#! /bin/bash ########################################################################### # GLUED: GNU/Linux Uniform Environment Distribution # # Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Universidade do Porto - Faculdade de Engenharia # # Laboratório de Sistemas e Tecnologia Subaquática (LSTS) # ########################################################################### # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at # # your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # # General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # # 02110-1301 USA. # ########################################################################### # Author: Ricardo Martins # ########################################################################### cmd_parted() { bdev="$1"; shift "$cmd_parted" "$bdev" -a cylinder -s -- $@ } cmd_mount() { fs="$1" bdev="$2" mkdir -p mount && mount -t "$fs" "$bdev" mount } cmd_unmount() { while [ 1 ]; do (umount mount && rmdir mount) > /dev/null 2>&1 [ $? -eq 0 ] && break sleep 1 done } die() { umount -v mount > /dev/null 2>&1 rmdir mount > /dev/null 2>&1 [ -n "$dev_loop" ] && losetup -d "$dev_loop" exit 1 } create_part_xboot() { nfo1 "X-Boot partition ($part_label)" nfo2 "Creating partition" cmd_parted "$dev_loop" \ mkpart primary fat32 "$part_start" "$part_end" \ set "$part_nr" boot on \ align-check minimal "$part_nr" \ || die nfo2 "Creating filesystem" $cmd_mkdosfs -n "$part_label" "$part_dev" > /dev/null || die nfo2 "Populating filesystem" cmd_mount vfat "$part_dev" || die for f in MLO u-boot.img uEnv.txt; do if [ -f "$cfg_sys_family/rootfs/boot/$f" ]; then nfo2 installing $f to boot partition cp "$cfg_sys_family/rootfs/boot/$f" mount || die fi done cmd_parted "$dev_loop" \ set "$part_nr" lba on \ || die cmd_parted "$dev_loop" print > /dev/null } create_part_rpiboot() { nfo1 "RPi-Boot partition ($part_label)" nfo2 "Creating partition" cmd_parted "$dev_loop" \ mkpart primary fat32 "$part_start" "$part_end" \ set "$part_nr" boot on \ align-check minimal "$part_nr" \ || die nfo2 "Creating filesystem" $cmd_mkdosfs -n "$part_label" "$part_dev" > /dev/null || die nfo2 "Populating filesystem" cmd_mount vfat "$part_dev" || die for f in "$cfg_sys_family/rootfs/boot/"*; do nfo2 installing $f to boot partition cp "$f" mount || die done nfo2 renaming kernel to kernel7.img mv mount/kernel mount/kernel7.img dtb=$(basename "$cfg_target_linux_dtb") nfo2 renaming board.dtb to "$dtb" mv "mount/board.dtb" "mount/$dtb" cmd_parted "$dev_loop" \ set "$part_nr" lba on \ || die cmd_parted "$dev_loop" print > /dev/null } create_part_root() { nfo1 "Root partition ($part_label)" nfo2 "Creating partition" cmd_parted "$dev_loop" \ mkpart primary ext2 "$part_start" "$part_end" \ align-check minimal "$part_nr" \ || die nfo2 "Creating filesystem" "$cmd_mkfs_ext2" -q -F -L "$part_label" "$part_dev" > /dev/null 2>&1 || die nfo2 "Populating filesystem" cmd_mount ext2 "$part_dev" || die tar -C mount -pxf "$cfg_rootfs_tar" || die # Install bootloader. if [ -f "$cfg_sys_family/toolchain/bin/extlinux" ]; then nfo2 "Installing extlinux to root partition" "$cfg_sys_family/toolchain/bin/extlinux" -S 63 -H 255 -i mount/boot/extlinux || die fi cmd_unmount || die # Mark partition bootable if needed. if [ -f "$cfg_sys_family/toolchain/bin/extlinux" ]; then cmd_parted "$dev_loop" \ set "$part_nr" boot on \ || die fi } create_part_data() { nfo1 "Data partition ($part_label)" nfo2 "Creating partition" cmd_parted "$dev_loop" \ mkpart primary ext4 "$part_start" "$part_end" \ align-check minimal "$part_nr" \ || die nfo2 "Creating filesystem" "$cmd_mkfs_ext4" -q -F -L "$part_label" -O dir_index "$part_dev" > /dev/null 2>&1 || die nfo2 "Populating filesystem" cmd_mount ext4 "$part_dev" || die mkdir mount/lsts || die cmd_unmount || die } export LC_ALL=C if [ -z "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then echo "ERROR: you must use bash to run this script." exit 1 fi if [ "$(whoami)" != 'root' ]; then echo "ERROR: you must be root to execute this target." exit 1 fi if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 <config> <disk> [disk_size]" exit 1 fi source "$1" if ! [ -f "$cfg_rootfs_tar" ]; then echo "ERROR: you must run pkrootfs.bash first." exit 1 fi if [ -x "$cfg_dir_toolchain/sbin/parted" ]; then cmd_parted="$cfg_dir_toolchain/sbin/parted" else echo "Warning: using system parted, this might lead to errors" cmd_parted="parted" fi if [ -x "$cfg_dir_toolchain/sbin/fdisk" ]; then cmd_fdisk="$cfg_dir_toolchain/sbin/fdisk" else echo "Warning: using system fdisk, this might lead to errors" cmd_fdisk="fdisk" fi if [ -x "$cfg_dir_toolchain/sbin/mkdosfs" ]; then cmd_mkdosfs="$cfg_dir_toolchain/sbin/mkdosfs" else echo "Warning: using system mkdosfs, this might lead to errors" cmd_mkdosfs="mkdosfs" fi if [ -x "$cfg_dir_toolchain/sbin/mkfs.ext2" ]; then cmd_mkfs_ext2="$cfg_dir_toolchain/sbin/mkfs.ext2" else echo "Warning: using system mkfs.ext2, this might lead to errors" cmd_mkfs_ext2="mkfs.ext2" fi if [ -x "$cfg_dir_toolchain/sbin/mkfs.ext4" ]; then cmd_mkfs_ext4="$cfg_dir_toolchain/sbin/mkfs.ext4" else echo "Warning: using system mkfs.ext4, this might lead to errors" cmd_mkfs_ext4="mkfs.ext4" fi source "functions.bash" dev="$2" # unmounting partitions on target device mounted_partition=$(mount | grep $dev | cut -f1 -d " "); if [ ${#mounted_partition} -gt 0 ]; then echo "Warning: some partitions of $hd_dev are mounted:" for p in ${mounted_partition}; do echo " unmounting $p"; umount $p; done fi if [ -z "$cfg_partitions" ]; then cfg_partitions=( \ 'root' 'root0' '512B' '532MiB' 'data' 'data0' '532MiB' '-1' ) fi cmd_loop_attach() { export dev="$1" export dev_loop="$(losetup -f)" nfo1 "Attaching $dev to $dev_loop" losetup -v "$dev_loop" "$dev" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then unset dev_loop die fi } cmd_loop_detach() { nfo1 "Detaching $dev_loop" sync && sync && sync && sync blockdev --flushbufs "$dev_loop" losetup -v -d "$dev_loop" sync && sync && sync && sync unset dev_loop } nfo1 "Obliterating partition table" cmd_loop_attach "$dev" dd if=/dev/zero of="$dev_loop" bs=1 count=1M count=32 > /dev/null 2>&1 || die losetup -a cmd_loop_detach losetup -a nfo1 "Creating empty partition table" cmd_loop_attach "$dev" cmd_parted "$dev_loop" mklabel msdos || die cmd_loop_detach part_nr=1 xboot_system_id=0 for ((i = 0; i < ${#cfg_partitions[@]}; i += 4)); do cmd_loop_attach "$dev" part_type="${cfg_partitions[$i+0]}" part_label="${cfg_partitions[$i+1]}" part_start="${cfg_partitions[$i+2]}" part_end="${cfg_partitions[$i+3]}" part_dev="${dev_loop}p${part_nr}" case $part_type in 'x-boot') create_part_xboot xboot_system_id=1 ;; 'rpi-boot') create_part_rpiboot xboot_system_id=1 ;; 'root') create_part_root ;; 'data') create_part_data ;; *) echo "ERROR: unknown partition type '$part_type'" die ;; esac cmd_loop_detach let part_nr++ done if [ -f "$cfg_sys_family/rootfs/boot/extlinux/mbr.bin" ]; then nfo1 "Installing bootloader in MBR..." cmd_loop_attach "$dev" dd if="$cfg_sys_family/rootfs/boot/extlinux/mbr.bin" of="$dev_loop" > /dev/null 2>&1 cmd_loop_detach fi nfo1 "Synchronizing caches" sync && sync && sync && sync && sync && sync # Make sure the partition has 0x0e type. if [ $xboot_system_id -eq 1 ]; then cmd_loop_attach "$dev" echo -en "t\n1\ne\nw\n" | $cmd_fdisk "$dev_loop" > /dev/null 2>&1 cmd_loop_detach fi