Merge branch '3.2'

* 3.2:
  Make .travis.yml more readable
  Fold Travis CI output by component
  [VarDumper] Minor tweaks to html/css dumps
  Add trhows PHPDoc in Application::run
  [Debug] Set exit status to 255 on error
  [HttpFoundation] Store IANA's RNG files in the repository
  [PropertyInfo] Remove a useless call to count() in SerializerExtractor
  [PropertyInfo] Prevent returning int values in some cases.
  [HttpFoundation] Fix getClientIp @return docblock
  Add @throws phpdoc
  unify PHPUnit config files
This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Grekas 2017-04-19 22:25:39 +02:00
commit 04ae502b0d
20 changed files with 412 additions and 111 deletions

View File

@ -43,63 +43,140 @@ services:
- redis-server - redis-server
before_install: before_install:
- stty cols 120 - |
- mkdir /tmp/slapd # General configuration
- slapd -f src/Symfony/Component/Ldap/Tests/Fixtures/conf/slapd.conf -h ldap://localhost:3389 & stty cols 120
- PHP=$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION mkdir /tmp/slapd
slapd -f src/Symfony/Component/Ldap/Tests/Fixtures/conf/slapd.conf -h ldap://localhost:3389 &
[ -d ~/.composer ] || mkdir ~/.composer
cp .composer/* ~/.composer/
export PHPUNIT=$(readlink -f ./phpunit)
export PHPUNIT_X="$PHPUNIT --exclude-group tty,benchmark,intl-data"
export COMPOSER_UP='composer update --no-progress --no-suggest --ansi'
# tfold is a helper to create folded reports
tfold () {
fold=$(echo $title | sed -r 's/[^-_A-Za-z\d]+/./g')
echo -e "travis_fold:start:$fold\\n\\e[1;34m$title\\e[0m"
bash -xc "$*" 2>&1 &&
echo -e "\\e[32mOK\\e[0m $title\\n\\ntravis_fold:end:$fold" ||
( echo -e "\\e[41mKO\\e[0m $title\\n" && exit 1 )
export -f tfold
# php.ini configuration
if [[ $PHP = hhvm* ]]; then
INI=~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/conf.d/travis.ini
phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini || echo "xdebug not available"
echo date.timezone = Europe/Paris >> $INI
echo memory_limit = -1 >> $INI
echo session.gc_probability = 0 >> $INI
echo opcache.enable_cli = 1 >> $INI
echo hhvm.jit = 0 >> $INI
echo apc.enable_cli = 1 >> $INI
echo extension = >> $INI
echo extension = >> $INI
echo extension = >> $INI
[[ $PHP = 5.* ]] && echo extension = >> $INI
[[ $PHP = 5.* ]] && echo extension = >> $INI
# Matrix lines for intermediate PHP versions are skipped for pull requests # Matrix lines for intermediate PHP versions are skipped for pull requests
- if [[ ! $deps && ! $PHP = ${MIN_PHP%.*} && ! $PHP = hhvm* && $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST != false ]]; then deps=skip; skip=1; fi if [[ ! $deps && ! $PHP = ${MIN_PHP%.*} && ! $PHP = hhvm* && $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST != false ]]; then
# A sigchild-enabled-PHP is used to test the Process component on the lowest PHP matrix line deps=skip
- if [[ ! $deps && $PHP = ${MIN_PHP%.*} && ! -d php-$MIN_PHP/sapi ]]; then wget$MIN_PHP.tar.bz2 -O - | tar -xj; (cd php-$MIN_PHP; ./configure --enable-sigchild --enable-pcntl; make -j2); fi skip=1
- if [[ ! $PHP = hhvm* ]]; then INI_FILE=~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/conf.d/travis.ini; else INI_FILE=/etc/hhvm/php.ini; fi else
- if [[ ! $skip ]]; then echo date.timezone = Europe/Paris >> $INI_FILE; fi COMPONENTS=$(find src/Symfony -mindepth 3 -type f -name phpunit.xml.dist -printf '%h\n')
- if [[ ! $skip ]]; then echo memory_limit = -1 >> $INI_FILE; fi fi
- if [[ ! $skip ]]; then echo session.gc_probability = 0 >> $INI_FILE; fi
- if [[ ! $skip ]]; then echo opcache.enable_cli = 1 >> $INI_FILE; fi - |
- if [[ ! $skip ]]; then echo hhvm.jit = 0 >> $INI_FILE; fi # Install sigchild-enabled PHP to test the Process component on the lowest PHP matrix line
- if [[ ! $skip && $PHP = 5.* ]]; then echo extension = >> $INI_FILE; fi if [[ ! $deps && $PHP = ${MIN_PHP%.*} && ! -d php-$MIN_PHP/sapi ]]; then
- if [[ ! $skip && $PHP = 5.* ]]; then echo extension = >> $INI_FILE; fi wget$MIN_PHP.tar.bz2 -O - | tar -xj &&
- if [[ ! $skip && $PHP = 5.* ]]; then (echo yes | pecl install -f apcu-4.0.11 && echo apc.enable_cli = 1 >> $INI_FILE); fi (cd php-$MIN_PHP && ./configure --enable-sigchild --enable-pcntl && make -j2)
- if [[ ! $skip && $PHP = 7.* ]]; then (echo yes | pecl install -f apcu-5.1.6 && echo apc.enable_cli = 1 >> $INI_FILE); fi fi
- if [[ ! $deps && $PHP = 5.* ]]; then (cd src/Symfony/Component/Debug/Resources/ext && phpize && ./configure && make && echo extension = $(pwd)/modules/ >> $INI_FILE); fi
- if [[ ! $skip && ! $PHP = hhvm* ]]; then echo extension = >> $INI_FILE; fi - |
- if [[ ! $skip && ! $PHP = hhvm* ]]; then echo extension = >> $INI_FILE; fi # Install extra PHP extensions
- if [[ ! $skip && ! $PHP = hhvm* ]]; then echo extension = >> $INI_FILE; fi; if [[ ! $skip && $PHP = 5.* ]]; then
- if [[ ! $skip && ! $PHP = hhvm* ]]; then phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini || echo "xdebug not available"; fi ([[ $deps ]] || tfold ext.symfony_debug 'cd src/Symfony/Component/Debug/Resources/ext && phpize && ./configure && make && echo extension = $(pwd)/modules/ >> '"$INI") &&
- if [[ ! $skip ]]; then [ -d ~/.composer ] || mkdir ~/.composer; cp .composer/* ~/.composer/; fi tfold ext.apcu4 'echo yes | pecl install -f apcu-4.0.11'
- if [[ ! $skip ]]; then export PHPUNIT=$(readlink -f ./phpunit); fi elif [[ ! $skip && $PHP = 7.* ]]; then
- if [[ ! $skip ]]; then ldapadd -h localhost:3389 -D cn=admin,dc=symfony,dc=com -w symfony -f src/Symfony/Component/Ldap/Tests/Fixtures/data/base.ldif; fi tfold ext.apcu5 'echo yes | pecl install -f apcu-5.1.6'
- if [[ ! $skip ]]; then ldapadd -h localhost:3389 -D cn=admin,dc=symfony,dc=com -w symfony -f src/Symfony/Component/Ldap/Tests/Fixtures/data/fixtures.ldif; fi fi
- |
# Load fixtures
if [[ ! $skip ]]; then
ldapadd -h localhost:3389 -D cn=admin,dc=symfony,dc=com -w symfony -f src/Symfony/Component/Ldap/Tests/Fixtures/data/base.ldif &&
ldapadd -h localhost:3389 -D cn=admin,dc=symfony,dc=com -w symfony -f src/Symfony/Component/Ldap/Tests/Fixtures/data/fixtures.ldif
install: install:
- if [[ ! $skip && $deps ]]; then cp composer.json composer.json.orig; fi - |
- if [[ ! $skip && $deps ]]; then echo -e '{\n"require":{'"$(grep phpunit-bridge composer.json)"'"php":"*"},"minimum-stability":"dev"}' > composer.json; fi
- if [[ ! $skip ]]; then COMPONENTS=$(find src/Symfony -mindepth 3 -type f -name phpunit.xml.dist -printf '%h\n'); fi
# Create local composer packages for each patched components and reference them in composer.json files when cross-testing components # Create local composer packages for each patched components and reference them in composer.json files when cross-testing components
- if [[ ! $skip && $deps ]]; then php .github/build-packages.php HEAD^ $COMPONENTS; fi if [[ ! $deps ]]; then
- if [[ ! $skip && $deps ]]; then mv composer.json composer.json.phpunit; mv composer.json.orig composer.json; fi php .github/build-packages.php HEAD^ src/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit
- if [[ ! $skip && ! $deps ]]; then php .github/build-packages.php HEAD^ src/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit; fi elif [[ ! $skip ]]; then
# For the master branch when deps=high, the version before master is checked out and tested with the locally patched components export SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER=weak &&
- if [[ $deps = high && $TRAVIS_BRANCH = master ]]; then SYMFONY_VERSION=$(git ls-remote --heads | grep -o '/[1-9].*' | tail -n 1 | sed s/.//); else SYMFONY_VERSION=$(cat composer.json | grep '^ *"dev-master". *"[1-9]' | grep -o '[0-9.]*'); fi cp composer.json composer.json.orig &&
- if [[ $deps = high && $TRAVIS_BRANCH = master ]]; then git fetch origin $SYMFONY_VERSION; git checkout -m FETCH_HEAD; COMPONENTS=$(find src/Symfony -mindepth 3 -type f -name phpunit.xml.dist -printf '%h\n'); fi echo -e '{\n"require":{'"$(grep phpunit-bridge composer.json)"'"php":"*"},"minimum-stability":"dev"}' > composer.json &&
php .github/build-packages.php HEAD^ $COMPONENTS &&
mv composer.json composer.json.phpunit &&
mv composer.json.orig composer.json
- |
# For the master branch, when deps=high, the version before master is checked out and tested with the locally patched components
if [[ $deps = high && $TRAVIS_BRANCH = master ]]; then
SYMFONY_VERSION=$(git ls-remote --heads | grep -o '/[1-9].*' | tail -n 1 | sed s/.//) &&
git fetch origin $SYMFONY_VERSION &&
git checkout -m FETCH_HEAD &&
COMPONENTS=$(find src/Symfony -mindepth 3 -type f -name phpunit.xml.dist -printf '%h\n')
elif [[ ! $skip ]]; then
SYMFONY_VERSION=$(cat composer.json | grep '^ *"dev-master". *"[1-9]' | grep -o '[0-9.]*')
- |
# Legacy tests are skipped when deps=high and when the current branch version has not the same major version number than the next one # Legacy tests are skipped when deps=high and when the current branch version has not the same major version number than the next one
- if [[ $deps = high && ${SYMFONY_VERSION%.*} != $(git show $(git ls-remote --heads | grep -FA1 /$SYMFONY_VERSION | tail -n 1):composer.json | grep '^ *"dev-master". *"[1-9]' | grep -o '[0-9]*' | head -n 1) ]]; then LEGACY=,legacy; fi [[ $deps = high && ${SYMFONY_VERSION%.*} != $(git show $(git ls-remote --heads | grep -FA1 /$SYMFONY_VERSION | tail -n 1):composer.json | grep '^ *"dev-master". *"[1-9]' | grep -o '[0-9]*' | head -n 1) ]] && LEGACY=,legacy
- if [[ ! $skip && $deps ]]; then export SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER=weak; fi export COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=$SYMFONY_VERSION.x-dev
- if [[ ! $skip && $deps ]]; then mv composer.json.phpunit composer.json; fi if [[ ! $skip && $deps ]]; then mv composer.json.phpunit composer.json; fi
- if [[ ! $skip ]]; then composer update --no-suggest; fi
- if [[ ! $skip ]]; then $COMPOSER_UP; fi
- if [[ ! $skip ]]; then ./phpunit install; fi - if [[ ! $skip ]]; then ./phpunit install; fi
- if [[ ! $skip && ! $PHP = hhvm* ]]; then php -i; else hhvm --php -r 'print_r($_SERVER);print_r(ini_get_all());'; fi - |
# phpinfo
if [[ ! $PHP = hhvm* ]]; then php -i; else hhvm --php -r 'print_r($_SERVER);print_r(ini_get_all());'; fi
- |
run_tests () {
set -e
if [[ $skip ]]; then
echo -e "\\n\\e[1;34mIntermediate PHP version $PHP is skipped for pull requests.\\e[0m"
elif [[ $deps = high ]]; then
echo "$COMPONENTS" | parallel --gnu -j10% "tfold {} 'cd {} && $COMPOSER_UP && $PHPUNIT_X$LEGACY'"
elif [[ $deps = low ]]; then
echo "$COMPONENTS" | parallel --gnu -j10% "tfold {} 'cd {} && $COMPOSER_UP --prefer-lowest --prefer-stable && $PHPUNIT_X'" &&
# Test the PhpUnit bridge on PHP 5.3, using the original phpunit script
tfold src/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit \
"cd src/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit && wget && phpenv global 5.3 && $COMPOSER_UP && php phpunit-4.8.phar"
elif [[ $PHP = hhvm* ]]; then
$PHPUNIT --exclude-group benchmark,intl-data
echo "$COMPONENTS" | parallel --gnu "tfold {} $PHPUNIT_X {}"
tfold tty-group $PHPUNIT --group tty
if [[ $PHP = ${MIN_PHP%.*} ]]; then
echo -e "1\\n0" | xargs -I{} bash -c "tfold src/Symfony/Component/Process.sigchild{} SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER=weak ENHANCE_SIGCHLD={} php-$MIN_PHP/sapi/cli/php .phpunit/phpunit-4.8/phpunit --colors=always src/Symfony/Component/Process/"
script: script:
- REPORT=' && echo -e "\\e[32mOK\\e[0m {}\\n\\n" || (echo -e "\\e[41mKO\\e[0m {}\\n\\n" && $(exit 1))' - (run_tests)
- if [[ $skip ]]; then echo -e "\\n\\e[1;34mIntermediate PHP version $PHP is skipped for pull requests.\\e[0m"; fi
- if [[ ! $deps && ! $PHP = hhvm* ]]; then echo "$COMPONENTS" | parallel --gnu '$PHPUNIT --exclude-group tty,benchmark,intl-data {}'"$REPORT"; fi
- if [[ ! $deps && ! $PHP = hhvm* ]]; then echo -e "\\nRunning tests requiring tty"; $PHPUNIT --group tty; fi
- if [[ ! $deps && $PHP = hhvm* ]]; then $PHPUNIT --exclude-group benchmark,intl-data; fi
- if [[ ! $deps && $PHP = ${MIN_PHP%.*} ]]; then echo -e "1\\n0" | xargs -I{} sh -c 'echo "\\nPHP --enable-sigchild enhanced={}" && SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER=weak ENHANCE_SIGCHLD={} php-$MIN_PHP/sapi/cli/php .phpunit/phpunit-4.8/phpunit --colors=always src/Symfony/Component/Process/'; fi
- if [[ $deps = high ]]; then echo "$COMPONENTS" | parallel --gnu -j10% 'cd {}; composer update --no-progress --no-suggest --ansi; $PHPUNIT --exclude-group tty,benchmark,intl-data'$LEGACY"$REPORT"; fi
- if [[ $deps = low ]]; then echo "$COMPONENTS" | parallel --gnu -j10% 'cd {}; composer update --no-progress --no-suggest --ansi --prefer-lowest --prefer-stable; $PHPUNIT --exclude-group tty,benchmark,intl-data'"$REPORT"; fi
# Test the PhpUnit bridge using the original phpunit script
- if [[ $deps = low ]]; then (cd src/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit && wget; fi
- if [[ $deps = low ]]; then (cd src/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit && phpenv global 5.3 && php --version && composer update && php phpunit-4.8.phar); fi

View File

@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ a.doc:hover {
.anchor { .anchor {
position: relative; position: relative;
top: -7em; padding-top: 7em;
margin-top: -7em;
visibility: hidden; visibility: hidden;
} }

View File

@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ class Application
* @param OutputInterface $output An Output instance * @param OutputInterface $output An Output instance
* *
* @return int 0 if everything went fine, or an error code * @return int 0 if everything went fine, or an error code
* @throws \Exception When running fails. Bypass this when {@link setCatchExceptions()}.
*/ */
public function run(InputInterface $input = null, OutputInterface $output = null) public function run(InputInterface $input = null, OutputInterface $output = null)
{ {

View File

@ -203,6 +203,8 @@ class Command
* *
* @return int The command exit code * @return int The command exit code
* *
* @throws \Exception When binding input fails. Bypass this by calling {@link ignoreValidationErrors()}.
* @see setCode() * @see setCode()
* @see execute() * @see execute()
*/ */

View File

@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ class ErrorHandler
private static $stackedErrors = array(); private static $stackedErrors = array();
private static $stackedErrorLevels = array(); private static $stackedErrorLevels = array();
private static $toStringException = null; private static $toStringException = null;
private static $exitCode = 0;
/** /**
* Registers the error handler. * Registers the error handler.
@ -511,6 +512,9 @@ class ErrorHandler
*/ */
public function handleException($exception, array $error = null) public function handleException($exception, array $error = null)
{ {
if (null === $error) {
self::$exitCode = 255;
if (!$exception instanceof \Exception) { if (!$exception instanceof \Exception) {
$exception = new FatalThrowableError($exception); $exception = new FatalThrowableError($exception);
} }
@ -586,7 +590,7 @@ class ErrorHandler
return; return;
} }
if (null === $error) { if ($exit = null === $error) {
$error = error_get_last(); $error = error_get_last();
} }
@ -610,15 +614,21 @@ class ErrorHandler
} else { } else {
$exception = new FatalErrorException($handler->levels[$error['type']].': '.$error['message'], 0, $error['type'], $error['file'], $error['line'], 2, true, $trace); $exception = new FatalErrorException($handler->levels[$error['type']].': '.$error['message'], 0, $error['type'], $error['file'], $error['line'], 2, true, $trace);
} }
} elseif (!isset($exception)) {
} }
try { try {
if (isset($exception)) {
self::$exitCode = 255;
$handler->handleException($exception, $error); $handler->handleException($exception, $error);
} catch (FatalErrorException $e) { } catch (FatalErrorException $e) {
// Ignore this re-throw // Ignore this re-throw
} }
if ($exit && self::$exitCode) {
$exitCode = self::$exitCode;
register_shutdown_function('register_shutdown_function', function () use ($exitCode) { exit($exitCode); });
} }
/** /**

View File

@ -1,14 +1,9 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit backupGlobals="false" <phpunit xmlns:xsi=""
backupStaticAttributes="false" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""
colors="true" colors="true"
bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php" bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php"
failOnRisky="true" failOnRisky="true"
failOnWarning="true" failOnWarning="true"

View File

@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ class Request
* ("Client-Ip" for instance), configure it via "setTrustedHeaderName()" with * ("Client-Ip" for instance), configure it via "setTrustedHeaderName()" with
* the "client-ip" key. * the "client-ip" key.
* *
* @return string The client IP address * @return string|null The client IP address
* *
* @see getClientIps() * @see getClientIps()
* @see * @see

View File

@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ class ResponseTest extends ResponseTestCase
))); )));
$ianaHttpStatusCodes->load(''); $ianaHttpStatusCodes->load('');
if (!$ianaHttpStatusCodes->relaxNGValidate('')) { if (!$ianaHttpStatusCodes->relaxNGValidate(__DIR__.'/schema/http-status-codes.rng')) {
self::fail('Invalid IANA\'s HTTP status code list.'); self::fail('Invalid IANA\'s HTTP status code list.');
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<grammar xmlns=""
<include href="iana-registry.rng"/>
<element name="registry">
<ref name="registryMeta"/>
<element name="registry">
<ref name="registryMeta"/>
<element name="record">
<attribute name="date"><ref name="genericDate"/></attribute>
<attribute name="updated"><ref name="genericDate"/></attribute>
<element name="value"><ref name="genericRange"/></element>
<element name="description"><text/></element>
<ref name="references"/>
<ref name="people"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<grammar xmlns=""
<define name="registryMeta">
<attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
<optional><element name="title"><ref name="text_with_references"/></element></optional>
<optional><element name="created"><ref name="genericDate"/></element></optional>
<optional><element name="updated"><data type="date"/></element></optional>
<optional><element name="registration_rule"><ref
<optional><element name="expert"><text/></element></optional>
<optional><element name="description"><ref name="text_with_references"/></element></optional>
<zeroOrMore><element name="note"><ref name="text_with_references"/></element></zeroOrMore>
<ref name="references"/>
<optional><element name="hide"><empty/></element></optional>
<zeroOrMore><element name="category"><text/></element></zeroOrMore>
<zeroOrMore><ref name="range"/></zeroOrMore>
<optional><ref name="file"/></optional>
<define name="range">
<element name="range">
<element name="value"><text/></element>
<optional><element name="hex"><text/></element></optional>
<element name="registration_rule"><ref name="text_with_references"/></element>
<optional><element name="note"><ref name="text_with_references"/></element></optional>
<optional><ref name="xref"/></optional>
<define name="people">
<element name="people">
<element name="person">
<attribute name="id"><data type="ID"/></attribute>
<optional><element name="name"><text/></element></optional>
<optional><element name="org"><text/></element></optional>
<zeroOrMore><element name="uri"><data type="anyURI"/></element></zeroOrMore>
<optional><element name="updated"><ref name="genericDate"/></element></optional>
<define name="xref">
<element name="xref">
<attribute name="lastupdated"><ref name="genericDate"/></attribute>
<attribute name="type"><value>uri</value></attribute>
<attribute name="data"><data type="anyURI"/></attribute>
<attribute name="type"><value>rfc</value></attribute>
<attribute name="data">
<data type="string">
<param name="pattern">(rfc|bcp|std)\d+</param>
<attribute name="type"><value>rfc-errata</value></attribute>
<attribute name="data"><data type="positiveInteger"/></attribute>
<attribute name="type"><value>draft</value></attribute>
<attribute name="data">
<data type="string">
<param name="pattern">(draft|RFC)(-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)+</param>
<attribute name="type"><value>registry</value></attribute>
<attribute name="data"><data type="NCName"/></attribute>
<attribute name="type"><value>person</value></attribute>
<attribute name="data"><data type="NCName"/></attribute>
<attribute name="type"><value>text</value></attribute>
<attribute name="type"><value>note</value></attribute>
<attribute name="data"><data type="positiveInteger"/></attribute>
<attribute name="type"><value>unicode</value></attribute>
<attribute name="data">
<data type="string">
<param name="pattern">ucd\d+\.\d+\.\d+</param>
<define name="references">
<ref name="xref"/>
<define name="text_with_references">
<optional><ref name="xref"/></optional>
<define name="richText">
<ref name="text_with_references"/>
<optional><element name="br"><empty/></element></optional>
<element name="paragraph">
<ref name="text_with_references"/>
<optional><element name="br"><empty/></element></optional>
<element name="artwork"><text/></element>
<define name="genericRange">
<data type="string">
<param name="pattern">(\d+|0x[\da-fA-F]+)(\s*-\s*(\d+|0x[\da-fA-F]+))?</param>
<define name="genericDate">
<data type="date"/>
<data type="gYearMonth"/>
<define name="hex32">
<data type="string">
<param name="pattern">0x[0-9]{8}</param>
<define name="binary">
<data type="string">
<param name="pattern">[0-1]+</param>
<define name="footnotes">
<element name="footnote">
<attribute name="anchor"><data type="positiveInteger"/></attribute>
<optional><ref name="xref"/></optional>
<define name="file">
<element name="file">
<attribute name="type">
<attribute name="name"/>
<data type="anyURI"/>

View File

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class ReflectionExtractor implements PropertyListExtractorInterface, PropertyTyp
$properties = array(); $properties = array();
foreach ($reflectionProperties as $reflectionProperty) { foreach ($reflectionProperties as $reflectionProperty) {
if ($reflectionProperty->isPublic()) { if ($reflectionProperty->isPublic()) {
$properties[$reflectionProperty->name] = true; $properties[$reflectionProperty->name] = $reflectionProperty->name;
} }
} }
@ -86,10 +86,10 @@ class ReflectionExtractor implements PropertyListExtractorInterface, PropertyTyp
if (!$reflectionClass->hasProperty($propertyName) && !preg_match('/^[A-Z]{2,}/', $propertyName)) { if (!$reflectionClass->hasProperty($propertyName) && !preg_match('/^[A-Z]{2,}/', $propertyName)) {
$propertyName = lcfirst($propertyName); $propertyName = lcfirst($propertyName);
} }
$properties[$propertyName] = true; $properties[$propertyName] = $propertyName;
} }
return array_keys($properties); return array_values($properties);
} }
/** /**

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class SerializerExtractor implements PropertyListExtractorInterface
$serializerClassMetadata = $this->classMetadataFactory->getMetadataFor($class); $serializerClassMetadata = $this->classMetadataFactory->getMetadataFor($class);
foreach ($serializerClassMetadata->getAttributesMetadata() as $serializerAttributeMetadata) { foreach ($serializerClassMetadata->getAttributesMetadata() as $serializerAttributeMetadata) {
if (count(array_intersect($context['serializer_groups'], $serializerAttributeMetadata->getGroups())) > 0) { if (array_intersect($context['serializer_groups'], $serializerAttributeMetadata->getGroups())) {
$properties[] = $serializerAttributeMetadata->getName(); $properties[] = $serializerAttributeMetadata->getName();
} }
} }

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class ReflectionExtractorTest extends TestCase
public function testGetProperties() public function testGetProperties()
{ {
$this->assertEquals( $this->assertSame(
array( array(
'bal', 'bal',
'parent', 'parent',
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ class ReflectionExtractorTest extends TestCase
'a', 'a',
'DOB', 'DOB',
'Id', 'Id',
'c', 'c',
'd', 'd',
'e', 'e',

View File

@ -116,4 +116,8 @@ class Dummy extends ParentDummy
public function getId() public function getId()
{ {
} }
public function get123()
} }

View File

@ -1,14 +1,9 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit backupGlobals="false" <phpunit xmlns:xsi=""
backupStaticAttributes="false" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""
colors="true" colors="true"
bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php" bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php"
failOnRisky="true" failOnRisky="true"
failOnWarning="true" failOnWarning="true"

View File

@ -1,14 +1,9 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit backupGlobals="false" <phpunit xmlns:xsi=""
backupStaticAttributes="false" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""
colors="true" colors="true"
bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php" bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php"
failOnRisky="true" failOnRisky="true"
failOnWarning="true" failOnWarning="true"

View File

@ -1,14 +1,9 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit backupGlobals="false" <phpunit xmlns:xsi=""
backupStaticAttributes="false" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""
colors="true" colors="true"
bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php" bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php"
failOnRisky="true" failOnRisky="true"
failOnWarning="true" failOnWarning="true"

View File

@ -1,14 +1,9 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit backupGlobals="false" <phpunit xmlns:xsi=""
backupStaticAttributes="false" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""
colors="true" colors="true"
bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php" bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php"
failOnRisky="true" failOnRisky="true"
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View File

@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ EOHTML
$attr['href'] = $href; $attr['href'] = $href;
} }
if (isset($attr['href'])) { if (isset($attr['href'])) {
$v = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc($this->utf8Encode($attr['href'])), $v); $v = sprintf('<a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">%s</a>', esc($this->utf8Encode($attr['href'])), $v);
} }
if (isset($attr['lang'])) { if (isset($attr['lang'])) {
$v = sprintf('<code class="%s">%s</code>', esc($attr['lang']), $v); $v = sprintf('<code class="%s">%s</code>', esc($attr['lang']), $v);

View File

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ EODUMP;
$expectedDump = <<<'EODUMP' $expectedDump = <<<'EODUMP'
<foo></foo><bar><span class=sf-dump-note>array:1</span> [<samp> <foo></foo><bar><span class=sf-dump-note>array:1</span> [<samp>
<span class=sf-dump-index>0</span> => "<a href="%sStubCasterTest.php:0"><span class=sf-dump-str title="55 characters">Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Tests\Caster\StubCasterTest</span></a>" <span class=sf-dump-index>0</span> => "<a href="%sStubCasterTest.php:0" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span class=sf-dump-str title="55 characters">Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Tests\Caster\StubCasterTest</span></a>"
</samp>] </samp>]
</bar> </bar>
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ EODUMP;
$expectedDump = <<<'EODUMP' $expectedDump = <<<'EODUMP'
<foo></foo><bar><span class=sf-dump-note>array:1</span> [<samp> <foo></foo><bar><span class=sf-dump-note>array:1</span> [<samp>
<span class=sf-dump-index>0</span> => "<a href="%sFooInterface.php:10"><span class=sf-dump-str title="5 characters">hello</span></a>" <span class=sf-dump-index>0</span> => "<a href="%sFooInterface.php:10" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span class=sf-dump-str title="5 characters">hello</span></a>"
</samp>] </samp>]
</bar> </bar>
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ EODUMP;
$expectedDump = <<<'EODUMP' $expectedDump = <<<'EODUMP'
<foo></foo><bar><span class=sf-dump-note>array:1</span> [<samp> <foo></foo><bar><span class=sf-dump-note>array:1</span> [<samp>
<span class=sf-dump-index>0</span> => "<a href="%sFooInterface.php:5"><span class=sf-dump-str title="5 characters">hello</span></a>" <span class=sf-dump-index>0</span> => "<a href="%sFooInterface.php:5" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><span class=sf-dump-str title="5 characters">hello</span></a>"
</samp>] </samp>]
</bar> </bar>