import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.nio.channels.Selector; import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * This is the main class for the Chat Server */ public class ChatServer { // A pre-allocated buffer for the received data private static final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(16384); // Decoder and encoder for transmitting text private static final Charset charset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8; private static final CharsetDecoder decoder = charset.newDecoder(); private static final CharsetEncoder encoder = charset.newEncoder(); // Regex for message process private static final String REGEX_MSG_NEW_NICKNAME = "nick " + Message.REGEX_NICKNAME; private static final String REGEX_MSG_JOIN = "join " + Message.REGEX_ROOM_NAME; private static final String REGEX_MSG_LEAVE = "leave"; private static final String REGEX_MSG_BYE = "bye"; private static final String REGEX_MSG_PRIVATE = "priv " + Message.REGEX_NICKNAME + " " + Message.REGEX_TEXT; // Users info private static final HashMap nickname_user = new HashMap<>(); private static final HashMap nickname_room = new HashMap<>(); /** * Run the server * * @param args */ public static void main (String[] args) { // Port to listen int server_port = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); try { // Instead of creating a ServerSocket, create a ServerSocketChannel ServerSocketChannel ssc =; // Set it to non-blocking, so we can use select ssc.configureBlocking(false); // Get the Socket connected to this channel, and bind // it to the listening port ServerSocket ss = ssc.socket(); InetSocketAddress isa = new InetSocketAddress(server_port); ss.bind(isa); // Create a new Selector for selecting Selector selector =; // Register the ServerSocketChannel, so we can listen // for incoming connections ssc.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); System.out.println("Listening on port " + server_port); while (true) { // See if we've had any activity -- either an incoming connection, // or incoming data on an existing connection int num =; // If we don't have any activity, loop around and wait again if (num == 0) { continue; } // Get the keys corresponding to the activity that has been // detected, and process them one by one Set keys = selector.selectedKeys(); for (SelectionKey key : keys) { // Get a key representing one of bits of I/O activity // What kind of activity is it? if (key.isAcceptable()) { // It's an incoming connection. Register this socket with // the Selector so we can listen for input on it Socket s = ss.accept(); System.out.println("Got connection from " + s + "."); // Make sure to make it non-blocking, so we can use a selector // on it. SocketChannel sc = s.getChannel(); sc.configureBlocking(false); // Register it with the selector, for reading sc.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ, new User(sc)); } else if (key.isReadable()) { SocketChannel sc = null; try { // It's incoming data on a connection -- process it sc = (SocketChannel); boolean ok = processInput(key, sc); // If the connection is dead, remove it from the selector // and close it if (!ok) { key.cancel(); close_client(key, sc); } } catch (IOException ie) { // On exception, remove this channel from the selector key.cancel(); close_client(key, sc); } } } // We remove the selected keys, because we've dealt with them. keys.clear(); } } catch (IOException ie) { System.err.println(ie.getMessage()); } } /** * Close a connection with a client * * @param key * @param sc */ private static void close_client (SelectionKey key, SocketChannel sc) { User sender = (User)key.attachment(); if (sender.get_state() == State.INSIDE) { Room room = sender.get_room(); room.left_user(sender); TreeSet user_list = room.get_users(); for (User user : user_list) { try { send_left_message(user, sender.get_nickname()); } catch (IOException ie) { System.err.println("Error sending left message: " + ie); } } if (user_list.size() == 0) { nickname_room.remove(room.get_name()); } } nickname_user.remove(sender.get_nickname()); key.cancel(); Socket s = sc.socket(); try { System.out.println("Closing connection to " + s); sc.close(); } catch (IOException ie) { System.err.println("Error closing socket " + s + ": " + ie); } } /** * Read a message from the socket and process it * * @param key * @param sc * @return boolean false if connection closed, true otherwise * @throws IOException */ private static boolean processInput (SelectionKey key, SocketChannel sc) throws IOException { // Read the message to the buffer buffer.clear();; buffer.flip(); // If no data, close the connection if (buffer.limit() == 0) { return false; } // Decode and add to buffer User sender = (User)key.attachment(); sender.add_to_buffer(decoder.decode(buffer).toString()); String instructions = sender.get_buffer().toString(); // // Print byte representation of incoming package // for (final char c : instructions.toCharArray()) { // System.out.print((int) c + " "); // } // System.out.println(); // We only want to process full instructions if (!instructions.endsWith("\n")) { return true; } for (String instruction : instructions.split("\n")) { Matcher tokens; if (instruction.startsWith("/")) { String cmd = instruction.substring(1).trim(); if ((tokens = Pattern.compile(REGEX_MSG_NEW_NICKNAME).matcher(cmd)).find()) { send_nickname_command(sender,; } else if ((tokens = Pattern.compile(REGEX_MSG_JOIN).matcher(cmd)).find()) { send_join_command(sender,; } else if (Pattern.matches(REGEX_MSG_LEAVE, cmd)) { send_leave_command(sender); } else if (Pattern.matches(REGEX_MSG_BYE, cmd)) { send_bye_command(key, sender); } else if ((tokens = Pattern.compile(REGEX_MSG_PRIVATE).matcher(cmd)).find()) { send_private_command( sender, // Emitter, // Message ); } else if (cmd.startsWith("/")) { send_public_message(sender, cmd); } else { send_error_message(sender, "Unknown command."); } } else if (instruction.length() != 0) { send_public_message(sender, instruction.trim()); } sender.advance_buffer(instruction.length() + 1); } return true; } /** * Helper function to send a message * * @param sc * @param message * @throws IOException */ private static void send_message (SocketChannel sc, Message message) throws IOException { sc.write(encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(message.toString()))); } /** * Helper function to send a message * * @param receiver * @param sender * @param message_value * @throws IOException */ private static void send_message (User receiver, String sender, String message_value) throws IOException { Message message = new Message(MessageType.MESSAGE, sender, message_value); send_message(receiver.get_socket(), message); } /** * Send error message * * @param receiver * @param error_message * @throws IOException */ private static void send_error_message (User receiver, String error_message) throws IOException { Message message = new Message(MessageType.ERROR, error_message); send_message(receiver.get_socket(), message); } /** * Send ok message * * @param receiver * @throws IOException */ private static void send_ok_message (User receiver) throws IOException { Message message = new Message(MessageType.OK); send_message(receiver.get_socket(), message); } /** * Send newnick message * * @param receiver * @param old_nickname * @param new_nickname * @throws IOException */ private static void send_nickname_message (User receiver, String old_nickname, String new_nickname) throws IOException { Message message = new Message(MessageType.NEW_NICKNAME, old_nickname, new_nickname); send_message(receiver.get_socket(), message); } /** * Send joined message * * @param receiver * @param join_nickname * @throws IOException */ private static void send_joined_message (User receiver, String join_nickname) throws IOException { Message message = new Message(MessageType.JOINED, join_nickname); send_message(receiver.get_socket(), message); } /** * Send left message * * @param receiver * @param left_nickname * @throws IOException */ private static void send_left_message (User receiver, String left_nickname) throws IOException { Message message = new Message(MessageType.LEFT, left_nickname); send_message(receiver.get_socket(), message); } /** * Send bye message * * @param receiver * @throws IOException */ private static void send_bye_message (User receiver) throws IOException { Message message = new Message(MessageType.BYE); send_message(receiver.get_socket(), message); } /** * Send private message * * @param receiver * @param sender * @param message_value * @throws IOException */ private static void send_private_message (User receiver, String sender, String message_value) throws IOException { Message message = new Message(MessageType.PRIVATE, sender, message_value); send_message(receiver.get_socket(), message); } /** * Send simple message * * @param sender * @param message_value * @throws IOException */ private static void send_public_message (User sender, String message_value) throws IOException { if (sender.get_state() == State.INSIDE) { Room sender_room = sender.get_room(); TreeSet user_list = sender_room.get_users(); for (User user : user_list) { send_message(user, sender.get_nickname(), message_value); } } else { send_error_message(sender, "You are not in a room."); } } /** * Send nick command * * @param sender * @param nick * @throws IOException */ private static void send_nickname_command (User sender, String nick) throws IOException { if ( // Allow to change to the current nick // Only compare if the user already has a nickname ((sender.get_state() != State.INIT) && sender.get_nickname().equals(nick)) || // Don't allow to set a nickname already in use !nickname_user.containsKey(nick) ) { if (sender.get_state() == State.INIT) { sender.set_state(State.OUTSIDE); } if (sender.get_state() == State.INSIDE) { Room sender_room = sender.get_room(); TreeSet user_list = sender_room.get_users(); for (User user : user_list) { if (user != sender) { send_nickname_message(user, sender.get_nickname(), nick); } } } nickname_user.remove(sender.get_nickname()); nickname_user.put(nick, sender); send_ok_message(sender); sender.set_nickname(nick); } else { send_error_message(sender, "There already is a user with nick " + nick); } } /** * Send join command * * @param sender * @param room_name * @throws IOException */ private static void send_join_command (User sender, String room_name) throws IOException { if (sender.get_state() == State.INIT) { send_error_message(sender, "You don't have a nickname."); } /*else if (sender.get_room().get_name().equals(room_name)) { send_error_message(sender, "You already are in that room."); }*/ else { // If already in a room, leave it first if (sender.get_state() == State.INSIDE) { send_leave_command(sender); } // If room doesn't exist if (!nickname_room.containsKey(room_name)) { nickname_room.put(room_name, new Room(room_name)); } // Notify Room new_room = nickname_room.get(room_name); TreeSet current_room_user_list = new_room.get_users(); new_room.join_user(sender); for (User user : current_room_user_list) { send_joined_message(user, sender.get_nickname()); } send_ok_message(sender); sender.set_room(new_room); sender.set_state(State.INSIDE); } } /** * Send leave command * * @param sender * @throws IOException */ private static void send_leave_command (User sender) throws IOException { if (sender.get_state() != State.INSIDE) { send_error_message(sender, "You are not in a room."); } else { Room room = sender.get_room(); room.left_user(sender); TreeSet user_list = room.get_users(); for (User user : user_list) { send_left_message(user, sender.get_nickname()); } if (user_list.size() == 0) { nickname_room.remove(room.get_name()); } send_ok_message(sender); sender.set_state(State.OUTSIDE); } } /** * Send bye command * * @param key * @param sender * @throws IOException */ private static void send_bye_command (SelectionKey key, User sender) throws IOException { send_bye_message(sender); close_client(key, sender.get_socket()); } /** * Send private message * * @param sender * @param receiver * @param message_value * @throws IOException */ private static void send_private_command (User sender, String receiver, String message_value) throws IOException { if (sender.get_state() == State.INIT) { send_error_message(sender, "You don't have a nickname."); } else { if (nickname_user.containsKey(receiver)) { send_ok_message(sender); send_private_message(nickname_user.get(receiver), sender.get_nickname(), message_value); } else { send_error_message(sender, receiver + ": No such nickname online."); } } } }