POLYnomial MANI.PuLation
A symbolic polynomial calculator in Prolog
How to run
In a terminal, run
$ swipl
Inside the REPl, load the file
?- ["polymani.pl"].
Note: Don't forget the dot at the end of the line.
The user available funtions are:
- poly2list/2
- simpoly_list/2
- simpoly/2
- scalepoly/3
- addpoly/3
- transforms a list representing a polynomial (second argument)
into a polynomial represented as an expression (first argument)
and vice-versa.
- simplifies a polynomial represented as a list into
another polynomial as a list.
- simplifies a polynomial represented as an expression
as another polynomial as an expression.
- multiplies a polynomial represented as an expression by a scalar
resulting in a second polynomial. The two first arguments are assumed to
be ground. The polynomial resulting from the sum is in simplified form.
- adds two polynomials as expressions resulting in a
third one. The two first arguments are assumed to be ground.
The polynomial resulting from the sum is in simplified form.
means the funcitonfoo
parameters. These names are the ones requested in the assignment.
:- ["polymani.pl"].
%@ true.
?- poly2list(2*x^2+3*x+5*x^17-7*x^21+3*x^3+25*x^5-4.3, S).
%@ S = [-4.3, 25*x^5, 3*x^3, -7*x^21, 5*x^17, 3*x, 2*x^2].
?- simpoly_list([x*x*x, x^3, 5*x^3, 4.2*z, 2, 42.6, 42*y, 5*z, z^7, z*y^1337, 0], L).
%@ L = [44.6, 7*x^3, 9.2*z, 42*y, y^1337*z, z^7].
?- simpoly(1+x+1+x+1+x+1+x^3+5*x^3+42*x^1337+0, S).
%@ S = 42*x^1337+6*x^3+3*x+4.
?- scalepoly(2*x^2+3*x+5*x^17-7*x^21+3*x^3-23*x^4+25*x^5-4.3, 42, S).
%@ S = 1050*x^5+210*x^17+126*x^3+126*x+84*x^2-294*x^21-966*x^4-180.6.
?- addpoly(2*x^2+3*x+5*x^17-x^4+25*x^5-4.3, 42*x^1337+0-5, S).
%@ S = 42*x^1337+25*x^5+5*x^17+3*x+2*x^2-1*x^4-9.3.