scriptencoding utf-8 function! repl#idris#open_repl() abort " Setting up the file for the current file if &modified " Create new file temporary let l:module_file = tempname() . '.idr' call writefile(getline(1, expand('$')), l:module_file) else let l:module_file = expand('%:p') endif let l:repl = repl#get_filetype_repl('idris') let l:exec_name = split(l:repl['repl'], ' ')[0] if !executable(l:exec_name) call repl#echo_error(printf("You don't have repl: '%s'", l:exec_name)) return endif let l:args = printf('%s %s %s', l:repl['repl'], l:repl['opt'], l:module_file) let l:vimshell_interactive = ':VimShellInteractive' . printf("--split='%s'", g:repl_split_command) execute l:vimshell_interactive l:args let l:resize = ':resize 10' execute l:resize endfunction