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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace Taproot\IndieAuth\Storage;
use DirectoryIterator;
use Exception;
use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Psr\Log\NullLogger;
use Taproot\IndieAuth\IndieAuthException;
use function Taproot\IndieAuth\generateRandomString;
* Filesystem JSON Token Storage
* An implementation of `TokenStorageInterface` which stores authorization codes
* and access tokens in the filesystem as JSON files, and supports custom access
* token lifetimes.
* This is intended as a default, example implementation with minimal requirements.
* In practise, most people should probably be using an SQLite3 version of this
* which I havent written yet. I havent extensively documented this class, as it
* will likely be superceded by the SQLite version.
class FilesystemJsonStorage implements TokenStorageInterface, LoggerAwareInterface {
const DEFAULT_AUTH_CODE_TTL = 60 * 5; // Five minutes.
const DEFAULT_ACCESS_TOKEN_TTL = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; // One week.
const TOKEN_LENGTH = 64;
/** @var string $path */
protected $path;
/** @var int $authCodeTtl */
protected $authCodeTtl;
/** @var int $accessTokenTtl */
protected $accessTokenTtl;
/** @var string $secret */
protected $secret;
/** @var LoggerInterface $logger */
protected $logger;
public function __construct(string $path, string $secret, ?int $authCodeTtl=null, ?int $accessTokenTtl=null, $cleanUpNow=false, ?LoggerInterface $logger=null) {
$this->logger = $logger ?? new NullLogger();
if (strlen($secret) < 64) {
throw new Exception("\$secret must be a string with a minimum length of 64 characters. Make one with Taproot\IndieAuth\generateRandomString(64)");
$this->secret = $secret;
$this->authCodeTtl = $authCodeTtl ?? self::DEFAULT_AUTH_CODE_TTL;
$this->accessTokenTtl = $accessTokenTtl ?? self::DEFAULT_ACCESS_TOKEN_TTL;
@mkdir($this->path, 0777, true);
if ($cleanUpNow) {
// LoggerAwareInterface method.
public function setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger) {
$this->logger = $logger;
// TokenStorageInterface Methods.
public function createAuthCode(array $data): ?string {
$this->logger->info("Creating authorization code.", $data);
$authCode = generateRandomString(self::TOKEN_LENGTH);
$accessToken = $this->hash($authCode);
// TODO: valid_until should be expire_after(? — look up), and should not be set here,
// as it applies only to access tokens, not auth codes! Auth code TTL should always be
// the default.
if (!array_key_exists('valid_until', $data)) {
$data['valid_until'] = time() + $this->authCodeTtl;
if (!$this->put($accessToken, $data)) {
return null;
return $authCode;
public function exchangeAuthCodeForAccessToken(string $code, callable $validateAuthCode): ?array {
// Hash the auth code to get the theoretical matching access token filename.
$accessToken = $this->hash($code);
// Prevent the token file from being read, modified or deleted while were working with it.
// r+ to allow reading and writing, but to make sure we dont create the file if it doesnt
// already exist.
return $this->withLock($this->getPath($accessToken), 'r+', function ($fp) use ($accessToken, $validateAuthCode) {
// Read the file contents.
$fileContents = '';
while ($d = fread($fp, 1024)) { $fileContents .= $d; }
$data = json_decode($fileContents, true);
if (!is_array($data)) {
$this->logger->error('Authoriazation Code data could not be parsed as a JSON object.');
return null;
// Make sure the auth code hasnt already been redeemed.
if ($data['exchanged_at'] ?? false) {
$this->logger->error("This authorization code has already been exchanged.");
return null;
// Make sure the auth code isnt expired.
if (($data['valid_until'] ?? 0) < time()) {
$this->logger->error("This authorization code has expired.");
return null;
// The auth code is valid as far as we know, pass it to the validation callback passed from the
// Server.
try {
} catch (IndieAuthException $e) {
// If there was an issue with the auth code, delete it before bubbling the exception
// up to the Server for handling. We currently have a lock on the file path, so pass
// false to $observeLock to prevent a deadlock.
$this->logger->info("Deleting authorization code, as it failed the Server-level validation.");
$this->delete($accessToken, false);
throw $e;
// If the access token is valid, mark it as redeemed and set a new expiry time.
$data['exchanged_at'] = time();
if (is_int($data['_access_token_ttl'] ?? null)) {
// This access token has a custom TTL, use that.
$data['valid_until'] = time() + $data['_access_code_ttl'];
} elseif ($this->accessTokenTtl == 0) {
// The token should be valid until explicitly revoked.
$data['valid_until'] = null;
} else {
// Use the default TTL.
$data['valid_until'] = time() + $this->accessTokenTtl;
// Write the new file contents, truncating afterwards in case the new data is shorter than the old data.
$jsonData = json_encode($data);
if (rewind($fp) === false) { return null; }
if (fwrite($fp, $jsonData) === false) { return null; }
if (ftruncate($fp, strlen($jsonData)) === false) { return null; }
// Return the OAuth2-compatible access token data to the Server for passing onto
// the client app. Passed via array_filter to remove the scope key if scope is null.
return array_filter([
'access_token' => $accessToken,
'scope' => $data['scope'] ?? null,
'me' => $data['me'],
'profile' => $data['profile'] ?? null
public function getAccessToken(string $token): ?array {
$data = $this->get($token);
if (!is_array($data)) {
$this->logger->error("The access token could not be parsed as a JSON object.");
return null;
// Check that this is a redeemed access token.
if (($data['exchanged_at'] ?? false) === false) {
$this->logger->error("This authorization code has not yet been exchanged for an access token.");
return null;
// Check that the access token is still valid. valid_until=null means it should live until
// explicitly revoked.
if (is_int($data['valid_until']) && $data['valid_until'] < time()) {
$this->logger->error("This access token has expired.");
return null;
// The token is valid!
return $data;
public function revokeAccessToken(string $token): bool {
$this->logger->info("Deleting access token {$token}");
return $this->delete($token);
// Implementation-Specifc Methods.
public function deleteExpiredTokens(): int {
$deleted = 0;
foreach (new DirectoryIterator($this->path) as $fileInfo) {
if ($fileInfo->isFile() && $fileInfo->getExtension() == 'json') {
// Only delete files which we can lock.
$successfullyDeleted = $this->withLock($fileInfo->getPathname(), 'r', function ($fp) use ($fileInfo) {
// Read the file, check expiry date! Only unlink if file is expired.
$fileContents = '';
while ($d = fread($fp, 1024)) { $fileContents .= $d; }
$data = json_decode($fileContents, true);
if (!is_array($data)) { return; }
// If valid_until is a valid time, and is in the past, delete the token.
if (is_int($data['valid_until'] ?? null) && $data['valid_until'] < time()) {
return unlink($fileInfo->getPathname());
if ($successfullyDeleted) { $deleted++; }
return $deleted;
public function get(string $key): ?array {
$path = $this->getPath($key);
if (!file_exists($path)) {
return null;
return $this->withLock($path, 'r', function ($fp) {
$fileContents = '';
while ($data = fread($fp, 1024)) {
$fileContents .= $data;
$result = json_decode($fileContents, true);
if (is_array($result)) {
return $result;
return null;
public function put(string $key, array $data): bool {
// Ensure that the containing folder exists.
@mkdir($this->path, 0777, true);
return $this->withLock($this->getPath($key), 'w', function ($fp) use ($data) {
return fwrite($fp, json_encode($data)) !== false;
public function delete(string $key, $observeLock=true): bool {
$path = $this->getPath($key);
if (file_exists($path)) {
if ($observeLock) {
return $this->withLock($path, 'r', function ($fp) use ($path) {
return unlink($path);
} else {
return unlink($path);
return false;
public function getPath(string $key): string {
// TODO: ensure that the calculated path is a child of $this->path.
return $this->path . "$key.json";
protected function withLock(string $path, string $mode, callable $callback) {
$fp = @fopen($path, $mode);
if ($fp === false) {
return null;
// Wait for a lock.
if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX)) {
$return = null;
try {
// Perform whatever action on the file pointer.
$return = $callback($fp);
} finally {
// Regardless of what happens, release the lock.
flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
return $return;
// It wasnt possible to get a lock.
return null;
protected function hash(string $token): string {
return hash_hmac('sha256', $token, $this->secret);