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%% -*- mode: prolog-*-
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* polimani.pl
* Assignment 1 - Polynomial Manipulator
* Programming in Logic - DCC-FCUP
* Diogo Peralta Cordeiro
* up201705417@fc.up.pt
* Hugo David Cordeiro Sales
* up201704178@fc.up.pt
* Follows 'Coding guidelines for Prolog' *
* https://doi.org/10.1017/S1471068411000391 *
/* Import the Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains library
* Essentially, this library improves the way Prolog deals with integers,
* allowing more predicates to be reversible.
* For instance, number(N) is always false, which prevents the
* reversing of a predicate.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
poly2list/2 transforms a list representing a polynomial (second
argument) into a polynomial represented as an expression (first argu-
ment) and vice-versa.
poly2list(P, L) :-
polynomial_to_list(P, L).
simpolylist/2 simplifies a polynomial represented as a list into
another polynomial as a list.
simpoly_list(L, S) :-
simplify_polynomial_list(L, S).
simpoly/2 simplifies a polynomial represented as an expression
as another polynomial as an expression.
simpoly(P, S) :-
simplify_polynomial(P, S).
scalepoly/3 multiplies a polynomial represented as an expression by a scalar
resulting in a second polynomial. The two first arguments are assumed to
be ground. The polynomial resulting from the sum is in simplified form.
scalepoly(P1, P2, S) :-
scale_polynomial(P1, P2, S).
addpoly/3 adds two polynomials as expressions resulting in a
third one. The two first arguments are assumed to be ground.
The polynomial resulting from the sum is in simplified form.
addpoly(P1, P2, S) :-
add_polynomial(P1, P2, S).
%% polynomial_variable_list(-List) is det
% List of possible polynomial variables
polynomial_variable_list([x, y, z]).
%% polynomial_variable(?X:atom) is det
% Returns true if X is a polynomial variable, false otherwise.
polynomial_variable(X) :-
member(X, V).
%% Tests:
%% ?- polynomial_variable(x).
%@ true .
%% ?- polynomial_variable(a).
%@ false.
%% power(+X:atom) is semidet
% Returns true if X is a power term, false otherwise.
power(P^N) :-
zcompare((<), 0, N),
power(X) :-
%% Tests:
%% ?- power(x).
%@ true .
%% ?- power(a).
%@ false.
%% ?- power(x^1).
%@ true .
%% ?- power(x^3).
%@ true .
%% ?- power(x^(-3)).
%@ false.
%% ?- power(X).
%@ X = x^_7334,
%@ _7334 in 1..sup ;
%@ X = y^_7334,
%@ _7334 in 1..sup ;
%@ X = z^_7334,
%@ _7334 in 1..sup ;
%@ X = x ;
%@ X = y ;
%@ X = z.
%% term(+N:atom) is det
% Returns true if N is a term, false otherwise.
term(N) :-
%% N in inf..sup.
term(X) :-
term(L * R) :-
%% append_two_atoms_with_star(L, R, T).
%% Tests:
%% ?- term(2*x^3).
%@ true .
%% ?- term(x^(-3)).
%@ false.
%% ?- term(a).
%@ false.
%% ?- term(-1*x).
%@ true .
%% ?- term((-3)*x^2).
%@ true .
%% ?- term(3.2*x).
%@ true .
%% ?- term(X).
%% Doesn't give all possible terms, because number(N) is not reversible
%% The ic library seems to be able to help here, but it's not a part of
%% SwiPL by default
%% is_term_valid_in_predicate(+T, +F) is det
% Returns true if valid Term, fails with UI message otherwise.
% The fail message reports which Term is invalid and in which
% predicate the problem ocurred.
is_term_valid_in_predicate(T, F) :-
write("Invalid term in "),
write(": "),
%% Tests:
%% ?- is_term_valid_in_predicate(1, "Test").
%@ true .
%% ?- is_term_valid_in_predicate(a, "Test").
%% polynomial(+M:atom) is det
% Returns true if polynomial, false otherwise.
polynomial(M) :-
polynomial(L + R) :-
%% Tests:
%% ?- polynomial(x).
%@ true .
%% ?- polynomial(x^3).
%@ true .
%% ?- polynomial(3*x^7).
%@ true .
%% ?- polynomial(2 + 3*x + 4*x*y^3).
%@ true .
%% ?- polynomial(a).
%@ false.
%% ?- polynomial(x^(-3)).
%@ false.
%% power_to_canon(+T:atom, -T^N:atom) is det
% Returns a canon power term.
power_to_canon(T^N, T^N) :-
N #\= 1.
power_to_canon(T, T^1) :-
%% Tests:
%% ?- power_to_canon(x, X).
%@ X = x^1 .
%% ?- power_to_canon(X, x^1).
%@ X = x .
%% ?- power_to_canon(X, x^4).
%@ X = x^4 .
%% ?- power_to_canon(X, a^1).
%@ false.
%% ?- power_to_canon(X, x^(-3)).
%@ X = x^ -3 .
%% term_to_list(?T, ?List) is det
% Converts a term to a list and vice versa.
% Can verify if term and list are compatible.
term_to_list(L * N, [N | TS]) :-
term_to_list(L, TS).
term_to_list(L * P, [P2 | TS]) :-
power_to_canon(P, P2),
term_to_list(L, TS).
term_to_list(N, [N]) :-
term_to_list(P, [P2]) :-
power_to_canon(P, P2).
%% Tests:
%% ?- term_to_list(1, X).
%@ X = [1] .
%% ?- term_to_list(-1, X).
%@ X = [-1] .
%% ?- term_to_list(1*2*y*z*23*x*y*x^3*x, X).
%@ X = [x^1, x^3, y^1, x^1, 23, z^1, y^1, 2, 1] .
%% ?- term_to_list(X, [-1]).
%@ X = -1 .
%% ?- term_to_list(X, [x^1, -1]).
%@ X = -1*x .
%% ?- term_to_list(X, [- 1, x^1]).
%@ false.
%@ X = x* -1 .
%% ?- term_to_list(X, [y^1, x^1]).
%@ X = x*y .
%% ?- term_to_list(X, [x^4]).
%@ X = x^4 .
%% ?- term_to_list(X, [y^6, z^2, x^4]).
%@ X = x^4*z^2*y^6 .
%% simplify_term(+Term_In:term, ?Term_Out:term) is det
% Simplifies a term.
simplify_term(Term_In, Term_Out) :-
term_to_list(Term_In, L),
sort(0, @=<, L, L2),
member(0, L2),
Term_Out = 0
length(L2, 1),
Term_Out = Term_In
exclude(==(1), L2, L3),
join_similar_parts_of_term(L3, L4),
sort(0, @>=, L4, L5),
term_to_list(Term_Out, L5)
% First result is always the most simplified form.
%% Tests:
%% ?- simplify_term(1, X).
%@ X = 1.
%% ?- simplify_term(x, X).
%@ X = x.
%% ?- simplify_term(2*y*z*x^3*x, X).
%@ X = 2*x^4*y*z.
%% ?- simplify_term(1*y*z*x^3*x, X).
%@ X = x^4*y*z.
%% ?- simplify_term(0*y*z*x^3*x, X).
%@ X = 0.
%% ?- simplify_term(6*y*z*7*x*y*x^3*x, X).
%@ X = 42*x^2*x^3*y^2*z.
%% ?- simplify_term(a, X).
%@ false.
%% ?- simplify_term(x^(-3), X).
%@ false.
%% join_similar_parts_of_term(+List, -List)
% Combine powers of the same variable in the given list
join_similar_parts_of_term([P1, P2 | L], L2) :-
B^N1 = P1,
B^N2 = P2,
N is N1 + N2,
join_similar_parts_of_term([B^N | L], L2).
join_similar_parts_of_term([N1, N2 | L], L2) :-
N is N1 * N2,
join_similar_parts_of_term([N | L], L2).
join_similar_parts_of_term([X | L], [X | L2]) :-
join_similar_parts_of_term(L, L2).
join_similar_parts_of_term([], []).
%% Tests:
%% ?- join_similar_parts_of_term([3], T).
%@ T = [3].
%% ?- join_similar_parts_of_term([x^2], T).
%@ T = [x^2].
%% ?- join_similar_parts_of_term([x^1, x^1, x^1, x^1], T).
%@ T = [x^4] .
%% ?- join_similar_parts_of_term([2, 3, x^1, x^2], T).
%@ T = [6, x^3] .
%% ?- join_similar_parts_of_term([2, 3, x^1, x^2, y^1, y^6], T).
%@ T = [6, x^3, y^7] .
%% simplify_polynomial(+P:atom, -P2:atom) is det
% Simplifies a polynomial.
simplify_polynomial(0, 0) :-
simplify_polynomial(P, P2) :-
polynomial_to_list(P, L),
maplist(term_to_list, L, L2),
maplist(sort(0, @>=), L2, L3),
sort(0, @>=, L3, L4),
maplist(join_similar_parts_of_term, L4, L5),
maplist(sort(0, @=<), L5, L6),
join_similar_terms(L6, L7),
maplist(reverse, L7, L8),
maplist(term_to_list, L9, L8),
delete(L9, 0, L10),
sort(0, @=<, L10, L11),
list_to_polynomial(L11, P2),
%% Tests:
%% ?- simplify_polynomial(1, X).
%@ X = 1.
%% ?- simplify_polynomial(0, X).
%@ X = 0.
%% ?- simplify_polynomial(x, X).
%@ X = x.
%% ?- simplify_polynomial(x*x, X).
%@ X = x^2.
%% ?- simplify_polynomial(2 + 2, X).
%@ X = 2*2.
%% ?- simplify_polynomial(x + x, X).
%@ X = 2*x.
%% ?- simplify_polynomial(0 + x*x, X).
%@ X = x^2.
%% ?- simplify_polynomial(x^2*x + 3*x^3, X).
%@ X = 4*x^3.
%% ?- simplify_polynomial(x^2*x + 3*x^3 + x^3 + x*x*x, X).
%@ X = 6*x^3.
%% ?- simplify_polynomial(x^2*x + 3*x^3 + x^3 + x*x*4 + z, X).
%@ X = 5*x^3+4*x^2+z.
%% ?- simplify_polynomial(x + 1 + x, X).
%@ X = 2*x+1.
%% ?- simplify_polynomial(x + 1 + x + 1 + x + 1 + x, X).
%@ X = 4*x+3*1.
%% join_similar_terms(+P:ListList, -P2:ListList) is det
% Joins similar sublists representing terms by using
% `add_terms` to check if they can be merged and perform
% the addition. Requires the list of list be sorted with
% `maplist(sort(0, @>=), L, L2),
% sort(0, @>=, L2, L3)`
% and that the sublists to be sorted with
% `sort(0, @=<)` since that is inherited from `add_terms`
join_similar_terms([TL, TR | L], L2) :-
%% Check if terms can be added and add them
add_terms(TL, TR, T2),
%% Recurse, accumulation on the first element
join_similar_terms([T2 | L], L2),
%% Give only first result. Red cut
join_similar_terms([X | L], [X | L2]) :-
%% If a pair of elements can't be added, skip one
%% and recurse
join_similar_terms(L, L2),
%% Give only first result. Red cut
join_similar_terms([], []).
%% Tests:
%% ?- join_similar_terms([[2, x^3], [3, x^3], [x^3]], L).
%@ L = [[6, x^3]].
%% term_to_canon(+T:List, -T2:List) is det
% Adds a 1 if there's no number in the list
% Requires the list to be sorted such that the
% numbers come first. For instance with
% `sort(0, @=<)`
term_to_canon([T | TS], [1, T | TS]) :-
%% Since the list is sorted, if the first element
%% is not a number, then we need to add the 1
%% Give only first result. Red cut
term_to_canon(L, L).
%% Tests:
%% ?- term_to_canon([2], T).
%@ T = [2].
%% ?- term_to_canon([x^3], T).
%@ T = [1, x^3].
%% ?- term_to_canon([x^3, z], T).
%@ T = [1, x^3, z].
%% ?- term_to_canon([2, x^3], T).
%@ T = [2, x^3].
%% add_terms(+L:List, +R:List, -Result:List) is det
% Adds two terms represented as list by adding
% the coeficients if the power is the same.
% Requires the list of terms to be simplified.
add_terms([NL | TL], [NR | TR], [N2 | TL2]) :-
term_to_canon([NL | TL], [NL2 | TL2]),
term_to_canon([NR | TR], [NR2 | TR2]),
TL2 == TR2,
N2 is NL2 + NR2.
%% Tests
%% ?- add_terms([1], [1], R).
%@ R = [2].
%% ?- add_terms([x], [x], R).
%@ R = [2, x].
%% ?- add_terms([2, x^3], [x^3], R).
%@ R = [3, x^3].
%% ?- add_terms([2, x^3], [3, x^3], R).
%@ R = [5, x^3].
%% simplify_polynomial_list(+L:list, -S:list) is det
% Simplifies a polynomial represented as a list
simplify_polynomial_list(L, S) :-
polynomial_to_list(P1, L),
simplify_polynomial(P1, P2),
polynomial_to_list(P2, S).
%% polynomial_to_list(+P:polynomial, -L:List)
% Converts a polynomial in a list.
polynomial_to_list(L - T, [T2 | LS]) :-
negate_term(T, T2),
polynomial_to_list(L, LS).
polynomial_to_list(L + T, [T | LS]) :-
polynomial_to_list(L, LS).
polynomial_to_list(T, [T]) :-
%% Tests:
%% ?- polynomial_to_list(2, S).
%@ S = [2] .
%% ?- polynomial_to_list(x^2, S).
%@ S = [x^2] .
%% ?- polynomial_to_list(x^2 + x^2, S).
%@ S = [x^2, x^2] .
%% ?- polynomial_to_list(2*x^2+5+y*2, S).
%@ S = [y*2, 5, 2*x^2] .
%% ?- polynomial_to_list(2*x^2+5-y*2, S).
%@ S = [-2*y, 5, 2*x^2] .
%% ?- polynomial_to_list(2*x^2-5-y*2, S).
%@ S = [-2*y, -5, 2*x^2] .
%% ?- polynomial_to_list(P, [2]).
%@ P = 2 .
%% ?- polynomial_to_list(P, [x]).
%@ P = x .
%% ?- polynomial_to_list(P, [x^2, x, 2.3]).
%@ Action (h for help) ? abort
%@ % Execution Aborted
%@ P = -2.3+x+x^2 .
%% list_to_polynomial(+P:polynomial, -L:List)
% Converts a list in a polynomial.
list_to_polynomial([T1|T2], P) :-
list_to_polynomial(T2, L1),
not(L1 = []),
term_string(T1, S1),
string_chars(S1, [First|_]),
First = -,
term_string(L1, S2),
term_string(P, S3)
P = L1+T1
P = T1
% The others computations are semantically meaningless
list_to_polynomial(T, P) :-
P = T.
%% Tests:
%% negate_term(T, T2) is det
% Negate the coeficient of a term and return the negated term
negate_term(T, T2) :-
term_to_list(T, L),
sort(0, @=<, L, L2),
term_to_canon(L2, L3),
[N | R] = L3,
%% (-)/1 is an operator, needs to be evaluated, otherwise
%% it gives a symbolic result, which messes with further processing
N2 is -N,
reverse([N2 | R], L4),
term_to_list(T2, L4),
%% Tests:
%% ?- negate_term(1, R).
%@ R = -1.
%% ?- negate_term(x, R).
%@ R = -1*x.
%% ?- negate_term(x^2, R).
%@ R = -1*x^2.
%% ?- negate_term(3*x*y^2, R).
%@ R = -3*x*y^2.
%% append_two_atoms_with_star(+V1, +V2, -R) is det
% Returns R = V1 * V2
append_two_atoms_with_star(V1, V2, R) :-
% Convert term V2 into a string V3
term_string(V2, V3),
% Concat atom V1 with * into a compound V4
atom_concat(V1, *, V4),
% Concat atom V4 with V3 into a compound S
atom_concat(V4, V3, S),
% Convert compound S into a term R
term_string(R, S).
%% Tests:
% ?- append_two_atoms_with_star(2, x^2, R).
%@ R = 2*x^2.
%@ R = 2*x^2.
%@ R = 2*3.
%% scale_polynomial(+P:polynomial,+C:constant,-S:polynomial) is det
% Scales a polynomial with a constant
scale_polynomial(P, C, S) :-
polynomial_to_list(P, L),
maplist(append_two_atoms_with_star(C), L, L2),
list_to_polynomial(L2, S).
%% Tests:
%% ?- scale_polynomial(3*x^2, 2, S).
%@ S = 2*3*x^2.
%% add_polynomial(+P1:polynomial,+P2:polynomial,-S:polynomial) is det
% S = P1 + P2
add_polynomial(P1, P2, S) :-
polynomial_to_list(P1, L1),
polynomial_to_list(P2, L2),
append(L1, L2, LA),
list_to_polynomial(LJ, P),
simplify_polynomial(P, S).
%% Tests: