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ujihisa 2010-09-20 23:03:19 -07:00
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48 Normal file
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# quickinteractive.vim
Open the interactive environment with the code you are writing.
## Ruby Example
You are writing the following code in an unnamed buffer.
class C
def self.f(x)
x + 1
Now you want to try running the code in an interactive environment. Usually you are supposed to (1) save the code on somewhere, (2) open a terminal, (3) run `irb -r {the-file}`.
If you already installed quickinteractive.vim, you just have to run `:QuickInteractive` or to type `<space>i`. It opens a buffer that is the environment you wanted.
You can do
irb> C.f 23
## Haskell Example
import Test.HUnit
foo _ = (1, 2)
test1 = TestCase (assertEqual "for (foo 3)," (1,2) (foo 3))
tests = TestList [TestLabel "test1" test1]
Run `:QuickInteractive` without saving the code on a file.
ghci> runTestTT tests
## Installation
$ jolt install quickinteractive
will be available soon.
This plugin depends on quickrun, vimshell and their dependencies.
## Author
Tatsuhiro Ujihisa

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function! QuickInteractive()
if &filetype == 'ruby'
call QuickInteractiveRuby()
elseif &filetype == 'haskell'
call QuickInteractiveHaskell()
function! QuickInteractiveRuby()
let l:tmpfile = tempname() . '.rb'
call writefile(getline(1, expand('$')), l:tmpfile, 'b')
let l:args = 'irb --simple-prompt -r ' . l:tmpfile
call vimshell#execute_internal_command(
\ 'iexe', vimproc#parser#split_args(l:args), { 'stdin' : '', 'stdout' : '', 'stderr' : '' },
\ { 'is_interactive' : 0, 'is_from_command' : 1 })
function! QuickInteractiveHaskell()
let l:tmpfile = tempname() . '.hs'
let l:tmpobj = tempname() . '.o'
call writefile(getline(1, expand('$')), l:tmpfile, 'b')
call vimproc#system('ghc ' . l:tmpfile . ' -o ' . l:tmpobj)
let l:args = 'ghci ' . l:tmpfile
call vimshell#execute_internal_command(
\ 'iexe', vimproc#parser#split_args(l:args), { 'stdin' : '', 'stdout' : '', 'stderr' : '' },
\ { 'is_interactive' : 0, 'is_from_command' : 1 })
command! -nargs=0 QuickInteractive call QuickInteractive()
nnoremap <Space>i :<C-u>QuickInteractive<Cr>