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Raw Normal View History

UPGRADE FROM 4.x to 5.0
2019-03-12 20:10:42 +00:00
* Removed `Client`, use `AbstractBrowser` instead
2019-01-14 14:42:11 +00:00
* Removed the possibility to extend `Response` by making it final.
* Removed `Response::buildHeader()`
* Removed `Response::getStatus()`, use `Response::getStatusCode()` instead
* The `Client::submit()` method has a new `$serverParameters` argument.
* Removed `CacheItem::getPreviousTags()`, use `CacheItem::getMetadata()` instead.
* Removed all PSR-16 adapters, use `Psr16Cache` or `Symfony\Contracts\Cache\CacheInterface` implementations instead.
2019-03-13 16:05:30 +00:00
* Removed `SimpleCacheAdapter`, use `Psr16Adapter` instead.
* Dropped support for constructing a `TreeBuilder` without passing root node information.
* Added the `getChildNodeDefinitions()` method to `ParentNodeDefinitionInterface`.
2018-03-03 10:07:55 +00:00
* The `Processor` class has been made final
* Removed `FileLoaderLoadException`, use `LoaderLoadException` instead.
* Using environment variables with `cannotBeEmpty()` if the value is validated with `validate()` will throw an exception.
2017-12-05 11:42:44 +00:00
* Removed the `setCrossingChar()` method in favor of the `setDefaultCrossingChar()` method in `TableStyle`.
2018-03-28 12:25:12 +01:00
* Removed the `setHorizontalBorderChar()` method in favor of the `setDefaultCrossingChars()` method in `TableStyle`.
* Removed the `getHorizontalBorderChar()` method in favor of the `getBorderChars()` method in `TableStyle`.
* Removed the `setVerticalBorderChar()` method in favor of the `setVerticalBorderChars()` method in `TableStyle`.
* Removed the `getVerticalBorderChar()` method in favor of the `getBorderChars()` method in `TableStyle`.
* The `ProcessHelper::run()` method takes the command as an array of arguments.
$processHelper->run($output, 'ls -l');
$processHelper->run($output, array('ls', '-l'));
// alternatively, when a shell wrapper is required
$processHelper->run($output, Process::fromShellCommandline('ls -l'));
* Removed the `TypedReference::canBeAutoregistered()` and `TypedReference::getRequiringClass()` methods.
* Removed support for auto-discovered extension configuration class which does not implement `ConfigurationInterface`.
* Deprecated injecting `ClassMetadataFactory` in `DoctrineExtractor`, an instance of `EntityManagerInterface` should be
injected instead
* The `Crawler::children()` method has a new `$selector` argument.
2017-10-01 21:31:12 +01:00
* The `TraceableEventDispatcherInterface` has been removed.
* The `Filesystem::dumpFile()` method no longer supports arrays in the `$content` argument.
* The `Filesystem::appendToFile()` method no longer supports arrays in the `$content` argument.
* The `Finder::sortByName()` method has a new `$useNaturalSort` argument.
2018-09-23 20:17:20 +01:00
* Removed support for using the `format` option of `DateType` and `DateTimeType` when the `html5` option is enabled.
* Using names for buttons that do not start with a letter, a digit, or an underscore leads to an exception.
* Using names for buttons that do not contain only letters, digits, underscores, hyphens, and colons leads to an
* Using the `date_format`, `date_widget`, and `time_widget` options of the `DateTimeType` when the `widget` option is
set to `single_text` is not supported anymore.
* The `getExtendedType()` method was removed from the `FormTypeExtensionInterface`. It is replaced by the the static
`getExtendedTypes()` method which must return an iterable of extended types.
class FooTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension
public function getExtendedType()
return FormType::class;
// ...
class FooTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension
public static function getExtendedTypes(): iterable
return array(FormType::class);
// ...
2018-09-23 20:17:20 +01:00
* The `scale` option was removed from the `IntegerType`.
2018-09-24 09:22:53 +01:00
* The `$scale` argument of the `IntegerToLocalizedStringTransformer` was removed.
2018-10-15 09:13:09 +01:00
* Calling `FormRenderer::searchAndRenderBlock` for fields which were already rendered
throws an exception instead of returning empty strings:
{% for field in fieldsWithPotentialDuplicates %}
{{ form_widget(field) }}
{% endfor %}
{% for field in fieldsWithPotentialDuplicates if not field.rendered %}
{{ form_widget(field) }}
{% endfor %}
2018-09-23 20:17:20 +01:00
* The `regions` option was removed from the `TimezoneType`.
* The project dir argument of the constructor of `AssetsInstallCommand` is required.
* Removed support for `bundle:controller:action` syntax to reference controllers. Use `serviceOrFqcn::method`
instead where `serviceOrFqcn` is either the service ID when using controllers as services or the FQCN of the controller.
path: /
_controller: FrameworkBundle:Redirect:redirect
path: /
_controller: Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\RedirectController::redirectAction
2018-02-23 08:25:41 +00:00
* Removed `Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\ControllerNameParser`.
* Warming up a router in `RouterCacheWarmer` that does not implement the `WarmableInterface` is not supported anymore.
* The `RequestDataCollector` class has been removed. Use the `Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector` class instead.
* Removed `Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller`. Use `Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController` instead.
* Added support for the SameSite attribute for session cookies. It is highly recommended to set this setting (`framework.session.cookie_samesite`) to `lax` for increased security against CSRF attacks.
* The `ContainerAwareCommand` class has been removed, use `Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command`
with dependency injection instead.
* The `Templating\Helper\TranslatorHelper::transChoice()` method has been removed, use the `trans()` one instead with a `%count%` parameter.
* Removed support for legacy translations directories `src/Resources/translations/` and `src/Resources/<BundleName>/translations/`, use `translations/` instead.
* Support for the legacy directory structure in `translation:update` and `debug:translation` commands has been removed.
* Removed the "Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface" / "" service, use "Symfony\Contracts\Cache\CacheInterface" / "" instead.
2017-12-12 19:03:06 +00:00
* The `$size` argument of the `UploadedFile` constructor has been removed.
* The `getClientSize()` method of the `UploadedFile` class has been removed.
* The `getSession()` method of the `Request` class throws an exception when session is null.
* The default value of the "$secure" and "$samesite" arguments of Cookie's constructor
changed respectively from "false" to "null" and from "null" to "lax".
* The `MimeTypeGuesserInterface` and `ExtensionGuesserInterface` interfaces have been removed,
use `Symfony\Component\Mime\MimeTypesInterface` instead.
* The `MimeType` and `MimeTypeExtensionGuesser` classes have been removed,
use `Symfony\Component\Mime\MimeTypes` instead.
* The `FileBinaryMimeTypeGuesser` class has been removed,
use `Symfony\Component\Mime\FileBinaryMimeTypeGuesser` instead.
* The `FileinfoMimeTypeGuesser` class has been removed,
use `Symfony\Component\Mime\FileinfoMimeTypeGuesser` instead.
2017-12-12 19:03:06 +00:00
2019-03-12 20:10:42 +00:00
* Removed `Client`, use `HttpKernelBrowser` instead
* The `Kernel::getRootDir()` and the `kernel.root_dir` parameter have been removed
* The `KernelInterface::getName()` and the `` parameter have been removed
* Removed the first and second constructor argument of `ConfigDataCollector`
* Removed `ConfigDataCollector::getApplicationName()`
* Removed `ConfigDataCollector::getApplicationVersion()`
* The `LoggingMiddleware` class has been removed, pass a logger to `SendMessageMiddleware` instead.
* The methods `DebugProcessor::getLogs()`, `DebugProcessor::countErrors()`, `Logger::getLogs()` and `Logger::countErrors()` have a new `$request` argument.
* Removed the `Process::setCommandline()` and the `PhpProcess::setPhpBinary()` methods.
* Commands must be defined as arrays when creating a `Process` instance.
$process = new Process('ls -l');
$process = new Process(array('ls', '-l'));
// alternatively, when a shell wrapper is required
$process = Process::fromShellCommandline('ls -l');
* The `generator_base_class`, `generator_cache_class`, `matcher_base_class`, and `matcher_cache_class` router
options have been removed.
2019-02-17 14:15:12 +00:00
* `Route` and `CompiledRoute` don't implement `Serializable` anymore; if you serialize them, please
ensure your unserialization logic can recover from a failure related to an updated serialization format
* The `Role` and `SwitchUserRole` classes have been removed.
* The `RoleHierarchyInterface` has been removed.
* The `getReachableRoles()` method of the `RoleHierarchy` class has been removed.
* The `getRoles()` method has been removed from the `TokenInterface`. It has been replaced by the new
`getRoleNames()` method.
* The `ContextListener::setLogoutOnUserChange()` method has been removed.
2017-12-11 09:34:00 +00:00
* The `Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\AdvancedUserInterface` has been removed.
* The `ExpressionVoter::addExpressionLanguageProvider()` method has been removed.
* The `FirewallMapInterface::getListeners()` method must return an array of 3 elements,
the 3rd one must be either a `LogoutListener` instance or `null`.
* The `AuthenticationTrustResolver` constructor arguments have been removed.
* A user object that is not an instance of `UserInterface` cannot be accessed from `Security::getUser()` anymore and returns `null` instead.
* `SimpleAuthenticatorInterface`, `SimpleFormAuthenticatorInterface`, `SimplePreAuthenticatorInterface`,
`SimpleAuthenticationProvider`, `SimpleAuthenticationHandler`, `SimpleFormAuthenticationListener` and
`SimplePreAuthenticationListener` have been removed. Use Guard instead.
2019-01-30 13:28:33 +00:00
* `\Serializable` interface has been removed from `AbstractToken` and `AuthenticationException`,
thus `serialize()` and `unserialize()` aren't available.
Use `getState()` and `setState()` instead.
public function serialize()
return [$this->myLocalVar, parent::serialize()];
public function unserialize($serialized)
[$this->myLocalVar, $parentSerialized] = unserialize($serialized);
protected function getState(): array
return [$this->myLocalVar, parent::getState()];
protected function setState(array $data)
[$this->myLocalVar, $parentData] = $data;
* The `logout_on_user_change` firewall option has been removed.
* The `switch_user.stateless` firewall option has been removed.
* The `SecurityUserValueResolver` class has been removed.
2018-05-29 14:22:55 +01:00
* Passing a `FirewallConfig` instance as 3rd argument to the `FirewallContext` constructor
now throws a `\TypeError`, pass a `LogoutListener` instance instead.
2018-05-29 14:22:55 +01:00
* The `security.authentication.trust_resolver.anonymous_class` parameter has been removed.
* The `security.authentication.trust_resolver.rememberme_class` parameter has been removed.
* The `simple_form` and `simple_preauth` authentication listeners have been removed,
use Guard instead.
* The `SimpleFormFactory` and `SimplePreAuthenticationFactory` classes have been removed,
use Guard instead.
* The names of the cookies configured in the `logout.delete_cookies` option are
no longer normalized. If any of your cookie names has dashes they won't be
changed to underscores.
Before: `my-cookie` deleted the `my_cookie` cookie (with an underscore).
After: `my-cookie` deletes the `my-cookie` cookie (with a dash).
* The `AbstractNormalizer::handleCircularReference()` method has two new `$format` and `$context` arguments.
* The `FileDumper::setBackup()` method has been removed.
* The `TranslationWriter::disableBackup()` method has been removed.
* The `TranslatorInterface` has been removed in favor of `Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface`
* The `MessageSelector`, `Interval` and `PluralizationRules` classes have been removed, use `IdentityTranslator` instead
* The `Translator::getFallbackLocales()` and `TranslationDataCollector::getFallbackLocales()` method are now internal
* The `Translator::transChoice()` method has been removed in favor of using `Translator::trans()` with "%count%" as the parameter driving plurals
* The default value (`false`) of the `twig.strict_variables` configuration option has been changed to `%kernel.debug%`.
* The `transchoice` tag and filter have been removed, use the `trans` ones instead with a `%count%` parameter.
* Removed support for legacy templates directories `src/Resources/views/` and `src/Resources/<BundleName>/views/`, use `templates/` and `templates/bundles/<BundleName>/` instead.
* The `checkMX` and `checkHost` options of the `Email` constraint were removed
* The `Email::__construct()` 'strict' property has been removed. Use 'mode'=>"strict" instead.
* Calling `EmailValidator::__construct()` method with a boolean parameter has been removed, use `EmailValidator("strict")` instead.
* Removed the `checkDNS` and `dnsMessage` options from the `Url` constraint.
* The component is now decoupled from `symfony/translation` and uses `Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface` instead
* The `ValidatorBuilderInterface` has been removed and `ValidatorBuilder` is now final
* Removed support for validating instances of `\DateTimeInterface` in `DateTimeValidator`, `DateValidator` and `TimeValidator`. Use `Type` instead or remove the constraint if the underlying model is type hinted to `\DateTimeInterface` already.
* The `symfony/intl` component is now required for using the `Bic`, `Country`, `Currency`, `Language` and `Locale` constraints
* The `egulias/email-validator` component is now required for using the `Email` constraint in strict mode
* The `symfony/expression-language` component is now required for using the `Expression` constraint
* The `DefinitionBuilder::reset()` method has been removed, use the `clear()` one instead.
* `add` method has been removed use `addWorkflow` method in `Workflow\Registry` instead.
* `SupportStrategyInterface` has been removed, use `WorkflowSupportStrategyInterface` instead.
* `ClassInstanceSupportStrategy` has been removed, use `InstanceOfSupportStrategy` instead.
* `MarkingStoreInterface::setMarking()` has a third argument: `array $context = []`.
* The parser is now stricter and will throw a `ParseException` when a
mapping is found inside a multi-line string.