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Diogo Cordeiro 2018-11-22 17:49:55 +00:00
parent 5b4b38e0f9
commit 3089daf645

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@ -1,13 +1,32 @@
%% -*- mode: prolog-*-
%% vim: set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab:
%% Follows 'Coding guidelines for Prolog' - Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
%% Import the Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains lybrary
%% Essentially, this library improves the way Prolog deals with integers,
%% allowing more predicates to be reversible.
%% For instance, number(N) is always false, which prevents the
%% reversing of a predicate.
* Assignment 1 - Polynomial Manipulator
* Programming in Logic - DCC-FCUP
* Diogo Peralta Cordeiro
* Hugo David Cordeiro Sales
* Follows 'Coding guidelines for Prolog' *
* *
Import the Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains lybrary
Essentially, this library improves the way Prolog deals with integers,
allowing more predicates to be reversible.
For instance, number(N) is always false, which prevents the
reversing of a predicate.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
%% polynomial_variable_list(-List) is det
@ -388,26 +407,6 @@ polynomial_to_list(T, [T]) :-
%%?- polynomial_to_list(P, [x^2, x, -2.3]).
%@ P = -2.3+x+x^2 .
%% %% list_to_polynomial(+P:polynomial, -L:List)
%% %
%% % Converts a list in a polynomial.
%% % TODO: not everything is a +, there are -
%% %
%% list_to_polynomial([T1|T2], P) :-
%% list_to_polynomial(T2, L1),
%% (
%% not(L1 = []),
%% P = L1+T1
%% ;
%% P = T1
%% ),
%% % The others computations are semantically meaningless
%% !.
%% list_to_polynomial(T, P) :-
%% P = T.
%% %% Tests:
%% %% TODO
%% append_two_atoms_with_star(+V1, +V2, -R) is det
% Returns R = V1 * V2
@ -441,6 +440,15 @@ scale_polynomial(P, C, S) :-
%@ S = 2*3*x^2.
%@ S = 2*(3*x^2).
%% monomial_parts(X, Y, Z)
% TODO Maybe remove
@ -503,7 +511,3 @@ closure_simplify_polynomial(P, P3) :-
closure_simplify_polynomial(P2, P3),
list_to_term([N | NS], N * L) :-
term_to_list(L, NS).