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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace Taproot\IndieAuth;
use BadMethodCallException;
use BarnabyWalters\Mf2 as M;
use Exception;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Header as HeaderParser;
use IndieAuth\Client as IndieAuthClient;
use Mf2;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Response;
use PDO;
use Psr\Http\Client\ClientExceptionInterface;
use Psr\Http\Client\NetworkExceptionInterface;
use Psr\Http\Client\RequestExceptionInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Psr\Log\NullLogger;
use Taproot\IndieAuth\Callback\AuthorizationFormInterface;
use Taproot\IndieAuth\Callback\DefaultAuthorizationForm;
use Taproot\IndieAuth\Storage\TokenStorageInterface;
* IndieAuth Server
* A PSR-7-compatible implementation of the request-handling logic for IndieAuth authorization endpoints
* and token endpoints.
* Typical minimal usage looks something like this:
* // Somewhere in your app set-up code:
* $server = new Taproot\IndieAuth\Server([
* // A secret key, >= 64 characters long.
* // A path to store token data, or an object implementing TokenStorageInterface.
* 'tokenStorage' => '/../data/auth_tokens/',
* // An authentication callback function, which either returns data about the current user,
* // or redirects to/implements an authentication flow.
* 'authenticationHandler' => function (ServerRequestInterface $request, string $authenticationRedirect, ?string $normalizedMeUrl) {
* // If the request is authenticated, return an array with a `me` key containing the
* // canonical URL of the currently logged-in user.
* if ($userUrl = getLoggedInUserUrl($request)) {
* return ['me' => $userUrl];
* }
* // Otherwise, redirect the user to a login page, ensuring that they will be redirected
* // back to the IndieAuth flow with query parameters intact once logged in.
* return new Response('302', ['Location' => '' . urlencode($authenticationRedirect)]);
* }
* ]);
* // In your authorization endpoint route:
* return $server->handleAuthorizationEndpointRequest($request);
* // In your token endpoint route:
* return $server->handleTokenEndpointRequest($request);
* // In another route (e.g. a micropub route), to authenticate the request:
* // (assuming $bearerToken is a token parsed from an “Authorization: Bearer XXXXXX” header
* // or access_token property from a request body)
* if ($accessToken = $server->getTokenStorage()->getAccessToken($bearerToken)) {
* // Request is authenticated as $accessToken['me'], and is allowed to
* // act according to the scopes listed in $accessToken['scope'].
* $scopes = explode(' ', $accessToken['scope']);
* }
* Refer to the `__construct` documentation for further configuration options, and to the
* documentation for both handling methods for further documentation about them.
* @link
* @link
* @link
* @link
class Server {
const HANDLE_NON_INDIEAUTH_REQUEST = 'handleNonIndieAuthRequestCallback';
const HANDLE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUEST = 'authenticationHandler';
* The query string parameter key used for storing the hash used for validating authorization request parameters.
const HASH_QUERY_STRING_KEY = 'taproot_indieauth_server_hash';
* The key used to store the CSRF token everywhere its used: Request parameters, Request body, and Cookies.
const DEFAULT_CSRF_KEY = 'taproot_indieauth_server_csrf';
* The form data key used for identifying a request as an authorization (consent screen) form submissions.
const APPROVE_ACTION_KEY = 'taproot_indieauth_action';
* The form data value used for identifying a request as an authorization (consent screen) form submissions.
const APPROVE_ACTION_VALUE = 'approve';
/** @var Storage\TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage */
protected $tokenStorage;
/** @var AuthorizationFormInterface $authorizationForm */
protected $authorizationForm;
/** @var MiddlewareInterface $csrfMiddleware */
protected $csrfMiddleware;
/** @var LoggerInterface $logger */
protected $logger;
/** @var callable */
protected $httpGetWithEffectiveUrl;
/** @var callable */
protected $handleAuthenticationRequestCallback;
/** @var callable */
protected $handleNonIndieAuthRequest;
/** @var string $exceptionTemplatePath */
protected $exceptionTemplatePath;
/** @var string $secret */
protected $secret;
/** @var bool $requirePkce */
protected $requirePkce;
* Constructor
* Server instances are configured by passing a config array to the constructor.
* The following keys are required:
* * `authenticationHandler`: a callable with the signature
* `function (ServerRequestInterface $request, string $authenticationRedirect, ?string $normalizedMeUrl): array|ResponseInterface`.
* This function is called on IndieAuth authorization requests, after validating the query parameters.
* It should check to see if $request is authenticated, then:
* * If it is authenticated, return an array which MUST have a `me` key, mapping to the
* canonical URL of the currently logged-in user. It may additionally have a `profile` key. These
* keys will be stored in the authorization code and sent to the client, if successful.
* * If it is not authenticated, either present or redirect to an authentication flow. This flow MUST
* redirect the logged-in used back to `$authenticationRedirect`.
* If the request has a valid `me` parameter, the canonicalized version of it is passed as
* `$normalizedMeUrl`. Otherwise, this parameter is null. This parameter can optionally be used
* as a suggestion for which user to log in as in a multi-user authentication flow, but should NOT
* be considered valid data.
* If redirecting to an existing authentication flow, this callable can usually be implemented as a
* closure. The callable may also implement its own authentication logic. For an example, see
* `Callback\SingleUserPasswordAuthenticationCallback`.
* * `secret`: A cryptographically random string with a minimum length of 64 characters. Used
* to hash and subsequently verify request query parameters which get passed around.
* * `tokenStorage`: Either an object implementing `Storage\TokenStorageInterface`, or a string path,
* which will be passed to `Storage\FilesystemJsonStorage`. This object handles persisting authorization
* codes and access tokens, as well as implementation-specific parts of the exchange process which are
* out of the scope of the Server class (e.g. lifetimes and expiry). Refer to the `Storage\TokenStorageInterface`
* documentation for more details.
* The following keys may be required depending on which packages you have installed:
* * `httpGetWithEffectiveUrl`: must be a callable with the following signature:
* `function (string $url): array [ResponseInterface $response, string $effectiveUrl]`, where
* `$effectiveUrl` is the final URL after following any redirects (unfortunately, neither the PSR-7
* Response nor the PSR-18 Client interfaces offer a standard way of getting this very important
* data, hence the unusual return signature). If `guzzlehttp/guzzle` is installed, this parameter
* will be created automatically. Otherwise, the user must provide their own callable.
* The following keys are optional:
* * `authorizationForm`: an instance of `AuthorizationFormInterface`. Defaults to `DefaultAuthorizationForm`.
* Refer to that implementation if you wish to replace the consent screen/scope choosing/authorization form.
* * `csrfMiddleware`: an instance of `MiddlewareInterface`, which will be used to CSRF-protect the
* user-facing authorization flow. By default an instance of `DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddleware`.
* Refer to that implementation if you want to replace it with your own middleware — you will
* likely have to either make sure your middleware sets the same request attribute, or alter your
* templates accordingly.
* * `exceptionTemplatePath`: string, path to a template which will be used for displaying user-facing
* errors. Defaults to `../templates/default_exception_response.html.php`, refer to that if you wish
* to write your own template.
* * `handleNonIndieAuthRequestCallback`: A callback with the following signature:
* `function (ServerRequestInterface $request): ?ResponseInterface` which will be called if the
* authorization endpoint gets a request which is not identified as an IndieAuth request or authorization
* form submission request. You could use this to handle various requests e.g. client-side requests
* made by your authentication or authorization pages, if its not convenient to put them elsewhere.
* Returning `null` will result in a standard `invalid_request` error being returned.
* * `logger`: An instance of `LoggerInterface`. Will be used for internal logging, and will also be set
* as the logger for any objects passed in config which implement `LoggerAwareInterface`.
* * `requirePKCE`: bool, default true. Setting this to `false` allows requests which dont provide PKCE
* parameters (code_challenge, code_challenge_method, code_verifier), under the following conditions:
* * If any of the PKCE parameters are present in an authorization code request, all must be present
* and valid.
* * If an authorization code request lacks PKCE parameters, the created auth code can only be exchanged
* by an exchange request without parameters.
* * If authorization codes are stored without PKCE parameters, and then `requirePKCE` is set to `true`,
* these old authorization codes will no longer be redeemable.
* @param array $config An array of configuration variables
* @return self
public function __construct(array $config) {
$config = array_merge([
'csrfMiddleware' => new Middleware\DoubleSubmitCookieCsrfMiddleware(self::DEFAULT_CSRF_KEY),
'logger' => null,
self::HANDLE_NON_INDIEAUTH_REQUEST => function (ServerRequestInterface $request) { return null; }, // Default to no-op.
'tokenStorage' => null,
'httpGetWithEffectiveUrl' => null,
'authorizationForm' => new DefaultAuthorizationForm(),
'exceptionTemplatePath' => __DIR__ . '/../templates/default_exception_response.html.php',
'requirePKCE' => true,
], $config);
$this->requirePkce = $config['requirePKCE'];
if (!is_string($config['exceptionTemplatePath'])) {
throw new BadMethodCallException("\$config['exceptionTemplatePath'] must be a string (path).");
$this->exceptionTemplatePath = $config['exceptionTemplatePath'];
$secret = $config['secret'] ?? '';
if (!is_string($secret) || strlen($secret) < 64) {
throw new BadMethodCallException("\$config['secret'] must be a string with a minimum length of 64 characters.");
$this->secret = $secret;
if (!is_null($config['logger']) && !$config['logger'] instanceof LoggerInterface) {
throw new BadMethodCallException("\$config['logger'] must be an instance of \\Psr\\Log\\LoggerInterface or null.");
$this->logger = $config['logger'] ?? new NullLogger();
if (!(array_key_exists(self::HANDLE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUEST, $config) and is_callable($config[self::HANDLE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUEST]))) {
throw new BadMethodCallException('$callbacks[\'' . self::HANDLE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUEST .'\'] must be present and callable.');
$this->handleAuthenticationRequestCallback = $config[self::HANDLE_AUTHENTICATION_REQUEST];
if (!is_callable($config[self::HANDLE_NON_INDIEAUTH_REQUEST])) {
throw new BadMethodCallException("\$config['" . self::HANDLE_NON_INDIEAUTH_REQUEST . "'] must be callable");
$this->handleNonIndieAuthRequest = $config[self::HANDLE_NON_INDIEAUTH_REQUEST];
$tokenStorage = $config['tokenStorage'];
if (!$tokenStorage instanceof Storage\TokenStorageInterface) {
if (is_string($tokenStorage)) {
// Create a default access token storage with a TTL of 7 days.
$tokenStorage = new Storage\FilesystemJsonStorage($tokenStorage, $this->secret);
} else {
throw new BadMethodCallException("\$config['tokenStorage'] parameter must be either a string (path) or an instance of Taproot\IndieAuth\TokenStorageInterface.");
trySetLogger($tokenStorage, $this->logger);
$this->tokenStorage = $tokenStorage;
$csrfMiddleware = $config['csrfMiddleware'];
if (!$csrfMiddleware instanceof MiddlewareInterface) {
throw new BadMethodCallException("\$config['csrfMiddleware'] must be null or implement MiddlewareInterface.");
trySetLogger($csrfMiddleware, $this->logger);
$this->csrfMiddleware = $csrfMiddleware;
$httpGetWithEffectiveUrl = $config['httpGetWithEffectiveUrl'];
if (is_null($httpGetWithEffectiveUrl)) {
if (class_exists('\GuzzleHttp\Client')) {
$httpGetWithEffectiveUrl = function (string $uri): array {
// This code cant be tested, ignore it for coverage purposes.
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
$resp = (new \GuzzleHttp\Client([
\GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::ALLOW_REDIRECTS => [
'max' => 10,
'strict' => true,
'referer' => true,
'track_redirects' => true
$rdh = $resp->getHeader('X-Guzzle-Redirect-History');
$effectiveUrl = empty($rdh) ? $uri : array_values($rdh)[count($rdh) - 1];
return [$resp, $effectiveUrl];
} else {
throw new BadMethodCallException("\$config['httpGetWithEffectiveUrl'] was not provided, and guzzlehttp/guzzle was not installed. Either require guzzlehttp/guzzle, or provide a valid callable.");
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
} else {
if (!is_callable($httpGetWithEffectiveUrl)) {
throw new BadMethodCallException("\$config['httpGetWithEffectiveUrl'] must be callable.");
trySetLogger($httpGetWithEffectiveUrl, $this->logger);
$this->httpGetWithEffectiveUrl = $httpGetWithEffectiveUrl;
if (!$config['authorizationForm'] instanceof AuthorizationFormInterface) {
throw new BadMethodCallException("When provided, \$config['authorizationForm'] must implement Taproot\IndieAuth\Callback\AuthorizationForm.");
$this->authorizationForm = $config['authorizationForm'];
trySetLogger($this->authorizationForm, $this->logger);
public function getTokenStorage(): TokenStorageInterface {
return $this->tokenStorage;
* Handle Authorization Endpoint Request
* This method handles all requests to your authorization endpoint, passing execution off to
* other callbacks when necessary. The logical flow can be summarised as follows:
* * If this request an **auth code exchange for profile information**, validate the request
* and return a response or error response.
* * Otherwise, proceed, wrapping all execution in CSRF-protection middleware.
* * Validate the requests indieauth authorization code request parameters, returning an
* error response if any are missing or invalid.
* * Call the authentication callback
* * If the callback returned an instance of ResponseInterface, the user is not currently
* logged in. Return the Response, which will presumably start an authentication flow.
* * Otherwise, the callback returned information about the currently logged-in user. Continue.
* * If this request is an authorization form submission, validate the data, store and authorization
* code and return a redirect response to the client redirect_uri with code data. On an error, return
* an appropriate error response.
* * Otherwise, fetch the client_id, parse app data if present, validate the `redirect_uri` and present
* the authorization form/consent screen to the user.
* * If none of the above apply, try calling the non-indieauth request handler. If it returns a Response,
* return that, otherwise return an error response.
* This route should NOT be wrapped in additional CSRF-protection, due to the need to handle API
* POST requests from the client. Make sure you call it from a route which is excluded from any
* CSRF-protection you might be using. To customise the CSRF protection used internally, refer to the
* `__construct` config array documentation for the `csrfMiddleware` key.
* Most user-facing errors are thrown as instances of `IndieAuthException`, which are passed off to
* `handleException` to be turned into an instance of `ResponseInterface`. If you want to customise
* error behaviour, one way to do so is to subclass `Server` and override that method.
* @param ServerRequestInterface $request
* @return ResponseInterface
public function handleAuthorizationEndpointRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface {
$this->logger->info('Handling an IndieAuth Authorization Endpoint request.');
// If its a profile information request:
if (isIndieAuthAuthorizationCodeRedeemingRequest($request)) {
$this->logger->info('Handling a request to redeem an authorization code for profile information.');
$bodyParams = $request->getParsedBody();
if (!isset($bodyParams['code'])) {
$this->logger->warning('The exchange request was missing the code parameter. Returning an error response.');
return new Response(400, ['content-type' => 'application/json'], json_encode([
'error' => 'invalid_request',
'error_description' => 'The code parameter was missing.'
// Attempt to internally exchange the provided auth code for an access token.
// We do this before anything else so that the auth code is invalidated as soon as the request starts,
// and the resulting access token is revoked if we encounter an error. This ends up providing a simpler
// and more flexible interface for TokenStorage implementors.
try {
// Call the token exchange method, passing in a callback which performs additional validation
// on the auth code before it gets exchanged.
$tokenData = $this->tokenStorage->exchangeAuthCodeForAccessToken($bodyParams['code'], function (array $authCode) use ($request, $bodyParams) {
// Verify that all required parameters are included.
$requiredParameters = ($this->requirePkce or !empty($authCode['code_challenge'])) ? ['client_id', 'redirect_uri', 'code_verifier'] : ['client_id', 'redirect_uri'];
$missingRequiredParameters = array_filter($requiredParameters, function ($p) use ($bodyParams) {
return !array_key_exists($p, $bodyParams) || empty($bodyParams[$p]);
if (!empty($missingRequiredParameters)) {
$this->logger->warning('The exchange request was missing required parameters. Returning an error response.', ['missing' => $missingRequiredParameters]);
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INVALID_REQUEST, $request);
// Verify that it was issued for the same client_id and redirect_uri
if ($authCode['client_id'] !== $bodyParams['client_id']
|| $authCode['redirect_uri'] !== $bodyParams['redirect_uri']) {
$this->logger->error("The provided client_id and/or redirect_uri did not match those stored in the token.");
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INVALID_GRANT, $request);
// If the auth code was requested with no code_challenge, but the exchange request provides a
// code_verifier, return an error.
if (!empty($bodyParams['code_verifier']) && empty($authCode['code_challenge'])) {
$this->logger->error("A code_verifier was provided when trying to exchange an auth code requested without a code_challenge.");
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INVALID_GRANT, $request);
if ($this->requirePkce or !empty($authCode['code_challenge'])) {
// Check that the supplied code_verifier hashes to the stored code_challenge
// TODO: support method = plain as well as S256.
if (!hash_equals($authCode['code_challenge'], generatePKCECodeChallenge($bodyParams['code_verifier']))) {
$this->logger->error("The provided code_verifier did not hash to the stored code_challenge");
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INVALID_GRANT, $request);
// Check that this token either grants at most the profile scope.
$requestedScopes = array_filter(explode(' ', $authCode['scope'] ?? ''));
if (!empty($requestedScopes) && $requestedScopes != ['profile']) {
$this->logger->error("An exchange request for a token granting scopes other than “profile” was sent to the authorization endpoint.");
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INVALID_GRANT, $request);
} catch (IndieAuthException $e) {
// If an exception was thrown, return a corresponding error response.
return new Response(400, ['content-type' => 'application/json'], json_encode([
'error' => $e->getInfo()['error'],
'error_description' => $e->getMessage()
if (is_null($tokenData)) {
$this->logger->error('Attempting to exchange an auth code for a token resulted in null.', $bodyParams);
return new Response(400, ['content-type' => 'application/json'], json_encode([
'error' => 'invalid_grant',
'error_description' => 'The provided credentials were not valid.'
// TODO: return an error if the token doesnt contain a me key.
// If everything checked out, return {"me": ""} response
return new Response(200, [
'content-type' => 'application/json',
'cache-control' => 'no-store',
], json_encode(array_filter($tokenData, function (string $k) {
// Prevent codes exchanged at the authorization endpoint from returning any information other than
// me and profile.
return in_array($k, ['me', 'profile']);
// Because the special case above isnt allowed to be CSRF-protected, we have to do some rather silly
// closure gymnastics here to selectively-CSRF-protect requests which do need it.
return $this->csrfMiddleware->process($request, new Middleware\ClosureRequestHandler(function (ServerRequestInterface $request) {
// Wrap the entire user-facing handler in a try/catch block which catches any exception, converts it
// to IndieAuthException if necessary, then passes it to $this->handleException() to be turned into a
// response.
try {
$queryParams = $request->getQueryParams();
/** @var ResponseInterface|null $clientIdResponse */
/** @var string|null $clientIdEffectiveUrl */
/** @var array|null $clientIdMf2 */
list($clientIdResponse, $clientIdEffectiveUrl, $clientIdMf2) = [null, null, null];
// If this is an authorization or approval request (allowing POST requests as well to accommodate
// approval requests and custom auth form submission.
if (isIndieAuthAuthorizationRequest($request, ['get', 'post'])) {
$this->logger->info('Handling an authorization request', ['method' => $request->getMethod()]);
// Validate the Client ID.
if (!isset($queryParams['client_id']) || false === filter_var($queryParams['client_id'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) || !isClientIdentifier($queryParams['client_id'])) {
$this->logger->warning("The client_id provided in an authorization request was not valid.", $queryParams);
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INVALID_CLIENT_ID, $request);
// Validate the redirect URI.
if (!isset($queryParams['redirect_uri']) || false === filter_var($queryParams['redirect_uri'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
$this->logger->warning("The request_uri provided in an authorization request was not valid.", $queryParams);
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INVALID_REDIRECT_URI, $request);
// How most errors are handled depends on whether or not the request has a valid redirect_uri. In
// order to know that, we need to also validate, fetch and parse the client_id.
// If the request lacks a hash, or if the provided hash was invalid, perform the validation.
$currentRequestHash = hashAuthorizationRequestParameters($request, $this->secret, null, null, $this->requirePkce);
if (!isset($queryParams[self::HASH_QUERY_STRING_KEY]) or is_null($currentRequestHash) or !hash_equals($currentRequestHash, $queryParams[self::HASH_QUERY_STRING_KEY])) {
// All we need to know at this stage is whether the redirect_uri is valid. If it
// sufficiently matches the client_id, we dont (yet) need to fetch the client_id.
if (!urlComponentsMatch($queryParams['client_id'], $queryParams['redirect_uri'], [PHP_URL_SCHEME, PHP_URL_HOST, PHP_URL_PORT])) {
// If we do need to fetch the client_id, store the response and effective URL in variables
// we defined earlier, so theyre available to the approval request code path, which additionally
// needs to parse client_id for h-app markup.
try {
list($clientIdResponse, $clientIdEffectiveUrl) = call_user_func($this->httpGetWithEffectiveUrl, $queryParams['client_id']);
$clientIdMf2 = Mf2\parse((string) $clientIdResponse->getBody(), $clientIdEffectiveUrl);
} catch (ClientExceptionInterface | RequestExceptionInterface | NetworkExceptionInterface $e) {
$this->logger->error("Caught an HTTP exception while trying to fetch the client_id. Returning an error response.", [
'client_id' => $queryParams['client_id'],
'exception' => $e->__toString()
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::HTTP_EXCEPTION_FETCHING_CLIENT_ID, $request, $e);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->logger->error("Caught an unknown exception while trying to fetch the client_id. Returning an error response.", [
'exception' => $e->__toString()
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INTERNAL_EXCEPTION_FETCHING_CLIENT_ID, $request, $e);
// Search for all link@rel=redirect_uri at the client_id.
$clientIdRedirectUris = [];
if (array_key_exists('redirect_uri', $clientIdMf2['rels'])) {
$clientIdRedirectUris = array_merge($clientIdRedirectUris, $clientIdMf2['rels']['redirect_uri']);
foreach (HeaderParser::parse($clientIdResponse->getHeader('Link')) as $link) {
if (array_key_exists('rel', $link) && mb_strpos(" {$link['rel']} ", " redirect_uri ") !== false) {
// Strip off the < > which surround the link URL for some reason.
$clientIdRedirectUris[] = substr($link[0], 1, strlen($link[0]) - 2);
// If the authority of the redirect_uri does not match the client_id, or exactly match one of their redirect URLs, return an error.
if (!in_array($queryParams['redirect_uri'], $clientIdRedirectUris)) {
$this->logger->warning("The provided redirect_uri did not match either the client_id, nor the discovered redirect URIs.", [
'provided_redirect_uri' => $queryParams['redirect_uri'],
'provided_client_id' => $queryParams['client_id'],
'discovered_redirect_uris' => $clientIdRedirectUris
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INVALID_REDIRECT_URI, $request);
// From now on, we can assume that redirect_uri is valid. Any IndieAuth-related errors should be
// reported by redirecting to redirect_uri with error parameters.
// Validate the state parameter.
if (!isset($queryParams['state']) or !isValidState($queryParams['state'])) {
$this->logger->warning("The state provided in an authorization request was not valid.", $queryParams);
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INVALID_STATE, $request);
// From now on, any redirect error responses should include the state parameter.
// This is handled automatically in `handleException()` and is only noted here
// for reference.
// If either PKCE parameter is present, validate both.
if (isset($queryParams['code_challenge']) or isset($queryParams['code_challenge_method'])) {
if (!isset($queryParams['code_challenge']) or !isValidCodeChallenge($queryParams['code_challenge'])) {
$this->logger->warning("The code_challenge provided in an authorization request was not valid.", $queryParams);
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INVALID_CODE_CHALLENGE, $request);
if (!isset($queryParams['code_challenge_method']) or !in_array($queryParams['code_challenge_method'], ['S256', 'plain'])) {
$this->logger->error("The code_challenge_method parameter was missing or invalid.", $queryParams);
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INVALID_CODE_CHALLENGE, $request);
} else {
// If neither PKCE parameter is defined, and PKCE is required, throw an error. Otherwise, proceed.
if ($this->requirePkce) {
$this->logger->warning("PKCE is required, and both code_challenge and code_challenge_method were missing.");
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INVALID_REQUEST_REDIRECT, $request);
// Validate the scope parameter, if provided.
if (array_key_exists('scope', $queryParams) && !isValidScope($queryParams['scope'])) {
$this->logger->warning("The scope provided in an authorization request was not valid.", $queryParams);
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INVALID_SCOPE, $request);
// Normalise the me parameter, if it exists.
if (array_key_exists('me', $queryParams)) {
$queryParams['me'] = IndieAuthClient::normalizeMeURL($queryParams['me']);
// If the me parameter is not a valid profile URL, ignore it.
if (false === $queryParams['me'] || !isProfileUrl($queryParams['me'])) {
$queryParams['me'] = null;
// Build a URL containing the indieauth authorization request parameters, hashing them
// to protect them from being changed.
// Make a hash of the protected indieauth-specific parameters. If PKCE is in use, include
// the PKCE parameters in the hash. Otherwise, leave them out.
$hash = hashAuthorizationRequestParameters($request, $this->secret, null, null, $this->requirePkce);
// Operate on a copy of $queryParams, otherwise requests will always have a valid hash!
$redirectQueryParams = $queryParams;
$redirectQueryParams[self::HASH_QUERY_STRING_KEY] = $hash;
$authenticationRedirect = $request->getUri()->withQuery(buildQueryString($redirectQueryParams))->__toString();
// User-facing requests always start by calling the authentication request callback.
$this->logger->info('Calling handle_authentication_request callback');
$authenticationResult = call_user_func($this->handleAuthenticationRequestCallback, $request, $authenticationRedirect, $queryParams['me'] ?? null);
// If the authentication handler returned a Response, return that as-is.
if ($authenticationResult instanceof ResponseInterface) {
return $authenticationResult;
} elseif (is_array($authenticationResult)) {
// Check the resulting array for errors.
if (!array_key_exists('me', $authenticationResult)) {
$this->logger->error('The handle_authentication_request callback returned an array with no me key.', ['array' => $authenticationResult]);
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::AUTHENTICATION_CALLBACK_MISSING_ME_PARAM, $request);
// If this is a POST request sent from the authorization (i.e. scope-choosing) form:
if (isAuthorizationApprovalRequest($request)) {
// Authorization approval requests MUST include a hash protecting the sensitive IndieAuth
// authorization request parameters from being changed, e.g. by a malicious script which
// found its way onto the authorization form.
if (!array_key_exists(self::HASH_QUERY_STRING_KEY, $queryParams)) {
$this->logger->warning("An authorization approval request did not have a " . self::HASH_QUERY_STRING_KEY . " parameter.");
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::AUTHORIZATION_APPROVAL_REQUEST_MISSING_HASH, $request);
$expectedHash = hashAuthorizationRequestParameters($request, $this->secret, null, null, $this->requirePkce);
if (!isset($queryParams[self::HASH_QUERY_STRING_KEY]) or is_null($expectedHash) or !hash_equals($expectedHash, $queryParams[self::HASH_QUERY_STRING_KEY])) {
$this->logger->warning("The hash provided in the URL was invalid!", [
'expected' => $expectedHash,
'actual' => $queryParams[self::HASH_QUERY_STRING_KEY]
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::AUTHORIZATION_APPROVAL_REQUEST_INVALID_HASH, $request);
// Assemble the data for the authorization code, store it somewhere persistent.
$code = array_merge($authenticationResult, [
'client_id' => $queryParams['client_id'],
'redirect_uri' => $queryParams['redirect_uri'],
'state' => $queryParams['state'],
'code_challenge' => $queryParams['code_challenge'] ?? null,
'code_challenge_method' => $queryParams['code_challenge_method'] ?? null,
'requested_scope' => $queryParams['scope'] ?? '',
// Pass it to the auth code customisation callback.
$code = $this->authorizationForm->transformAuthorizationCode($request, $code);
$this->logger->info("Creating an authorization code:", ['data' => $code]);
// Store the authorization code.
$authCode = $this->tokenStorage->createAuthCode($code);
if (is_null($authCode)) {
// If saving the authorization code failed silently, there isnt much we can do about it,
// but should at least log and return an error.
$this->logger->error("Saving the authorization code failed and returned false without raising an exception.");
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INTERNAL_ERROR_REDIRECT, $request);
// Return a redirect to the client app.
return new Response(302, [
'Location' => appendQueryParams($queryParams['redirect_uri'], [
'code' => $authCode,
'state' => $code['state']
'Cache-control' => 'no-cache'
// Otherwise, the user is authenticated and needs to authorize the client app + choose scopes.
// Fetch the client_id URL to find information about the client to present to the user.
// TODO: in order to comply with,
// it may be necessary to do this before returning any other kind of error response, as, per
// the spec, errors should only be shown to the user if the client_id and redirect_uri parameters
// are missing or invalid. Otherwise, they should be sent back to the client with an error
// redirect response.
if (is_null($clientIdResponse) || is_null($clientIdEffectiveUrl) || is_null($clientIdMf2)) {
try {
/** @var ResponseInterface $clientIdResponse */
list($clientIdResponse, $clientIdEffectiveUrl) = call_user_func($this->httpGetWithEffectiveUrl, $queryParams['client_id']);
$clientIdMf2 = Mf2\parse((string) $clientIdResponse->getBody(), $clientIdEffectiveUrl);
} catch (ClientExceptionInterface | RequestExceptionInterface | NetworkExceptionInterface $e) {
$this->logger->error("Caught an HTTP exception while trying to fetch the client_id. Returning an error response.", [
'client_id' => $queryParams['client_id'],
'exception' => $e->__toString()
// At this point in the flow, weve already guaranteed that the redirect_uri is valid,
// so in theory we should report these errors by redirecting there.
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INTERNAL_ERROR_REDIRECT, $request, $e);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->logger->error("Caught an unknown exception while trying to fetch the client_id. Returning an error response.", [
'exception' => $e->__toString()
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INTERNAL_ERROR_REDIRECT, $request, $e);
// Search for an h-app with u-url matching the client_id.
$clientHApps = M\findMicroformatsByProperty(M\findMicroformatsByType($clientIdMf2, 'h-app'), 'url', $queryParams['client_id']);
$clientHApp = empty($clientHApps) ? null : $clientHApps[0];
// Present the authorization UI.
return $this->authorizationForm->showForm($request, $authenticationResult, $authenticationRedirect, $clientHApp)
->withAddedHeader('Cache-control', 'no-cache');
// If the request isnt an IndieAuth Authorization or Code-redeeming request, its either an invalid
// request or something to do with a custom auth handler (e.g. sending a one-time code in an email.)
$nonIndieAuthRequestResult = call_user_func($this->handleNonIndieAuthRequest, $request);
if ($nonIndieAuthRequestResult instanceof ResponseInterface) {
return $nonIndieAuthRequestResult;
} else {
// In this code path we have not validated the redirect_uri, so show a regular error page
// rather than returning a redirect error.
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INTERNAL_ERROR, $request);
} catch (IndieAuthException $e) {
// All IndieAuthExceptions will already have been logged.
return $this->handleException($e);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Unknown exceptions will not have been logged; do so now.
$this->logger->error("Caught unknown exception: {$e}");
return $this->handleException(IndieAuthException::create(0, $request, $e));
* Handle Token Endpoint Request
* Handles requests to the IndieAuth token endpoint. The logical flow can be summarised as follows:
* * Check that the request is a code redeeming request. Return an error if not.
* * Ensure that all required parameters are present. Return an error if not.
* * Attempt to exchange the `code` parameter for an access token. Return an error if it fails.
* * Make sure the client_id and redirect_uri request parameters match those stored in the auth code. If not, revoke the access token and return an error.
* * Make sure the provided code_verifier hashes to the code_challenge stored in the auth code. If not, revoke the access token and return an error.
* * Make sure the granted scope stored in the auth code is not empty. If it is, revoke the access token and return an error.
* * Otherwise, return a success response containing information about the issued access token.
* This method must NOT be CSRF-protected as it accepts external requests from client apps.
* @param ServerRequestInterface $request
* @return ResponseInterface
public function handleTokenEndpointRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface {
if (isIndieAuthAuthorizationCodeRedeemingRequest($request)) {
$this->logger->info('Handling a request to redeem an authorization code for an access token.');
$bodyParams = $request->getParsedBody();
if (!isset($bodyParams['code'])) {
$this->logger->warning('The exchange request was missing the code parameter. Returning an error response.');
return new Response(400, ['content-type' => 'application/json'], json_encode([
'error' => 'invalid_request',
'error_description' => 'The code parameter was missing.'
// Attempt to internally exchange the provided auth code for an access token.
// We do this before anything else so that the auth code is invalidated as soon as the request starts,
// and the resulting access token is revoked if we encounter an error. This ends up providing a simpler
// and more flexible interface for TokenStorage implementors.
try {
// Call the token exchange method, passing in a callback which performs additional validation
// on the auth code before it gets exchanged.
$tokenData = $this->tokenStorage->exchangeAuthCodeForAccessToken($bodyParams['code'], function (array $authCode) use ($request, $bodyParams) {
// Verify that all required parameters are included.
$requiredParameters = ($this->requirePkce or !empty($authCode['code_challenge'])) ? ['client_id', 'redirect_uri', 'code_verifier'] : ['client_id', 'redirect_uri'];
$missingRequiredParameters = array_filter($requiredParameters, function ($p) use ($bodyParams) {
return !array_key_exists($p, $bodyParams) || empty($bodyParams[$p]);
if (!empty($missingRequiredParameters)) {
$this->logger->warning('The exchange request was missing required parameters. Returning an error response.', ['missing' => $missingRequiredParameters]);
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INVALID_REQUEST, $request);
// Verify that it was issued for the same client_id and redirect_uri
if ($authCode['client_id'] !== $bodyParams['client_id']
|| $authCode['redirect_uri'] !== $bodyParams['redirect_uri']) {
$this->logger->error("The provided client_id and/or redirect_uri did not match those stored in the token.");
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INVALID_GRANT, $request);
// If the auth code was requested with no code_challenge, but the exchange request provides a
// code_verifier, return an error.
if (!empty($bodyParams['code_verifier']) && empty($authCode['code_challenge'])) {
$this->logger->error("A code_verifier was provided when trying to exchange an auth code requested without a code_challenge.");
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INVALID_GRANT, $request);
if ($this->requirePkce or !empty($authCode['code_challenge'])) {
// Check that the supplied code_verifier hashes to the stored code_challenge
// TODO: support method = plain as well as S256.
if (!hash_equals($authCode['code_challenge'], generatePKCECodeChallenge($bodyParams['code_verifier']))) {
$this->logger->error("The provided code_verifier did not hash to the stored code_challenge");
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INVALID_GRANT, $request);
// Check that scope is not empty.
if (empty($authCode['scope'])) {
$this->logger->error("An exchange request for a token with an empty scope was sent to the token endpoint.");
throw IndieAuthException::create(IndieAuthException::INVALID_GRANT, $request);
} catch (IndieAuthException $e) {
// If an exception was thrown, return a corresponding error response.
return new Response(400, ['content-type' => 'application/json'], json_encode([
'error' => $e->getInfo()['error'],
'error_description' => $e->getMessage()
if (is_null($tokenData)) {
$this->logger->error('Attempting to exchange an auth code for a token resulted in null.', $bodyParams);
return new Response(400, ['content-type' => 'application/json'], json_encode([
'error' => 'invalid_grant',
'error_description' => 'The provided credentials were not valid.'
// TODO: return an error if the token doesnt contain a me key.
// If everything checked out, return {"me": ""} response
return new Response(200, [
'content-type' => 'application/json',
'cache-control' => 'no-store',
], json_encode(array_merge([
// Ensure that the token_type key is present, if tokenStorage doesnt include it.
'token_type' => 'Bearer'
], array_filter($tokenData, function (string $k) {
// We should be able to trust the return data from tokenStorage, but theres no harm in
// preventing code_challenges from leaking, per OAuth2.
return !in_array($k, ['code_challenge', 'code_challenge_method']);
return new Response(400, ['content-type' => 'application/json'], json_encode([
'error' => 'invalid_request',
'error_description' => 'Request to token endpoint was not a valid code exchange request.'
* Handle Exception
* Turns an instance of `IndieAuthException` into an appropriate instance of `ResponseInterface`.
protected function handleException(IndieAuthException $exception): ResponseInterface {
$exceptionData = $exception->getInfo();
if ($exceptionData['statusCode'] == 302) {
// This exception is handled by redirecting to the redirect_uri with error parameters.
$redirectQueryParams = [
'error' => $exceptionData['error'] ?? 'invalid_request',
'error_description' => (string) $exception
// If the state parameter was valid, include it in the error redirect.
if ($exception->getCode() !== IndieAuthException::INVALID_STATE) {
$redirectQueryParams['state'] = $exception->getRequest()->getQueryParams()['state'];
return new Response($exceptionData['statusCode'], [
'Location' => appendQueryParams((string) $exception->getRequest()->getQueryParams()['redirect_uri'], $redirectQueryParams)
} else {
// This exception should be shown to the user.
return new Response($exception->getStatusCode(), ['content-type' => 'text/html'], renderTemplate($this->exceptionTemplatePath, [
'request' => $exception->getRequest(),
'exception' => $exception