Fix compatibility of python for vimshell.vim

Refactor code (lightly)
This commit is contained in:
aiya000 2015-12-15 10:31:55 +09:00
parent 850c04525d
commit 44c428928d

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@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
"TODO: Branch python2 and python3
let g:repl#default_filetype_repl = get(g:, 'repl_filetype_repl', {
\ 'haskell' : {
\ 'repl' : 'ghci',
@ -6,6 +9,10 @@ let g:repl#default_filetype_repl = get(g:, 'repl_filetype_repl', {
\ 'ruby' : {
\ 'repl' : 'irb',
\ 'opt' : '--simple-prompt -r'
\ },
\ 'python' : {
\ 'repl' : 'python',
\ 'opt' : '-i'
\ }
@ -20,21 +27,20 @@ function! Repl()
call ReplPython()
elseif &filetype == 'scala'
echohl Error
echo 'Sorry, this filetype is not supporrted'
echo "Sorry, repl.vim didn't support this filetype"
echohl None
"call ReplScala()
elseif &filetype == 'clojure'
echohl Error
echo 'Sorry, this filetype is not supporrted'
echo "Sorry, repl.vim didn't support this filetype"
echohl None
"call ReplClojure()
function! s:CallVimShell(args)
execute ':VimShellInteractive' a:args
"function! s:CallVimShell(args)
" execute ':VimShellInteractive' a:args
function! ReplRuby()
" Setting up the obj file for the current file
@ -88,12 +94,21 @@ function! ReplErlang()
function! ReplPython()
let l:currentFile = expand('%:r') " current file without the extension
let l:args = 'python -'
call s:CallVimShell(l:args)
call vimshell#interactive#send_string(
\ "from " . l:currentFile . " import *\n",
" Setting up the file for the current file
if &modified
" Create new file temporary
let l:module_file = tempname() . '.py'
call writefile(getline(1, expand('$')), l:module_file)
let l:module_file = expand('%:p')
let l:repl = exists('g:repl_filetype_repl.python') ? g:repl_filetype_repl.python['repl']
\ : g:repl#default_filetype_repl.python['repl']
let l:opt = exists('g:repl_filetype_repl.python') ? g:repl_filetype_repl.python['opt']
\ : g:repl#default_filetype_repl.python['opt']
let l:args = printf('%s %s %s', l:repl, l:opt, l:module_file)
execute ':VimShellInteractive' l:args
"function! ReplScala()