 1< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > 4< / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 3 / 3< / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "success" colspan = "4" > < a href = "#28" > < abbr title = "generateRandomPrintableAsciiString(int $length)" > Taproot\IndieAuth\generateRandomPrintableAsciiString< / abbr > < / a > < / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 1 / 1< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > 2< / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 4 / 4< / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "success" colspan = "4" > < a href = "#37" > < abbr title = "generatePKCECodeChallenge($plaintext)" > Taproot\IndieAuth\generatePKCECodeChallenge< / abbr > < / a > < / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 1 / 1< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > 1< / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 1 / 1< / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "success" colspan = "4" > < a href = "#41" > < abbr title = "base64_urlencode($string)" > Taproot\IndieAuth\base64_urlencode< / abbr > < / a > < / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 1 / 1< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > 1< / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 1 / 1< / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "success" colspan = "4" > < a href = "#45" > < abbr title = "hashAuthorizationRequestParameters(Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, string $secret, ?string $algo, ?array $hashedParameters): ?string" > Taproot\IndieAuth\hashAuthorizationRequestParameters< / abbr > < / a > < / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 1 / 1< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > 3< / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 9 / 9< / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "success" colspan = "4" > < a href = "#60" > < abbr title = "isIndieAuthAuthorizationCodeRedeemingRequest(Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request)" > Taproot\IndieAuth\isIndieAuthAuthorizationCodeRedeemingRequest< / abbr > < / a > < / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 1 / 1< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > 3< / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 3 / 3< / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "success" colspan = "4" > < a href = "#66" > < abbr title = "isIndieAuthAuthorizationRequest(Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, $permittedMethods)" > Taproot\IndieAuth\isIndieAuthAuthorizationRequest< / abbr > < / a > < / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 1 / 1< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > 3< / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 3 / 3< / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "success" colspan = "4" > < a href = "#72" > < abbr title = "isAuthorizationApprovalRequest(Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request)" > Taproot\IndieAuth\isAuthorizationApprovalRequest< / abbr > < / a > < / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 1 / 1< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > 3< / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 3 / 3< / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "success" colspan = "4" > < a href = "#78" > < abbr title = "buildQueryString(array $parameters)" > Taproot\IndieAuth\buildQueryString< / abbr > < / a > < / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 1 / 1< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > 2< / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 4 / 4< / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "danger" colspan = "4" > < a href = "#86" > < abbr title = "urlComponentsMatch($url1, $url2, ?array $components): bool" > Taproot\IndieAuth\urlComponentsMatch< / abbr > < / a > < / td >
< td class = "danger big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-danger" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "0.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 0.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 0.00% covered (danger)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "danger small" > < div align = "right" > 0.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "danger small" > < div align = "right" > 0 / 1< / div > < / td >
< td class = "danger small" > 4.03< / td >
< td class = "warning big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-warning" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "87.50" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 87.50%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 87.50% covered (warning)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "warning small" > < div align = "right" > 87.50%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "warning small" > < div align = "right" > 7 / 8< / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "success" colspan = "4" > < a href = "#110" > < abbr title = "appendQueryParams(string $uri, array $queryParams)" > Taproot\IndieAuth\appendQueryParams< / abbr > < / a > < / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 1 / 1< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > 3< / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 6 / 6< / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "success" colspan = "4" > < a href = "#127" > < abbr title = "trySetLogger($target, Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger)" > Taproot\IndieAuth\trySetLogger< / abbr > < / a > < / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 1 / 1< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > 2< / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 3 / 3< / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "danger" colspan = "4" > < a href = "#134" > < abbr title = "renderTemplate(string $template, array $context)" > Taproot\IndieAuth\renderTemplate< / abbr > < / a > < / td >
< td class = "danger big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-danger" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "0.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 0.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 0.00% covered (danger)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "danger small" > < div align = "right" > 0.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "danger small" > < div align = "right" > 0 / 1< / div > < / td >
< td class = "danger small" > 1.00< / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "90.91" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 90.91%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 90.91% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 90.91%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 10 / 11< / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "success" colspan = "4" > < a href = "#159" > < abbr title = "isClientIdentifier(string $client_id): bool" > Taproot\IndieAuth\isClientIdentifier< / abbr > < / a > < / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 1 / 1< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > 11< / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 11 / 11< / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "success" colspan = "4" > < a href = "#183" > < abbr title = "isProfileUrl(string $profile_url): bool" > Taproot\IndieAuth\isProfileUrl< / abbr > < / a > < / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 1 / 1< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > 10< / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 10 / 10< / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "success" colspan = "4" > < a href = "#202" > < abbr title = "isValidState(string $state): bool" > Taproot\IndieAuth\isValidState< / abbr > < / a > < / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
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< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 1 / 1< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > 1< / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 1 / 1< / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "success" colspan = "4" > < a href = "#211" > < abbr title = "isValidCodeChallenge(string $challenge): bool" > Taproot\IndieAuth\isValidCodeChallenge< / abbr > < / a > < / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 1 / 1< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > 1< / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 100.00%< / div > < / td >
< td class = "success small" > < div align = "right" > 1 / 1< / div > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "success" colspan = "4" > < a href = "#219" > < abbr title = "isValidScope(string $scope): bool" > Taproot\IndieAuth\isValidScope< / abbr > < / a > < / td >
< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
< div class = "progress-bar bg-success" role = "progressbar" aria-valuenow = "100.00" aria-valuemin = "0" aria-valuemax = "100" style = "width: 100.00%" >
< span class = "sr-only" > 100.00% covered (success)< / span >
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< td class = "success big" > < div class = "progress" >
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< table id = "code" class = "table table-borderless table-condensed" >
< tbody >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "1" href = "#1" > 1< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < ?php< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "2" href = "#2" > 2< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "3" href = "#3" > 3< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > namespace< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > Taproot< / span > < span class = "default" > \< / span > < span class = "default" > IndieAuth< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "4" href = "#4" > 4< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "5" href = "#5" > 5< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > use< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > Exception< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "6" href = "#6" > 6< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > use< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > Psr< / span > < span class = "default" > \< / span > < span class = "default" > Http< / span > < span class = "default" > \< / span > < span class = "default" > Message< / span > < span class = "default" > \< / span > < span class = "default" > ServerRequestInterface< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "7" href = "#7" > 7< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > use< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > Psr< / span > < span class = "default" > \< / span > < span class = "default" > Log< / span > < span class = "default" > \< / span > < span class = "default" > LoggerAwareInterface< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "8" href = "#8" > 8< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > use< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > Psr< / span > < span class = "default" > \< / span > < span class = "default" > Log< / span > < span class = "default" > \< / span > < span class = "default" > LoggerInterface< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "9" href = "#9" > 9< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "10" href = "#10" > 10< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > // From https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth-client-php/blob/main/src/IndieAuth/Client.php, thanks aaronpk.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "11" href = "#11" > 11< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > generateRandomString< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $numBytes< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "7 tests cover line 12" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testGenerateRandomString</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorOnInvalidParameters</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeFailsForTokensWithInvalidScope</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeReturnsCorrectResponseForValidRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorIfAccessCodeGrantsNoScopes</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsAccessTokenOnValidRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "12" href = "#12" > 12< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > if< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > function_exists< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > 'random_bytes'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "7 tests cover line 13" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testGenerateRandomString</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorOnInvalidParameters</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeFailsForTokensWithInvalidScope</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeReturnsCorrectResponseForValidRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorIfAccessCodeGrantsNoScopes</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsAccessTokenOnValidRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "13" href = "#13" > 13< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $bytes< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > random_bytes< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $numBytes< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "14" href = "#14" > 14< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // We can’ t easily test the following code.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "15" href = "#15" > 15< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "16" href = "#16" > 16< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > elseif< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > function_exists< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > 'openssl_random_pseudo_bytes'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "17" href = "#17" > 17< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $bytes< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > openssl_random_pseudo_bytes< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $numBytes< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "18" href = "#18" > 18< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > else< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "19" href = "#19" > 19< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $bytes< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ''< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "20" href = "#20" > 20< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > for< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $i< / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > 0< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $bytes< / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > ''< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $i< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > < < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $numBytes< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $i< / span > < span class = "default" > ++< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "21" href = "#21" > 21< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $bytes< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > .=< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > chr< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > mt_rand< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > 0< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > 255< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "22" href = "#22" > 22< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "23" href = "#23" > 23< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "24" href = "#24" > 24< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "7 tests cover line 25" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testGenerateRandomString</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorOnInvalidParameters</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeFailsForTokensWithInvalidScope</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeReturnsCorrectResponseForValidRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorIfAccessCodeGrantsNoScopes</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsAccessTokenOnValidRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "25" href = "#25" > 25< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > bin2hex< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $bytes< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "warning d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "26" href = "#26" > 26< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "27" href = "#27" > 27< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "28" href = "#28" > 28< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > generateRandomPrintableAsciiString< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > int< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $length< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "24 tests cover line 29" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testPassesThroughNonWriteRequestsAddingAttribute</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testReturnsDefaultErrorResponseOnWriteRequestsWithoutToken</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testReturnsDefaultErrorResponseOnWriteRequestWithOnlyCookieToken</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testReturnsDefaultErrorResponseOnWriteRequestWithOnlyBodyToken</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testReturnsDefaultErrorResponseOnWriteRequestWithMismatchedTokens</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testPassesResponseThroughOnWriteRequestWithValidToken</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testResponseReturnedFromNonIndieAuthRequestHandler</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "29" href = "#29" > 29< / a > < / td > < td class = "co
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "24 tests cover line 30" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testPassesThroughNonWriteRequestsAddingAttribute</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testReturnsDefaultErrorResponseOnWriteRequestsWithoutToken</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testReturnsDefaultErrorResponseOnWriteRequestWithOnlyCookieToken</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testReturnsDefaultErrorResponseOnWriteRequestWithOnlyBodyToken</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testReturnsDefaultErrorResponseOnWriteRequestWithMismatchedTokens</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testPassesResponseThroughOnWriteRequestWithValidToken</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testResponseReturnedFromNonIndieAuthRequestHandler</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "30" href = "#30" > 30< / a > < / td > < td class = "co
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "31" href = "#31" > 31< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // 0x21 to 0x7E is the entire printable ASCII range, not including space (0x20).< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "24 tests cover line 32" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testPassesThroughNonWriteRequestsAddingAttribute</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testReturnsDefaultErrorResponseOnWriteRequestsWithoutToken</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testReturnsDefaultErrorResponseOnWriteRequestWithOnlyCookieToken</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testReturnsDefaultErrorResponseOnWriteRequestWithOnlyBodyToken</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testReturnsDefaultErrorResponseOnWriteRequestWithMismatchedTokens</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testPassesResponseThroughOnWriteRequestWithValidToken</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testResponseReturnedFromNonIndieAuthRequestHandler</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "32" href = "#32" > 32< / a > < / td > < td class = "co
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "33" href = "#33" > 33< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "24 tests cover line 34" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testPassesThroughNonWriteRequestsAddingAttribute</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testReturnsDefaultErrorResponseOnWriteRequestsWithoutToken</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testReturnsDefaultErrorResponseOnWriteRequestWithOnlyCookieToken</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testReturnsDefaultErrorResponseOnWriteRequestWithOnlyBodyToken</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testReturnsDefaultErrorResponseOnWriteRequestWithMismatchedTokens</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddlewareTest::testPassesResponseThroughOnWriteRequestWithValidToken</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testResponseReturnedFromNonIndieAuthRequestHandler</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "34" href = "#34" > 34< / a > < / td > < td class = "co
< tr class = "warning d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "35" href = "#35" > 35< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "36" href = "#36" > 36< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "37" href = "#37" > 37< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > generatePKCECodeChallenge< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $plaintext< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "6 tests cover line 38" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsValidCodeChallenge</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorOnInvalidParameters</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeFailsForTokensWithInvalidScope</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeReturnsCorrectResponseForValidRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorIfAccessCodeGrantsNoScopes</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsAccessTokenOnValidRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "38" href = "#38" > 38< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > base64_urlencode< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > hash< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > 'sha256'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $plaintext< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > true< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "warning d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "39" href = "#39" > 39< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "40" href = "#40" > 40< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "41" href = "#41" > 41< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > base64_urlencode< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $string< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "6 tests cover line 42" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsValidCodeChallenge</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorOnInvalidParameters</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeFailsForTokensWithInvalidScope</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeReturnsCorrectResponseForValidRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorIfAccessCodeGrantsNoScopes</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsAccessTokenOnValidRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "42" href = "#42" > 42< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > rtrim< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > strtr< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > base64_encode< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $string< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > '+/'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > '-_'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > '='< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "warning d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "43" href = "#43" > 43< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "44" href = "#44" > 44< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "45" href = "#45" > 45< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > hashAuthorizationRequestParameters< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > ServerRequestInterface< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $request< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > string< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $secret< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > ?< / span > < span class = "default" > string< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $algo< / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > null< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > ?< / span > < span class = "keyword" > array< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $hashedParameters< / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > null< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > :< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > ?< / span > < span class = "default" > string< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "14 tests cover line 46" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testHashAuthorizationRequestParametersReturnsNullWhenParameterIsMissing</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testHashAuthorizationRequestParametersIgnoresExtraParameters</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "46" href = "#46" > 46< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $hashedParameters< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $hashedParameters< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ??< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'client_id'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > 'redirect_uri'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > 'code_challenge'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > 'code_challenge_method'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "14 tests cover line 47" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testHashAuthorizationRequestParametersReturnsNullWhenParameterIsMissing</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testHashAuthorizationRequestParametersIgnoresExtraParameters</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "47" href = "#47" > 47< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $algo< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $algo< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ??< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > 'sha256'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "48" href = "#48" > 48< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "14 tests cover line 49" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testHashAuthorizationRequestParametersReturnsNullWhenParameterIsMissing</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testHashAuthorizationRequestParametersIgnoresExtraParameters</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "49" href = "#49" > 49< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $queryParams< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $request< / span > < span class = "default" > -> < / span > < span class = "default" > getQueryParams< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ??< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "14 tests cover line 50" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testHashAuthorizationRequestParametersReturnsNullWhenParameterIsMissing</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testHashAuthorizationRequestParametersIgnoresExtraParameters</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "50" href = "#50" > 50< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $data< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ''< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "14 tests cover line 51" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testHashAuthorizationRequestParametersReturnsNullWhenParameterIsMissing</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testHashAuthorizationRequestParametersIgnoresExtraParameters</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "51" href = "#51" > 51< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > foreach< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $hashedParameters< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > as< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $key< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "14 tests cover line 52" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testHashAuthorizationRequestParametersReturnsNullWhenParameterIsMissing</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testHashAuthorizationRequestParametersIgnoresExtraParameters</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "52" href = "#52" > 52< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > if< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "keyword" > !< / span > < span class = "default" > array_key_exists< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $key< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $queryParams< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "1 test covers line 53" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testHashAuthorizationRequestParametersReturnsNullWhenParameterIsMissing</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "53" href = "#53" > 53< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > null< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "54" href = "#54" > 54< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "13 tests cover line 55" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testHashAuthorizationRequestParametersIgnoresExtraParameters</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "55" href = "#55" > 55< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $data< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > .=< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $queryParams< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > $key< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "56" href = "#56" > 56< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "13 tests cover line 57" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testHashAuthorizationRequestParametersIgnoresExtraParameters</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "57" href = "#57" > 57< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > hash_hmac< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $algo< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $data< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $secret< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "warning d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "58" href = "#58" > 58< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "59" href = "#59" > 59< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "60" href = "#60" > 60< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > isIndieAuthAuthorizationCodeRedeemingRequest< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > ServerRequestInterface< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $request< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "25 tests cover line 61" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorsIfParametersAreMissing</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorOnInvalidParameters</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeFailsForTokensWithInvalidScope</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeReturnsCorrectResponseForValidRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorOnNonIndieauthRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorIfAccessCodeGrantsNoScopes</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsAccessTokenOnValidRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testResponseReturnedFromNonIndieAuthRequestHandler</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "61" href = "#61" > 61< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "defa
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "25 tests cover line 62" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorsIfParametersAreMissing</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorOnInvalidParameters</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeFailsForTokensWithInvalidScope</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeReturnsCorrectResponseForValidRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorOnNonIndieauthRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorIfAccessCodeGrantsNoScopes</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsAccessTokenOnValidRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testResponseReturnedFromNonIndieAuthRequestHandler</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "62" href = "#62" > 62< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "defa
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "25 tests cover line 63" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorsIfParametersAreMissing</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorOnInvalidParameters</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeFailsForTokensWithInvalidScope</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeReturnsCorrectResponseForValidRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorOnNonIndieauthRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorIfAccessCodeGrantsNoScopes</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsAccessTokenOnValidRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testResponseReturnedFromNonIndieAuthRequestHandler</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "63" href = "#63" > 63< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "defa
< tr class = "warning d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "64" href = "#64" > 64< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "65" href = "#65" > 65< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "66" href = "#66" > 66< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > isIndieAuthAuthorizationRequest< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > ServerRequestInterface< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $request< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $permittedMethods< / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'get'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "18 tests cover line 67" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testResponseReturnedFromNonIndieAuthRequestHandler</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "67" href = "#67" > 67< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > in_array< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > strtolower< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $request< / span > < span class = "default" > -> < / span > < span class = "default" > getMethod< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > array_map< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > 'strtolower'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $permittedMethods< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "18 tests cover line 68" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testResponseReturnedFromNonIndieAuthRequestHandler</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "68" href = "#68" > 68< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > array_key_exists< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > 'response_type'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $request< / span > < span class = "default" > -> < / span > < span class = "default" > getQueryParams< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ??< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "18 tests cover line 69" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testResponseReturnedFromNonIndieAuthRequestHandler</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "69" href = "#69" > 69< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $request< / span > < span class = "default" > -> < / span > < span class = "default" > getQueryParams< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'response_type'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ==< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > 'code'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "warning d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "70" href = "#70" > 70< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "71" href = "#71" > 71< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "72" href = "#72" > 72< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > isAuthorizationApprovalRequest< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > ServerRequestInterface< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $request< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "9 tests cover line 73" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "73" href = "#73" > 73< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > strtolower< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $request< / span > < span class = "default" > -> < / span > < span class = "default" > getMethod< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ==< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > 'post'< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "9 tests cover line 74" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "74" href = "#74" > 74< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > array_key_exists< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > 'taproot_indieauth_action'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $request< / span > < span class = "default" > -> < / span > < span class = "default" > getParsedBody< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ??< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "9 tests cover line 75" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "75" href = "#75" > 75< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $request< / span > < span class = "default" > -> < / span > < span class = "default" > getParsedBody< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > Server< / span > < span class = "default" > ::< / span > < span class = "default" > APPROVE_ACTION_KEY< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ==< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > Server< / span > < span class = "default" > ::< / span > < span class = "default" > APPROVE_ACTION_VALUE< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "warning d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "76" href = "#76" > 76< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "77" href = "#77" > 77< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "78" href = "#78" > 78< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > buildQueryString< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "keyword" > array< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $parameters< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "15 tests cover line 79" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testBuildQueryString</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testAppendQueryParams</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "79" href = "#79" > 79< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $qs< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "15 tests cover line 80" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testBuildQueryString</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testAppendQueryParams</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "80" href = "#80" > 80< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > foreach< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $parameters< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > as< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $k< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > => < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $v< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "15 tests cover line 81" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testBuildQueryString</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testAppendQueryParams</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "81" href = "#81" > 81< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $qs< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > urlencode< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $k< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > .< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > '='< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > .< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > urlencode< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $v< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "82" href = "#82" > 82< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "15 tests cover line 83" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testBuildQueryString</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testAppendQueryParams</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "83" href = "#83" > 83< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > join< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > '& '< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $qs< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "warning d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "84" href = "#84" > 84< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "85" href = "#85" > 85< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "86" href = "#86" > 86< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > urlComponentsMatch< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url1< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $url2< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > ?< / span > < span class = "keyword" > array< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $components< / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > null< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > :< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > bool< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "14 tests cover line 87" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "87" href = "#87" > 87< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $validComponents< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > PHP_URL_HOST< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > PHP_URL_PASS< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > PHP_URL_PATH< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > PHP_URL_PORT< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > PHP_URL_USER< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > PHP_URL_QUERY< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > PHP_URL_SCHEME< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > PHP_URL_FRAGMENT< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "14 tests cover line 88" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "88" href = "#88" > 88< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $components< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $components< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ??< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $validComponents< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "89" href = "#89" > 89< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "14 tests cover line 90" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "90" href = "#90" > 90< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > foreach< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $components< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > as< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $cmp< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "14 tests cover line 91" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "91" href = "#91" > 91< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > if< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "keyword" > !< / span > < span class = "default" > in_array< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $cmp< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $validComponents< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "danger d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "92" href = "#92" > 92< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > throw< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > new< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > Exception< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "string" > " < / span > < span class = "string" > Invalid parse_url() component passed: < / span > < span class = "string" > $cmp< / span > < span class = "string" > " < / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "93" href = "#93" > 93< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "94" href = "#94" > 94< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "14 tests cover line 95" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "95" href = "#95" > 95< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > if< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > parse_url< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url1< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $cmp< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > !==< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > parse_url< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url2< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $cmp< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "4 tests cover line 96" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "96" href = "#96" > 96< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > false< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "97" href = "#97" > 97< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "98" href = "#98" > 98< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "99" href = "#99" > 99< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "10 tests cover line 100" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "100" href = "#100" > 100< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > true< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "warning d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "101" href = "#101" > 101< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "102" href = "#102" > 102< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "103" href = "#103" > 103< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > /**< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "104" href = "#104" > 104< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * Append Query Parameters< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "105" href = "#105" > 105< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * < / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "106" href = "#106" > 106< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * Converts `$queryParams` into a query string, then checks `$uri` for an< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "107" href = "#107" > 107< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * existing query string. Then appends the newly generated query string< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "108" href = "#108" > 108< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * with either ? or & as appropriate.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "109" href = "#109" > 109< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > */< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "110" href = "#110" > 110< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > appendQueryParams< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > string< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $uri< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > array< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $queryParams< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "8 tests cover line 111" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testAppendQueryParams</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "111" href = "#111" > 111< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > if< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "keyword" > empty< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $queryParams< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "1 test covers line 112" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testAppendQueryParams</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "112" href = "#112" > 112< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $uri< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "113" href = "#113" > 113< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "114" href = "#114" > 114< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "8 tests cover line 115" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testAppendQueryParams</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "115" href = "#115" > 115< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $queryString< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > buildQueryString< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $queryParams< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "8 tests cover line 116" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testAppendQueryParams</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "116" href = "#116" > 116< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $separator< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > parse_url< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $uri< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > \< / span > < span class = "default" > PHP_URL_QUERY< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > ?< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > '& '< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > :< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > '?'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "8 tests cover line 117" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testAppendQueryParams</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "117" href = "#117" > 117< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $uri< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > rtrim< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $uri< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > '?& '< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "8 tests cover line 118" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testAppendQueryParams</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "118" href = "#118" > 118< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "string" > " < / span > < span class = "string" > {< / span > < span class = "string" > $uri< / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < span class = "string" > {< / span > < span class = "string" > $separator< / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < span class = "string" > {< / span > < span class = "string" > $queryString< / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < span class = "string" > " < / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "warning d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "119" href = "#119" > 119< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "120" href = "#120" > 120< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "121" href = "#121" > 121< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > /**< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "122" href = "#122" > 122< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * Try setLogger< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "123" href = "#123" > 123< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * < / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "124" href = "#124" > 124< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * If `$target` implements `LoggerAwareInterface`, set it’ s logger< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "125" href = "#125" > 125< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * to `$logger`. Returns `$target`.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "126" href = "#126" > 126< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > */< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "127" href = "#127" > 127< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > trySetLogger< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $target< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > LoggerInterface< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $logger< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "26 tests cover line 128" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidConfigRaisesException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorsIfParametersAreMissing</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorOnInvalidParameters</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeFailsForTokensWithInvalidScope</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeReturnsCorrectResponseForValidRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorOnNonIndieauthRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorIfAccessCodeGrantsNoScopes</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsAccessTokenOnValidRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testResponseReturnedFromNonIndieAuthRequestHandler</li></ul>" data-placem
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "26 tests cover line 129" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidConfigRaisesException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorsIfParametersAreMissing</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorOnInvalidParameters</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeFailsForTokensWithInvalidScope</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeReturnsCorrectResponseForValidRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorOnNonIndieauthRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorIfAccessCodeGrantsNoScopes</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsAccessTokenOnValidRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testResponseReturnedFromNonIndieAuthRequestHandler</li></ul>" data-placem
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "130" href = "#130" > 130< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "26 tests cover line 131" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidConfigRaisesException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorsIfParametersAreMissing</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorOnInvalidParameters</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeFailsForTokensWithInvalidScope</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeReturnsCorrectResponseForValidRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorOnNonIndieauthRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorIfAccessCodeGrantsNoScopes</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsAccessTokenOnValidRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testResponseReturnedFromNonIndieAuthRequestHandler</li></ul>" data-placem
< tr class = "warning d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "132" href = "#132" > 132< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "133" href = "#133" > 133< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "134" href = "#134" > 134< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > renderTemplate< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > string< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $template< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > array< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $context< / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "10 tests cover line 135" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallbackTest::testShowsAuthenticationFormOnUnauthenticatedRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "135" href = "#135" > 135< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $render< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $__template< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $__templateData< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "10 tests cover line 136" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallbackTest::testShowsAuthenticationFormOnUnauthenticatedRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "136" href = "#136" > 136< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $render< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $template< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $data< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "danger d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "137" href = "#137" > 137< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > renderTemplate< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $template< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $data< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "10 tests cover line 138" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallbackTest::testShowsAuthenticationFormOnUnauthenticatedRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "138" href = "#138" > 138< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "10 tests cover line 139" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallbackTest::testShowsAuthenticationFormOnUnauthenticatedRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "139" href = "#139" > 139< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ob_start< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "10 tests cover line 140" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallbackTest::testShowsAuthenticationFormOnUnauthenticatedRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "140" href = "#140" > 140< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > extract< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $__templateData< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "10 tests cover line 141" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallbackTest::testShowsAuthenticationFormOnUnauthenticatedRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "141" href = "#141" > 141< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > unset< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $__templateData< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "10 tests cover line 142" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallbackTest::testShowsAuthenticationFormOnUnauthenticatedRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "142" href = "#142" > 142< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > include< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $__template< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "10 tests cover line 143" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallbackTest::testShowsAuthenticationFormOnUnauthenticatedRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "143" href = "#143" > 143< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ob_get_clean< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "10 tests cover line 144" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallbackTest::testShowsAuthenticationFormOnUnauthenticatedRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "144" href = "#144" > 144< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "10 tests cover line 145" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testNonIndieAuthRequestWithDefaultHandlerReturnsError</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallbackTest::testShowsAuthenticationFormOnUnauthenticatedRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "145" href = "#145" > 145< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $render< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $template< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $context< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "warning d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "146" href = "#146" > 146< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "147" href = "#147" > 147< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "148" href = "#148" > 148< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > // IndieAuth/OAuth2-related Validation Functions< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "149" href = "#149" > 149< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > // Mostly taken or adapted by https://github.com/Zegnat/php-mindee/ — thanks Zegnat!< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "150" href = "#150" > 150< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > // Code was not licensed at time of writing, permission granted here https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2021-06-10/1623327498355700< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "151" href = "#151" > 151< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "152" href = "#152" > 152< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > /**< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "153" href = "#153" > 153< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * Check if a provided string matches the IndieAuth criteria for a Client Identifier.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "154" href = "#154" > 154< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * @see https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#client-identifier< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "155" href = "#155" > 155< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * < / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "156" href = "#156" > 156< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * @param string $client_id The client ID provided by the OAuth Client< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "157" href = "#157" > 157< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * @return bool true if the value is allowed by IndieAuth< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "158" href = "#158" > 158< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > */< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "159" href = "#159" > 159< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > isClientIdentifier< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > string< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $client_id< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > :< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > bool< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "17 tests cover line 160" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsClientIentifier</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "160" href = "#160" > 160< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > parse_url< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $client_id< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // Clients are identified by a URL.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "17 tests cover line 161" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsClientIentifier</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "161" href = "#161" > 161< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > in_array< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'scheme'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ??< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ''< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'http'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > 'https'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // Client identifier URLs MUST have either an https or http scheme,< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "17 tests cover line 162" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsClientIentifier</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "162" href = "#162" > 162< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > 0< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > < < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > strlen< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'path'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ??< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ''< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // MUST contain a path component,< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "17 tests cover line 163" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsClientIentifier</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "163" href = "#163" > 163< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > false< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ===< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > strpos< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'path'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > '/./'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // MUST NOT contain single-dot< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "17 tests cover line 164" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsClientIentifier</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "164" href = "#164" > 164< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > false< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ===< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > strpos< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'path'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > '/../'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // or double-dot path segments,< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "17 tests cover line 165" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsClientIentifier</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "165" href = "#165" > 165< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > false< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ===< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > isset< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'fragment'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // MUST NOT contain a fragment component,< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "17 tests cover line 166" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsClientIentifier</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "166" href = "#166" > 166< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > false< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ===< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > isset< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'user'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // MUST NOT contain a username< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "17 tests cover line 167" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsClientIentifier</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "167" href = "#167" > 167< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > false< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ===< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > isset< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'pass'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // or password component,< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "168" href = "#168" > 168< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "17 tests cover line 169" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsClientIentifier</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "169" href = "#169" > 169< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > false< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ===< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > filter_var< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'host'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > FILTER_VALIDATE_IP< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ||< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // MUST NOT be an IP address< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "2 tests cover line 170" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsClientIentifier</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "170" href = "#170" > 170< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'host'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ??< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > null< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ==< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ''< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ||< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // except for< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "17 tests cover line 171" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsClientIentifier</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "171" href = "#171" > 171< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'host'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ??< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > null< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ==< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > '[::1]'< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // or [::1]< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "172" href = "#172" > 172< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "173" href = "#173" > 173< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "warning d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "174" href = "#174" > 174< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "175" href = "#175" > 175< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "176" href = "#176" > 176< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > /**< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "177" href = "#177" > 177< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * Check if a provided string matches the IndieAuth criteria for a User Profile URL.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "178" href = "#178" > 178< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * @see https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#user-profile-url< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "179" href = "#179" > 179< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * < / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "180" href = "#180" > 180< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * @param string $profile_url The profile URL provided by the IndieAuth Client as me< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "181" href = "#181" > 181< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * @return bool true if the value is allowed by IndieAuth< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "182" href = "#182" > 182< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > */< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "183" href = "#183" > 183< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > isProfileUrl< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > string< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $profile_url< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > :< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > bool< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "2 tests cover line 184" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsProfileUrl</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "184" href = "#184" > 184< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > parse_url< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $profile_url< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // Users are identified by a URL.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "2 tests cover line 185" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsProfileUrl</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "185" href = "#185" > 185< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > in_array< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'scheme'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ??< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ''< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'http'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > 'https'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // Profile URLs MUST have either an https or http scheme,< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "2 tests cover line 186" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsProfileUrl</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "186" href = "#186" > 186< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > 0< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > < < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > strlen< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'path'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ??< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ''< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // MUST contain a path component,< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "2 tests cover line 187" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsProfileUrl</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "187" href = "#187" > 187< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > false< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ===< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > strpos< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'path'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > '/./'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // MUST NOT contain single-dot< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "2 tests cover line 188" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsProfileUrl</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "188" href = "#188" > 188< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > false< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ===< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > strpos< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'path'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > '/../'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // or double-dot path segments,< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "2 tests cover line 189" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsProfileUrl</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "189" href = "#189" > 189< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > false< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ===< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > isset< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'fragment'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // MUST NOT contain a fragment component,< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "2 tests cover line 190" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsProfileUrl</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "190" href = "#190" > 190< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > false< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ===< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > isset< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'user'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // MUST NOT contain a username< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "2 tests cover line 191" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsProfileUrl</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "191" href = "#191" > 191< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > false< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ===< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > isset< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'pass'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // or password component,< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "2 tests cover line 192" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsProfileUrl</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "192" href = "#192" > 192< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > false< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ===< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > isset< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'port'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // MUST NOT contain a port,< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "2 tests cover line 193" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsProfileUrl</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "193" href = "#193" > 193< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > false< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ===< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > filter_var< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $url_components< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'host'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > FILTER_VALIDATE_IP< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // MUST NOT be an IP address.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "194" href = "#194" > 194< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "warning d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "195" href = "#195" > 195< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "196" href = "#196" > 196< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "197" href = "#197" > 197< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > /**< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "198" href = "#198" > 198< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * OAuth 2.0 limits what values are valid for state.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "199" href = "#199" > 199< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * We check this first, because if valid, we want to send it along with other errors.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "200" href = "#200" > 200< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#appendix-A.5< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "201" href = "#201" > 201< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > */< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "202" href = "#202" > 202< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > isValidState< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > string< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $state< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > :< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > bool< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "14 tests cover line 203" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsValidState</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "203" href = "#203" > 203< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > false< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > !==< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > filter_var< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $state< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'options'< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > => < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'regexp'< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > => < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > '/^[\x20-\x7E]*$/'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "warning d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "204" href = "#204" > 204< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "205" href = "#205" > 205< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "206" href = "#206" > 206< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > /**< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "207" href = "#207" > 207< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * IndieAuth requires PKCE. This implementation supports only S256 for hashing.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "208" href = "#208" > 208< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * < / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "209" href = "#209" > 209< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * @see https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#authorization-request< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "210" href = "#210" > 210< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > */< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "211" href = "#211" > 211< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > isValidCodeChallenge< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > string< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $challenge< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > :< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > bool< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "14 tests cover line 212" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsValidCodeChallenge</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "212" href = "#212" > 212< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > false< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > !==< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > filter_var< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $challenge< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'options'< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > => < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'regexp'< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > => < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > '/^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$/'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "warning d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "213" href = "#213" > 213< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "214" href = "#214" > 214< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "215" href = "#215" > 215< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > /**< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "216" href = "#216" > 216< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * OAuth 2.0 limits what values are valid for scope.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "217" href = "#217" > 217< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-3.3< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "218" href = "#218" > 218< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > */< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "219" href = "#219" > 219< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > isValidScope< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > string< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $scope< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > :< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > bool< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "3 tests cover line 220" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\FunctionTest::testIsValidScope</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "220" href = "#220" > 220< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > false< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > !==< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > filter_var< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $scope< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'options'< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > => < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'regexp'< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > => < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > '/^([\x21\x23-\x5B\x5D-\x7E]+( [\x21\x23-\x5B\x5D-\x7E]+)*)?$/'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "warning d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "221" href = "#221" > 221< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
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