2021-06-13 15:35:07 +02:00
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2021-06-14 23:53:15 +02:00
< title > Code Coverage for /Users/barnabywalters/Documents/Programming/taproot/indieauth/src/Callback/SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallback.php< / title >
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< / tr >
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< td class = "success" > < abbr title = "Taproot\IndieAuth\Callback\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallback" > SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallback< / abbr > < / td >
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< td class = "success" colspan = "4" > < a href = "#61" > < abbr title = "__construct(array $user, string $hashedPassword, ?string $formTemplate, ?string $csrfKey)" > __construct< / abbr > < / a > < / td >
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< td class = "success" colspan = "4" > < a href = "#75" > < abbr title = "__invoke(Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, string $formAction, ?string $normalizedMeUrl)" > __invoke< / abbr > < / a > < / td >
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< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "1" href = "#1" > 1< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < ?php < / span > < span class = "keyword" > declare< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > strict_types< / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > 1< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "2" href = "#2" > 2< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "3" href = "#3" > 3< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > namespace< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > Taproot< / span > < span class = "default" > \< / span > < span class = "default" > IndieAuth< / span > < span class = "default" > \< / span > < span class = "default" > Callback< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "4" href = "#4" > 4< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "5" href = "#5" > 5< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > use< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > BadMethodCallException< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "6" href = "#6" > 6< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > use< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > Nyholm< / span > < span class = "default" > \< / span > < span class = "default" > Psr7< / span > < span class = "default" > \< / span > < span class = "default" > Response< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "7" href = "#7" > 7< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > use< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > Psr< / span > < span class = "default" > \< / span > < span class = "default" > Http< / span > < span class = "default" > \< / span > < span class = "default" > Message< / span > < span class = "default" > \< / span > < span class = "default" > ServerRequestInterface< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "8" href = "#8" > 8< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "9" href = "#9" > 9< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > use< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > Taproot< / span > < span class = "default" > \< / span > < span class = "default" > IndieAuth< / span > < span class = "default" > \< / span > < span class = "default" > renderTemplate< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "10" href = "#10" > 10< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "11" href = "#11" > 11< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > /**< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "12" href = "#12" > 12< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * Single User Password Authentication Callback< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "13" href = "#13" > 13< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * < / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "14" href = "#14" > 14< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * A simple example authentication callback which performs authentication itself rather< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "15" href = "#15" > 15< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * than redirecting to an existing authentication flow.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "16" href = "#16" > 16< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * < / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "17" href = "#17" > 17< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * In some cases, it may make sense for your IndieAuth server to be able to authenticate< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "18" href = "#18" > 18< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * users itself, rather than redirecting them to an existing authentication flow. This< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "19" href = "#19" > 19< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * implementation provides a simple single-user password authentication method intended< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "20" href = "#20" > 20< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * for bootstrapping and testing purposes.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "21" href = "#21" > 21< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * < / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "22" href = "#22" > 22< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * The sign-in form can be customised by making your own template and passing the path to< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "23" href = "#23" > 23< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * the constructor.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "24" href = "#24" > 24< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * < / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "25" href = "#25" > 25< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * Minimal usage:< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "26" href = "#26" > 26< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * < / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "27" href = "#27" > 27< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * ```php< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "28" href = "#28" > 28< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * // One-off during app configuration:< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "29" href = "#29" > 29< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * YOUR_HASHED_PASSWORD = password_hash('my super strong password', PASSWORD_DEFAULT);< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "30" href = "#30" > 30< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * < / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "31" href = "#31" > 31< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * // In your app:< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "32" href = "#32" > 32< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * use Taproot\IndieAuth;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "33" href = "#33" > 33< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * $server = new IndieAuth\Server([< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "34" href = "#34" > 34< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * …< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "35" href = "#35" > 35< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * 'authenticationHandler' => new IndieAuth\Callback\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallback(< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "36" href = "#36" > 36< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * ['me' => 'https://me.example.com/'],< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "37" href = "#37" > 37< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * YOUR_HASHED_PASSWORD< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "38" href = "#38" > 38< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * )< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "39" href = "#39" > 39< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * …< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "40" href = "#40" > 40< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * ]);< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "41" href = "#41" > 41< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * ```< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "42" href = "#42" > 42< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * < / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "43" href = "#43" > 43< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * See documentation for `__construct()` for information about customising behaviour.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "44" href = "#44" > 44< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > */< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "45" href = "#45" > 45< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > class< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallback< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "46" href = "#46" > 46< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > const< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > PASSWORD_FORM_PARAMETER< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > 'taproot_indieauth_server_password'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "47" href = "#47" > 47< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "48" href = "#48" > 48< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > public< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > string< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $csrfKey< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "49" href = "#49" > 49< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > public< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > string< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $formTemplate< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "50" href = "#50" > 50< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > protected< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > array< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $user< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "51" href = "#51" > 51< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > protected< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > string< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $hashedPassword< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "52" href = "#52" > 52< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "53" href = "#53" > 53< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > /**< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "54" href = "#54" > 54< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * Constructor< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "55" href = "#55" > 55< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * < / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "56" href = "#56" > 56< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * @param array $user An array representing the user, which will be returned on a successful authentication. MUST include a 'me' key, may also contain a 'profile' key, or other keys at your discretion.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "57" href = "#57" > 57< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * @param string $hashedPassword The password used to authenticate as $user, hashed by `password_hash($pass, PASSWORD_DEFAULT)`< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "58" href = "#58" > 58< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * @param string|null $formTemplate The path to a template used to render the sign-in form. Uses default if null.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "59" href = "#59" > 59< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > * @param string|null $csrfKey The key under which to fetch a CSRF token from `$request` attributes, and as the CSRF token name in submitted form data. Defaults to the Server default, only change if you’ re using a custom CSRF middleware.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "60" href = "#60" > 60< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "comment" > */< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "61" href = "#61" > 61< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > public< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > __construct< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "keyword" > array< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $user< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > string< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $hashedPassword< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > ?< / span > < span class = "default" > string< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $formTemplate< / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > null< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > ?< / span > < span class = "default" > string< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $csrfKey< / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > null< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
2021-06-18 00:39:21 +02:00
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "36 tests cover line 62" data-content = "<ul><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidConfigRaisesException</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationEndpointReturnsErrorOnMissingParameter</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testRequestsMissingBothPkceParametersReturnsError</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorsIfCodeParameterIsMissing</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorsIfParametersAreMissing</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorOnInvalidParameters</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeFailsForTokensWithInvalidScope</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeReturnsCorrectResponseForValidRequest</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorOnNonIndieauthRequest</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorIfAccessCodeGrantsNoScopes</li><li class = "c
2021-06-13 15:35:07 +02:00
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "1 test covers line 63" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallbackTest::testThrowsExceptionIfUserDataHasNoMeKey</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "63" href = "#63" > 63< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > throw< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > new< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > BadMethodCallException< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > 'The $user array MUST contain a “me” key, the value which must be the user’ s canonical URL as a string.'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "64" href = "#64" > 64< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "65" href = "#65" > 65< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < / td > < / tr >
2021-06-18 00:39:21 +02:00
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "35 tests cover line 66" data-content = "<ul><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidConfigRaisesException</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationEndpointReturnsErrorOnMissingParameter</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testRequestsMissingBothPkceParametersReturnsError</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorsIfCodeParameterIsMissing</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorsIfParametersAreMissing</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorOnInvalidParameters</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeFailsForTokensWithInvalidScope</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeReturnsCorrectResponseForValidRequest</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorOnNonIndieauthRequest</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorIfAccessCodeGrantsNoScopes</li><li class = "c
2021-06-13 15:35:07 +02:00
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "1 test covers line 67" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallbackTest::testThrowsExceptionIfHashedPasswordIsInvalid</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "67" href = "#67" > 67< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > throw< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > new< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > BadMethodCallException< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > 'The provided $hashedPassword was not a valid hash created by the password_hash() function.'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "68" href = "#68" > 68< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
2021-06-18 00:39:21 +02:00
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "34 tests cover line 69" data-content = "<ul><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidConfigRaisesException</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationEndpointReturnsErrorOnMissingParameter</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testRequestsMissingBothPkceParametersReturnsError</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorsIfCodeParameterIsMissing</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorsIfParametersAreMissing</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorOnInvalidParameters</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeFailsForTokensWithInvalidScope</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeReturnsCorrectResponseForValidRequest</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorOnNonIndieauthRequest</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorIfAccessCodeGrantsNoScopes</li><li class = "c
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "34 tests cover line 70" data-content = "<ul><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidConfigRaisesException</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationEndpointReturnsErrorOnMissingParameter</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testRequestsMissingBothPkceParametersReturnsError</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorsIfCodeParameterIsMissing</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorsIfParametersAreMissing</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorOnInvalidParameters</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeFailsForTokensWithInvalidScope</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeReturnsCorrectResponseForValidRequest</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorOnNonIndieauthRequest</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorIfAccessCodeGrantsNoScopes</li><li class = "c
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "34 tests cover line 71" data-content = "<ul><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidConfigRaisesException</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationEndpointReturnsErrorOnMissingParameter</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testRequestsMissingBothPkceParametersReturnsError</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorsIfCodeParameterIsMissing</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorsIfParametersAreMissing</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorOnInvalidParameters</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeFailsForTokensWithInvalidScope</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeReturnsCorrectResponseForValidRequest</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorOnNonIndieauthRequest</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorIfAccessCodeGrantsNoScopes</li><li class = "c
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "34 tests cover line 72" data-content = "<ul><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidConfigRaisesException</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationEndpointReturnsErrorOnMissingParameter</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testRequestsMissingBothPkceParametersReturnsError</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorsIfCodeParameterIsMissing</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorsIfParametersAreMissing</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorOnInvalidParameters</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeFailsForTokensWithInvalidScope</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeReturnsCorrectResponseForValidRequest</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorOnNonIndieauthRequest</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorIfAccessCodeGrantsNoScopes</li><li class = "c
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "34 tests cover line 73" data-content = "<ul><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidConfigRaisesException</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationEndpointReturnsErrorOnMissingParameter</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testRequestsMissingBothPkceParametersReturnsError</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthorizationRequestWithInvalidClientIdOrRedirectUriShowsErrorToUser</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidStateCodeChallengeOrScopeReturnErrorRedirects</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testHandlesValidAndInvalidMeUrlsCorrectly</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testUnauthenticatedRequestReturnsAuthenticationResponse</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsServerErrorIfAuthenticationResultHasNoMeKey</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnErrorIfFetchingClientIdThrowsException</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdWithNoParsedRedirectUris</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfRedirectUriDoesntMatchClientIdOrParsedRedirectUris</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdSufficientlyMatchesRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkHeaderRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsAuthorizationFormIfClientIdExactlyMatchesParsedLinkElementRedirectUri</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testFindsFirstHAppExactlyMatchingClientId</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasNoHash</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsErrorIfApprovalRequestHasInvalidHash</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testValidApprovalRequestIsHandledCorrectly</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testReturnsInternalServerErrorIfAuthCodeCannotBeStored</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorsIfCodeParameterIsMissing</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorsIfParametersAreMissing</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testExchangeFlowsReturnErrorOnInvalidParameters</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeFailsForTokensWithInvalidScope</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testAuthEndpointTokenExchangeReturnsCorrectResponseForValidRequest</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorOnNonIndieauthRequest</li><li class = "covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testTokenEndpointReturnsErrorIfAccessCodeGrantsNoScopes</li><li class = "c
2021-06-13 15:35:07 +02:00
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "74" href = "#74" > 74< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "75" href = "#75" > 75< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > public< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > function< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > __invoke< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > ServerRequestInterface< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $request< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > string< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $formAction< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > ?< / span > < span class = "default" > string< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $normalizedMeUrl< / span > < span class = "keyword" > =< / span > < span class = "default" > null< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "76" href = "#76" > 76< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // If the request is a form submission with a matching password, return the corresponding< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "77" href = "#77" > 77< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // user data.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "2 tests cover line 78" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallbackTest::testShowsAuthenticationFormOnUnauthenticatedRequest</li><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallbackTest::testReturnsUserDataOnAuthenticatedRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "78" href = "#78" > 78< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > if< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $request< / span > < span class = "default" > -> < / span > < span class = "default" > getMethod< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ==< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > 'POST'< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > & & < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > password_verify< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $request< / span > < span class = "default" > -> < / span > < span class = "default" > getParsedBody< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > self< / span > < span class = "default" > ::< / span > < span class = "default" > PASSWORD_FORM_PARAMETER< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ??< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > ''< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $this< / span > < span class = "default" > -> < / span > < span class = "default" > hashedPassword< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > {< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "1 test covers line 79" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallbackTest::testReturnsUserDataOnAuthenticatedRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "79" href = "#79" > 79< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $this< / span > < span class = "default" > -> < / span > < span class = "default" > user< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "80" href = "#80" > 80< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "81" href = "#81" > 81< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "82" href = "#82" > 82< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "comment" > // Otherwise, return a response containing the password form.< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "1 test covers line 83" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallbackTest::testShowsAuthenticationFormOnUnauthenticatedRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "83" href = "#83" > 83< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > return< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > new< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > Response< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > 200< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < span class = "default" > 'content-type'< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > => < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > 'text/html'< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > renderTemplate< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $this< / span > < span class = "default" > -> < / span > < span class = "default" > formTemplate< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > [< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "1 test covers line 84" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallbackTest::testShowsAuthenticationFormOnUnauthenticatedRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "84" href = "#84" > 84< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > 'formAction'< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > => < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $formAction< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "1 test covers line 85" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallbackTest::testShowsAuthenticationFormOnUnauthenticatedRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "85" href = "#85" > 85< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > 'request'< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > => < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > $request< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ,< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "1 test covers line 86" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallbackTest::testShowsAuthenticationFormOnUnauthenticatedRequest</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "86" href = "#86" > 86< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > 'csrfFormElement'< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > => < / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > '< input type=" hidden" name=" '< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > .< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > htmlentities< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $this< / span > < span class = "default" > -> < / span > < span class = "default" > csrfKey< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > .< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > '" value=" '< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > .< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > htmlentities< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $request< / span > < span class = "default" > -> < / span > < span class = "default" > getAttribute< / span > < span class = "keyword" > (< / span > < span class = "default" > $this< / span > < span class = "default" > -> < / span > < span class = "default" > csrfKey< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > .< / span > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "default" > '" /> '< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = " d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "87" href = "#87" > 87< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > ]< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > )< / span > < span class = "keyword" > ;< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "warning d-flex" > < td class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "88" href = "#88" > 88< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "default" > < / span > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "covered-by-large-tests popin d-flex" > < td data-title = "1 test covers line 89" data-content = "<ul><li class="covered-by-large-tests">Taproot\IndieAuth\Test\ServerTest::testInvalidConfigRaisesException</li></ul>" data-placement = "top" data-html = "true" class = "col-1 text-right" > < a id = "89" href = "#89" > 89< / a > < / td > < td class = "col-11 codeLine" > < span class = "keyword" > }< / span > < / td > < / tr >
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2021-06-18 00:39:21 +02:00
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